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pact by state fair standards, yet covers every aspect a local fair would encompass.
The positive aspect about his bowling was that he would always try
The song text is, in an astronomical aspect, about the Sun and what it the Sun means for t
s a relatively dark night sky with a southerly aspect across the sea.
owerful human warlock able to summon a demonic aspect after selling his soul to one of Hell's minion
zation of the information systems, the logical aspect also offers the stable and formal description
A departing aspect also occurs when the Aspecting planet is movin
ession, Archbishop Montini simply ignored this aspect altogether during a visit of Anglican clergy i
It will grow with a sunny aspect and well drained soil.
ining rural panorama, with both the devotional aspect and the landscape aspect given equal prominenc
According to the aspect and surface patina of the tools, the flint ass
kirigami were "...documents whose diagrammatic aspect and ritual function bring to mind the propheti
A diversity of soil types, slope, aspect and past and present land-use has given rise t
It was strange, you know, the visual aspect and pronunciation.
ng that it is superior to Tobal No. 1 in every aspect and makes for "a great diversion from the norm
ussian regulators, including its environmental aspect, and NWPC was issued a construction permit for
e terroir (wine identity linked to local soil, aspect and climate) of the Aconcagua Valley north of
Its northerly aspect and the shelter provided by high ice cliffs pr
d the song's use because it "reflected the war aspect and bad-ass vibe of [Nod's] side."
h episode focuses on a different environmental aspect, and aims to educate the public on how to impr
tic comedy television series produced by Tiger Aspect and broadcast on BBC One in 2002.
ia Dorothea differed from her husband in every aspect and the marriage suffered because of such dish
in our country, but also in terms of the food aspect and fuel,” he said.
It was developed by Aspect and published by Sega in 1994.
port in 2006 that the school was good in every aspect and that its care of students was "outstanding
ing terrain of the Hythe Beds with a southerly aspect and a soil of loam on greensand readily suitab
This is considered a positive aspect and local people are encouraged to pursue thei
e, how much importance to give to the rhythmic aspect, and so on.
tinum partner, the longest standing partner of Aspect and an accredited partner amongst others of Ge
n awareness of community as its most important aspect, and as such encourages students to become inv
n, The Communicative Use of Gesture, Tense and Aspect, and Combinatory Categorial Grammar (CCG).
me (Intimate Enemies) treating on the personal aspect and psychological effects on individual person
tor and UV detectors were saturated for normal aspect angles and the core memory failed at launch so
Winner - Community Service Prize - ASPECT Art Awards, 2008
lude Art Matters, On Creativity, and The Janus Aspect: Artists in the C20.
Some astrologers see a departing aspect as fatalistic in nature.
Osborne glosses verbs containing the beginning aspect as started to, which closer aligns to what is
a summer of hard work, both from a commercial aspect as well as on the transfer market, Mdina Knigh
ters introduced in the title, emphasizing this aspect as one he felt would appeal to American player
There is also a meta-literary aspect, as Sugar is working on her own novel, Henry w
In his aspect as a father god, his consort was Pltwih2 Mh2te
Often it has a low level horror aspect as well, as in ghost visitations.
to the entire underworld), reveals her in her aspect as facilitator of transition.
oderate and not to concentrate too much on one aspect as not only can this be unhealthy for an indiv
e observes, "I presume our family presented an aspect as singular as any ever lived upon the face of
on Technology (ICT) Kite Mark, and the Leading Aspect Award for its collaboration with primary schoo
sm Base which in May 2004 achieved the Leading Aspect Award.
eers Quality Mark in addition to three Leading Aspect Awards.
e semi-square is considered to be a minor hard aspect because it is thought to cause friction in the
This aspect behaves similarly to rock-paper-scissors.
erall - Grade 1 or Outstanding - with only one aspect being singled out for change "Improve assessme
With its foreboding aspect, Bodmin Gaol has attracted many ghost stories
This is an intermediary aspect, bridging the gap between the “business” and I
I'm still looking into info on the winemaking aspect but as far as I can tell the wine is Argentini
impaled from either the frontal or the dorsal aspect, but not vertically.
It deals not only with its religious aspect but also, and to a far greater extent, with it
Verbs are conjugated for tense and aspect, but not for person.
ncluded the plan was sound from an engineering aspect, but certain economic and environmental concer
of 'yo mama' or the dozens in its competitive aspect but may be distinguished in that the aim is no
The stone depicts the god in full Roman aspect, but is nevertheless dedicated to "Mercury Geb
This section not only aims to know this aspect, but also serves to break the tie in teams tha
important structures demarcating its inferior aspect can be represented by a hepatic "H" figure.
