



Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > applicantsの意味・解説 > applicantsに関連した共起表現


該当件数 : 306

Out of this pool of applicants, a small, select group of people were chosen
In its judgment, the Court held that the applicants Adam and Arbi Chitayev had been held in unac
to the treaty argued would have been to the applicants' advantage.
ear the LNAT is required for UK and overseas applicants alike.
e spot that he admits his lie, and the other applicants all come out and admit that they lied on the
In this complaint the applicants alleged that the legal impossibility for the
construction permit for 89.1 FM over fellow applicants American Family Association and the Universi
ime a prep school for aspiring Naval Academy applicants, and was noticed in their athletic program.
, by denying political refugee status to new applicants, and facilitating extraditions requested by
assigns students based on preferences of the applicants and priorities of students in various zones.
, the Herberts and Murphy had auditioned 600 applicants, and whittled the line-up down to Melanie Br
These encounters involved the applicants and possibly as many as forty-four other men
These tables provide data on applications, applicants and accepted applicants over a number of yea
eparation is offered to Oxford and Cambridge applicants and 90% of HTC students secure places at uni
sign competition attracted 268 international applicants, and was won by Iraq-born architect Zaha Had
Point tests for skill applicants and economic contribution by investors were
He was one of 50 applicants and four finalists who applied for the posit
assistance to taxpayers, license and permit applicants and others in the areas of alcohol, tobacco
The program helps applicants and recipients of TANF (Temporary Assistance
ted immediately, as the council rejected all applicants and asked for other candidates.
These procedures involve meeting with the applicants and assisting them with the application form
tended the time until last weekend after the applicants applied for an extension.
Other applicants are ill, coughing and clutching at railings
About 15 applicants are accepted on each of the two English lang
n rhetoric and legal maxims, "to ensure that applicants are ready to assume their responsibilities i
school seniors to help them toward college; applicants are judged on character and community servic
versity admission criterion to judge whether applicants are sufficiently fluent to follow an English
Applicants are welcome who have completed a Bachelors d
Applicants are eligible for both Pell grants and federa
Phase One performance, approximately 8 to 10 applicants are invited to the next phase.
Applicants are purely judged on talent alone in two rou
Based on MAT score applicants are called for GD and Interview.
Applicants are evaluated based on multiple letters of r
ny loaf to pay there "dues", then successful applicants are welcomed as Freemen of the order, after
ich a vote is taken to decide if each of the applicants are excepted.
ince pointed out that over 80% of Survivor's applicants are white.
Where an agency service is offered grant applicants are not obliged to take this up in order to
Applicants are admitted to OU College of Medicine and s
At the end of Phase Two, typically 2-4 applicants are selected to begin the year-plus Special
Applicants are encouraged to be creative and applicatio
t completely tied to the university, but all applicants are expected to have passed the matriculatio
application time of close to seven minutes, applicants are able to quickly register and begin apply
All CNS applicants are also required to complete supervised pro
The applicants argued that these restrictions issued by the
The applicants argued that the police had been given inform
ial figures show the vast majority of asylum applicants arrive by plane.
picked by the FA from the remaining fifteen applicants: Arsenal, Birmingham City, Bristol Academy,
uite competitive, with over 85% of UK and EU applicants as well as 92% of international applicants b
ygraph examinations for police and other job applicants as part of their background investigation pr
merica, and the Doe Fund has seen a surge in applicants at its facilities in New York and Philadelph
nal Assembly, who had been chosen from 2,500 applicants at the party's congress on 19 September 1970
ness depended on it - Bernice hired the best applicants available and worked with them persistently
The businessman sends the other applicants away via a trap door, and hires Betty.
PA, minimum SAT and ACT scores, and that its applicants be on the College Preparatory track.
r positions, and on 5 May 1948 30 successful applicants began their Police Induction Training, under
irm run by Fredrik Ringnes, leaving 14 other applicants behind him.
The applicants believed that a violation of Article 8 had o
ing an annual 6 week clinical fellowship for applicants below 45 years in his name.
oosing approximately 50 cast out of over 400 applicants between the ages of 14-20 through workshops
Applicants' Briefing where applicants receive and compl
sall, seven, but they lost out to first time applicants Bristol City, who gained election with 23 vo
n American and Hispanic private student loan applicants by charging them high interest rates and fee
or years, the scarce tickets were awarded to applicants by lottery.
t 2000, Anderson was appointed over 29 other applicants by the Anchorage School Board, on a vote of
inance banning ads that specified the sex of applicants by a 5-4 margin.
