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ll give them help in later life, and not just generic academic knowledge for the sake of it.
between GSM and 802.11, based on the 3GPP or Generic Access Network (GAN) standard
Act of god or a generic accident (e.g.
Structure of a generic acetal
Another generic action theme which constitutes the last secti
Generic adjustments in Neotropical Malpighiaceae.
instream technologies and had little need for generic advocacy, members of the group proposed creat
s placed in the genus Albizia, and indeed its generic affiliation is not firmly established.
3x as many students doing additional work as Generic Alice) without any drop off in basic programm
make up these levels are filled with various generic aliens as well as gun emplacements, homing-mi
But in order for this to hold, since a generic analog model depends upon BOTH the acoustic m
fell out of use in 1968 to be replaced by the generic anamorphic.
e-releases had covers which were described as generic, and contained only the cover images of the a
And there are 2 types of allocation: generic and specific.
f-days where the music just came out sounding generic and lifeless.".
The technologies used in GoPubMed are generic and can in general be applied to any kind of
It performs generic and server type specific checks.
ameSpot review also blasted the title for its generic and repetitive gameplay, earning it a similar
Other generic and brand name formulations may be available.
Usually the wheels were generic and not rendered with accuracy to the real ca
ork approach Test Automation FX aim to enable generic and / or individual key customizations and ad
A Botanical Materia Medica: Consisting of the Generic and Specific Characters of the Plants Used in
existence problem pointed out by Hart was not generic, and led ultimately to the generic existence
s being corporate rock that was overproduced, generic, and middle of the road, instead favoring pun
Some building blocks are generic and shouldn't know details of others.
traditional thesaurus relationships are very generic and need to be refined.
allinckrodt Inc., which does business in both generic and brand-name medications, will be responsib
ive of sectarian distinctions, "Holy" is more generic and generalizable and is, IMO, more appropria
of the northern and middle states, containing generic and specific descriptions of all the plants,
usalem on how to devise slogans that are less generic, and more in keeping with the realities of th
, many self-contained APIs in the library are generic and suitable for non-physics applications.
ages from the 1970s that aimed to be neutral, generic and reusable
ing NextClosure algorithm [3], as well as the generic and informative bases.
zing in the manufacturing and distribution of generic and branded products in Canada and worldwide.
armaceutical companies are allowed to deal in generic and/or brand medications and medical devices.
I eat like a generic Animal.
the duo, commonly specify them by giving the generic answer of "Vocals, loops and guitars".
ained, only works with XIM , nor does it have generic API for input frameworks.
he Late Antique period are also called by the generic appellation Central Asian Huns.
Muscadet- A generic appellation covering the whole of the Loire-A
Generic applications can be written in a natural nota
All approved products, both innovator and generic, are listed in FDA's Approved Drug Products w
It's name is generic as there have never been any large communitie
Connector elements are used for the generic as well as solver and client specific modelli
its new brand as quickly as possible, before generic ASAs took over.
rthermore, many applications will support the generic ASCII text file format, although this format
portance as the company faced a vast array of generic assaults on its patents, most notably on the
The generic assignment of X. lycaonoides is controversial
ht therefore possibly be all derived from one generic atom.
name, but with Alice instead of the original, generic Balloon Fighter.
with most of them first identified after the generic ban had gone into effect and thus already bei
rientation to northwest-southeast, transmutes generic bays into river mouths (including a large one
The station now uses the generic BBC Local Radio jingle package produced by Mc
y Detector (ADV XDT), the Advanced Commercial Generic Bioprocessing Apparatus (ADV CGBA), the EORF,
The "Coca-Cola Space Dispenser" (Fluids Generic Bioprocessing Apparatus-1, or FGBA-1) was des
ations in Microgravity (PGIM), the Commercial Generic Bioprocessing Apparatus (CGBA), the Micro-Ele
ited edition seven-inch vinyls, released in a generic black and while sleeve branded with the "Labe
The term "Tiki mugs" is a generic, blanket term for sculptural drink ware that
guidance media framework was designed using a generic blueprint for the creation of evolutionary gu
-Bible documents (commentaries, dictionaries, generic books)
s looping shuttle coaster influenced the more generic boomerang coaster located in so many parks to
ts have seen this genus included in that same generic boundary.
mber of 2008 the drug has been available as a generic brand in the United States.
оветское Шампанское, 'Soviet Champagne') is a generic brand of sparkling wine produced in the Sovie
ufactured by numerous other suppliers under a generic brand, often in supermarkets' "own brand" ran
aving been converted to other major brands or generic brands.
higher price tag and now had to compete with generic brands.
