



Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > addressingの意味・解説 > addressingに関連した共起表現


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Larry Gossett addressing a Martin Luther King, Jr. Day rally at the F
ords like grockel (visitor) and nipper/nips ( addressing a younger person) are shared with neighbouri
While addressing a NATO conference in 1979 the former Rhodes
May 8 - Henry Vincent is arrested after addressing a Chartist meeting and taken to prison at Mo
ffice in downtown Los Angeles, shortly after addressing a luncheon of the Los Angeles Bar Associatio
tic Journal seeks to fill this gap by boldly addressing a complete epistemology that is not just con
On October 12, 1994 addressing a public meeting Mulayam Singh Yadav denounc
el to the Gentiles, with Hints and Helps for Addressing a Heathen Audience (1873)
ficer's cap, the tank crews realize they are addressing a senior Old Bolshevik and legendary hero of
When addressing a parliamentary commission of inquiry, he op
herwise good article fail GA for the lack of addressing a reviewer's perfectly reasonable concerns.
efore a televised Gala concert in Guildhall, addressing a large audience of Russians Europeans and K
attendees kielbasa with stuffed cabbage and addressing a cheering crowd by shouting the polish phra
Southern, while acting as a schoolteacher addressing a class of young children, sings and dances
articipated in a number of discussion forums addressing a broad selection of related issues.
dwig Kaas was a scholar and prolific writer, addressing a wide range of issues in Latin or German co
Rev. Christopher Mtikila addressing a crowd
On his addressing a remonstrance to the czar against the war a
Jorge Altamira addressing a Workers' Party COnvention
Senator Rice addressing a crowd in Oklahoma City
dropped a gentle hint about her behaviour by addressing a letter about her to Anne but sending it vi
Berkman addressing a May Day rally in New York's Union Square,
While addressing a gathering of Islami Chhatra Shangha in Far
MISA is a broad-based observatory capable of addressing a wide range of atmospheric science investig
Addressing a public meeting from the balcony of the Ang
She spent ten days taking the exam, addressing a different area of medicine each day.
s a moderately up-tempo number, with Skorgan addressing a former lover (with whom she sings she brok
Sir' he frequently used the word 'boyo' when addressing a fellow member of staff.
However, it is rarely used when addressing a member of the Swedish royal family.
re or how they share their knowledge-whether addressing a convention crowd or teaching one-on-one-th
dimir died of an apparent heart attack while addressing a gathering of Spanish-speaking bankers and
ops and publishes research reports and tools addressing a wide variety of subjects.
The league is now involved in addressing a number of transition issues regarding the
ducational touring program ("But I Said No") addressing acquaintance rape that has received national
herring, and claiming PC only distracts from addressing actual problems.
ayed as using speech during creation, and as addressing Adam before Gen 2:19, some authorities assum
er produced by Motorola with individual-unit addressing, after the less known 1955 (not 1956 as beli
ko near Sicyon and Corinth in 1822 as he was addressing against the dramali.
ight of Truth is a collection of 91 lectures addressing all spheres of life, ranging from God and th
liminating all references to the Trinity and addressing all prayers to God the Father.
lone as a viable advertisement, even without addressing all aspects of the automobile.
e whole of the London Borough of Barnet, and addressing all archaeological periods.
The overhaul was Dudley's approach to addressing all of the problems.
The Illinois bill did not call for addressing all sex-related issues in kindergarten class
understand the issues and problems Paul was addressing, along with a basic understanding of Greek w
studied sexual issues in many circumstances addressing among others transgender situations, inferti
In April 2011, Barker was filmed addressing an audience at the Moore School of Business
e it's unnecessary to get more specific when addressing an audience unfamiliar with the area.
ooking woman who at once exclaimed as though addressing an audience, 'I am the first Pamina' ... she
ation responsible for Internet protocol (IP) addressing and the domain name system (DNS), including
ject can be notified that this problem needs addressing and is addressed and resolved, it is probabl
by Take a Break magazine with a platform of addressing anti-social behaviour in the community.
ointing to investment in road repairs and in addressing anti-social behaviour, while campaigning for
ys by the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee in addressing any judicial nomination in U.S. history up t
early computers without any form of indirect addressing, array operations had to be performed either
Since then, he has been coming to Lahore and addressing at various venues from 2003-2010 specially a
e United States-United Nations relationship, addressing audiences as diverse as Rotary International
ng entrepreneurs developing new technologies addressing basic needs throughout the Asia-Pacific regi
The FX-601P and FX-602P supported indirect addressing both for memory access and jumps and therefo
An additional supplement volume, addressing both subjects and personages, was published
several productivity tools and applications addressing BRMS related capabilities.
unter-machine model with additional indirect addressing, but with instructions in the state machine
oon as a guest host on WEEI's "The Big Show" addressing callers and explaining his column from that
Related goals included greater memory addressing capability and increased reliability.