Applicants can exclude one-half (1/2) of their Social S
Applicants can exclude one-half (1/2) of their Social S
hat well over half of hopeful and successful applicants come from the southern part of England (cove
TEPS is designed to test applicants' communicative English skills and to minimiz
The applicants complained about the conduct of their compet
The applicants complaints are directed at the failure of th
that the police owed no duty of care to the applicants, confirming the law in Hill v Chief Constabl
29 applicants contested the Seanad nominations on 1 July.
nce proceedings at the USPTO and reduce U.S. applicants' costs in seeking patent rights outside of t
d 1970s, a smaller and smaller proportion of applicants could be accepted, some applicants having to
The applicants, Cristoforo Buscarini and Emilio Della Balda
producer David Heyman told Watson and fellow applicants Daniel Radcliffe and Rupert Grint that they
s test scores, and narratives written by the applicants describing their career aspirations and reas
CCI was one of five low Earth orbit applicants designing a low-Earth orbit satellite conste
etition, citing section 1.7 of its notes for applicants document.
After several other applicants dropped out, KERA worked out an agreement wi
econd World War, UMass received an influx of applicants due to financial aid from the G.I. Bill, and
a are required to re-audition along with new applicants each year in order to keep their places.
Randi has said that few unsuccessful applicants ever seriously consider that their failure t
If the number of applicants exceeds the number of places available, the
nt negotiations between the EEC and the four applicants for Community membership in June 1970.
Applicants for the Churchill Scholarship must be U.S. c
Associate (AIFireE) - Applicants for Associate will have passed the two manda
ing materials, ESOL Skills for Life can help applicants for British Citizenship or Indefinite Leave
Norway was the other applicants for this championship.
Initially there were two applicants for the Carmarthenshire licence.
& Burling to bring this action on behalf of applicants for public housing in the District of Columb
estigation of Coast Guard personnel, and all applicants for positions therein, as well as investigat
Norway, Poland and France were the other applicants for this championship.
In 2010, an online advert for job applicants for this company read "preferably of Indian
Fellow (FIFireE) - Applicants for Fellow is only available to existing Mem
ations for just 170 places (approximately 17 applicants for every place).
monstrate the "proficient" level of English, applicants for Australia's Independent Migrant visa (pe
He was one of seventy applicants for the Middlesbrough job after Jack Robson
Office of Fair Trading (OFT) to investigate applicants for consumer credit licences, to impose cond
There are approximately ten applicants for every place and the selection process is
aints received; provide background checks on applicants for liquor licenses; cooperate with the Depa
There was eight applicants for the sixteen lots that were made availabl
acility at Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport for applicants for asylum in accordance with international
hich interviewed and made recommendations on applicants for commissions as officers.
ost oversubscribed in Watford, with nearly 5 applicants for each place.
Applicants for the four main technical departments are
by a board of three medical officers of all applicants for the position of assistant surgeon.
Applicants for the One Year Acting course must be 21 or
Applicants for the program were enlisted men who had to
Pyeongchang was one of seven applicants for the games, and one of three to be short-
In its first year of opening, there were 421 applicants for the 168 (raised to 192 due to demand) pl
rding to planners in Snowdonia and Pembroke, applicants for new homes must demonstrate a proven loca
bout the fields of study students as well as applicants for studies at MU can encounter.
Sochi was one of seven applicants for the games, and one of three to be short-
of ten actors selected from twelve thousand applicants for the BBC Talent Scheme in 2001, leading t
nd early 1880s, having beat out more than 30 applicants for the post.
Federal law does require that applicants for various types of immigration benefits un
As of 2010, applicants for early entrance must place in at least th
e was one of 16 finalists out of over 34,000 applicants for Tourism Queensland's "The Best Job In Th
n after, she and the other four unsuccessful applicants formed Liberty X which consisted of herself,
Over 11,000 applicants from across the country applied for an enter
ional promise", from a field of almost 3,000 applicants from the United States and Canada.
In 2009, there were over 800 applicants from around the world for the 200 spots.
It also accepts a limited number of applicants from other schools.
A hundred applicants from across the country are selected to part
t, 40 quarter-finalists were picked from 270 applicants from all over Norway.
st examination cycle, in 2005, had over 2000 applicants from more than 100 teachers.
d full-time faculties chosen out of over 400 applicants from the country and abroad.
etails information on the rate of success of applicants from different parts of the UK and overseas.
six year course for applicants from non-standard backgrounds, who would not
arding of slightly lower offers to promising applicants from schools with poor academic records.
