「feed」の共起表現(1語右で並び替え)8ページ目 - Weblio英語共起表現検索






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The larvae feed on various plants, including mango in which the
The larvae feed on Virginia Creeper, White, Red, Green, and Eur
The larvae feed on a wide range of plants, including Acacia spe
The larvae feed on Castanea sativa, Quercus frainetto, Quercus
The larva feed on oak.
The larvae feed on Bridelia micrantha.
The larvae feed on beech and oak.
The larvae feed on Thalictrum dioicum and Thalictrum polygamum.
The larvae feed on Acer species, including Acer nigrum, Acer ru
The larvae feed on Acacia (including Acacia abyssinica, Acacia
The larvae feed on a wide range of plants, including Parinari c
The larvae feed on polen.
The larvae possibly feed on Rosmarinus species.
Larvae feed on Trifolium and Hedysarum spp.
Generalist psyllid predators also feed on this species.
The larvae feed on various grasses such as Festuca ovina.
The larvae mine into the midrib to feed on tissue.
The larvae feed on Sarracenia flava and occasionally on Sarrace
The larvae feed on Quercus species, Castanea sativa and Fagus s
The larvae feed on various trees, including Annona reticulata,
They feed on blood - typically of amphibians - and small
ds are attracted by its flowers and other birds feed on the fruit, both of which will also forage on
The caterpillars feed on oak.
The larvae feed on Hedera helix.
The larvae feed on Vaccinium myrtillus and other plants.
The larvae feed on Quercus garryana and Quercus lobata.
The larvae feed on Medicago, Genista, Ulex, Sarothammus, Cytisu
The young larva will feed on most plants but later it feeds on trees and
The larvae feed on Salix species (including Salix australior, S
cat have a huge population of black bears which feed on the acorns and berries of the south-facing s
the availability of seeds and insects that they feed on regularly.
The larvae feed on Fabaceae, Rosaceae and Plumbaginaceae specie
The larvae feed on lichen.
The larvae probably feed on Echinops spinosus.
The larvae feed on Ochlandra travancorica.
The larvae feed on Birch, Willow, Rumex, Lamium and Plantago.
The larvae feed on Melilotus and Vicia species.
The larvae feed on Ligustrum ovalifolium and Syringa vulgaris.
le's encyclopedia, semi-ghost invertebrates who feed on emotions.
The bright green larvae feed on oaks, Quercus petraea and Quercus robur.
The larvae feed on Prunus angustifolia, Prunus pennsylvanica, P
the vegetation by day, and emerging at night to feed on plankton.
The larvae feed on Dictamnus albus.
The larvae feed on Prunus cerasoides.
The larvae feed on organic matter, including dead leaves.
They feed on the flower nectar of various Asteraceae spec
The larvae feed on Lonicera species, including Lonicera pericly
It has been known to feed on humans, as well as a variety of other mammal
The larvae feed on Hippocrates obtusifolia, Hippocrates african
The larvae feed on the leaves of beech, birch, chestnut and oak
The larvae feed on Pseudotsuga menziesii, Tsuga heterophylla, P
Young individuals usually feed on micro-crustaceans, but adults choose insects
Larva feed on Viola nuttallii.
The larvae feed on Arbutus canariensis.
Adults feed on Lantana in Arizona.
The larvae feed on Oxalis, Argyrolobium, Rhynchosia and Crotola
The larvae feed on Persicaria attenuata africana and Conyza can
The larvae feed on Bauhinia species, including Bauhinia variega
The larvae feed on Melicope clusiaefolia, Melicope elliptica an
The larvae feed on the leaves of Betula, Fagus, Fraxinus and Os
crustaceans and other animals) that feed on other plankton and telonemia.
s of this species grow to between 16.5-19mm and feed on a variety of tiny invertebrates.
occur in soils and aquatic habitats, where they feed on bacteria.
The larvae feed on Actinidia species.
The larvae feed on calluna, crowberry and navelwort.
The larva feed on Quercus species, including Quercus gambelii.
