



Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > autonomicの意味・解説 > autonomicに関連した共起表現


該当件数 : 36

g the inactivation of sodium ion channels in autonomic and motor neurons.
RTVE, Telecinco and Antena 3, as well as the autonomic channel Telemadrid, along with a few radio s
h football team based in Son Ferriol, in the autonomic community of Balearic Islands.
ts under the JISC and EPSRC Semantic Web and Autonomic Computing initiatives as well as the CLEF pr
ed the sequence of cardiac contraction, dual autonomic control of the heart, introduction of the co
amura et al.): these include endothelial and autonomic dysfunction (Gori et al.).
by pain, paresthesia, muscular weakness and autonomic dysfunction.
rias, with 4,119 votes (0.7%) Results of the autonomic elections of 2007 in Asturias .
contains different brains: one that controls autonomic function, one that perceives the world in th
structed as living computers that manage the autonomic functions of the Basestar, including navigat
ization of the neural circuits that underlie autonomic functions and the sense of touch.
It is located in the autonomic ganglia, where activation yields EPSP, mainl
Finally, on 1991, an autonomic government decree creates the new and curren
In addition, autonomic imbalance (i.e.
They also serve to aggregate autonomic information.
the second lumbar segment, and contains the autonomic motor neurons that give rise to the pregangl
The autonomic nerve is a small nerve which carries postgan
s, combined with activity in the sympathetic autonomic nerves supplying smooth muscle, leads to vas
ith various behavioral phenotypes, including autonomic nervous system dysfunction, attention defici
teaching on Zazen in terms of balancing the Autonomic Nervous System.
Selective autonomic nervous blockade with atropine sulfate (1 mg
iated by the parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) with minimal input from
d Breed" or "Rest and Digest" portion of the autonomic nervous system.
vities by way of other brain regions and the autonomic nervous system.
e whole body, enhance the functioning of the autonomic nervous system, increase the mental capacity
tors are found in the central and peripheral autonomic nervous system.
Also the autonomic nervous system, plays a central role in main
pathetic and symapthetic nerve fibres of the autonomic nervous system.
on of smooth muscle under the control of the autonomic nervous system.
ation and in the generation of olfactory and autonomic neurons.
PNS: neuronal excitation (in autonomic, nociceptive neurons), emesis
l column (lateral gray horn), and the sacral autonomic nucleus.
formation through a variety of automated and autonomic procedures afforded by interconnected inform
Peninsula will be raised to the “Status” of Autonomic Region, and the Spanish Language will have t
The autonomic symptoms of high anxiety such as headache, g
ds ethics, Baader rejects the Kantian or any autonomic system of morals.

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