




該当件数 : 35

The eyes are large, bulging and dark coloured.
ndicates dehydration, whereas a very tense or bulging anterior fontanelle indicates raised intracra
little people sitting atop bulging bags of money
Bulging balconies alternate with smaller, shallower b
He co-hosted the radio show Rhod Gilbert's Bulging Barrel of Laughs and played Rhod Gilbert's br
The first-floor windows are covered by bulging cages of fine cast-iron bars; those on the se
OE led by Candelas Ricardo Sanchez suffered a bulging defeat its internal problems, dropping to 8 c
However, a bulging disc in his back resulted in spasms in his le
In 2003, he suffered from a bulging disk in his back and played on a Major Medica
the intrusion of Parry in the east creating a bulging extension to the southeast.
r a brief U-turn outside, one is greeted by a bulging eyed bellhop and a plunge down another slope
d a tendency to draw vaguely alien faces with bulging eyes and foreheads."
urnal creature with a smooth, pale grey body, bulging eyes and four spindy legs with large flat fee
They have large bulging eyes and long clubbed antennae.
m (2.4ft) long with thick reddish brown skin, bulging eyes and gills.
ardiac malformations, proptotic exophthalmos ( bulging eyes), arachnodactyly (spider-like fingers),
Bulging factor is an engineering term describing the
Smith's body was identified by a bulging forehead and its height, 5'5" to 5'6", which
For now, the bulging heaps of abandoned waste, especially plastics
Smarter than most other characters Physique - bulging muscles - very athletic
The missile has a distinctive bulging nose and four clipped triangular wings.
lkie, and other photos seem to show something bulging noticeably from his back pants pocket.
The bulla ethmoidalis is caused by the bulging of the middle ethmoidal cells which open on o
bdominus and the diaphragm produce an outward bulging of the upper abdominal wall.
on chemical waste which subsided, leading to bulging of the walls and twisting of the roof.
rther expansion of the brain, and the forward bulging of the pericardium, the buccopharyngeal membr
osing wall faces clamped together, to prevent bulging or deformation from the high compression forc
ficient corneal thickness to prevent abnormal bulging out of the cornea, a side effect known as ect
her than a single large mirror along with the bulging pentaprism typical of 35mm SLR cameras.
Bulging rubber dies: Uses a rubber pad or block under
d by French designers, and capitalised on the bulging sides of the vessels.
another shows a pregnant woman clutching her bulging stomach, while behind her a meek child stands
os's brother is severely malnourished, with a bulging stomach, bare skull and emaciated body.
The bulging was therefore not repeated on Coral Sea.
They have characteristic vesicular bulging which store and transport substances like gly

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