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該当件数 : 102

A theory that is by its own terms dogmatic, absolutist and never subject to revision is
genic policies are the logical consequence of dogmatic adherence to Darwinism.
It is a clear exposition, though rather too dogmatic and without sufficient regard for the views o
theism, Liddle argued that atheists can be as dogmatic and intolerant as the adherents of religion.
emely diffuse, containing many digressions on dogmatic and other subjects, which, though often excel
In groups he was often dogmatic and overbearing in a comic way; in more priva
techism divided into three parts, historical, dogmatic, and practical.
its closing session he promulgated a code of dogmatic and moral instructions, intended for the cler
f schoolmaster/pastor Albert G. Tilney, whose dogmatic and authoritarian style ran the organisation
y, James (1999), "The New Rites of Baptism: A Dogmatic Assessment", in Spinks, Bryan D., ed.; Torran
Clover called Russell "the prince of dogmatic atheists."
spirituality not necessarily tied to a set of dogmatic beliefs: "I felt that as a minister's daughte
He was regarded as unnecessarily dogmatic by some members of the NDP Caucus and by some
not so numerous as the Scriptural or even the dogmatic catenae.
held something of a middle ground between the dogmatic, confessional theology of Karl Barth and the
drafting of the document "Lumen Gentium", the Dogmatic Constitution on the Church.
s drawn from section 59 of Lumen Gentium, the Dogmatic Constitution on the Church issued in 1964 by
No dogmatic creed was imposed on the adherents of the new
sed upon a defeated party by the victor, or a dogmatic decree.
nsion (25 April 1552), during that period the dogmatic decrees on the Eucharist, penance, and extrem
tical position; but he strongly supported its dogmatic decrees, especially when, after the accession
ian of the Church Fathers, but a historian of dogmatic definitions.
f one of the members of that church or due to dogmatic differences between adherents of the Lutheran
reach the purposed objective of resolving the dogmatic dispute just as would Lyon and Florence counc
n Orthodox Church and to resolve the filioque dogmatic dispute that was one of the main contributors
some aiming for a union against their common dogmatic enemy, the Roman Catholic Church.
lutherischen Taufliturgie [The Historical and Dogmatic Foundation of the Lutheran Liturgy of Baptism
so making implicit reference to the idea of a dogmatic German style, wrote of it: "incompetence push
iverse short treatises, chiefly canonical and dogmatic, he did not lose sight of his main purpose, b
movements but not limited by their sometimes dogmatic ideologies.
Among his writings, which are chiefly dogmatic in character, special mention should be made
ed and reworked version of the album entitled Dogmatic Infidel Comedown OK was released on March 19,
Dogmatic Infidel Comedown OK is an album of reworks an
atious, ungraceful, petulant, ill-natured and dogmatic interferences" with the legislature.
bollah, but later denounced it and criticised dogmatic interpretations of the Qur'an.
paign of “social reconstruction” along Maoist dogmatic lines.
There are patristic, biblical, dogmatic, liturgic, historical, homiletic, catechetic
Brystygier - a dogmatic Marxist - yearned to destroy all religion as
ous commentaries on the Pandects, a number of dogmatic papers on various topics, the discourse De iu
d out inconsistencies from the historical and dogmatic points of view; and the Orthodox were dissati
position for what she believed the narrow and dogmatic policies of the organization.
And who have placed more and more of a dogmatic premium on "showing."
ers himself a Maoist; however rejects certain dogmatic principles of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism.
c Church expressed their rejection of certain dogmatic pronouncements of the Roman Catholic Church,
to rulers, free-will and other matters, he is dogmatic rather than polemical.
duality and hypocrisy perceived by Waters in dogmatic religion and its power over man.
necessarily based on any prescribed forms or dogmatic rules, in contrast to what is customary in th
to's text by "torturing Plato to conform to a dogmatic starting point," rather than entering at the
series of writings, succeeded in bringing its dogmatic statement against him (the Tomus of 1285) int
In this dogmatic statement, the phrase "having completed the c
Dogmatische Studien ( Dogmatic Studies), 1892
in 1966 when he was appointed as lecturer in dogmatic subjects at the University of Stellenbosch.
nt, transmission, and spread of Buddhism, and dogmatic tales which emphasize karmic retribution.
