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該当件数 : 171

f doing these stunts, he is often involved in comical accidents while testing myths.
] (published by W. Nicholson & Sons, 1911), a comical account of a journey from "Normanton" to "Nor
s niece Louise (Jill Curzon) and the somewhat comical additional male companion, London police offi
ed on Namco's Mojipittan called Xenopittan, a comical adventure game Xenocomi, the complete diction
is a four-volume manga series that tells the comical adventures of Kaitou Kid, a gentleman thief w
Featuring quirky, comical advertisements and billboards; the beer was p
1975: Best Comical Album at the Prix Saint-Michel, Brussels, Bel
had described Frank's sayings as "grotesque, comical and incomprehensible."
Name given to the portrayal of Johnson as a comical and clueless cowboy in political cartoons dra
he attempts to get rid of the cat become more comical, and the cat subsequently becomes more destru
orrie's Wig Shop" commercial which is seen as comical, and that coupled with his penchant for peste
one who speaks "American" (It can be seen for comical and total political incorrectness on the VHS
in a realistic style, Les Tuniques Bleues was comical and humorous, even though it is set during th
s an American television actor who played the comical and optimistic cook, "Charlie Wooster", on th
e typical of an anime series and feature more comical and unusual plots (such as a food eating cont
during the week and were either newsworthy or comical, and the banter between Brandon and Ziegler,
t-known early screen appearances, as a highly comical Anne of Cleves in The Private Life of Henry V
Long before it became known primarily for its comical antics.
ten include elaborate props, projections, and comical antics.
Phillip Terry) , a murder mystery and various comical appearances by the health fanatic magazine ow
It also takes a comical approach to its presentation, parodying horro
g Designs was noted for its light-hearted and comical approach, Ireland remarked that Miami Law wou
Bernd-Pfarr-special-prize for comical art: Rudi Hurzlmeier
is also a general tendency to call this film comical as its entire premise is played out to be ste
He is seen as comical as others often tease him because he is reall
n's news updates, which commonly featured his comical basset hound Baxter.
king down the exit corridor, passing a large, comical battery labelled "Thorpe Park power supply",
he show features some light entertainment and comical behaviour from the hosts as well as serious f
Ecsenius opsifrontalis, known commonly as the Comical blenny in Micronesia, is a species of combtoo
Delirious, comical, brilliant, absurd, all amalgamated in the sa
yet capable of leadership; the cook, fat and comical, but optimistic that they will be rescued; an
ind shelter in a large mansion inhabited by a comical butler Mehmood.
quatrain, are probably Amusements Serious and Comical, calculated for the Meridian of London (1700)
The video features a comical cameo appearance by former Kids in the Hall a
Attempt at Comical Caricature of the "New General Cemetery for A
s portable tea-stand, as depicted in a gently comical caricature painting (Japanese) of the late 19
He makes mostly comical, character based films that have a recurring
es to give RDA the freedom to make him a more comical character after that.
Empson and Jocelyn Jee Esien play a range of comical characters to the unsuspecting public.
f her neighbours later felt that the somewhat comical characters on Beckwith's fictional island of
Almost always depicted in a comical chibi art style, she nearly always has a smil
n son in her mansion (which also houses a few comical chimpanzees, a kitten, a horse, her prize-win
arching orchestral chords (reminiscent of the comical chords of the drunk monks in Prokofiev's oper
1975: Prix Saint-Michel for Best Comical Comic
ner's nightmare", 1999) is a satirical, often comical comment on Dutch expectations of the integrat
is earlier acquired ventriloquism talents for comical conversations with a hand-puppet version of "
era pranks, conversations with strangers, and comical debates.
The game's comical dialog and themes in particular were lauded b
They were also known for the comical disguises they wore on stage during the band'
zzle challenges him, with great amusement and comical distance.
