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The Powerman anthologies also included a series called Jango, which
ion and criticism published in a variety of anthologies and online markets, including "The Sun Also
s and poems; in 1899-1901 he issued British Anthologies, and in 1907 began a series called A Christ
He also compiled anthologies and wrote literary criticism (e.g.
His poetry has been published in anthologies and magazines.
His poems appear in numerous anthologies and journals.
y has been widely published, including such anthologies and journals as: Boyhood, Growing Up Male:
nd poetry, Ryerson also published important anthologies and books of literary criticism.
erse of his own, he was most famous for his anthologies and collections of epigrams.
He is widely published in anthologies and periodicals, including The New York Tim
He has produced many cartoon anthologies and books - including 3 Wallace & Gromit ad
blisher and distributor for comics, prints, anthologies and graphic novels based in Oakland, Califo
short stories have been widely published in anthologies and literary magazines in Britain and overs
He edited several anthologies and books of criticism, most notably on the
ublished in 400 magazines, and more than 50 anthologies and texts.
poems have also been published in numerous anthologies and other sources, including The Oxford Boo
tories, which have appeared in a variety of anthologies and magazines.
land's poetry has been included in numerous anthologies and magazines and has won awards from the S
vited to contribute to two state-of-the-art anthologies, and has had articles published in 16 refer
His short stories have been collected in anthologies and published in Interzone and The Magazine
ssays have been included in more than fifty anthologies and textbooks, including Poetry: A HarperCo
Her work has appeared in journals, anthologies, and on radio, and has been highly commende
works have appeared in several best-selling anthologies and magazines including Apex Digest and Wri
y and fiction, de Souza has edited numerous anthologies and collections and writes a weekly column
His short fiction has appeared in various anthologies and in such literary journals as Asia Liter
k includes short pieces for various cartoon anthologies, and the Xeric Foundation award-winning one
Her work has appeared in numerous anthologies and magazines, such as, The Guardian, The V
have appeared in many literary periodicals, anthologies and in book form since 1983.
work has frequently appeared in small-press anthologies and self-published minicomics, many of whic
road, as well as several poems published in anthologies and collections worldwide.
u's Exquisite Corpse among other magazines, anthologies, and newspapers.
Subsequent original anthologies are This is the Summer of Love, Enemy of th
His principal anthologies are Wakiizuru mono (1920) and Choryu (1964)
e history of science fiction and sf/fantasy anthologies as well.
of installments including short features in anthologies, backup stories in other series, a three is
novel Sanctuary and also began editing new anthologies, beginning with Turning Points.
ola Abrams will be featured in the upcoming anthologies Behind the Bedroom Door, edited by Paula De
This article is about a set of anthologies benefitting Oxfam.
His short fiction has appeared in the anthologies Best American Erotica 2007, A Fictional His
hing house and published five Young Estonia anthologies between 1905 and 1915.
With Schuyler, he edited the poet/painter anthologies Broadway and Broadway 2, and with the poet
It is one in a long series of such anthologies by Manning-Sanders.
It was the first in a long series of such anthologies by Manning-Sanders.
as personal websites, some is published in anthologies, by Amateur Press Associations, or in APAzi
cluded in the Tamil sangam or Cankam poetry anthologies compiled in Tamilakam before 250 AD.
ntributor to Cemetery Dance Magazine and to anthologies compiled by the British editor Stephen Jone
American Nonrequired Reading, Lonely Planet anthologies, Consumer Affairs, Los Angeles Times, Bosto
These anthologies contain works by Thorne.
ity Press published a long series of poetry anthologies, dealing in particular with British poetry
in volumes of their Doctor Who short story anthologies, Decalog.
iving force behind the two Lady Whistledown anthologies, developing the idea, gaining a publisher,
and Marston record labels as part of wider anthologies devoted to individual singers.
