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該当件数 : 128

He has been credited for encouraging women biologists, a group sometimes called "Gall's Gals", in
ed the support of the Society of Materialist Biologists, a group associated with the Communist Acade
he owner, gave the journal to The Company of Biologists, a company he had founded in 1925 in a succe
on, Kimura maintained (and most evolutionary biologists agree) that the two theories are compatible:
Biologists also retrieved samples of reef fauna.
From the bibliome, biologists and computer scientists datamine to discover
It was adopted by marine biologists and oceanographers, and later by oil explora
mbines the knowledge of world renowned human biologists and anatomical experts.
26 years of persistence by conservationists, biologists and nearby residents who wished to protect D
e most studied by chemists, pharmacologists, biologists and ecologists.
des oceanographers, geologists, geochemists, biologists and environmental scientists who pursue rese
The project brought together archaeologists, biologists, and geologists in a ground-breaking study w
ponsored an expedition to the rainforest for biologists and other scientists to examine indigenous k
ography or NMR spectroscopy and submitted by biologists and biochemists from around the world, are f
Philip Lutley Sclater (1829-1913) and other biologists and explorers.
itiques of Darwinism offered by evolutionary biologists, and instead parrots the criticisms made by
d inspiration of new generations of tropical biologists and conservationists.
complex object both by the expert structural biologists and also by other scientists, students, and
ist - Biomedical and Biological Sciences for biologists and Physical Sciences for chemists, physicis
PRBO employs 65 biologists, approximately 85 seasonal biologists, and 6
Many biologists are still skeptical.
Biologists are especially interested in hydras due to t
ge C. Williams, containing papers written by biologists arguing against the view of group selection
Biologists as well as artists and poets have thought ab
It is considered by marine biologists as a particularly beautiful and colourful sp
The exuviae of an animal can be important to biologists as it can often be used to identify the spec
arried couple, are both British evolutionary biologists at Princeton University; each holds the posi
Comparative biologists attempt to understand the diversity and comp
Award by the Alberta Society of Professional Biologists, awarded to Canadian biologists
In 1952, The Company of Biologists became a registered charity, and full editor
During the late 1950s biologists began to study the nature of art in humans.
Some biologists believe it to be a feral offshoot of the dom
d the publishers on behalf of the Company of Biologists, but production was later transferred to Cam
son, this is an example of what conservation biologists call "living dead" species.
Biologists can use it to calculate Ka/Ks ratio.
ame theory provides a framework within which biologists can learn and understand organisms, the obse
sure that Monell scientists - psychologists, biologists, chemists, neuroscientists, geneticists and
43, U.S. Navy scientists and civilian marine biologists collaborate to devise a shark repellent to h
Some biologists consider Crystal River to be the most import
Other biologists considered it to be a sporozoan protist.
American biologists Craig Bartle and Alfred Charles Kinsey repor
nal are biochemists; molecular, and cellular biologists, crystallographers, and pharmaceutical chemi
In 2004 however, biologists discovered the snail living less than fifty
the following disciplines: anthropologists, biologists, educators, historians, nurses, physicians,
Biologists estimate that there may be 200 pairs on the
Computer Science, Elementary Mathematics for Biologists, Evolution and Behaviour, Earth Sciences, Ma
Purcell is also remembered by biologists for his famous lecture "Life at Low Reynolds
Biologists found that the American Bison of Santa Catal
In the early 1970s, evolutionary biologists found that rates of protein evolution (the "
ed as secretary of the Society of Systematic Biologists from 1973 to 1975, and is currently the edit
overed in a nearby area by a group of marine biologists from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography
The Bay Area Biosystematists is a group of biologists, geneticists, paleontologists, and systemati
n Crisis and claimed "claims of evolutionary biologists go wildly beyond the evidence."
Although they are wingless, biologists have observed them gliding.
Biologists have been trying to control lampreys in the
Marine biologists have mentioned that they often feel they are
Biologists have recorded 108 species of fish, 102 flowe
Though evolutionary biologists have developed powerful tools for inferring
a collection of identification keys to help biologists identify the vascular plants within the stat
highest award for biochemists and molecular biologists in Germany.
postulated existence of licensing factors by biologists in the first place.
atis and Mark Ptashne, two Harvard molecular biologists, in 1980 in Massachusetts.
