



Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > distinctlyの意味・解説 > distinctlyに関連した共起表現


該当件数 : 332

er or of such a magnitude that it stands out distinctly above normal expectations.
though their costume colors and weapons are distinctly absurd.
The placement of pieces within the kiln distinctly affects the pottery's appearance, as pieces
It grows in sandy, often salty, distinctly alkaline soils, such as desert washes and sa
hington Monument Blinks Goodnight" and "Kiss Distinctly America" were later re-recorded for the band
he title of the song - Hot Dog - refers to a distinctly American cuisine.
s an important stage in Mills' creation of a distinctly American classical style."
eory that the abundance of land would create distinctly American democratic institutions, English co
"Kiss Distinctly American"
nt gentleman who is, in Buckley's own words, distinctly American, and it is no surprise he succeeds
of the two or three greatest churches, most distinctly American."
The spores are ellipsoid, smooth, colorless, distinctly amyloid (absorbing iodine stain from Melzer'
nassuming, that he played very well and sang distinctly, and that "it would be very nice to record f
Heaven seemed open to my view, and I saw distinctly and clearly..." Jesus as High Priest
Trap Bar between visits by her boisterous if distinctly anglophobic French Canadian voyageur lover D
ent protests in Split that quickly assumed a distinctly anti-Belgrade and anti-Serbian tone.
asily from their treachery, can be seen as a distinctly anti-feminist comment from the narrator, or
r art, and specifically illustration, became distinctly apparent.
The leaves have oil dots and are distinctly aromatic when crushed, with aromas reminisce
te wish to preserve the outline of nature as distinctly as possible "with due reference to delicacy.
the band's norm; "Oriental Sadness" featured distinctly Asian-sounding chords; and "Hard Hard Year"
humiliating or dangerous situations that are distinctly at odds the urbane stereotype typified by Dr
During this period the hospital grew distinctly, attracting numerous and distinguished visit
nd for most of the 1953-54 season Stoke were distinctly average.
0 mm long, with many shiny, greenish-purple, distinctly awned spikelets.
His Separatist views developed into distinctly Baptist beliefs and practices during the 163
uffusion: cilia ochreous-white, more or less distinctly barred with grey, with an interrupted blacki
s have unusual, elongated mandibles that are distinctly basal in their features.
doing arrangements of older standards with a distinctly bebop quality.
ess, he tells us that "I could still hear it distinctly behind me, coming from nowhere unless from t
obbia shows the same instrument, the jangles distinctly being metal discs within holes around the fr
Posterior portions of both valves distinctly bent to the right with the siphons distinctl
The bluntly pointed snout projects distinctly beyond the lower jaw.
cholars believe to be the first remains of a distinctly black individual.
"Eronel" is a distinctly Bop tune that is fast-paced and showcases Mo
decomposition; however, fossils of fishes of distinctly bottom-dwelling type are present, and traces
to include the Hedjaz Railway, which is too distinctly bound up with exclusively Arab Interests..."
Emerald swifts are distinctly bright green in color, with males typically
ltered, leaving intact the accents and other distinctly British elements of the series.
rred, the posterior lunules on the fore wing distinctly broadened as in the typical form but not so
sed Organized Crime is unique and is defined distinctly by the Government of Canada.
Harty had a distinctly camp turn of phrase; his name has been used
It sounds distinctly Canadian but he is American born.
Canadian French which incorporates not only distinctly Canadian phrases but also nautical terms, En
right to it since it features the pallium, a distinctly Catholic symbol of communion with the Holy S
to the Cathedral of the Madeleine displaying distinctly Catholic beliefs; some claim that through th
body shape and lengthen the cutaways, which distinctly changed the overall look of the instrument.
Lady of the Rosario of Andacollo is the only distinctly Chilean term for the Virgin Mary.
80's hair metal bands, but their lyrics were distinctly Christian.
ect completed the creation of humankind as a distinctly civilized animal.
re of which is a single large eye with three distinctly colored lenses.
Achiote is a distinctly colored and flavored mainstay of the Mexican
leges to the Church, now took them away in a distinctly confrontational fashion (see State-Church re
of their heterodactyl foot, broad tails with distinctly convex (rather than straight or concave) sid
But Ankara remains distinctly cool, suspecting it as an alternative to its
Each flower is a few millimeters wide with distinctly cup-shaped tepals which are covered in minut
o that of Hyposmocoma nihoa, but without the distinctly curved pointed distal end.
e of lens is a fisheye lens which produces a distinctly curvilinear, wide-angled result.
red with hair-like specialized scales and is distinctly darker.
er than the upper eyelid and tympanum is not distinctly defined.