For Lossky, Christian mysticism and dogmatic theology were one and the same.
philosophy at Neuberg, Bavaria (1781-87), of dogmatic theology and ecclesiastical history at Amberg
He taught dogmatic theology at Ingolstadt from 1776 to 1780 and
dination in 1961 he was sent to Rome to study Dogmatic Theology at the Pontifical Gregorian Universi
appointed an instructor of Modern Arabic and Dogmatic Theology at Dar-ul-Uloom Nadva.
He then qualified in dogmatic theology and inaugurated the course in Holy S
ophy at Mindelheim, Augsburg, and Ingolstadt; dogmatic theology at Innsbruck and Lucerne.
His research on Dogmatic Theology led him to the conclusion of a close
He was assigned to teach Dogmatic Theology at the Jesuit Faculty of Theology of
spent most of his ministry as a Professor of Dogmatic Theology at St Patrick's College, Maynooth.
rhetoric in Roermond, and was a professor of dogmatic theology at the Scholasticate of Wittem from
from Rome in 1930, he was appointed to teach Dogmatic Theology and Canon Law in the Congregation's
Bacilieri taught dogmatic theology at the Seminary of Verona from 1868
om where he obtained his Bachelor's degree in Dogmatic Theology in 1969.
his return to the United States, Glass taught dogmatic theology at St. Mary's Seminary until 1900, w
United States where he served as professor of dogmatic theology at Bangor Theological Seminary.
ining the honour of a call to be professor of dogmatic theology in the newly founded Catholic Univer
A few years later he was made professor of dogmatic theology at the Roman College, and held this
rom Rome and having come to America he taught dogmatic theology during the scholastic year 1849-50 a
the German college, and in 1857 professor of dogmatic theology in the Roman college, where he remai
e work of the Renaissance, Cano tried to free dogmatic theology from the vain subtleties of the scho
Traglia on December 20, 1952, and then taught dogmatic theology at the Luanda seminary and served as
y Apucarana and Londrina, and as professor of dogmatic theology at the Theological Institute Paul VI
p Dammers of Paderborn to become professor of dogmatic theology in the faculty of his home diocese,
eturn to India, he was appointed professor of Dogmatic Theology at St. Thomas Apostolic Seminary and
Introduction to Dogmatic Theology (1907)
From the Gregorian he obtained a doctorate in dogmatic theology and a licentiate in Sacred Scripture
He was transferred to the chair of dogmatic theology the following year.
s rector of the Gozo Seminary and lecturer of Dogmatic Theology, Sacred Scriptures and History of th
e of prayer and worship is the foundation for dogmatic theology, and the dogma of the church help Ch
h as lector of philosophy, dean, professor of dogmatic theology, and master of novices.
sequently he lectured in the Roman College on dogmatic theology, and later on joined the theological
urg from 1875 until 1876 then as Professor of dogmatic theology, Scriptures, and ecclesiastical hist
owes his reputation mainly to the lectures on dogmatic theology, known as the conferences of Saint S
gan a long teaching career in fundamental and dogmatic theology, most of which was spent as Professo
eminary and became an instructor of Moral and Dogmatic Theology.
on church history, the history of dogma, and dogmatic theology.
Sulpice, where in 1818 he became professor of dogmatic theology.
heological studies, obtaining a licentiate in dogmatic theology.
Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum), and professor of dogmatic theology.
logy, but he ultimately restricted himself to dogmatic theology.
urite subjects of his lectures were logic and dogmatic theology.
hurch should participate in discussions about Dogmatic theology.
vely all the subjects that pertain to special dogmatic theology.
private involvement continued, it took a less dogmatic turn.
evoted to art for art's sake, without holding dogmatic views on aesthetics or adherence to schools o
His chief dogmatic work, Systema Iocorum theologicorum, (12 volu
As a dogmatic writer he belonged to the school of Schleierm
Some of his numerous dogmatic writings passed through several editions.

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