The recruitment of seven new applicants from Europe on the basis of a single letter
The permit prohibited the applicants from speaking about particular issues, inclu
ched a scheme with the aim of supporting six applicants full-time to carry out their personal missio
s, with only two percent to three percent of applicants gaining admittance.
Applicants had to be bilingual in English and French.
2007, fewer than 250 of an estimated 100,000 applicants had received payments from the program, and
in previous seasons the number of non-League applicants had been unlimited, this season saw the Foot
y the Society in charity was about £300; 351 applicants had asked for assistance and 306 had been re
Hero playtesters listed four songs potential applicants had to be capable of playing on the highest
The advert asked if applicants had an interest in current affairs, had comm
Both undergraduate and postgraduate applicants have similar admissions requirements.
One applicants have been accepted to the BRVGS program, the
Team Superfund was one of several new applicants hoping to compete in the sport from the 2010
Postgraduate applicants however are encouraged to have at least two
Standardized tests used to evaluate applicants: HSPT (High School Placement Test).
ality business education among employers and applicants in the Baltic Republics.
Of applicants in 2007, 151 were given offers by Clare, and
dmissions policy, accepting less than 25% of applicants in its undergraduate program, and less than
arketing authorization, are submitted by the applicants in accordance with the guidelines of the Dir
QU was chosen over a number of applicants in large part to the university's commitment
In 2000, Dominello also represented applicants in complex proceedings in the Industrial Rel
in 1909, one of the questions asked of those applicants in Ireland who lacked documentation was whet
ould call the sheriff's office to bring such applicants in for questioning-and illegal immigrants mi
ons, and often delivers grants to successful applicants in person.
Michael Leshner and Michael Stark, who were applicants in this case, became the first gay couple ma
tographs and descriptions of graduate school applicants in the 1970s.
s or moral turpitude, may make some Canadian applicants ineligible to enter the United States.
On average one in five applicants is pooled and around one in four pooled appl
ty applications but this year's total of 101 applicants is Plume's highest ever number.
According to the NEMMCO Applicants list, the registered capacity of the gas tur
Financial aid applicants may submit Free Application for Federal Stud
Qualified applicants may use this grant at the undergraduate or g
Yet the high quality of applicants means that many of them are awarded places a
renewal license applications to ensure that applicants meet all licensure requirements and that pro
If applicants meet the initial entry criteria, they may th
Applicants must have an income less than 150% of federa
Applicants must have a 3.25 unweighted average.
Applicants must be residents of Texas.
Applicants must be able to embrace incarnational minist
Applicants must be Canadian citizens or permanent resid
Eligible applicants must be in good standing with their college
Applicants must also submit references and are subject
Applicants must be citizens of the respective country a
Applicants must file an application directly to the Off
ar since then, the Academy works as follows: applicants must prepare a demo CD of their work, be it
Applicants must also pass the MPRE ethics exam, pass a
Upper secondary school applicants must choose between emphasized ability and a
Applicants must pass a background check and complete a
Permit applicants must submit the applications to the Franchis
Applicants must have basic knowledge befitting a Korean
To be admitted to membership of the ICAEW, applicants must generally complete 450 days of relevant
Applicants must be at least six years old, demonstrate
All applicants must have completed at least a bachelor's de
Such applicants must first obtain a Canadian pardon and a Un
r the Hatch-Waxman Act, made it so that ANDA applicants need not meet additional requirements, and t
In Year 7 it accepts applicants of all abilities and the admissions policy i
th local secondary schools to offer entry to applicants of 14 years of age and older.
time Orion tried to negotiate with the other applicants, offering up to 2 million dollars at one poi
es to applicant companies, selecting between applicants on the basis of the financial soundness of t
By 1923, out of 99,153 applicants only 7,345 actually received the parcels.
In Fall 2009, out of the 6,391 freshman applicants, only 1,375 were admitted to the undergradua
dom which in May 2011 found in favour of the applicants, opening the way for a substantial compensat
Highly-skilled applicants or wealthy investors can apply for residency
The applicants originally took the oath in writing, omittin
Overall, Clare has approximately 5 applicants per place.
In 2004 there were eight applicants per place.
is a "govynn kernewek" competition in which applicants present their idea for a film in the Cornish

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