




該当件数 : 35

e was created in James' mind subsequent to his duress after killing his wife.
Financial duress after the bankruptcy of his bank may have impo
to manage 14 disposals while apparently under duress against Hawthorn.
be the first regional prison to have personal duress alarms for staff.
logy includes video cameras, electronic locks, duress alarms, x-ray, and magnetometers.
retirement, and Cowboy quarterbacks were under duress all season.
the situation, the property was obtained under duress and was to be reinstated to the rightful owner
ession, claiming that it had been issued under duress and that he had been threatened with having to
s royalty contract had been renegotiated under duress, and that he had not been credited for authors
e Court of Canada on the common law defence of duress and constitutionality of the defence under sec
confined without authority and while so under duress and restraint for this government to accept fr
e would be his slave and Jewitt assented under duress, as the alternative was immediate death (p.
ot only referred to the application of extreme duress as "torture" but warned that it would produce
e to the latter and to his heirs (though under duress, as a royal army was holding the city gates at
ghts and Freedoms requires that the defence of duress be available to an accused even when they were
All statements and commitments made under duress, especially in regard to territory, were inval
concern with abortions, beatings, coitus under duress, flatulence which causes pressure on the foetu
Many of these were emigrating under duress from the trustees of the Boreraig, Suishnish a
the previous owner was forced to sell it under duress from the Nazi regime in Germany.
Under duress, Harper replaced the controversial track with
However, because of the duress he was deemed to have been put under he was fo
As it is, under duress Mpodo had identified one of his underground co
He also claims confessions were obtained under duress of torture and solitary confinement.
can be explained by the fact that the alleged duress of the mob became the primary argument in favo
Mara resigned under duress on May 29, 2000, and handed power over to Comm
le child sex abusers were usually acting under duress or coercion.
slamic authorities when the faithful are under duress or threat of life.
of confessions to crimes made to police under duress or to other prisoners while in custody, where
sed in his scam did not meet the definition of duress required in a rape conviction.
t must be assumed that they agreed to it under duress, since Edward was held hostage by the barons a
Under duress, the Conclave elects Amen Specklebird, a crypt
ge agreed with Ruzic and held that the defence duress was available to her and consequently she was
ews he says that his confession was made under duress with police threatening him with death.
ted on the basis of two testimonies made under duress, without any material evidence.
that all statements or commitments made under duress would be considered null and void.

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