Cicero addressing Catiline, over lifesize.
as become a widely-used VO portal capable of addressing challenges such as locating data of interest
will again provide the perfect platform for addressing challenging issues and uniting the gases com
d non-governmental organization dedicated to addressing children impacted by AIDS and also to AIDS p
Addressing claims that the method is totally mechanical
Salvadoran emigration to the United States, addressing claims by the United States government that
sought to challenge the Social Democrats by addressing class inequity from a Protestant, non-Marxis
outh Africa to discuss realistic avenues for addressing climate change.
th other key stakeholders to share ideas for addressing climate change.
Its position on working towards addressing climate change, stresses cooperation with bi
and the Environment and is passionate about addressing climate change and tackling sustainable wate
iations to find common ground on legislation addressing climate change and promoting energy independ
nd improvement of the commonwealth", thereby addressing complaints by some member states that the CI
XPointer is a system for addressing components of XML based internet media.
Data Link (MAC and Virtual Link addressing concept);
shed himself as an outspoken anti-communist, addressing conservative gatherings and writing on the d
a weekly radio show on KTKK "K-TALK" 630 AM addressing conservative political issues in Utah.
rm Coleman's Washington D.C. office in 2007, addressing constituent concerns and military issues.
spouses public art as an organizing tool for addressing contemporary issues, fostering cross-cultura
Plockhoy published political pamphlets addressing contemporary social problems in 1658 and col
Addressing CPSU General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev, Re
one local area or cluster of villages while addressing critical issues simultaneously.
Fr. Prucha addressing crowd
ior Fellow George Gilder wrote several books addressing culture, technology, and poverty, including,
on boundary data methods and capabilities by addressing data currency, enhancing geocoding accuracy
ject of an extensive Washington Post series, addressing details of his personal life and professiona
Creation of multiple views to a model for addressing different audiences or areas.
ocused on giving youth opportunities, not on addressing discrimination on the basis of age.
in her book entitled, The Table of the Lord, addressing divisive issues held by opposing parties in
Addressing DLA Piper's role in the situation, chairman
The evil that the law is addressing does not have to be approached directly, and
re, she was known for sponsoring legislation addressing domestic violence.
ung from the perspective of a married couple addressing each other.
ious subgeneres of Gospel music (or at least addressing each historical development on each subgener
ecipient of a 483 should respond to the FDA, addressing each item, indicating agreement and either p
Other studies addressing effective ways to promote savings among the
e refers to a tradition in British law: when addressing either the court or the judge, a barrister r
not impossible) to generate stable cw light addressing electronic transitions, since these often li
o every simple task she could for him (e.g., addressing envelopes and placing outside phone calls on
Environment Letter, an electronic newsletter addressing environmental issues.
tains a nonchalant, almost contemptuous air, addressing everyone in casual Japanese language.
This is similar to scaled index addressing, except that the instruction has two extra o
e Reunion of Christendom: An Ode, repeatedly addressing F.E. Smith, one of the chief opponents of th
is used among communist organizations while addressing fellow members.
e discrimination which is primarily aimed at addressing female under-representation in the workforce
ra provides a full range of analytical tests addressing food contaminants that are restricted under
pecially in the side events which we will be addressing food and nutrition.
ed love, in "Let Me Hold You", the singer is addressing, for the first time, a girlfriend with whom
ing funding for the Big Look Task Force, and addressing funding in light of the passage of Measure 4
e integrated expandability is fundamental to addressing future telemetry issues in later versions of
discussed with residents the possibility of addressing gang activity.
uction of new nuclear reactors as a means of addressing global warming.
ther lamenting the sufferings of her son and addressing God as her son's father - evoking both the i
This interest with addressing God to a secular and Western audience has be
In the scene where Bill and Ted are addressing God, there are two statues at the base of th
ore than substituting "thee" and "thou" when addressing God; syntax and cadence are also important.
e has served on various national commissions addressing graduate and international education, the ro
t workshops and clinics from Maine to Texas, addressing groups of parents, educators, and students o
c, or popular music for that matter, without addressing Hank Williams's legacy".
IYD 2001 - Addressing Health and Unemployment
onsored, co-sponsored and passed legislation addressing health care, public records access, minimum
The school is also seen as a way of addressing health disparities among underserved minorit
he Republic, "Mom" in several years, instead addressing her by her proper title as any other soldier
Nicki Minaj addressing her "Barbz" via Twitter.
photos and a double paged message from Katy addressing her fans, thanking her collaborators and exp
m is that each sister has a unique method of addressing her older brother.
Despite being a girl, she keeps dressing and addressing herself as a boy to the other characters.
tt's aversion to taking hits on the field by addressing him as "Chris" Everett (a reference to femal
ng himself to call him Tony, and insisted on addressing him as Sir Anthony throughout the shoot.