The caterpillars feed on stored nuts and seeds like walnut, almond, s
The larvae feed on Eupatorium cannabinum, Pluchea indica, Solid
The larvae feed on Ribes alpinum, Ribes uva-crispa and Saxifrag
The larvae feed on Crataegus, Gleditsia triacanthos, Malus pumi
the seeds in mature flower buds and the adults feed on smaller buds, destroying many.
The larvae of two described species of Leptus feed on bees: Leptus ariel lives on the European hon
t, but also spreads the myth that adult beetles feed on mosquitoes.
The larvae feed on lichens.
The larvae also feed on this plant.
The larvae feed on Limonium pectinatum.
The larvae feed on the seeds of Aster umbellatus.
The larvae feed on Salix caprea and Salix cinerea.
Unlike the rest of her family, Karin does not feed on blood, she produces it.
The larvae feed on various Rubiaceae species, including Genipa
The larvae feed on Clausena, Vepris, Calodendrum, Citrus, Fagar
It is an opportunistic feeder that will feed on prey flushed by army ants, monkeys or even h
The larvae feed on various deciduous trees and shrubs, includin
f non-native crayfish into their habitat, which feed on both the neo-natal snakes themselves, and th
natalica feed on Actinanthella wylliei.
The larvae feed on Plectranthus spp.
The larvae probably feed on Muehlenbeckia.
The larvae feed on Crataegus and Sorbus aucuparia.
The larvae feed on various mosses, especially Tortula muralis.
The larvae feed on Fraxinus americana and Fraxinus nigra.
The larva feed on Boscia albitrunca, Boscia oleoides, Capparis
The larvae feed on Castanopsis cuspidata, Castanopsis lamontii,
The larvae feed on wild and cultivated strawberry, and related
The larvae feed on Euphorbia acanthothamnos, Euphorbia britting
The larvae feed on Vepris reflexa, Vepris lanceolata, Vepris un
The larvae feed on grasses.
The larvae probably feed on Arundinaria species.
The larvae feed on Echinochloa crus-galli and Pennisetum purpur
The larvae feed on Prunus spinosa and Pyrus bourgeana.
Like other members of its subfamily, the larvae feed on various grasses.
The larvae feed on various mosses, but also on Ryegrass and Poa
The larvae feed on various Poaceae species, including Corynepho
The larvae feed on Circaea x intermedia, Circaea lutetiana, Cha
The larvae feed on the contents of epidermal cells on both top
The larvae feed on Carya cordiformis.
The larvae feed on Sphenostylis angustifolia.
The larva feed on Boscia and Capparis species.
The larvae feed on Strobilanthes species, including Strobilanth
The larvae possibly feed on Acacia erioloba species.
The larvae feed on various plants, including Sunflower, Canola,
The lobate lac insect is known to feed on more than 300 plant species.
The larvae feed on Amorpha species (including Amorpha fruticosa
Larvae feed on sedges (Carex) in particular Carex lacustris
The larva feed on Artabotrys monteiroae, Annona, Uvaria, Fries
the packs of stray dogs that gathered there to feed on the discarded meat scraps.
The larvae feed on Myrsine species.
The larvae feed on Salvia species.
The larvae feed on Alnus species, including Alnus tenuifolia.
The larvae feed on Populus tremula and Populus tremuloides (ssp
The larvae feed on the leaves of Alnus species.
The larvae feed on Acer miyabei, Acer mono, Acer palmatum and A
The larvae feed on various composites like Helenium species, as
Larvae feed on Trema orientalis, Albizia adianthifolia, Cel
The larvae feed on Elephantopus species (including Elephantopus
The larvae feed on Lathyrus linifolius.
The larvae feed on Coddia rudis.
The larvae feed on Poplar, primarily Populus tremula, and Willo
Leafhoppers feed on plant sap with the aid of specialized mouthp
The larvae feed on Terminalia catappa, Terminalia melanocarpa,
The caterpillars feed on a wide range of herbaceous plants and even d
They feed on small crustaceans.