Often concerning love or work, and usually comical, Dodoitsu poems consist of four lines with th
The piece was used for a light comical duet which was recorded by Norman Wisdom and
Check it Out! (1985-1988), whilst in Sweden, comical duo Stefan & Krister starred in Full Frys, a
Blahyi's nom de guerre was appropriated for comical effect by the creators of the Broadway musica
iciency in English or done deliberately for a comical effect.
e church with a billboard in the distance for comical effect.
t, Oda added elasticity powers to Luffy for a comical effect.
s) use the guns to shoot a specific amount of comical enemy ghosts before time runs out.
trical spectacle that served as lighthearted, comical entertainment which drew large crowds from al
in Styria he will instantly travel there with comical enthusiasm, and will then lie there reading f
t begins there is a chapter or two about Ax's comical escapades.
A series of hilarious and comical events highlight this eventful trip.
, and transformed it into a world filled with comical events, which reflect the world we live in.
the song follows a serenade-like and somewhat comical events.
After a comical exchange with a superior command he gets in t
again for people to f**k her may seem like a comical exchange... ...but after 10 minutes of it wha
The comical exploits of four nursing students enrolled in
ic and daily life pursuits, showing them with comical expressions illustrating their greed, stupidi
ivided into various "units" centered around a comical fact or occurrence.
Amity Cove also features a comical, fake radio station, named WWTP radio, that p
The story is presented in a more comical fashion compared to the original game due to
our where Walker sang and danced in an overly comical fashion.
they mistakenly end up injuring each other in comical fashion.
" Jess (Richard Eyer) is a feisty child whose comical feud with his mother's pet goose causes her n
anilla already has a fiance, which leads to a comical fight in a nightclub where Arjun steps in to
and who is generally a rather inept, clumsy, comical figure as opposed to the more straightforward
Their cookies included 100 different comical fortunes, and were carried by Bloomingdale's
The Jolly Roger, as the leader of a comical group of pirates stranded on an island a la M
es the satirical work Don Juan Lamberto, or a Comical History of the late Times to Flatman in his e
Purcell, The Comical History of Don Quixote, performing version.
Apparently he has become a comical icon among the college goers.
Mickey's combat efforts are comical in depiction but prove effective enough in fo
ew project called 'Jaldaboath' - the music is comical in nature, taking inspiration from Monty Pyth
monster); however, these abilities are mainly comical in nature and Shaggy (along with Scooby) only
dle it would be easy to point out the various comical inaccuracies in the historical part of the st
Pressing enter will lead you to comical interviews about the fictional group "Mr.
vision debut in 2005 on the sitcom Eve as the comical janitor turned bartender Victor.
was vacant and Boyer, who had been playing a comical jester in the carnival season, put in for the
out from the refrigerator door, asking with a comical look on his face, "What's that you said, hone
The film is a satirical and comical look at the seven-year itch between a husband
The film is comical look at procrastination, based partly on the
The song is a comical male-female quarrel, with Calamity and Hickok
n deliberately crude, low-budget or otherwise comical manners, and the actors do not always resembl
t The Super Hero Squad Show exists within the comical Marvel Universe.
Brockhurst arrives on the scene, leading to a comical meeting with the rigidly mannered Percival Br
After a series of comical mishaps that threaten to derail their plan, t
Through a another series of comical mishaps, all the criminals end up dying while
by the national anthem, Coster laid out in it comical motives and characters: a voluptuous man marr
Pelly", as he is often called by Arthur) is a comical, much-loved, permanent guest of Arthur and Gu
inging and the performance of spex, a form of comical musical theatre usually based on themes from
Each episode typically features comical news commentary from Brigstocke, satirical in
The show also features comical news reports, parodic advertisements and fict
It has been critically acclaimed for its comical, nonsensical approach to teenage life, its pa
ter gave the house its name, from the popular comical novel Thinks-I-To-Myself by Edward Nares.
n plays a patient seeing his therapist making comical observations about relationships.
One of the more comical off-stage acts was the spectacle of the "Wind
A second success story was the comical opera Trijn de Begijn in 1910.