Anthologies edited
Anthologies Edited
sly in Big Finish's Short Trips short story anthologies: Fitz in Zodiac, Izzy in Life Science and B
She contributed to comics anthologies Flight, True Porn 2, and You Ain't No Dance
al times and prepared and corrected several anthologies for students of several main literary works
m readers by editing the Flesh and the Word anthologies for a major press.
ibuted a number of short stories to various anthologies, for which all her royalties go to charity.
da Literary Award in the category Gay Men's Anthologies for editing Men on Men 3. The fourth of the
Friedlaender's edited several popular song anthologies for the Leipzig music publisher CF Peters i
Letters and The Texas Observer, and in the anthologies From A to Z: 200 Contemporary American Poet
, Kenyon Review, New England Review, and in anthologies from Wesleyan University Press, Time-Life B
They have been featured in the anthologies Future on Fire, The Best from Fantasy & Sci
ort stories, edited fiction and non-fiction anthologies, has her own blog "Errant Ramblings: Mitzi
Each of these anthologies has contained the equivalent of fifty ordin
ut includes a number of published books and anthologies, has been accredited with many honours in r
They have appeared in various anthologies in the Philippines, such as Likhaan Antholo
The albums have also been collected in anthologies in some countries.
Davies is in the process of producing anthologies in book form of his hitherto unpublished wo
number of Indian journals and magazines and anthologies in India.
on political theory, which became "standard anthologies in political theory courses," and wrote num
publication in various journals and poetry anthologies in those respective languages.
s also contributed to the four best-selling anthologies in the Girls' Night In series as well as Ki
dren' and 'Karima' appeared in journals and anthologies in the late eighties and early nineties.
His waka anthologies include Uncho (“Cloud Bird”), Fuyuna (“Wint
Our Bodies, Ourselves (2005 edition) and in anthologies, including Echoes Upon Echoes: New Korean A
nd magazines including Conjunctions, and in anthologies including American Hybrid: A Norton Antholo
etc. His work is represented in a number of anthologies including The Penguin Book of South African
Bosselaar has edited many anthologies, including Never Before: Poems about First
Poetry Review, and Manhattan Review, and in anthologies including The Mysterious Life of the Heart:
nd poetry has been published in a number of anthologies including The Year's Best Fantasy and Horro
He has contributed to a number of anthologies, including In Defense of Mumia, Testimony,
Clement's work has appeared in numerous anthologies including The Best of The American Voice an
azyhorse, Rivendell, and Orion Magazine, in anthologies including Best American Spiritual Writing,
ew, The Massachusetts Review, Nerve, and in anthologies including Sweeping Beauty: Contemporary Wom
erly, The Connecticut Poetry Review, and in anthologies including The Iowa Anthology of New America
Hasan, as well as a number of comprehensive anthologies including When She Named Fire: an Anthology
oncoso's stories have been featured in many anthologies, including Camino Del Sol: Fifteen Years of
His comics have been published in many anthologies, including Raw and The Best American Comics
ely in Irish and international journals and anthologies, including The New Irish Poets (Bloodaxe, 2
has appeared in many literary magazines and anthologies, including The Norton Anthology of Short Fi
Her work has been included in numerous anthologies, including the important "Language"-oriente
His poems appear in more than a dozen anthologies, including Philip Larkin's The Oxford Book
e Cephalas compiled pieces of several Greek anthologies, including The Boyish Muse, to make a compr
dson Review, Slate and Ploughshares, and in anthologies including The Best American Poetry antholog
mes Roll" has been featured on several Cars anthologies, including 1985's Greatest Hits, 1995's Jus
He himself has edited twelve anthologies including A Book of Two Halves, The Tiger G
try through small presses, periodicals, and anthologies, including The Harvill Book of Twentieth-Ce
His stories are included in many anthologies, including Best American Short Stories, fou
Ms., Tin House, Ploughshares, and numerous anthologies, including The O. Henry Prize Stories 2007,
nce has featured in a number of key Revival anthologies, including Children of Albion: Poetry of th
er poems have also been included in several anthologies, including These Are Not Sweet Girls: Poetr
ew Criterion, Kenyon Review, Tikkun, and in anthologies including The Best American Poetry.
