「inconspicuous」の共起表現(1語右で並び替え) - Weblio英語共起表現検索





Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > inconspicuousの意味・解説 > inconspicuousに関連した共起表現


該当件数 : 71

underside of the fore wing very small and inconspicuous against the nacreous background, which is
It is relatively inconspicuous, and lives either in pairs or alone.
eir relatively large size, they are highly inconspicuous and rarely seen.
Most of these small moths are inconspicuous and of no particular significance to human
lowish white flowers are funnel-shaped and inconspicuous, and usually do not open completely.
The flowers are inconspicuous and ball-bearing sized fruit form only on
s-vented Ground Cuckoo is generally highly inconspicuous and infrequently seen.
flower or Slenderlobed bundleflower) is an inconspicuous and more or less prostrate plant of the ge
The flowers numerous inconspicuous appear on spikes 1.5-18 cm long in the spr
re, but rather rarely collected due to its inconspicuous appearance when not in flower; consequentl
vered by entering the courtyard through an inconspicuous archway.
it moves through the canopy, making itself inconspicuous, as its apparently flashy blue-green color
in pairs and is a dark brownish-grey with inconspicuous barred markings.
The Jambu Fruit Dove is a shy and inconspicuous bird, camouflaged against the forest canop
Pipit (Anthus spragueii), an uncommon and inconspicuous bird, was discovered on that expedition an
r, and marked with a submarginal series of inconspicuous brown specks, the probable rudiments of oc
The ears are inconspicuous, but the eyes are prominent.
e flowers are on different trees; both are inconspicuous; but the fruit is very much in evidence.
The female cones start out similarly inconspicuous, but mature in 18-20 months to 15-20 mm lo
in white suits, who all attempt to appear inconspicuous by nonchalantly reading newspapers.
x 4 - 5.5 µm, elliptical; pleurocystidia ( inconspicuous), cheilocystidia, pileocystidia and cauloc
d Boer War, (which had been fought in this inconspicuous clothing of Indian origin) a darker khaki
eds more than the Grey Heron, and is often inconspicuous, despite its size.
Veil inconspicuous, except for some white appressed silky fib
Following his inconspicuous First-class career, Bairstow was to make f
An inconspicuous flame which is often blue but can also occ
It bears small inconspicuous flowers in spring.
In summer it produces sprays of inconspicuous flowers that attract insects.
During the winter it produces inconspicuous, fragrant flowers.
An obituary described him as "a very inconspicuous gentleman, in poor health."
The flowers are inconspicuous, greenish-white, 5 mm diameter.
a very diverse but quite plesiomorphic and inconspicuous group distributed throughout the Tropics.
It is inconspicuous in its habits but can often be seen feedin
l bands on the inner faces of the needles ( inconspicuous in the type), and are slightly serrated to
bly in shade, the costal blotch relatively inconspicuous, its inner margin extending across the win
Ice to their targets by hiding bottles in inconspicuous locations, or in situations where drinking
wer stem leaves, in which it makes a small inconspicuous mine, scarcely larger than the larva, but
ial death sentences, but also to carry out inconspicuous murder of larger groups of victims.
a California and Baja California Sur, this inconspicuous non-migratory resident is most often seen
est lycanid in Sri Lanka.It's surprisingly inconspicuous on the wing despite the brilliant metallic
s a slim, cylindrical flower cluster, with inconspicuous or no petals, usually wind-pollinated (ane
cally above the water surface, each flower inconspicuous, orange-red, 4-6 mm long.
The flowers are very small and inconspicuous, pale yellow-green, bell-shaped, appearing
overed many new species, including several inconspicuous pleurothallid orchids, during his seventee
The flowers are individually inconspicuous, produced in large panicles.
ng shortly before the new leaves; they are inconspicuous purplish-green with no petals, and are win
heads in elongated racemes with short and inconspicuous ray-florets and dark purple disk-florets.
tions, she continued in this essential but inconspicuous role, supplying the fleets with trained pe
Cones 6-8 mm diameter, with inconspicuous scale margins.
erized by small to large exoskeletons with inconspicuous semilunar scales or curved ridges.
It is inconspicuous, situated along the side of the road and s
The flowers are relatively inconspicuous: small, yellowish green or reddish green,
It is a surprisingly inconspicuous species.
y have a large underground tuber, thin and inconspicuous stems.
rhombic in cross-section, dark green with inconspicuous stomatal lines.
Columba is rather inconspicuous, the brightest star α Columbae having the
is evergreen and the flowers are small and inconspicuous; the fruit is a small edible drupe 1 cm di
While generally visually inconspicuous, their songs are commonly heard.
dwelling stories topped by a much smaller, inconspicuous third floor.
Feldmark Grass is a small and inconspicuous tufted grass, with its leaves growing to a
lobe, a shallowly rounded lateral lobe, an inconspicuous umbilical lobe inside the umbilical seam,
Many animals remain inconspicuous until threatened, then suddenly employ war
It is inconspicuous when not in flower, and tends to blend in
ded postures on grass-stems where they are inconspicuous, while other subfamilies include brightly
es a height of 30 centimeters and produces inconspicuous white flowers.
The tree produces small, inconspicuous white flowers in terminal panicles, assort
The flowers are inconspicuous, whitish to greenish-yellow, produced on s
are produced in dense clusters, small and inconspicuous, with greenish to purplish petals.
The summit is fairly inconspicuous with only cairns and a wall.
The flowers are inconspicuous yellow-green catkins.
The plants are green and a bit furry, with inconspicuous yellowish white flowers.

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