



Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > doubtfulの意味・解説 > doubtfulに関連した共起表現


該当件数 : 171

transmission by nearly 60 percent, but I was doubtful a large number of men would sign up for it. 
witness James having sex with Bhai's wife, is doubtful about James's involvement in the murder.
ls" (or "Four Heavenly Kings of Pink"), he is doubtful about trying to use dramatic stories in AV.
continuously pursued the question of the old doubtful advances of the Bank, although it was satisfi
The fact that all the doubtful advances were more than a decade old, and rel
tral Bank which, he told him, had too much of doubtful advances.
orce of the Moslems [sic] was enlarged by the doubtful aid and conversion of many thousand Barbarian
the scientific evidence of global warming is doubtful and uncertain."
had made Ijaz's place in the side at one down doubtful and indeed after a few matches against Englan
he attribution of these poems has always been doubtful and due to recent research, it is generally b
responsibility for the attack (though this is doubtful) and demanded that the Klarsfelds stop pursui
rticle and replace the entire one there, it's doubtful anyone would object.
The Doubtful Apamea (Apamea dubitans) is a moth of the Noc
e genus name is a nomen dubium (of unknown or doubtful application).
a nomen dubium, a name that is of unknown or doubtful application.
and as a panacea-like decoction, but this is doubtful as it is attributed to Native American tribes
Master), but this title is doubtful as he is never styled so in papal letters.
hwards perhaps to the Khasya Hills; extremely doubtful as an inhabitant of Afghanistan.
nces of winning a war against Constantine was doubtful at best, especially given that he was well aw
had at the outbreak of World War I in 1914 a doubtful attitude with respect to European affairs.
ments which have survived (one of which is of doubtful attribution) and a pedagogical piece (the Ant
ive works are attributed to him securely; two doubtful attributions have been proposed based on styl
A charter, from Ine of Wessex, of doubtful authenticity, was for a monastery at Bradfiel
is either incorrect (Budgerigar) or at least doubtful based on by molecular studies.
His contact with the natives was on a doubtful basis and he was in constant danger of betray
The deep, doubtful bass-licks in the beginning symbolizes the wh
g had disappeared from the field, converted a doubtful battle into a victory which decided for the t
ylvester so many and such rich gifts-which is doubtful, because such a privilege can nowhere be foun
This is doubtful because witchcraft was not a criminal offence
it is found in Austria, the Balearic Islands ( doubtful), Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, t
or many years and many of his colleagues were doubtful, believing that what he was trying to achieve
nd in Albania, Austria, the Balearic Islands ( doubtful), Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Crete, Cr
His paternity is doubtful, but he was related to the family of Herbert.
n was once thought secure, but is now thought doubtful by specialists.
n and Apaches was fought near Stein's Peak in Doubtful Canyon.
ximately 5,700 individuals were designated as doubtful cases through Calmeyer's office, and at least
He appears in two rather doubtful charters of King Alexander I of Scotland, in
Some made doubtful claims to direct decent from Roman aristocrac
Conus ambiguus, common name The Doubtful Cone, is a species of sea snail, a marine gas
Little is known about his life, other than doubtful details in a surviving account written four h
ntually meeting with a knight, Sir Hokus, the Doubtful Dromedary and the Comfortable Camel.
Another, doubtful explanation, is that the summit was difficult
The classification into this subfamily is doubtful for the genera Daphnellopsis Schepman, 1913;
Peishansaurus is a doubtful genus; it is either an ankylosaur or a pachyc
nsett Bay; the real life relevance of this is doubtful given that methoprene is not used in the open
ins The Unstrung Harp, The Listing Attic, The Doubtful Guest, The Object-Lesson, The Bug Book, The F
Spell, The Object Lesson, The Insect God, The Doubtful Guest, The Remembered Visit and The Hapless C
may have been entirely spurious, it is highly doubtful he would've made this claim on no basis whats
man (before drinking the frog potion given by Doubtful), he will drown.
s the same job as Antony Sumara - though it's doubtful he has her trout pout or stiff, barking old s
ohn Travolta and Olivia Newton-John, the more doubtful honour of reaching number one in the UK with
to be derived from Prior's papers, but it is doubtful how far it should be regarded as authentic.
It is doubtful, however, that his troops were "regular" sold
It is doubtful if the field has returned in dividends the mo
ppears a fundamentally simple compound, it is doubtful if lead hydroxide is stable as a solid phase.
