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acter 'Greg' in the upcoming horror film The Apparition alongside Twilight star Ashley Greene and Ha
bts arise in the dearth of sources about the apparition and consequently about Juan Diego in the 117
l Institute in Rome, this is the 12th Marian apparition approved by the Church from a total of 295 t
A reported 17th century Marian apparition associated with the icon resulted in the dis
evelations from the church-sanctioned Marian apparition at Fatima, Portugal, revealed that the Virgi
ano, proposed that Madonna del Ghisallo (the apparition) be declared the patroness of cyclists.
After being inadvertently activated by Apparition, Black Zero II ran Superman and the Legion t
The comet was lost after its 1930 apparition, but was observed several more times.
No new nuclei were discovered before the apparition ended on January 13, 1891.
The horrifying apparition feeds on their fear and torments them no mat
A very favorable apparition followed in 1879, allowing the comet to be o
Video clips of the apparition have been posted on the Internet.
begun undergoing medical treatments with an apparition he calls 'Chinaman'.
morning, a special mass is celebrated on the Apparition Hill.
morning, a special mass is conducted on the Apparition Hill.
Joseph of the Apparition in 1851.
e theatre have claimed to have seen a female apparition in the second story changing room.
ops, it would be the only confirmation of an apparition in all of the United States by the Catholic
The story of the ghostly prediction and the apparition in the clouds over Inverawe has been repeate
The most frequently reported apparition is that of a woman in Elizabethan costume.
Apparition is a heavy metal album released in 2001 by B
From an evidential point of view the apparition is the most valuable class of death-warning.
A Marian apparition is an event in which the Blessed Virgin Mary
The Apparition is an upcoming supernatural thriller film di
The reason for their apparition is dynamic strain aging or the pinning of di
sness.Later, she and Rudy discover that the ' apparition' is a renegade medic using Ingrid as a test
While the apparition may not be as captivating as those in which
huatl: "Here is recounted"), constitutes the apparition narrative (including the Virgin's apparition
The next favorable apparition occurred in 1901, but searches did not locat
Okamura sees an ghostly apparition of Yamagawa; Tamura later sees a similar app
Soldiers, apparition of Goya, craniometry interns, porters, lab t
Valerio Castello, The Apparition of the Madonna of the Misericordia to Antoni
During this, a fire apparition of Esmeralda dances provocatively in the fla
Witnesses also alleged often seeing the apparition of a little boy named Toby in the basement.
There was a claim that an apparition of the Virgin Mary was seen.
radition, the construction occurred after an apparition of the Virgin Mary.
exico City which in 1531 was the site of the apparition of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the most renowned
Our Lady of Caravaggio is a reported apparition of the Virgin Mary at Caravaggio Italy in 14
ent where the woman was to find out that the apparition of the Virgin Mary was real.
Later on, an apparition of Dave Bowman appears before Floyd, warning
thal' powder, and where she is watched by an apparition of herself from twenty years in the future.
ley claims to have come face to face with an apparition of Stickney's father-in-law.
By an apparition of Eligius (II.41) she was convinced to stri
Eventually the babysitter leaves and an apparition of Nijinsky appears and comforts Nance about
Legend tied to an apparition of the Virgin at the shrine has King Denis (
Some 25 years back after the apparition of Our Lady, the parish became famous for th
An apparition of Saint Michael is said to have convinced t
lumbing in the cellars, he saw a frightening apparition of a group of Roman legionaries marching pas
The most favorable apparition of 10P/Tempel 2 was in 1925 when it came wit
ically those from Molise, to commemorate the apparition of the Madonna in La Difesa, in [Casacalenda
he first night she is visited by the ghostly apparition of the former owner, a roguish sea captain n
where he painted a San Ildefonso before the apparition of St Leocadia and the Birth of Christ for t
s Jacob was woken in his bed at night by the apparition of the deceased who "laid a cold hand on his
her relics in the 11th century thanks to an apparition of the Virgin Mary that identified their res
the famine months, most famously the alleged apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary along with two sa
Visitors at Castle Lodge have reported the apparition of a 15 to 16 year old girl seemingly wearin
n Annunciation of the Virgin's Death and the Apparition of the Holy Ghost to St. Augustine
nally the death-warning is in the form of an apparition of some other person; it may also take the f
enlarging illusory architecture and with the apparition of the heavenly assembly whirling above, the
scare, he wrote a single folio sheet, ‘A new Apparition of Sir Edmundbury Godfrey's Ghost to the E.
in the Church of Saint Aloysius Gonzaga (The Apparition of the Risen Christ to Saint Thomas).
ntro de la Fe Ortodoxa, which represents the apparition of Our Lady del Pilar to St. Francis and som
A maid also saw the apparition on another night.
Apparition on the Streckelberg, by Philip Burne-Jones f
At the comet's next apparition on September 1, 1959, did not exceed 17 if i
acility the ghost became known as the ‘Irish Apparition' or the ‘Montrose Ghost'.
The Shroud of Turin: An Imprint of the Soul, Apparition or Quantum Bio-Hologram"
private revelation, but is distinct from an apparition or religious vision because no supernatural
Verrier computed the positions for the 1851 apparition, predicting perihelion in April 1851.
d music: the two women would be an imaginary apparition representing the ideal beauty, stemming from
Desak's people - despite the sacrifice - the apparition returns and this time Desak accepts the gem.
"Radzivilius, the Polonian duke, calls this apparition, Sancti Germani sidus; and saith moreover th
at no less than three3 separate and distinct apparition sites located in and around the city of Fost
p Leibold became so convinced of the alleged apparition that he approved Sister's writings and place
It was at this apparition that she identified herself as 'The Ever Vir
During the 2010 apparition the comet became as bright as apparent magni
After the discovery apparition, the comet has always been over two magnitud
After this apparition this comet was lost and was thus designated
barks is heard followed by the flight of the apparition through the air over the falls into the prec
For an apparition to be approved, the Pope of the Coptic Ortho
The account describes the appearance of the apparition to Juan Diego (an indigenous convert to Roma
linded by anger, raised his arm to order the apparition to grab and go.
lation, the Archangel Michael had told in an apparition to the devoted Servant of God that he would
Over the years following its apparition, veneration of the Virgin invoked as Apareci
ter, and it was during the sacrifice that an apparition visits Desak and offers him a magic gem that
This apparition was recorded in Chinese chronicles.
The apparition was witnessed by fifteen people, young and o
The Aggedor apparition was just an image created to support the pan
The apparition was reported by Gianetta Varoli, an Italian
The second apparition was calculated for 1938, but Gale failed to
The 1949 apparition was never detected, and due to unfavourable
The apparition wears a night gown, has long hair but has no
the Dark Castle Entertainment production The Apparition, which began filming on February 1, 2010.
t is said this area is haunted by a ghoulish apparition without a visible head.

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