Distinctly developed crystals are rare, the mineral bei
Viewed from above, it is distinctly diamond-shaped with the horizontal pectoral
similar to Anomalopus leuckartii but with a distinctly didactyle (having two digits) hindlimb, a ce
The commonly heard call is distinctly different from that of other pygmy-owls in t
It is distinctly different to Rhine Riesling or Weisser Riesl
y, meaning that its mission is recognised as distinctly different from those of other city centre ch
ctions that he had previously delivered in a distinctly different style"
drums and the overlaid harmonizer creating a distinctly different mix than any previous Bowie album.
Menon) and Babloo (Rajpal Yadav) land up in distinctly different jobs - Benny as the bellboy of a f
nd lead) and hard (borosilicate) glasses had distinctly different looking palettes, but demand by so
He was married to six distinctly different women, and in this richly detailed
eir German heritage, it has developed into a distinctly different cuisine over the centuries that th
tyle is described as old-school Kabarett and distinctly different than those of comedians.
The phrase "Godzone" is distinctly different and was not used in Rhodesia.
A distinctly different process is the production of singl
The male of the species is distinctly different from the female.
ormances in Second Life takes place in three distinctly different ways;
ENR sequence and structural organization are distinctly different from those of mammalian fatty acid
the leaves of the particella: there are two distinctly different types of paper, and the first 45 b
e "Gateway to the South", Chennai culture is distinctly different from that of any other city in Ind
go I saw a version in the cinema which had a distinctly different ending.
The track is featured in two distinctly different versions on the remastered 2006 re
col position should not be confused with the distinctly different White House Social Secretary posit
it shows a distinctly different jaw structure to other horse breed
The juvenile leaves are distinctly different in appearance from the mature leav
This made the fourth distinctly different radio format in five years to be b
doms of Kathmandu and Patan, Bhaktapur has a distinctly different form of Nepal Bhasa.
The band has marked a distinctly different style for Gira since he left Swans
However, the distinctly different subgroup of individuals who are "c
oprofessional pursuits, they are nonetheless distinctly different from one another.
t logarithmic spiral growth, but at an angle distinctly different from that of the golden spiral.
It was however distinctly different and the full description was final
throat appendage, and stigma morphology, are distinctly different from those species with which it a
8 B-side), several of them are heard here in distinctly different mixes.
unity that can live in this region, which is distinctly different from the community in the overlyin
This is distinctly different from the grasping mechanism of a s
s usage appears related to pantheism, but is distinctly different.
h this same name grown in the USA, but it is distinctly different.
s active ingredient is curcumin and it has a distinctly earthy, slightly bitter, slightly hot pepper
eriments, reminiscent of psychedelia, with a distinctly Eastern bent.
become a contemplative, but to mix the two) distinctly echo parts of Scale I, and were probably wri
It is noted that with the distinctly elevated mesosternal keel Kachinus is simila
inear dimension, the numerous population and distinctly elongated form.
rhaps notable as the first mass written in a distinctly English manner since the sixteenth century.
“Marrying an abstract distinctly English landscape sensibility that draws on
outstanding services or for achievement of a distinctly exceptional nature in a duty or responsibili
nce the Stoner Witch sessions and displays a distinctly experimental quality.
her voice is very thin" and she was given a distinctly favorable reception by the audience.
Although the Locrian code distinctly favored the aristocracy, Zaleucus was famous
ack in Britain, but are greeted by a Queenie distinctly fed up of explorers, having spared Raleigh e
ard tiaras worn by women, giving the tiara a distinctly feminine look.
se-inspired but the stories are uniquely and distinctly Filipino-based.
Keizer's playing style was distinctly flamboyant, to the point of erratic; he trul
ed carapace, up to 20 cm in length, which is distinctly flattened.
ddle of the building's three main stories, a distinctly Flemish dining hall has been preserved, with
Young larvae make a distinctly folded lower-surface tentiform mine.
fashionable than his actual given name, the distinctly foreign-sounding Rodrigo.
place in late April or May, accompanied by a distinctly foxy odour that repels mice, moles, and othe
nd wave action had made some of the defences distinctly fragile and at risk from failure.
ver, lies in his book illustrations - always distinctly French in character and often erotic - which
ration techniques with Impressionism, and is distinctly French.
esting that European printing did not emerge distinctly from the Chinese analogues but in imitation
The PVA was constituted distinctly from the PLA and the article on it is more r
e buildings had modern designs which diverge distinctly from the character of other parts of the Uni
anese concept for Headmasters which differed distinctly from their Western counterparts.