The name is seldom used and it is doubtful if any of the current inhabitants would recog
the Gawsworth inheritance claim however it is doubtful if he ever practiced.
officer's gallant and determined action it is doubtful if the left of the brigade would have reached
The Japanese national soccer team gave a doubtful impression on the use of the official soccer
t trio is an early elegy for Tchaikovsky - is doubtful: in 1892 the elder composer was in good healt
s something I am missing (such something very doubtful in her resume or achievements), the additiona
sonable to suppose that Congress intended, by doubtful inference, to repeal the salutary provision o
ies during trials, the source for this highly doubtful information was first Ludovic Kennedy, now it
This seems a very doubtful information: in Russian the old long 'o' and
nnon has not yet been released and it remains doubtful it ever will be.
The validity of this species is doubtful; it is known from a single specimen, supposed
her lost their jurisdiction or possess a very doubtful jurisdiction, and Canon Law itself expressly
ary, the Republic of Ireland, mainland Italy ( doubtful), Kaliningrad, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuan
, Finland, mainland France, Germany, Hungary ( doubtful), Kaliningrad, Latvia, Luxembourg, the Republ
Consolida ambigua, Delphinium ambiguum, doubtful knight's spur, rocket larkspur) is an annual
al States by Pope Clement VIII, on grounds of doubtful legitimacy.
Hungary, mainland Italy, Kaliningrad, Latvia ( doubtful), Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Moldova, mainlan
ry, Iceland, Ireland, mainland Italy, Latvia ( doubtful), Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, mainland Norway,
His rejection of doubtful lines made his severity proverbial.
igators established the bank had collapsed on doubtful loans of $275 million relating to the persona
found in Belgium, the British Isles, Croatia ( doubtful), mainland Denmark, Finland, mainland France,
ncommon myths; it is full of unusual words of doubtful meaning gathered from the older poets, and lo
amassed a fortune of some 16,000 sterling by doubtful means, and was bastinadoed by order of Sultan
ided not to sue because copyright in works of doubtful moral character had become precarious followi
Shade became increasingly doubtful of the wisdom of staying with the Squad.
Doubtful of development opportunities elsewhere, she a
Rolfe is doubtful of the plan, but Pocahontas is determined to
Leaf's Mom: Overprotective and doubtful of her son's abilities to stand up to the com
on which it entailed, but became increasingly doubtful of its implementation.
Although producer Leslie Urdang was initially doubtful of the film's chances of finding a distributo
Lewis states that he would be far more doubtful of the reality of a supposed historical event
Bice, from the French bis, a word of doubtful origin, originally meaning dark-coloured, was
ng so as to prevent its proper working, is of doubtful origin.
ics (1780) contained more than one passage of doubtful orthodoxy; his History of Abelard(1784) broug
hen the success of the operation was rendered doubtful owing, to severe enfilade machine-gun fire.
Gwrgenau, who is supported by an obscure and doubtful pedigree going back to Cunedda Wledig, the pr
llections were made, one of which included of doubtful poems and formed a corpus of bucolic poetry,
lre, Balthasar Oomkens von Esens resisted the doubtful political power-grabbing attempted by the Cir
Other such doubtful Polyommatini may even be more distant altoget
ining in England to the chance of regaining a doubtful position in his native country.
Its original name was Doubtful Post, likely because of a lack of confidence
(£70,000 as of 2011), the monks obtained the doubtful privilege of deferring the day of their disso
uld be merely selling your birthright for the doubtful privilege of putting a cross on a ballot ever
uial use of "cowboy" to describe a workman of doubtful professionalism e.g. a "cowboy builder".
ly entitle it to respect, in the collation of doubtful readings in the sacred text.
A doubtful record of this species exists from Chile.
A doubtful record of S. petersi also exists from the Atl
ed States (Powell et al. 1973), but these are doubtful records for which either the host or the moth
nty only from Mauritius, although there exist doubtful records of this species from the Indo-west Pa
Since then there are only some doubtful records.
A man of doubtful reputation, Alexander's confidant and favouri
Milton Berle ... Kid (uncredited, and doubtful; see below)
Whether this attempt was genuine is doubtful, since the pills he took were long expired, a
I find it highly doubtful, since you need a government to make a boycot
mainland Portugal, Russia, Sardinia, Sicily ( doubtful), Slovakia, Slovenia, mainland Spain, Sweden,
under a major mountain range, discharging in Doubtful Sound on the west coast.
ream dropping out of a hanging valley down to Doubtful Sound, one kilometre inside Deep Cove.