w, Puerto Del Sol, Blue Mesa Review, and in anthologies including Five Missouri Poets (Chariton Rev
een published in many literary journals and anthologies, including Einstein at the Odeon Cafe , Fre
est American Short Stories and published in anthologies including God: Stories, edited by Atlantic
Its stories have been featured in several anthologies, including the annual Best American Travel
oo, Tin House, Paris Review, Poetry, and in anthologies including Poets on Place (Utah State Univer
, with Keith Brooke, of the science fiction anthologies Infinity Plus One (2001) and Infinity Plus
k of All Flesh is the first of three Zombie anthologies James Lowder edited for Eden Studios as a t
ie Davidow, Ms. Santiago is coeditor of the anthologies, Las Christmas: Favorite Latino Authors Sha
ributing stories and artwork to underground anthologies like Artsy, Fartsy, Funnies (Paranoia, 1974
50 AD, who had also composed some very fine anthologies like Nedu-nal-vadai in Sangam literature.
Clark previously edited two Louisiana-based anthologies, Louisiana in Words and French Quarter Fict
Her poetry appears in recent anthologies Modern Women Poets (Bloodaxe), and The New
rterly, The Malahat Review, and also in the anthologies, New Writing in India (Penguin), The Pengui
ort stories have appeared in many different anthologies, newspapers and magazines.
hite comics magazines, primarily the horror anthologies Nightmare, Psycho, and Scream.
has since been reprinted in numerous other anthologies, notably The Time Curve (1968), 3000 Years
It has also appeared in the following anthologies: Nude Erections, Hit And Run Poets, and Poe
There have also been three anthologies of poets who have read their work at the Ma
s from California (Heyday Books), and three anthologies of peace poems edited by Mary Rudge from Es
One of his anthologies of chants ends with Ioane-Zosime's "testame
Two anthologies of his essays have been released, The Great
He co-edited several anthologies of state and regional verse, lectured and c
g The New Yorker, The Prison Journal and in anthologies of prison writing, including Doing Time and
s, the book distinguished itself from other anthologies of the period by formulating a theory of re
en represented in popular twentieth-century anthologies of Greek mythology, such as those by Edith
poet, who even ordered the compilation of 3 anthologies of kanshi, the first three imperial antholo
published in 1972, has appeared in several anthologies of short stories.
Two anthologies of his selected poems, Sanhita (1975) and A
yn, Neukirchener Verlag, 1981); for seminal anthologies of Jewish sources in English translation; f
Edasseri Govindan Nair was author of 12 anthologies of short stories and eight novels and a mem
Some of these are available on CD anthologies of historical Wagner recordings.
There are four anthologies of his poems: Amanecer de los Sentidos, pub
ed as choirmaster and teacher, and compiled anthologies of sacred and secular partsongs.
These are Oxford poetry anthologies of English poetry, which select from a give
s have appeared in The Best American Poetry anthologies of 1994 and 2000.
His work has also been included in anthologies of writing about the Vietnam War.
Five anthologies of his stories and one anthology of six sma
tories to every volume of the LDSF series - anthologies of Science Fiction with LDS Themes.
He has edited, along with Mark Pawlak, two anthologies of high school writing Smart Like Me and Bu
983 and 1997 he compiled and edited several anthologies of Victorian short stories for Oxford Unive
London Transport began publishing anthologies of Poems on the Underground and these have
She has edited anthologies of French poets and translated poetry, shor
from Stalingrad was also included in two TV anthologies of select material from Ozerov's films', Th
the famous Contention of the bards and many anthologies of Irish bardic poetry and historical works
glish language and developed an interest in anthologies of English poetry.
ssisted in the production of several poetry anthologies of other people's work.
ire Cheese pub in Fleet Street, it produced anthologies of poetry in 1892 and 1894.
ed to one of the volumes of Sidney Gilpin's anthologies of Cumbrian songs shows a refined face of t
950, and has since been included on several anthologies of the period.
