




該当件数 : 252

r a series of down-to-the-basin and antithetic faults adjacent to salt.
Several geological faults affect these rocks, the most significant of wh
Numerous other smaller faults affect the coalfield.
Al-Arabi concluded that brooding over ones faults, after the fact, is not only a hindrance in th
inal had “judged (Mgr Capel) guilty of serious faults against morality extending over many years” an
ite House was found to have serious structural faults and was completely gutted and renovated.
We acknowledged freely our faults, and we've worked arm in arm toward fixing the
wide audience of wine experts able to pick out faults and publish them online.
pport automated operations, react to unplanned faults and opportunities, and to optimize operations
roups dedicated to measuring Plate boundaries, faults, and volcanos principally on the west coast of
lt through very difficult rock with four major faults and a great deal of underground water, some at
n use for long enough that most of its initial faults and inherent problems have been removed or red
changed their plea to guilty, "confessed their faults and submitted themselves to the court, and pro
seismic reflection data to identify the larger faults and avoid the most faulted areas at the mine p
ware, which has allowed for examination of the faults and veins and their relationships to one anoth
voyage with only one engine and numerous minor faults, and negligent for failing to provide a workin
man with the goal of using politics to correct faults and vices she saw within her community, namely
er, the German volunteers were not above human faults and despair - especially as the war dragged on
dropped to 83rd position after accumulating 13 faults, and the Team had dropped to 12th - missing th
or human occupancy across the traces of active faults and to mitigate thereby the hazard of fault ru
y optimistic little ditty about accepting your faults and making the best of it.
n - a Speed Class - Lennon lay in 51st on 6.12 faults, and the Team lay in 8th - less than 8 faults
that he doesn't care about his woman's past or faults, and testifies that with even her slightest di
Hatton claims that the faults and disasters of his time in office were the r
of the state, and scientists began to analyze faults and earthquakes.
ionality and to detect malfunctions, failures, faults and to implement a host of mitigation strategi
ssociated with particularly favorable stacking faults and confirmed by later experiments.
tle in cold weather, exacerbating any existing faults and becoming much more liable to fracture.
The nearest known active faults are the San Andreas Fault, approximately 19 km
Systematic faults are often a result of an error in the specific
Faults are deviations in appearance that have an effe
These faults are related to a period of rifting that trende
The San Andreas Fault and Hayward Faults are the most active faults, even though the Sa
The various faults are characterized as normal faults, meaning th
Active faults are the most common sources of earthquakes and
nclude the nature of aristocratic life and its faults as well as the unpleasantries of the world and
al sediment loads in coastal bays that overlie faults as a result of mining of gold inland.
Coloe Fossae Dikes and/or Faults, as seen by HiRISE.
His faults as a judge lay in his disposition to be intole
story of facts and theories, the book has many faults; as an essay on the evolution of the religious
The earthquake was triggered by major thrust faults associated with the Ottawa-Bonnechere Graben.
The earthquake was triggered by faults associated with the Saguenay Graben.
h larger than that observed in the extensional faults associated with the slumps, but matches well w
epth of 13 kilometres (8.1 mi) on blind thrust faults associated with the Enriquillo-Plantain Garden
ns the U.S. national fault model of Quaternary faults at its Central Region offices in Golden, Color
by studio software to make up for the apparent faults at both live concerts.
speed approximately 65 km/h, but problems and faults became manifest over the trial period.
last 5 million years), with most of the active faults being normal in type and NW-SE trending.
These events involved all of the known active faults between Norcia and L'Aquila.
Each of the falls is associated with faults bringing harder sandstone beds into contact wi
Despite these faults, Burr did praise the "escaped circus monkeys"
"Of course there are faults, but they are far outweighed by merits, which
He said that it had great faults but was prepared to vote for it.
Lowell pointed out some faults, but wrote: “The figures of most historians se
uch as fault masking, which is a way to ignore faults by seamlessly preparing a backup component to
as of shearing, and within the plane of thrust faults, can provide information on the transport dire
Such faults can remain undetected for years, until conditi
Concern about previously undiscovered seismic faults combined with more stringent requirements requ
The Craven Faults constitute a fault zone in north England, runn
flows hundreds of feet deep that welled up in faults created by the rifting apart of North America
Northwest to southeast oriented faults cross the ridge in places and can be seen wher
A series of northwest to southeast aligned faults cut through this succession and give rise to m
age at each point can be determined and simple faults detected and traced to their root cause.
