



Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > executorの意味・解説 > executorに関連した共起表現


該当件数 : 88

lon of 1831, and archives of Delacroix's will executor, Achille Piron, revealed that the painter had
ally published in 1923, when Twain's literary executor, Albert Bigelow Paine, slipped it into a post
and Georg Henrik von Wright, as his literary executor, and after his death in 1951, she was respons
and weighted with lead was blocked by Druce's executor and the case became the subject of continuing
correspondence with Kafka's friend, literary executor and first biographer Max Brod.
Grote's literary executor and editor, Joseph Bickersteth Mayor, also pu
er, it was two years before Henry Stuart, her executor, and now considered by Jacobites to be King H
Linacre acted as his executor, and spent the money he received on alms for
Movement Library in Salford, deposited by his executor Anthony Coughlan.
Admiral Ozzel (Michael Sheard) commands the Executor at the beginning of The Empire Strikes Back,
nry IV died in Westminster Abbey, Langley his executor at his side.
It was dissolved in 1072 by her executor, Blessed Gebhard, Archbishop of Salzburg, who
h some had to be sold to satisfy his debts by executor Charles T. Gulick.
was erected to his memory by his chaplain and executor, Dr. Warren.
Once test cases have been created, TOSCA Executor, executes the test cases and displays the res
space lawyer, a patent attorney, the literary executor for major science fiction author Robert A. He
Forsterer also served as the executor for the Dargie's will.
Art Dula is literary executor for the major science fiction writer, Robert
d, who was Forbes's friend and whose literary executor Forbes became.
Chester's literary executor, George Edward Cokayne, Norroy king of arms,
Edgar Jepson and M. P. Shiel, whose literary executor he would later become.
On 8 April 1927, acting as executor, he posted notice of probate for the estate o
His estate remained unsettled by his executor, his widow Dicey, for some years after his de
In 1272 Otto was appointed an executor in Acre.
t each bounty hunter that was seen aboard the Executor in the film The Empire Strikes Back.
The Executor is Darth Vader's (David Prowse, James Earl Jo
As executor, it fell to Joseph T. Bearss to dispose of th
At 9:21 am the executor knocked off the foot stool from under the fee
is death, Patrick's inheritance comes with an executor, Mr. Dwight Babcock.
As an executor of the will of the Frances Radclyffe, Countes
He was an executor of the will of John Amell the elder, citizen
r, traveling home from his tiresome duties as executor of a relative's estate, spots Charles Farren,
ed the land from King Kamehameha I. Damon was executor of Princess Pauahi's will, and trustee of the
Oxford University £1,000 that he still had as executor of Thomas Bodley's estate: he only paid £550.
Around 1810 Manuel Guttierez, executor of Dominguez's will and de facto owner of his
who was also suspected of being the material executor of the 1969 Piazza Fontana bombing.
n-in-law of Noah Webster, who named Ellsworth executor of his will.
Montefiore was appointed executor of his will, and used the funds for a variety
His son-in-law Major Richard Sankey was executor of his estate and the collections that he beq
king member of SIMI and a key conspirator and executor of the Ahmedabad attack.
then master of Benet College, he acted as an executor of his friend Martin Bucer, and both delivere
nd editor of its Proceedings, Fletcher was an executor of Macleay's will and he had much work in car
He was executor of Laughlin's estate.
The executor of Mr Bluett's estate was Mr White.
For the grandson and literary executor of James Joyce, see Stephen Joyce.
The executor of her estate won the auction, which was divi
Latimer was named an executor of the will of Edward III, who died in June 1
Henry Gray was an executor of the Reverend Sockett's will in 1859.
f Thomas Gray, he acted with William Mason as executor of Gray's will.
She marries Richard Elliot, the executor of her late husband's estate.
The executor of the will, John Barnard, formed a Committee
Belle was the executor of the estate, as well as a beneficiary.
In his wake, Dorian was named executor of the Lord estate.
Lynn Vogler continues to the present as the executor of the estate.
George Zucco as Mr. Crosby, a lawyer, executor of Norman's estate
Aston was the friend and executor of Thomas Barritt, the antiquary.
Crane was the executor of Marianne Moore's estate after her death in
Cynthia McFadden of ABC News, an executor of the Hepburn Estate, is an honorary capital
In particular, one cannot empower the executor of one's estate to burn one's money after one
friends as evidence shows that Banks was the executor of Gore's will.
I appoint my brother in law Ralegh Phillpotts executor of this my will dated this 29th of July 1921.
ly commissioned by Monsignor Angelo Cesarini, executor of the estate of Henry Benedict Stuart.
cussions between the narrator and "the acting executor of the will", who is transcribing the narrato
Jay Robinson to Joseph Ralph Jolly, Jr., the executor of his estate, in January 2002.
On the death of John Bulkeley, he became executor of his will, and, moving the extensive law li
rried a niece of Sir Henry Wotton, and was an executor of Sir Henry's will.
As the executor of Rand's will, Peikoff handles the copyright
He is said to be the main planner and the key executor of the killings of Hindi-speaking people in A
n, brother-in-law of Chambers Russell III and executor of his estate.
y associated with the Mortimer family and was executor of Edmund Mortimer, 2nd Baron Mortimer.
William, who was the executor of Adrian VI's will, took the initiative in e
chooses the former, the law firm becomes the executor of the estate and divides the money among cha
a 1987 statement from Norman F. Starkey, the executor of Hubbard's estate, the copyright to Hubbard
The sole executor of Levett's estate was Dr. Henry Levett of th
of bringing any action, of being guardian or executor, or of taking a legacy or deed of gift, and t
Not to be confused with executor or executioner.
s was published with a memoir by his literary executor, Professor John Laird.
the opera's creation from Woolf's nephew and executor, Quentin Bell, who provided Vores with a rare
ublished after Butler's death by his literary executor, R. Streatfeild, in 1903.
yn, Coward's long time companion and literary executor, said that the song could have been used as a
) crashes into the ship's bridge, causing the Executor to crash into the unfinished second Death Sta
cy, the younger son who, with his mother, was executor to the will, induced Thomas Cromwell to take
d 1571, Speaker of the House of Commons 1558, executor to Queen Mary I, Cardinal Pole, and Archbisho
As literary executor to Shiel, Gawsworth also inherited the throne
ted by Lewis' secretary and eventual literary executor Walter Hooper.
ied in 1547, Wingfield served as an assistant executor; was bequeathed £200; and led the guard at th
rd [1874] (a debtor appointed to an estate as executor will have his debt forgiven if, and only if,
He is co-literary executor with Michael Holroyd of Lytton Strachey's est

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