Centre Court is also a generic British English term for the main court at an
you a guaranteed winning spin, one of the few generic buffs that will.
promoting the use of generic business planning & management techniques
UK) approved plant for catering to its Global Generic business.
efforts to build a strong and sustainable US generic business.
The term "Lashkar-e-Islam" is very generic, but the following individuals have been cite
rent group, though they may fall under a more generic but often more loosely defined category of Gy
n conceived the town as a representation of a generic California city, as well as a narrative parod
of the Publishers' Publicity Circle award for Generic Campaign of the Year.
You started in a test track with a generic car, aiming for a top time in order to receiv
family of ligases, specifically those forming generic carbon-nitrogen bonds.
Players get to choose a lineup of generic cars to race with either the Automatic or Man
f the original anime series being replaced by generic CGI characters in a style that resembled ReBo
nd their species of interest, as well as more generic characteristics (e.g.
emain landmark studies of individual works or generic characteristics.
to classes, orders, genera and species, with [ generic] characters, [specific] differences, synonyms
against a Zako (small fry) team consisting of generic characters.
GenEric Christ - Vocals
h over the French language and an emphasis on generic Christian rather than Catholic religious educ
Originally released for a generic Christian compilation titled Moms Like Us Too
This article covers various store-brand generic citrus sodas, most of which offer low cost al
Cosmoline is the trade name for a generic class of rust preventatives, conforming to MI
He also invented a generic class of materials called Sprengel explosives
g the Monk's literary dogma and overly-strict generic classifications.
client to connect to a server, rather than a generic client or Telnet.
t supports code generation using user-defined generic code templates which are directly linked to t
Eucalyptus oil, the generic collective name for oils from the Eucalyptus
y other languages, the anglicism smoking is a generic colloquialism referring to any kind of tuxedo
Generic Common Services (GCS)
s since its inception and refused to "support generic companies seeking first-to-file or early-to-m
d Canadian markets, the company partners with generic companies to supply retail and hospital gener
Comparable - the interface that allows generic comparison and ordering of objects (as of J2S
The report showed that with authorized generic competition during the 180-day marketing excl
e its drug Tenofovir more available and allow generic competition.
ate in any very full or substantial manner, a generic complaint regarding a person's apparent prope
led after (and evidently parodying) that of a generic computer role-playing game.
es certain Texas Instruments calculators on a generic computer.
Because Metamath has a very generic concept of what a proof is (namely a tree of
This article is about generic concept.
f Alan Gewirth's Argument to the Principle of Generic Consistency University of Chicago Press, 1991
ing bioequivalence as the basis for approving generic copies of drug products was established by th
viously owned by The Mall Fund and used their generic corporate branding until August 2010 when the
ve phrase "Happy Holidays" is often used as a generic cover-all greeting for all of the Winter holi
is a partial list of software that implement generic CRF tools.
For these reasons, as well as the lack of a generic cross-platform parsing/rasterizing library an
n cryptography, rotational cryptanalysis is a generic cryptanalytic attack against algorithms that
es "Pro-Pain broke the chains shackling me to generic, current music by showing that older can defi
cters, Hilary and Felice Dunbar, and also the generic curse, and a generic cursed totem.
It was the first game to feature multiple generic custom teams like Skyers and Flyers.
Boomerang grew out of the Harmony generic data synchronizer.
The latter two combine a generic data model where the domain specific concepts
High-level programming features like more generic data structures, run-time interpretation and
an their earlier releases, which carry a more generic death metal sound.
The generic Decepticon from Transformers Decepticons will
yrone because its structure falls outside the generic definition and not enough evidence was yet av
Scalia posited a generic definition of extortion: obtaining something
08, continuing that trend, it appeared that a generic Democratic presidential nominee could have ea
al consensus being that the work was simply a generic depiction of the effects of the plague with n
The first generic description of general terminology servers pe
specifically for Fort Totten but rather was a generic design approved by the Army for use at milita
ears, the term "abbey ale" has been used as a generic designation for beers produced in a Trappist
l inspector was the closest equivalent to the generic detective sergeant the character had been on
A generic diazirine
Reflective APIs for generic discovery and navigation of metadata models a
d Organizing system) is a specification for a generic distributed network based memory/knowledge ma
d to mean "commercial"; it is the all-purpose generic domain.
are the only 5-HT3 antagonists available as a generic drug in the United States.
e), Eucardic (Roche), and Carloc (Cipla) as a generic drug (as of September 5, 2007 in the U.S.).,
re forced to compete with each other and with generic drug producers on a cost basis only.