Hobbes displays signs of extreme, sometimes comical paranoia in most cases, acting as if the worl
ed with surfer talk and lingo, in addition to comical picture breaks and comments about the author'
with John Fuller, Viking / Salamander Press, comical poems
lery, he cultivated with especial success the comical poetic tale, frequently inclining toward friv
its display of Moscow sceneries, and for its comical presentation of everyday life and customs of
and Ulfuls covered the song, keeping with the comical procrastination theme, but with different lyr
t in the Lowell Courier promised: "Laughable, Comical, Quisical, Mysterious, Magical, Wonderful, As
She also could be heard in popular comical radio shows like Mimosa and Koek en ei.
like comedians, who usually cover all kind of comical real life situations, Rogler comments almost
Mattress, with music by Mary Rodgers (1959) a comical rendering of the Hans Christian Andersen fair
urprise hosted by Cilla Black, when he sang a comical rendition of "I Got You Babe" with a woman fr
Breezly Bruin (voiced by Howard Morris) is a comical, resourceful, polar bear.
racter was commented by Newman to be Konami's comical response to fan's disapproval.
s forms of sport from archery to fishing with comical results.
The result is freakish consequences with comical results.
ding role.Unfortunately he mostly got a small comical roles in Bollywood.
He continued playing small, often comical roles until the end of his life.
The Ball is often used as a comical scene in which the sisters humiliate themselv
Many comical scenes follow with a number of characters ent
comes to know Sandhya stays next door to SP. Comical scenes recur throughout the movie, where Kuru
esbury satirically portrayed him on a similar comical search.
DuBois and later highlighted the issue, in a comical sense, in the 2010 Episode, Date with the Boo
ess his love to her, the song is written in a comical sense.
In the comical series Nero by Marc Sleen the title "De Smara
The biggest characteristic of the game is the comical set of special attacks.
"Golem" is a comical short story written by a Korean author Lee Ye
Noted for her buck teeth and comical singing style, she sang at clubs as a teen wh
ofessional musician and finds himself in many comical situations.
aily high school events, leading to countless comical situations.
The mascot is normally involved in a comical skit from surfing to Hula dancing, which is o
own at Park for his writing and performing in comical skits at the church.
s Shadow, Duel of the Seven Tigers and in the comical smash hit Kung Fu Hustle.
the alien would regularly become involved in comical social situations.
It is a comical song about a soldier's plea to Custer at the
I Wonder What the King is Doing Tonight" is a comical song performed by "King Arthur" as he ponders
his set at the open mic clubs in LA, playing comical songs he'd written with the other comics ther
s works Spitzer has written, he is not a pure comical songwriter.
of the concept was also reading of ironic and comical speeches, usage of Pamflex flags and using th
ference: James Finlayson, well- known for his comical squinting, gets poked in the eye at one point
A comical story about a man who didn't care how ugly th
1974: Prix Saint-Michel for best comical story, Brussels, Belgium
Because of his clever and comical style, some friends gave him the name Profess
Lakshmi had a comical supporting role as the lip synching disco sin
What's Up Rock?! tells a comical tale where Kids' WB! stars Georgie and Shura
Vengos made his second role, he unfolded his comical talents and became popular.
really succeed; his antics tended to be more comical than frightening.
part, his personality is more easy-going and comical than Ernie's.
With comical themes such as tales from Seaside towns and t
n, some found, some constructed, ranging from comical to mysterious, were set on a path through a w
le living in group settings, and for a light, comical touch which was in direct contrast to most co
slower vocoder voice on "Cuz of U," the usual comical track "The Bathroom," and the Daft Punk-inspi
Seets i' Yorkshire and Lancashire or Grimes' Comical Trip from Leeds to Liverpool by Canal
out into the countryside, the upbeat, almost comical, tune "Baddies Theme" plays and, after the ra
Cash also performed the song (with comical variations on the original performance) in De
Later DiC ceased production on this comical version to spend more time on its darker inte
thropomorphic lion and a cowardly, infantile, comical villain who sucks his thumb at the mention of
A second comical viral campaign was initiated in September 200
der, we start to think about, but in a really comical way."
them at Earthtron to control him (In a rather comical way.)
The video for the song depicts a comical Waylon and Willie as two outlaw crooks in Mex
osest to him do die-often in outlandish, even comical ways.
am's cook, depicted as fat, buck-toothed, and comical, wearing a knot-top hairdo and stereotypical
His lyrics are mainly comical with such topics as a traffic jam (Les Embout
ing is a play on words featuring two familiar comical words when put together idiomatically means "

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