



Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > epidemicsの意味・解説 > epidemicsに関連した共起表現


該当件数 : 65

ht a smallpox, measles malaria and influenza epidemics against which the Caddo had no immunity.
Louse-borne relapsing fever occurs in epidemics amid poor living conditions, famine and war
r social ills, particularly venereal disease epidemics among soldiers.
Epidemics and mortality in Tokugawa Japan: 1600-1868 (
Major Greenwood Epidemics and crowd-diseases: an introduction to the s
impact on the town's development with fires, epidemics and the Thirty Years' War.
ute of Bacteriology and his vaccines against epidemics and especially typhus had been effective.
medicine, society had begun to believe that epidemics and incurable illnesses were a thing of the
but is also used in relation to earthquakes, epidemics and other disasters to mark the point of the
idelines to control meningococcal meningitis epidemics and led a team of CDC epidemiologists during
and the islanders lacked immunity from ‘flu epidemics and also had to endure the harsh winter of 1
e syndrome in her book Hystories: Hysterical Epidemics and Modern Media (1997) has angered some in
The system regarded all epidemics as external threats, focusing on border cont
Having been a first-hand eyewitness of epidemics at Cadiz, Malaga and Gibraltar, he then publ
e drought and its consequences of famine and epidemics by laying the responsibility on people among
In addition, epidemics caused by poor hygiene which killed many of
known in medieval times, and the eruption of epidemics could not be explained.
uth and South-East Asia have resulted in HIV epidemics differing across the region.
The epidemics disrupted their societies.
The Bidai suffered several epidemics during 1776-77, reducing their population by
nd did signal service during the outbreak of epidemics following the famine of 1877-1879.
lth hazard for local inhabitants and that an epidemics had started in the ghetto; in fact, this dec
country devastated by the Arabs and cholera epidemics, he patronized the local monastic communitie
ica is suffering one of the most severe AIDS epidemics in the world.
id died on June 11, 1921, during the cholera epidemics in the Georgian SSR.
Fatality rates may approach 25 percent in epidemics in young camels, but other cases are general
s research included containing pandemics and epidemics in Asia and solutions for Asia's cities.
rapidly in the wake of malaria and small pox epidemics in various parts of northern Siam.
d been investigating the break out of plague epidemics in India following health workers inoculatin
nally known as "serum hepatitis", has caused epidemics in parts of Asia and Africa, and it is endem
ve service during several major yellow fever epidemics in the southeastern United States during Rec
tions that foster the occurrence of multiple epidemics in a population and how syndemics function t
went through two major fires and a couple of epidemics, including the plague.
mphis was rocked by a series of yellow fever epidemics, leading the city to forfeit its charter in
warded MHS a $100,000 fund for investigating epidemics, monies that had been slated for the Board.
All together, 194 epidemics of the Picardy sweat were recorded.
Epidemics of dysentery and typhus broke out in the win
demic of India was one of the worst smallpox epidemics of 20th century.
water supply, and the city suffered regular epidemics of cholera, smallpox, measles and typhoid.
ny of the community's natives fell victim to epidemics of new infectious diseases, to which they ha
sidents of the city were treated here during epidemics of yellow fever and during the American Civi
Fox frequently attacked them, and they faced epidemics of smallpox and other introduced European di
Epidemics of fatal pulmonary hypertension and heart va
tre of the town, following the Mumbai plague epidemics of the 1890s.
ke other Carolina Algonquians, suffered from epidemics of infectious disease, such as smallpox in 1
of the Republic of Macedonia, was plagued by epidemics of cholera.
, particularly helping with the yellow fever epidemics of the 1870s.
However, epidemics of Yellow Fever in 1649, Smallpox in 1650, a
die during his time in India, as there were epidemics of cholera and dysentery during the Wherry's
evelopment of Bogumin was halted by frequent epidemics of bubonic plague and floodings of the Olza.
oblem, and as a direct result of the cholera epidemics of 1831-1832 and 1848-1849 central governmen
ce is called upon in times of danger, during epidemics or at funeral ceremonies.
He did extensive studies of epidemics that plagued Paris, and is additionally cred
ary grove for those who died in the smallpox epidemics that ravaged the archipelago in the 18th and
would be compounded by recurrent floods and epidemics that were endemic in that region.
h Wars, attacks by Polish Tatars, and plague epidemics, the last outbreak of which occurred in 1710
tion were caused by typhus and typhoid fever epidemics, the lack of housing and any "sources of liv
ulation, the town has often been attacked by epidemics: the plague broke out in 1898, and again in
n, most of them are resistant to disease and epidemics, think faster, detect ultra- and infra-sound
MSV causes sporadic maize streak disease epidemics throughout the maize growing regions of Afri
covery, doctors attributed the cause of many epidemics to what they called "miasmas" floating in th
, was so named because doctors once believed epidemics to be caused by unfavorable planetary and st
Delta was plagued with periodic yellow fever epidemics, to which malaria and cholera were added as
The epidemics which swept across New England and the Canad
nience, Rickard and Emma formed the new band Epidemics with Erik Gunnarsson and Patrik Lindmark fro

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