The Court rejected a challenge by the generic drug manufacturers Novopharm and Apotex to de
ration offers a 180 day exclusivity period to generic drug manufacturers in specific cases.
Streptozotocin is now marketed by the generic drug company Sicor (Teva).
ssentially the same for each brand, including generic drug store varieties.
orized generics are marketed against a single generic drug than when they are not.
Acetazolamide is available as a generic drug and is also used as a diuretic.
, an applicant may manufacture and market the generic drug product to provide a safe, effective, lo
A generic drug product is one that is comparable to an
However, sales of the generic drug are still restricted in the U.S., since
ter , Boston, MA, released a report entitled: Generic Drug for Type 2 Diabetes Passes Next Clinical
Generic drug companies may also receive the benefit o
rtered in Israel which is the world's largest generic drug manufacturer, donated over $7 million wo
. as Lotrel by Novartis and manufactured as a generic drug by Teva and Sandoz, is an antihypertensi
Novartis and available in some countries as a generic drug.
ers, offer $4 monthly prescriptions on select generic drugs as a customer draw.
harmacies and pharmacy chains use inexpensive generic drugs as a way to attract customers into stor
A pharmacist, he worked to obtain generic drugs as a substitute for prescription medica
pharmaceutical industry and the prevalence of generic drugs that tie into goals and significance of
d every two years and makes the production of generic drugs not necessarily economically viable for
Generic drugs are subject to normal regulations in co
Bioequivalence, however, does not mean that generic drugs must be exactly the same (“pharmaceutic
Act expedites the availability of less costly generic drugs by permitting FDA to approve applicatio
With the growing importance of generic drugs, the importance of crystal engineering
r for Drug Evaluation and Research, Office of Generic Drugs, which provides for the review and ulti
d name drugs to $3 and eliminating co-pay for generic drugs.
emaining 20% of plans limited gap coverage to generic drugs.
ished to import raw materials and manufacture generic drugs.
nd endless cliches, with one critic saying 'a generic duffer that is as exciting as a hole in the g
accessible via interactive ssh login under a generic Dynamic dns host name.
es buildings for traditional Chinese town and generic early 20th Century Hong Kong settings
Generic editors for generic diagrams, generic tables
entertaining long after the predictable plot, generic effects work, and poorly-edited screen fighti
However, the first systematic proposal for a generic electronic nose utilizing chemical sensors in
To specify the upper bound of a generic element, the extends keyword is used, which i
es made them realize they were more than just generic enemies.
ated with another open source software called Generic Engine for Modules to expand its modules.
erence Wayne's World, the name was determined generic enough to retain without violating copyright.
ten specific for the PHP project, its however generic enough for other projects outside PHP.net to
A generic episode consisted of "Bad Inc" trying to dest
The generic epithet Margaretbarromyces was coined from a
being validly published, the etymology of the generic epithet is grammatically incorrect, being a c
The generic epithet refers to Leshan, a nearby city in Si
The generic epithet Archaeomarasmius is a combination of
e description they note the etymology for the generic epithet is in honor of Wesley C. Wehr for his
The generic epithet Mycetophagites is Greek in derivation
This chip, labeled ODIN, is a generic equivalent to a particular Dallas RTC.
This was followed by generic equivalents from Sun Pharma and Kudco Pharma.
His doctorate thesis was entitled Generic Evolutionary Design of Solid Objects using a
Generic example of an acid anhydride.
mit these lyrics, replacing them instead with generic examples of social upheaval.
fringement suit against all companies holding generic exclusivity rights to manufacture modafinil,
Sometimes now used as a generic expression in the United Kingdom for a day to
index is a database index that is built on a generic expression, rather than on a list of columns.
he Unified Modeling Language (UML) provides a generic extension mechanism for customizing UML model
, however IBM's approach was to supply a more generic facility whereby an external process could be
Spryte is modeled after the generic fairies in the Legend of Zelda video game.
A future FARG goal is to build a single generic FARGitecture software framework to facilitate
st" views of the Third Reich, and theories of generic fascism as an analytical tool.
ntent of an internet resource or website in a generic fashion so this content can be better underst
mmunity was shocked to see that not only were generic fatalities removed, but the zetsumei ougi was
Generic Feature Format Version 3 (Sequence Ontology P
One way of seeing why this is a generic feature is to look at the Fermi points of the
general feature format (gene-finding format, generic feature format, GFF) is a file format used fo

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