43 metres (2,766 feet) down a mountainside in Doubtful Sound, leading some to view that as the talle
Swinton's hand reading "I should think a most doubtful source of information."
S. petersi has been described as a doubtful species and was considered a senior synonym o
It is widespread in Europe, but only one doubtful specimen has been found in the United Kingdom
E. c. forciensus - Doubtful subspecies, distribution unclear.
ut the need of some doctrine of types is less doubtful than the precise form the doctrine should tak
lesiastical History at Harvard University, is doubtful that Paul studied under this famous rabbi, ar
Shane, doubtful that his record label and his fans would acce
It is doubtful that this was Gilbert Cavan, especially as he
ten at Justinian's behest, however, and it is doubtful that the sentiments expressed are sincere.
ad no one accepted this challenge, then it is doubtful that inventors and manufacturers would have d
Sir Anthony Evans was doubtful that judge's reasons were right and thought t
While it's doubtful that Sequoyah ever visited the mountain, nume
inists' Handbook appeared first (1908), it is doubtful that Industrial Press's Machinery's Handbook
Both Israelis and Palestinians are doubtful that upcoming U.S.-mediated direct talks will
It is doubtful that many Latter-day Saints would think of th
usiness aspect of the job; it is unclear (and doubtful) that he had any baseball operations role.
And yet... it is more than doubtful that this solution would have been justifiabl
ired a whole new respectability, though it is doubtful that many in the party had ever heard of him.
eft for big money offers in England it seemed doubtful that the Tigers would be able to continue the
Because it has no fresh water, it is doubtful that Native Americans lived here, but shell m
He wrote to his brother Anatoly that it was doubtful the marriage would ever take place.
Although the legality of the documents was doubtful, the Hungarian government agreed to recognize
hool; a counselor told his mother that it was doubtful the boy had the potential to graduate.
The men of the 504th became even more doubtful the mission would go when told that the plann
l [is] subsumed into the group via belief" is doubtful, theological mush, and really doesn't even ma
ough this tradition is historically extremely doubtful, there is in Minsen a bronze sculpture of the
nd Works to practise every weekend, and it is doubtful they would exist as a band without it.
ownership of a father's property in a case of doubtful transference of real property rights.
re-enactments with replica firearms appeared doubtful until Hodgdon introduced black powder substit
Arguments of doubtful validity have often been put forward to expla
he First Taranaki War, but as he realised the doubtful validity of the Waitara Purchase (the main ca
Several proposed species are of doubtful validity.
the prehistoric pseudotooth birds of somewhat doubtful validity.
the prehistoric pseudotooth birds of somewhat doubtful validity.
other Haleciidae genera, or are otherwise of doubtful validity.
It is doubtful whether a new bishop could have been elected
ix at the end of the 2007/08 season and it is doubtful whether he will be fit enough to play at EIHL
It is, however, extremely doubtful whether Jeffreys, for all his gross brutality
Though Ansegisus retained the title, it is doubtful whether he ever exercised the powers of Prima
this time his views were low Arian, and it is doubtful whether they underwent any further developmen
It is doubtful whether he was the author of the comic lexico
Dan Godfrey wrote that "it is doubtful whether England has ever produced a better or
1.9 arcseconds away from the star, but it is doubtful whether it actually exists.
It is doubtful whether Rajendra added any additional territo
ty gap between the two end members, and it is doubtful whether a complete series exists between jaro
n where this battle took place, with it being doubtful whether there ever was an island called Svold
jected by both party organisations; and it is doubtful whether Heffernan had the authority to make s
ter, an early European printer, of whom it is doubtful whether he actually existed.
It is doubtful whether Pius would have worn it in any case,
but most of them are little studied and it is doubtful whether all should be recognized as distinct
"Wembley of the North", though it seemed very doubtful whether the ambitious plans would ever be rea
It is, however, doubtful whether the Kemeys family ever held it and th
eir defence was wonderfully strong, and it is doubtful whether any team ever had a finer lot of tack
aw doctrines of nuisance and libel, but it is doubtful whether they were applicable.
e Midrash Abkir as the source, although it is doubtful whether this aggadah ever occurred in that wo
lthough he has recorded 9.91 s, albeit with a doubtful wind reading of -2.3 m/s which is an unlikely
come partly meaningless over time, "framed in doubtful Words and Expressions with relation to ancien

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