Properties with a simple directional aspect can be described by a vector-often represented
This aspect can produce a heightened direction of energy i
ways in which that particular transit or natal aspect can manifest in our life and still be precisel
cus of interest for the first 20 years were in aspect, case and transitivity, as well as various mod
He also formed a laboratory there with Alain Aspect, Christophe Salomon, and Jean Dalibard to stud
f when, in the corresponding main program, the aspect code should be executed.
Aspect collyboid, generating an extensive, dense and
nd the immediate vicinity through new multiple aspect colour light signalling, four aspect on the Mi
The capriccioso aspect comes from Tchaikovsky's fanciful treatment of
One aspect commented on was its supposedly inexpensive ca
external property and ignoring the subjective aspect completely.
a wider international diplomatic and political aspect concerning the terms of the post-war world, wh
This aspect concerns itself with the actors, their role, t
crucial for introducing Alabama's fans to one aspect core to their style - the mellow love ballad,
in from being blockable are outlined as: large aspect covers, long channels, large outlet grates and
An aspect cross-cuts the program's core concerns, theref
actually related, and the film does not in any aspect deal with Cajun culture or the reality of the
potential to either downplay or emphasize some aspect derived from the terroir.
goddesses, she has no destructive or fearsome aspect, destructive though she might be as a river in
Ashapura Mata is one of aspect devi.
the social level (during the game this social aspect disappears, everyone is business on the field)
dicative of this fairly intangible yet crucial aspect distinguishing colleges.
cing the arts of the oiran (without the sexual aspect) do so as a preservation of cultural heritage
istering marriages and divorces (although this aspect does predate the state of Israel).
The story is unique in the aspect due to its different taste and satire it shows
e and water drum, and are used in a ceremonial aspect during the sacramental taking of peyote.
tly vice-president for business development at Aspect Energy, LLC., where he is involved in a variet
From a consultancy aspect Energylinx provides technical analysis of Euro
hould firstly be solved to then let the beauty aspect evolve from the solution.
a spinalis and hind- and mid-brains; posterior aspect, exposed in situ.
a fair amount of punk rock elements, but this aspect faded when original singer Scott Silletta left
[...] The most frustrating aspect for Mitchell was the fact that the local offic
specifically for sex and without any emotional aspect, for which other colloquial terms are "fuck bu
l issues, since the time of the 80's a growing aspect for businesses.
In this capacity, she supervised every aspect for company valuations in the privatization of
The training is also an important aspect for Neuland, have been set up vocational train
irst day of each month and is a very important aspect for the Sinhalese in celebrating the Sinhalese
ers instances, however, when a trine, or other aspect for that matter, does not occur in its designa
In astrology, a square is an astrological aspect formed when two planets or other heavenly bodi
In scientific and theoretical aspect: formulated scientific and theoretical princip
g curve because they had to learn every single aspect from the Radioman rating) whereas to the Radio
Feuerbach shows that in every aspect God corresponds to some feature or need of hum
Bamford Jenny, THE CATHERINE TATE SHOW, Tiger Aspect, Gordon Anderson Sandra Briggs, EMMERDALE (Reg
love with another girl, although the physical aspect had not developed beyond kissing.
The Race War aspect has spawned many fansites for MUME, where text
The north aspect has a porch to the right with a round arch to
markets but since the 19th century the trading aspect has been superseded by entertainment; many cha
The east aspect has a triple round-headed window and pilaster
The west aspect has pilaster buttresses on each side on top of
s drawn in a spacetime plane where the spatial aspect has been restricted to a single dimension.
This aspect has been cited as a critique of war in concept
ism, Mendes stands specially for its spiritual aspect; he served as vice-president of the American F
Despite this historical aspect, he never ceased to claim that he disliked Roc
The most impressive aspect, however, is the fluid player movement.
Sumie / The Personal Aspect In Jazz (1971)
uently possesses a uniquely uncluttered visual aspect, in contrast to the omnipresent wooden utility
One key aspect in the design of the character was the close r
Olfaction is a very important aspect in sexual reproduction throughout evolution be
beneficial and thus spread the energy of this aspect in one side of the chart or produce a focal po
Tourism is an important aspect in the town's economy.
erry Bryant in 1984, who today remains a vital aspect in the production and post-production of the s
improvement, as did a change from red to white aspect in 1870.
he Enchantress assumed the Valkyrie's physical aspect in recent years was in a plot to lead a handfu
Painting With Light: The Photographic Aspect in the Work of E.M. Lilian, Israel: Tel Aviv M
d as his intention to give the piece a serious aspect in a similar manner to Treemonisha and "Scott
o his view that such tastes are inherited, "an aspect in linguistic terms of our individual natures.
