



Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > disjunctの意味・解説 > disjunctに関連した共起表現


該当件数 : 81

albums, although some reviewers treated it as disjunct and a poor marketing decision.
's music is dramatic, restless, and sometimes disjunct, and includes sharp dissonances to highlight
Its distribution is peculiarly disjunct and has been considered a biogeographical puz
A core disjunct area occurs in central and southeast Arizona,
and the Canary and Madeira Islands, and with disjunct areas in Africa including the Ethiopian Highl
em, which was impractical because of the many disjunct buildings, mostly with four classrooms apiece
e second movement is a set of variations on a disjunct, chordal theme which is marked "La prima part
rsii is endemic to California, where it has a disjunct distribution in several separate mountain ran
up of large ground dwelling gastropods with a disjunct distribution in the South west Pacific from t
shrubs and small trees, with a widespread but disjunct distribution across warm temperate regions of
The Plain-backed Sunbird has a disjunct distribution, with one subpopulation in the c
This subfamily has a disjunct distribution, occurring in Colombia as well a
The genus has a disjunct distribution, with 25-30 species native to Ne
It has a disjunct distribution, occurring in the southern Sierr
The disjunct distribution, with an isolated relict populat
with several similar looking birds with very disjunct distributions and the exact patterns of phylo
The split was based on their widely disjunct distributions, differences in measurement of
Orange County occurrences are about 100 miles disjunct from the Charlotte and Lee populations.
To the west a small disjunct group lives west of Lake Maracaibo on the Col
ocantins-Araguaia River drainage, and then in disjunct groups on the southeast coast of Brazil; it a
the range ends in southwest Chihuahua, but is disjunct in a large area of central Arizona, the Mogol
Disjunct, isolated populations occur on the Gaspe Peni
Some disjunct locale areas of Guyana besides the southeast
One small disjunct, localized population occurs in Bolivia's nor
Disjunct localized populations are in northern Peru al
d occurrences along the Sierra Nevada and one disjunct location in Colusa County, California.
ere it is known from six occurrences in three disjunct locations in Humboldt and Trinity Counties.
The Disjunct Looper (Polychrysia morigera) is a moth of th
echniques, microtonality, odd tunings, highly disjunct melodic contour, innovative timbres, complex
The algorithm outputs multiple disjunct MSTs, i.e. a forest; each tree corresponds to
The greater Cunonia genus has a disjunct natural distribution, with the bulk of its 30
ins along the Central Coast and an additional disjunct occurrence in Santa Barbara County.
The route was designated in 1942 as several disjunct pieces of road in Parker, Wise, and Cooke cou
partment of Conservation and recreation to be disjunct plant species!
There is a local disjunct population in Mexico as well.
There is a disjunct population in central western California.
There is also a disjunct population in Ohio.
A disjunct population occurs in the southern Eastern Gha
There is also a disjunct population in north central Quebec.
On the map, E. orthocarpa is a disjunct population of the Sonoran-Arizona-New Mexico
Smaller disjunct population are found in north-eastern Brazil
There is also a disjunct population near San Diego in San Diego County
north to South Dakota and east to Ohio with a disjunct population in Delaware.
There is also a small disjunct population distribution in the northern Sierr
to southern California and New Mexico, with a disjunct population in Labrador.
There is also a disjunct population in the Sierra de la Laguna of sout
g eastward across the plains and with a large disjunct population in dune habitats in the southern G
nde in Texas south to south-central Mexico; a disjunct population exists in Honduras.
in eastern and central South America, with a disjunct population in northern South America.
A minor disjunct population is in Peru, and the Argentinian po
in an adjacent population in Chile; a second disjunct population in coastal Chile exists 2000 km to
n the largest population, and the other large disjunct population 1600 km southwest at the Peru and
native to northeastern Mexico, with a small, disjunct population in the Lower Rio Grande Valley of
in southern Mexico and Central America with a disjunct population in south-western Colombia, through
aguay and far north-eastern Argentina, with a disjunct population along the East Andean slope in Per
th to Colorado, New Mexico, and Texas, with a disjunct population in Arizona.
d of pines is unique in Texas because it is a disjunct population of trees that is more than 100 mil
untains of the Transverse Ranges; and a small disjunct population in the Black Hills in South Dakota
eme southern Washington state, where it has a disjunct population, to northern Baja California.
is found in forest and woodland in two widely disjunct population, with the nominate subspecies rest
Two separated disjunct populations occur in Brazil at the southeast
rnia, where it can be found in many scattered disjunct populations in the Sierra Nevada and its foot
in), native to eastern North America with two disjunct populations in the west.
It is found in disjunct populations in central Spain, southern France
s in the states of Texas and New Mexico, with disjunct populations in Arizona and northwestern Mexic
diana, Virginia, Maryland, and Delaware; with disjunct populations in New Jersey and central Missour
as numerous synonymous classifications due to disjunct populations, and was mistakenly redescribed o
It occurs in two disjunct populations, one associated with montane Atla
st of Venezuela, (the Orinoco River basin), a disjunct range of the Green-and-rufous Kingfisher occu
iver outlet to the Atlantic; a separate large disjunct range exists in all of southeastern and coast
so Atlantic coastal regions; a second smaller disjunct range occurs on the Pacific side of South Ame
A disjunct region of the bird's range occurs in northwes
of the plant, each growing in a separate and disjunct region of the species' distribution; some var
The species is found in some disjunct regions: center of Veracruz, center of Guerre
Mitrastema is a genus of two widely disjunct species of parasitic plants.
The most recently formed have narrow disjunct stands of emergent vegetation dominated by Gr
It has been treated as a disjunct subspecies of the Gray Brocket or a subspecie
, is sometimes considered as a geographically disjunct subspecies of Alpine Honeysuckle, L. alpigena
the octave (assuming alternating conjunct and disjunct tetrachords), and had undivided minor thirds
Its distribution is highly disjunct: The nominate subspecies is found in Atlantic
Its distribution is highly disjunct, with population associated with the Tepuis i

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