



Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > dishonorableの意味・解説 > dishonorableに関連した共起表現


該当件数 : 33

e writer later noted that Nichols "acquired dishonorable celebrity in the early period of the reform
roubled by Antony's consideration of such a dishonorable course.
After her dishonorable discharge from the Air Force, she moved to
eventually convicted Fremont and ordered a dishonorable discharge from the army.
pardoned and released in 1920, and given a dishonorable discharge from the military service he had
The dishonorable discharge was upgraded to a bad conduct dis
Polk quickly commuted Fremont's sentence of dishonorable discharge due to his services he had render
k's criminal career began shortly after his dishonorable discharge from the United States Marines in
to 10 years in prison, demotion to private, dishonorable discharge and forfeiture of pay and allowan
20, 1989; he was fined $50,000 and given a dishonorable discharge and is currently serving a 40-yea
an old friend, punished him harshly with a dishonorable discharge from the army.
After a dishonorable discharge, he dresses as a paratrooper and
ce to 20 years' imprisonment at hard labor, dishonorable discharge, and forfeiture of all pay and pe
ed in the United States Navy but received a dishonorable discharge.
re stable and gainful employment, given his dishonorable discharge.
of Daniel Marlow, and early on left with a dishonorable discharge.
on, reduction in rank to E-1 private, and a dishonorable discharge.
mmendation he received for heroism, and his dishonorable discharge.
demoted to the rank of private, and given a dishonorable discharge.
k to Private, forfeiture of all wages and a dishonorable discharge.
dent and was court-martialed and received a dishonorable discharge.
smissal of a commissioned officer or cadet; dishonorable discharge; bad conduct discharge; or confin
s withdrawal is a course only undertaken by dishonorable fools whose fear and confusion has overcome
national recurring event which is even more dishonorable given the nature of this event and great va
To find ourselves dishonorable graves
Overall Pierpont is a very dishonorable man that does little to earn the respect of
(“U R on the Dishonorable Mention List!!!”)
At the 2010 Vits Awards, it received a Dishonorable Mention.
rrator cannot help but try to point out his dishonorable motives to the host family, but to no avail
Was not discharged for dishonorable reasons
d nature, and to man's free nature; "highly dishonorable to Jesus Christ"; "hurtful to the salvation
Westerns frequently portray the "Injuns" as dishonorable villains, the later and more culturally neu
st of the population, which regards them as dishonorable yet clever.

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