



Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > biomarkerの意味・解説 > biomarkerに関連した共起表現


該当件数 : 34

been identified as one of the autoantigenic biomarker and target involved in human ovarian autoimm
An analysis of biomarker assessment is then made and data can be stor
A biomarker can be used to identify a cell population, m
A biomarker can be understood as a molecule that is pres
However, biomarker data collected during this study showed a de
Conversely, the serum CTX biomarker, described in 2000 by Rosen, appears to be a
profiling, miRNA/mRNA expression profiling, biomarker discovery, assay design and validation, CLIA
Free M1G is also biomarker for oxidative stress.
terminal fragment of PCI is a possible serum biomarker for prostate cancer.
C4d has been identified as a biomarker for systemic lupus erythematosus.
E-selectin is also an emerging biomarker for the metastatic potential of some cancers
However, it remains as the most widely used biomarker for senescent and aging cells, because it is
The most frequently used biomarker for prostate cancer today is the serum level
Biomarker geochemical analyses of onshore and offshroe
in sequencing from complex mixtures (such as biomarker identification) solution and gas-phase HDX f
tial pressure of oxygen in tissues, a useful biomarker in cancer research and treatment.
icellar algae, β-sitosterol can be used as a biomarker indicating the amount of terrestrially deriv
Biomarker Insights is a peer-reviewed open access acad
can be correlated to this rate, and one such biomarker is NTX.
One example of cellular biomarker is the protein Oct-4 that is found in embryo
compounds, biomarker, metabolites, peptides or proteins by their
a (6), and may be an alternative, equivalent biomarker of whole grain wheat intake (7)
It is a biomarker of exposure to cigarette smoke.
oncentration in urine is therefore used as a biomarker of occupational or environmental exposure to
ther with cadalene, retene and ip-iHMN, is a biomarker of higher plants, which makes it useful for
ls suggests that they are the most promising biomarker of whole grain wheat and rye intake (2-3).
Measurements of a biomarker of ethanol breakdown suggest that they may b
The Prize4Life ALS biomarker prize is a US$1,000,000 award for a reliable
In cancer biomarker studies, the neprilysin gene is often referr
5 has found application as a tumor marker or biomarker that may be elevated in the blood of some pa
(EC is an enzyme that is used as a biomarker to detect damage to the kidneys, and that ma
osslinks, and known by the acronym NTX) is a biomarker used to measure the rate of bone turnover.
ks, and known by the acronym CTX) is a serum biomarker used to measure the rate of bone turnover.

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