As the crust stretches, faults develop to accommodate the extension.
y controlled by zones of weakness related with faults, dikes and a major contact in the Archean base
Electrical faults do not always occur where fire first reaches a
Geological structures, in particular faults, dykes and mylonite (reddish brown powdered co
ismicity is controlled by a series of geologic faults formed over the last billion years by the proc
ould see the oil migrate up the horst bounding faults from the lower source units, into the trap uni
echnician can view data or download events and faults from the previous weeks or months.
It is also susceptible to faults from radio frequency interference.
quaternary seismic activity along these minor faults has been observed with the possible exception
Both faults have produced major earthquakes in the past, a
Several faults have been mapped in the vicinity of Vallejo.
od shape, despite around 2,800 primarily minor faults having been found during the upgrade, and only
l, a section of rock will often fail in normal faults, horizontally extending and vertically thinnin
Anomalies such as faults, hydrocarbons, and conductive mineralization a
There are a number of old faults in the region, but none of them are known to s
became more docile and eventually realizes her faults in resurrecting the 88 Beasts.
s possible to estimate the number of remaining faults in a software system still to be detected by a
robably the finest example of conjugate normal faults in the Chalk of southern England.
of medium voltage cables and the detection of faults in the insulation.
It is the process of detecting faults in a system under scrutiny by passively observ
The steam then escapes because of faults in the dome shape and the steam forces its way
t Paul-Henri Mathieu despite serving 20 double faults in the match, and Coria then defeated Nicolas
ult is one of the longest and most significant faults in Australia, extending for at least 1500 km i
Faults in planning and the omission of radios resulte
peline travels through three active earthquake faults in Azerbaijan, four in Georgia and seven in Tu
hly inductive people tend to be good at seeing faults in others.
by a system of thrust and possibly strike-slip faults in the Chugach Mountains and St. Elias Mountai
Both of these are transform faults in the northern leg of the East Pacific Rise s
Earthquakes and active faults in western and northern Pakistan and adjacent
tment, where he invented a method of detecting faults in lines, which was of great benefit in the ma
f the war, and accepting their place and major faults in it.
s application to study the degree to which the faults in the material of quantum wires has on their
Along with its qualities it has many faults in execution: a certain incoherency in the man
297), and ‘On Faults in Farming' (ib.
array of sensors and is therefore tolerant to faults in individual sensors; on the other hand it ac
These are faults in what might otherwise have been an entertain
As the inspection did not reveal any major faults in construction, the insurance was finally pai
a Heights Fault System is a system of geologic faults in Houston, Texas.
However, he more than makes up for his faults in sheer power.
apable of automatically testing and diagnosing faults in sophisticated electronic packaged parts or
easing its maneuverability or causing sporadic faults in the weapons systems.
It sees numerous earthquakes due to several faults, in particular the San Andreas Fault.
anuary 2011 following complaints about several faults in how the election was conducted, while there
If activated, any faults in the piping must be first repaired.
The pair had 4 faults in the first round, but posted the fastest tim
significant earthquakes have occurred on these faults in historic times, but slow movement has been
TechRadar acknowledged GPS faults in the Galaxy S, and stated that these have be
ll test cases of a partition will not find new faults in the program.
Faults include leaning to one side, twisting, pushing
Faults include aggression or fearfulness, anatomical
rrival at Rome engineers discovered some minor faults, including a faulty fuelgauge, which delayed t
derelict for many years, with major structural faults including both side girts being broken.
The Biga Peninsula is an area marked by active faults including strike-slip movement and en echelon
The fact that other translations had too many faults inspired Klinkert to do this.
In other words, we tend to project our own faults into others and hate them.
sion on approximately W-E trending extensional faults is accompanied by dextral (right lateral) stri
y darts on Atlantis and subsequent unexplained faults, it is suspected that Wraith may have infiltra
r an unsympathetic portrayal of many of Cook's faults, it was generally well-received critically.
d equal 5th in the Nations Cup on Friday on 20 faults, just 8 faults behind the winners - Belgium; S
he monocline include the disharmonic folds and faults, known as the Lulworth Crumple, at Stair Hole,
However, other brands suffer from similar faults, like the Canon E18 error or the Nikon Coolpix
It has been suggested that splay faults, linking back into the plate interface, have h
"On health care, D'Alessandro faults Lynch as much for failure of leadership as for
in the North American plate to reactivate old faults, making the area prone to earthquakes.
an area based on the rupture of single reverse faults may lead to a major underestimate of the magni
Dikes and faults may have produced mineral deposits.
These faults may also have been the source for the Tseax Co
He later questions whether its faults may hurt it enough that the project may not ev
ently separate mapped intracontinental reverse faults may rupture simultaneously in an earthquake.
Whatever his faults, no character study can accuse Sir Toby of sno
ckerman, and there are many obscurities...[the faults] occur for the most part in the longer poems,
t cannot be determined, the rate at which such faults occur within the equipment population on avera
factors affect the locations where electrical faults occur.
