



「a RecA」の共起表現一覧(1語右で並び替え)

該当件数 : 45

from the Malay phrase pinang liyar for a wild areca, although the term may also refer to the use o
vistona, Ptychosperma, Rhopaloblaste, Salacca, Areca and many dicotiledonous trees planted to provi
Areca andersonii is a species of flowering plant in
Areca andersonii.
e variety of palms, including Archontophoenix, Areca, Arenga, Attalea cohune, Carpoxylon, Caryota,
ae feed on Cordyline terminalis, Musa species, Areca catechu and Caryopta rumphiana.
acardium occidentale (Cashew), in the fruit of Areca catechu (Areca nut), in the fruit of Hydnocarp
Areca catechu, Arenga pinnata, Borassus flabellifer,
The people cultivating pepper, areca, clove, cardamom, coffee, vanilla, cocoa, and
Areca concinna is a species of flowering plant in th
This palm was first described as Areca crinita by French naturalist Jean Baptiste Bor
Areca developed their own custom ASIC, a RAID 6 engi
The first priest, called as patri inhales the areca flower and becomes the male snake.
terfall turns into what is said to resemble an areca flower with withering petals.
Areca glandiformis is a species of flowering plant i
Areca glandiformis.
Areca guppyana is a species of flowering plant in th
Areca guppyana.
Areca hutchinsoniana is a species of flowering plant
Areca hutchinsoniana.
Areca macrocarpa is a species of flowering plant in
Areca macrocarpa.
Kerala's biggest areca market is at Pazhanji, just 2 kilometers from
An Areca nut sapling from the Indian state of Kerala.
Pepper is generally intercropped with coconut, areca nut and various fruit trees.
Areca nut wood is used to make the bow and the strin
In many Asian cultures, the areca nut is chewed along with betel leaf to obtain
ne is an alkaloid natural product found in the areca nut, the fruit of the areca palm (Areca catech
main cash crops being rubber, paddy, coconut, areca nut, ginger, turmeric, 'kacholam' and pepper.
for the central nervous system effects of the areca nut.
Cashew is yet another important plantation and areca nuts are also important.
hout tropical Asia and traditionally made from areca nuts and lime wrapped in a betel leaf.
mony or ornament and the exchange of betel and areca nuts for occasions such as marriage (Robinson,
The word "pengamuck" literally means place of areca nuts, which are grown in the area.
and other plantation crops (like rubber trees, areca nuts, etc.).
banned by the inquistion such as betel leaves, areca nuts, rice and flowers, continue to be employe
t described by Nikolaus von Jacquin in 1763 as Areca oleracea.
The areca palm is sometimes confused with many other pla
Areca palm trees are commonly referred to as the But
The areca palm, above all other indoor palm trees, is mo
Areca parens is a species of flowering plant in the
en recorded on Mangifera, Terminalia, Eugenia, Areca, Rhizophora and Nephelium species.
nut leaves, colorful dresses and a cap made of areca spate.
Areca Technology Corporation is a company based in T
Areca triandra (Wild areca palm) is a palm native to

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