Compiler of anthologies of verse such as British Poets of the Ninet
arcus was the much-loved editor of numerous anthologies of Irish fiction and poetry, including the
punchers of old, have been included in some anthologies of light verse.
ngs of Our Land" which can be found in many anthologies of Irish patriotic verse.
co-author of one of the most comprehensive anthologies of Armenian literature, "The Heritage of Ar
ve the Rest: An Index and Checklist for the Anthologies of Groff Conklin.
work has been published in more than thirty anthologies on the male nude.
work - along the lines of Rhino's double-CD anthologies on The Association and The Turtles [...] co
as a scholarly editor he produced numerous anthologies on Indian literature, he was the chief edit
llad of the West, and contributed essays to anthologies on western icons Frank Waters and John G. N
In 1981 she began to write and publish anthologies on Native literature.
iginal science fiction, fantasy, and horror anthologies on her own, as well as collaborations with
ns and Holocaust memory, and she has edited anthologies on sexuality in the Third Reich, sexuality
ere she is not commonly included in leading anthologies or mentioned in literary histories.
st, Indiana Review, and Court Green, and in anthologies published by Oxford University Press, Unive
it and help it succeed where previous manga anthologies published in North America had failed.
books of youth work, including two national anthologies published by HarperCollins: Paint Me Like I
quent contributor to the influential comics anthologies RAW and Weirdo.
's mystery/suspense/fantasy/science fiction anthologies: Ripley's Believe It or Not!, Boris Karloff
grammars, dictionaries, calendars, novels, anthologies, short stories, theatrical works, humorous
he stories have made regular appearances in anthologies since their first publication, but the whol
age nursery rhyme that has appeared in many anthologies since the nineteenth century.
Akiwenzie-Damm has edited two anthologies: skins: Contemporary indigenous writing (20
as books as the editor of highly-acclaimed anthologies, some of which are listed below.
ction Night's Black Agents, (1947), and the anthologies Star Science Fiction Stories (1953), Star S
Greek core of influential homosexual poetry anthologies, such as Elisar von Kupffer's Lieblingminne
Her stories have also been reprinted in anthologies such as Daughters of Earth: Feminist Scienc
iew, Oxford American, and Tin House, and in anthologies such as New Stories from the South: The Yea
Van Hoc, and Hop Luu, as well as in several anthologies such as Under Western Eyes, Watermark, and
9/11, and his work has appeared in numerous anthologies such as Aloud: Voices from the Nuyorican Po
He has continued to contribute to comics anthologies such as Zero Zero.
A number of these stories were reprinted in anthologies such as Best Science Fiction Stories of the
She is a noted author contributing to anthologies such as Torah Queeries, Lesbian Rabbis, Twi
un a career appearing in notable television anthologies such as Studio One and Philco Television Pl
f the nineteenth century and inspired other anthologies, such as Mary Wollstonecraft's The Female S
es can also be found in almost 20 different anthologies, such as Journeys to the Twilight Zone (199
stories appearing as from 1966, featured in anthologies such as such as New Writings in SF edited b
It has been re-released on various Namco anthologies such as the Game Boy Color's Pac-Man: Speci
urth volumes of the Flight series of comics anthologies, telling Food from the Sea a "manga-derived
any of the same creators, were the Charlton anthologies The Many Ghosts of Doctor Graves (with host
any of the same creators, were the Charlton anthologies The Many Ghosts of Doctor Graves (with host
Petrucci published two further anthologies, the Canti B and Canti C, in 1502 and 1504,
y published some of the stories as hardcopy anthologies; the fourth of those volumes was the last b
any of the same creators, were the Charlton anthologies The Many Ghosts of Doctor Graves (with host

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