The band agreed to accept whatever faults occurred during recording, resulting in over s
busers or manipulators to amplify or fabricate faults of the victim as a component of victim blaming
t is the easternmost of a series of en echelon faults of the Walker Lane straddling the Nevada - Cal
he four judges deliberate on the qualities and faults of each cake.
ocks that remain between grabens, the bounding faults of a horst typically dip away from the center
reted to be water seeping through hot rocks in faults of the fault-bounded Kalum-Kitimat valley.
t and statesman Jia Yi concluded his essay The Faults of Qin with what was to become the standard Co
s way, and Wilmot was made responsible for the faults of a system he had no power to amend.
Parigrahadosha Vicara (Reflecting on the Faults of Attachment to Wealth)
out" editorials the next day that assailed the faults of abolitionism in general.
That it failed was due partly to the faults of the reformer, but mainly to the disagreemen
The "Go Faults" part discusses three bad faults of Go-playing
5 When all faults of the heart are cured (by acts), and when the
The main faults of the Cwm Pennant fault system throw down to
ut 100 km wide and contains all major geologic faults of the Northern California.
Detraction is committed by revealing the true faults of our neighbor; calumny is by imputing false
rt 3, he secured 5th position overall - only 4 faults off the eventual winner - Marcus Ehning.
It shows evidence of these basin-bounding faults on all sides, except the west, which rifted aw
Faults on Both Sides (1861)
wever, the Lone Pine fault is only one of many faults on two parallel systems of faults mentioned ab
This let faults on the line be detected immediately by automat
tectonics in operation; extensional or listric faults operating at depth can provide a triangular sp
boundaries of the lease were defined either by faults or seam splits in the local geostructure, or e
an expensive product or service overlooks any faults or defects in order to justify their purchase.
ligion, and begs for forgiveness for all their faults or mistakes, committed either knowingly or unk
p) is the raised fault block bounded by normal faults or graben.
wd, representative, whatever may have been his faults or weaknesses, always fairly and squarely did
elt rocks, pseudotachylite or mylonite, radial faults or fractures, unusual injection breccias, or a
u is formed by a series of west-dipping normal faults, over a distance of at least 300 km.
Love and Faults: Personalities Who Have Changed the History of
into porous and permeable carrier beds or into faults planes, oil and gas then move upwards towards
Low, David (1973): With All Faults, pp 16-20
Alba's well preserved lava flows and faults provide an excellent photogeologic record of t
rwent collapse producing a concentric suite of faults providing space into which magma was able to i
ly from bedding planes, fractures, joints, and faults, rather than from intergranular pores.
One of the faults remaining with the aircraft all of its operati
se, with staff to maintain the network, repair faults, respond to emergencies and service customers
Reservoir design faults, rock fissures and tectonic processes may act
A number of geological faults run through the area forming a part of the Swa
A number of geological faults run north-west to south-east through the hill.
Also, recent images show tectonic faults running through the ridge, apparently inconsis
A series of minor faults runs northwest to southeast through the hill w
A number of northwest to southeast aligned faults runs across the hill.
ormed a high difficult scoring routine without faults scoring the highest points at the championship
Their numerous design faults sealed these locomotives' fate when the K clas
The Antelope has many other faults: she lists to port, and constant pumping is ne
e her an opportunity to train and repair minor faults) she was deployed into the Atlantic Ocean in F
e her an opportunity to train and repair minor faults, she was deployed into the Atlantic Ocean in J
e her an opportunity to train and repair minor faults, she was deployed into the Atlantic Ocean in O
e her an opportunity to train and repair minor faults, she was deployed into the Atlantic Ocean in F
ntinue functioning in the presence of hardware faults, such as a "limp-in" mode for an automobile el
possible failures, including hardware-related faults such as hard disk failures, input or output de
Bear in mind, there are more faults than this in the opening.
icult to comprehend and hence may contain more faults than unoptimized versions.
efused the dialogue so that we can correct the faults that characterized the community elections.
this topography is built by a number of normal faults that meet at a basal detachment fault.
Level 3 Failures - Cautions, failures and faults that lead to a loss of system redundancy, they
ional system, or simply one of the many thrust faults that make up the Alps to the south.
ded on at least one side by one or more normal faults that are oriented along or sub-parallel to the
round features normally associated with thrust faults that have recently experienced seismic activit
ed from the construction, and a pair of active faults that cut across the canyon near the dam site h
The litany of faults that the Helldiver bore included the fact that
It is at the intersection of two faults that form an X shape across Canberra.
The human little faults that you do have just make me love you more

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