Trust of Edinburgh, charity supporting young biologists in their doctoral studies.
irst published by the Association of Applied Biologists in 1970 as a series of leaflets, each one wr
has worked with Robert May and other leading biologists, including Helder Queiroz, whom she advised.
that are in use by hundreds of chemists and biologists, including works on Critical Stability Const
y of his compositions to scientists, such as biologists James D. Watson, Francis Crick, physicists S
sists of pharmacists, chemists, biochemists, biologists, laboratory technicians, pharmaceutical tech
In 1989 a group of biologists led by Raymond Hamers at the Free University
people, List of people from Wyoming, List of biologists, List of chemists, etc.AJseagull1 (talk) 22:
In classifying proteins in this way, biologists look at the number of times the peptide chai
orms core administrative functions, includes biologists, managers, outreach, capacity development, f
The centre's interdisciplinary team of biologists, mathematicians, computer scientists and eng
emists, geologists, geographers, ecologists, biologists, microbiologists, sylviculturists, sanitaria
Modern biologists now reject this functional view in terms of
"one of the most influential biologists of the 20th century ...
inarguably one of the greatest mathematical biologists of the 20th Century.
rd called Wiley "one of the most influential biologists of his generation."
central theme of On Growth and Form is that biologists of its author's day overemphasized evolution
ion between many of the leading evolutionary biologists of the 20th century, including Theodosius Do
arrier Reef centred around a group of marine biologists on board a ship called the New Endeavour , r
Weiner follows the career of two biologists, Peter and Rosemary Grant, who have spent tw
ew articles from protein chemists, molecular biologists, physiologists, cell biologists and clinicia
been criticized for misleading evolutionary biologists PZ Myers and Richard Dawkins to get them to
vote in their respective circumscriptions by biologists registered in those regions.
loser affinities to a snake than to a table, biologists rely on affinities such as the scales, blood
kitchen facilities serves as a base camp for biologists, researchers and eco-tourists.
Narby and three molecular biologists revisited the Peruvian Amazon to try to test
Belgian biologists Robert Bosmans and Jan Bosselaers, from the
Marine biologists sometimes are mistakenly called oceanographe
Biologists sometimes regard a charge of biological dete
Biologists speculate that the snails were most likely d
Marine biologists study salt water organisms, and limnologists
Aquatic biologists study micro-organisms, plants, and animals l
both animals and fungi and so of interest to biologists studying their origins.
the fungi, and they are of great interest to biologists studying animal origins.
gress is shown by increasing complexity, but biologists studying the evolution of complexity find ev
ciled in the 1920s and 1930s by evolutionary biologists such as J.B.S. Haldane, Sewall Wright and pa
Biologists suggest that animals and plants have migrate
"Comparative biologists tend to suspect comparisons of distantly rel
Dissenters represent about 0.0157% of the US biologists that existed in 1999.
omew is so well respected among contemporary biologists that it is a source of pride to claim to be
CE) is a method used by ecologists and plant biologists that raises the concentration of CO2 in a sp
According to contemporary biologists the premise of the story is not literally tr
raduate students went on to become prominent biologists; these include Richard Dawkins, Marian Dawki
Some biologists think it survived on the Sable Island Bank d
equence searches are frequently performed by biologists to infer the function of an unknown protein
cosidase H (Endo H) is commonly used by cell biologists to monitor posttranslational modification in
He works with biologists to help them understand how and why a type o
ormation Service (ANGIS) provided access for biologists to a comprehensive system of bioinformatics
pecies of Neofelis nebulosa, but elevated by biologists to the rank of species in 2006.
decline in aquatic life is believed by most biologists to be a result of acidic runoff from strip m
y included in DNA plasmids used by molecular biologists to establish stable mammalian cell lines exp
scientists, as well as some American marine biologists, to investigate ten hydrothermal vents in bo
ld, as the readership will include chemists, biologists, toxicologists, soil scientists, and workers
Molecular biologists use several shorthand terms when referring t
Even though no such organisms exist, biologists use Darwinian Demons in thought experiments
It was established in 1999 by five biologists: Wallace Arthur, Sean B. Carroll, Michael Co
ors, with the co-operation of the structural biologists who determined them.
Biologists who study the physiology of organisms are un
He was one of the leading molecular biologists who utilized gene cloning and sequencing tec
n rhetoric in Headquarters Nights influenced biologists who tried to play down the negative implicat
The child of two biologists who experimented with the artificial enlarge
red to be a subspecies of S. japonica by the biologists who first examined it.
, in 1948 Gajewski was one of the few Polish biologists who opposed the official "new biology", lyse
s able to obtain 12,000 Murex brandaris from biologists working at the Mediterranean sea.
The group of biologists writing on a single unified (if somewhat bro

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