Castafiore, who can never remember his name ( addressing him variously as Hammock, Paddock, Padlock,
He also doesn't recognize Batman, warmly addressing him as "a pilgrim."
m circa 1974 when the Ulema of India started addressing him as such.
His television work was characterised by addressing himself directly to the camera and littering
ction of David speaking to all sinners while addressing himself to Absalom.
iterated his support for the junta, directly addressing himself to Argentine Foreign Minister Admira
murder right next to me,” one survivor says, addressing his best friend.
ysically similar to Holmes, has the habit of addressing his companion with "My dear Adso" and the st
Addressing his work to the Dauphin (in usum Delphini),
e", while speaking directly to the camera in addressing his young viewers, speaking slowly and clear
ptember 14, 2000 , and became best known for addressing his listeners on the air as "friends".
hing's work apart from theirs is that he was addressing his defence of the British system from the p
At the end, by addressing his son Javid, he speaks to the young people
s with the U.S special envoy to find ways of addressing his organization's challenges in the run up
Addressing his supporters over the weekend in the south
oem is a dramatic representation of Cromwell addressing his army during the invasion of Ireland.
Hunt responds by addressing his observations that the real reason the wo
t to reform campaign broadcasting practices, addressing his concern that competent candidates were b
features performance-based activities while addressing how each student learns best.
ays, the show was years ahead of its time in addressing ideas that were then far from mainstream.
rchers, resource managers, and policy makers addressing important environmental issues
s) to assist the United States government in addressing important national security issues, particul
pts and materials meet Wharton's standard by addressing important topics with ideas and insights tha
ided simple, motivating tools and techniques addressing individuals'most significant barriers to mak
programs that focused on fixing flawed laws, addressing ineffective prison rehabilitation systems, b
The IST allows the two switches to share addressing information, forwarding tables, and state in
s, it allows for gathering routing and other addressing information.
els of the Prussian Ministry of the Interior addressing inmates in KZ Esterwegen, 1933
December 1933 Rudolf Diels addressing inmates at KZ Esterwegen which was under con
ndirect loads and stores) use register-based addressing instead of PC-relative addressing.
l Health, a five-year partnership focused on addressing issues of cancer health disparities .
statement was a significant step for ISKCON, addressing issues of integration in a global society, a
ant non-governmental organisations; and also addressing issues faced by elderly women.
d prophecy probability calculations, but not addressing issues of Biblical exegesis or historical ac
e have reviewed this Office's prior opinions addressing issues involving treatment of detainees and
courages the use of philosophical methods in addressing issues raised in the natural and human scien
The show was presented as addressing issues for young adults by young adults.
Virginia to develop a long term strategy for addressing issues like education, transportation, publi
e being introduced to queer punk music while addressing issues such as homophobia in the punk commun
The Center is charged with addressing issues that are vital for contextualizing Af
t of their respective WfF for the purpose of addressing issues, proposed initiatives and resolution
ed the marketability of the location without addressing it in great detail, presumably to make it mo
is tract Against the Gnostics and who he was addressing it to, in order to separate and clarify the
ors ranging from Sylvia Plath to Saul Bellow addressing it in their works.
Addressing it as a "very, very simple piece of music".
5. Establish an online IT industry forum for addressing IT application software quality issues.
a group of students sang the anthem anyway, addressing it directly to King Christian X of Denmark,
e Wire" appearing on a television screen and addressing its first victim, the hapless Mr. Magpie.
shedding light on the conflict's origin and addressing its related myths.
ia deserves high marks for policies aimed at addressing its unique challenges.
nce of the society to prevent O'Donnell from addressing its meetings, eventually led to the suspensi
The second book, which opens by addressing itself to Hilton's former reader, who, he sa
mply, with Chairman Vince McMahon personally addressing Jericho as "The Living Legend" during a tele
LOICZ undertakes research addressing key issues of coastal change and use, in the
Addressing Labour's Scottish Conference as Leader she s
linary academic and research unit devoted to addressing large-scale, complex engineering challenges
rm rate of postage, both inland and foreign, addressing letters on the subject to the Welsh Cymreigy
he Province of Quebec to join them, first by addressing letters to them, and then by invading the pr
years, he has authored pathbreaking studies addressing linkages between climate change and internat
fficient manner; and to serve as a forum for addressing local government and its citizens' needs.
nd challenging the TWU community, while also addressing local, national and international issues".
Rebuild and repair permanent homes by addressing long-term financing gaps, and safer, more re
th of a Hippie Preacher, the two spoke about addressing Lonnie's homosexuality with his family.
fices, providing each county office with “an addressing machine so that both big and little mailing
Further work addressing maintenance therapy demonstrated mycophenola
trategy developed with stakeholder input for addressing major issues related to a pathogen release.

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