The larvae feed on Hypericum perforatum.
The larvae feed on Myrica rubra.
The larvae probably feed on various Poaceae species.
The larvae feed on Birch and sometimes Alder.
The larvae feed on Angophora and Eucalyptus species.
The larvae feed on the leaves of young Clidemia hirta and Clide
The larvae feed on Aster tripolium.
The larvae feed on Malpighia glabra.
The larvae feed on Pinus sylvestris and Pinus contorta.
The larvae feed on Scutellaria discolor and Teucrium quadrifari
Herbivores feed on plants (e.g., a cow grazing).
e moth Geleichia dubitella has been reported to feed on the leaves.
The larvae feed on the flowers of low-growing grassland Fabacea
The larvae feed on Aristolochia clematitis, Aristolochia macrop
tomach contents show that Stemonidium hypomelas feed on crustaceans, mostly euphausiids but rarely a
The larva feed on Birch.
The larvae feed on Carya species.
The larvae feed on Fagus species.
The larvae feed on alder, birch, poplar, hawthorn and willow.
The larvae feed on the foliage of Eucalyptus species.
The larvae feed on Papilionaceae species, including Genista, Sa
Next, larvae begin to feed on the sponge parenchyma and later also on the
The larvae feed on Alnus crispa sinuata and Alnus viridis sinua
The larvae feed on Picea abies, Picea pungens, Picea sitchensis
s pupae in the soil, the flies hatch in spring, feed on nectar and lay eggs close to plants of the g
The larvae feed on a wide range of herbaceous plants and shrubs
The larvae feed on Ulmus species.
The larvae feed on Ixora species.
These day geckos feed on various insects and other invertebrates.
Larvae feed on Milletia sutherlandi and Milletia grandis.
The larvae have feed on the dead leaves of Eucalyptus species.
They are known to feed on chicks & small lizards also.
The larvae feed on Acacia karroo, Acacia sieberana, and Elephan
The larvae feed on Convallaria, Dorycnium, Gentianella amarella
geese walk freely in the outfields, where they feed on the short summer grass, without any suppleme
people searching for gold meant less animals to feed on for the native tribes.
The larvae feed on a wide range of plants, including Conyza bon
Adults feed on rotting fruit.
The larvae feed on various Lichen species.
The larvae feed on the dead leaves of Eucalyptus species.
The larvae feed on Brachystegia species (including Brachystegia
The larvae feed on Poaceae species, including Panicum maximum,
The larval feed on various herbaceous plants, including Taraxac
The larvae feed on Prunus spinosa, Quercus, Crataegus and Popul
The larvae feed on Quercus species, including Quercus bicolor a
The larvae feed on various Rubiaceae species, including Randia
Larvae feed on Vaccinium spp.
The larvae feed on Croton sylvaticus.
The larvae feed on Myrica caroliniensis.
The larvae feed on Astrocaryum murumuru and Geonoma species.
The larvae feed on Paspalum species and Stenotaphrum secundatum
Larvae feed on Vaccinium uliginosum and Vaccinium caespitos
The larvae feed on Quercus obtusiloba, Quercus rubra and Quercu
The larvae feed on Abies alba, Abies cephalonica, Abies numidic
The larvae feed on Capparis species (including Capparis sepiari
The butterfly larva generally feed on plants of the genus Annona.
The larvae feed on Quercus species, including Quercus bicolor,
d as crop pests, and six species are thought to feed on peanut.
The larvae feed on beech.
The larvae feed on Carissa edulis.
The larvae feed on poplar and willow.
The larvae feed on Teucrium scorodonia and Verbascum thapsus.
The larvae feed on Ehretia species (including Ehretia dicksoni
The caterpillars feed on oak, apple and pear.
The larvae feed on Acacia koa, Clermontia, Lantana, Metrosidero
The larvae feed on Quercus crispula, Quercus mongolica and Quer
on), a voodoo curse begins to raise the dead to feed on the living in retribution.
The larvae feed on birch.
The larvae feed on Dryopteris parasitica.
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