Like most esters, propyl propanoate has a distinctly fruity odor which may be described as a chem
I seem to remember distinctly going there in elementary school.
one in classical style, the opposite side is distinctly Gothic.
ohol and to the compound responsible for the distinctly green apple and nutty character of Fino sher
oocytes with unusually thick walls appearing distinctly greenish in colour.
ambient - multi layered, hyper textural and distinctly gritty''.
ard ethics, law and foreign policy, taking a distinctly hawkish position re the war in Iraq and pree
as, not in a higher tone of voice than to be distinctly heard
ts on the manga's "cinematic leanings are so distinctly Hollywood-focused, which is questionable in
, or daikaiju, are unusual in that they have distinctly human features and do not behave the way tha
r for Best Documentary Feature) were but two distinctly iconoclastic features from BBS Productions a
However, this technique is used more distinctly in his forthcoming albums.
Jarding and Saunders, Democrats have proven distinctly incompetent at expressing their common value
of the educational laws appears to have been distinctly inconsistent.
"The physical inability to see distinctly increased an introspective state of mind and
rovoked each other into writing better, more distinctly individual works than they would have withou
music is essentially classical in form it is distinctly individual.
combines jazz, hip-hop and funk, but with a distinctly international flavour, particularly South Am
The distinctly international style tower features eight cor
The recreation, which was done in a distinctly irreverent manner, was noticeable for the fa
It is written in a distinctly Japanese style, betraying little of the inte
e inspired Clarke to build the Garage in its distinctly Japanese style.
tings as well as the vending of articles for distinctly Jewish purposes.
It gives a distinctly Jewish education and is important to the Jew
Mostly Glaciokarst has not such distinctly karst landforms.
Its caudal scales more or less distinctly keeled; no caudal crest.
The city is distinctly known for its wide avenues lined with palm t
anger Than Paradise and Sideways, but with a distinctly Korean twist.
(now replaced with a modern structure) were distinctly L&NWR, but, in spite of some local L&NWR tra
style of character, obsessed with money and distinctly lacking knowledge.
Most distinctly Lambdobregma possesses a hypopygium which ex
tapes marked with an "M", the operator has a distinctly Latin accent.
e employment of counsel in public manner for distinctly legal services."
eight months of recording songs, which were distinctly less typical for punkrock than their previou
nd ovary may be lightly hairy (but typically distinctly less so than its sister-species Clarkia ungu
He was distinctly liberal in his anti-imperialism and general
The theology is distinctly liberal.
eworks" are Nick Cave's, while the drums are distinctly Lindy Morrison's.
om where it evolved, and to which it remains distinctly linked, to the point that clear separation i
Some of the names in Churchill have a distinctly local flavour.
He had a stock of distinctly local tunes, many of which he got from his o
It has a distinctly longer and more slender snout than other wee
t of the Mississippi and the world's largest distinctly Lutheran publishing house.
sing the B sharp leading note) accomanied by distinctly major right hand block chords.
ns, Smaug's face in the animated version has distinctly mammalian features like fur and canine teeth
A typical Chitty home is distinctly marked by mango leaves arranged in a row, da
Each of the nine stories are distinctly marked with openings and balconies at every
of the chronicles depict a worldview that is distinctly medieval where "things happen to people rath
1 times for the county, although averaging a distinctly mediocre 23.39 with a top score of only 66.
It permits data to be interpreted distinctly, meeting the specific needs of diverse indus
ased more or less at the same time, it has a distinctly melodic approach.
They were of distinctly Mennonite heritage.
d honored with a bust by Michael Rysbrack, a distinctly minor writer of Latin verses, Dr Arthur John
Eight Treatises has a distinctly modern ring with its espousal of stress avoi
r of a fairly traditional variety, but using distinctly modern brewing techniques and equipment.
It combines streamlined Gothic details and distinctly Moderne massing.
chniques of Anton Chekhov, updated with some distinctly modernist and post-modernist touches.
Distinctly Montenegrin archaic dialect and phraseology
A small fly of 4-5.5mm, and distinctly more yellow that other species of the same g
This storyline was distinctly more mature than many episodes of the series
Compared to C. nieuhofii it has a "neck" distinctly narrower than the head, giving the head an e
Its wings are distinctly narrower at their base than at their tip, an
and on the underside in the same band being distinctly narrower.
ons to the development of Cornell realism, a distinctly naturalistic position in moral philosophy.
hich a god and his attendants are shown in a distinctly Near Eastern style.
t were added by registered users online with distinctly negative comments.
he Peekskill design stands out in its use of distinctly neoclassical "Adam" features, particularly t
nally performed at camps and meetings with a distinctly new age and alternative feel but have increa
ll be run as part of the same package as the distinctly non-LU North London Railway.
e juice somewhat similar to (hard) cider but distinctly non-sweet.
While maintaining much of their distinctly Norman piety and customs of war, they were s
ound Norwegian writers who gradually adopted distinctly Norwegian vocabulary in their work.
gs are being used to create a persona that's distinctly not you.
some of the names in this section are still distinctly odd.

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