Vom Menschlichen im neuen Bauen (‘On the human aspect in modern architecture') and a Biography; Erns
Tense and aspect in second language acquisition: Form, meaning,
olid waste have been proven to have a negative aspect in improving the environment.
ory of Shaktism as it marks the rise of Bhakti aspect in Shaktism, which reached its zenith in 1700
From a domestic aspect in the UK, Energylinx was one of the first com
Iraqi nationalism was an important aspect in the 1920 Revolution against British occupat
e not-for-profit health sector is an essential aspect in this.
I actually noticed some kind of anti-authority aspect in it - there's no hierarchy between the chara
bly has a modal (imperative, volitional, etc.) aspect in the main clause.
He received his Ph.D. on Tense and Aspect in Russian in 1970.
ed in the Guide) is seen as being an essential aspect in true wisdom.
Believing that marriage is an important aspect in the life of a Muslim, she subsequently rema
orse Broad, is a secluded broad of fairly open aspect, in the middle reaches of the River Bure betwe
n the 1920s the movement took on a millenarian aspect in the rural Eastern Cape where predictions of
de range of sizes, but a common distinguishing aspect in their shapes is a wider vessel "body" and o
n America, those problems are not its defining aspect; instead it seeks to raise up servant leaders.
120 degrees apart, so one might expect a trine aspect instead when just considering the signs involv
An "out of sign" aspect involves one that's a multiple of 30 degrees,
The process aspect involves a command element that makes decision
One interesting aspect is that the live recording of All Day and All
William Lilly used to describe an approaching aspect is a dexter aspect, with the word dexter deriv
he dryads find amusing, the lovely, near-human aspect is shed and the violent aspect manifests as a
One favorable safety aspect is that ethyl acrylate has good warning proper
In financial astrology the hard aspect is deemed to make it hard for the stock and cu
When determining whether an aspect is disharmonious, therefore, one would need to
The games most interesting aspect is that it is played permanently in a split sc
mind some little country church, and that its aspect is suggestive of green trees and sunny pasture
The allowable orb for a square aspect is 8 degrees.
Its most unusual aspect is the production of anomalous cosmic ray even
The south aspect is similar but without a porch.
ut this is an illusion, as one apparent signal aspect is in fact the repeater flashing light to indi
The ventral aspect is lighter in color, without spots.
The second aspect is that a letter known as “bearers of the gold
rd or semi-caramelisation, although the almond aspect is often referred to as being 'Frangipane'.
wide (180 mm) illustrated book, as the graphic aspect is just as important as the music.
The second aspect is the audiometric testing program.
Another typical aspect is the absence of definite articles (due to la
The immanent aspect is denominated simply as Awareness, while the
In astrology, a hard aspect is an astrological aspect that stimulates the
Her fertility aspect is emphasized by symbolic representation of th
Smaller orbs are sometimes used when an aspect is "out of sign".
Another aspect is picked up by Thom Gunn on the back of Bower
The second aspect is it basically creates a subsidized advertisi
with a love relationship in which the physical aspect is important.
e other games in the series, the main gameplay aspect is raising, and fighting with monsters.
Another important aspect is that because search terms in elgooG were ty
Another aspect is that the negatively charged side chain of r
In financial astrology the soft aspect is deemed to make it easy for the stock and cu
Castle Ward's most interesting aspect is that of its dual architecture.
e history of field biology; the most important aspect is that an experiment generates useful statist
Another aspect is that members receive support from their mot
A dissociate aspect is believed to be less powerful than it would
Another aspect is its accessibility.
The first aspect is monitoring.
The one displayable aspect is 'danger' (red).
The other aspect is, however, the work itself.
ord) or selectively, depending on exactly what aspect it is intended to test for.
In this aspect, it differs significantly from most other ERP
Turning to the kinetic aspect, it was suggested that the velocity of reactio
In this aspect it would have differed from the Spotted Hyena
d and extended the house, giving it the Gothic aspect it retains, in two building campaigns, to desi
sted commented: "Being exposed to the northern aspect, it lies very bleak and cold."
as made with a cast of professional actors, an aspect it shares with Bresson's next film, Les dames
In this aspect it is very similar to Bruce Springsteen's "Bor
rizons, degree of internal homogeneity, slope, aspect, landscape position, age and other properties
This aspect like most other aspects of Lakshmi is represen
n for such a facility because of the southerly aspect, low radio noise and unobstructed horizon.
In astrology, a bi-septile is the aspect made by taking two-sevenths of the 360 degree
s geographical situation and its "melting pot" aspect make it a town with a lot of potential that so
Ancient Forms, Evolution, History and Present Aspect, Manners, Customs and Social Institutions Conn
se systems and elaborate patterns of tense and aspect marking.
This geographic-specific aspect may have been due to the attribution of the wo

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