




該当件数 : 62

n efforts aimed at their protection, from the in-situ and ex-situ programs of the Madagascar Fauna
he signalman's portacabin style privy remains in-situ as of late August 2008.
ngs employ such typical modernist elements as in-situ concrete and strong geometric forms, although
ioned pre-stressed inverted T-type beams with in-situ concrete topping.
The IBRF worked with both in-situ conservation (protecting animals in their nat
ling capabilities advancing the prospects for in-situ crystal growth experiments."
be formed as a massive, uniform intrusion via in-situ crystallisation of pyroxene and plagioclase,
spectroscopy, gas chromatography, or Optical In-Situ Evolved Gas Analysis.
The Venus In-Situ Explorer (VISE) is a mission that was propose
While on the surface, the Venus In-Situ Explorer will acquire and characterize a core
The Venus In-Situ Explorer has been proposed for launch in 2013
ata was interpreted as representing a form of in-situ extrusion where the tool, backing plate and c
carbene addition of dichlorocarbene (prepared in-situ from chloroform and the potassium salt of ter
is often used as an example of production of in-situ gas hydrates.
A base is required for in-situ generation of the nucleophile from a precurso
"The Microstructural Characterization of In-Situ Grown Si3N4 Whisker Reinforced Barium Aluminu
waves in rare earth tri-tellurides; study of in-situ growth of biogenic minerals; partial determin
RGAs would also be used as sensitive in-situ, helium leak detectors.
itron is most noted for being the pioneers of in-situ imaging with nanoindentation and nanomechanic
track remains in-situ in this 2008 photo of Chestnut Street in East
High Plains intends to employ in-situ leach mining technology to produce its uraniu
Main activity is uranium mining by In-Situ Leaching Method.
In-situ leaching (ISL), also called in-situ recovery
Uranium is extracted by in-situ leaching, involving the injection of a fluid
uranium content and amenability to mining by in-situ leaching.
JRO measurements complement the in-situ measurements perform with rockets launched fr
oils and subsequent treatment at the surface, In-situ methods seek to treat the contamination witho
aried but can be categorised into ex-situ and in-situ methods.
rd Quarry is the location of a well-preserved in-situ Middle Palaeolithic open-air site in Mundford
yaan-2, Indian Lunar Landing mission meant for insitu mineral and chemical analysis of lunar soil.
In-situ mining, or “solution mining,” recovers uraniu
, quantify density variations, and to provide in-situ model calibration data.
and Management to develop and demonstrate its in-situ oil shale extraction technology in Western Co
ation for the purpose of commercialization of in-situ oil shale technologies.
ssive 3.6 billion barrels (570,000,000 m3) of in-situ oil, the recovery factor for the field is rou
Class II - Iron particles originating in-situ on unpassivated or improperly passivated stai
he aerodrome was built to service the Firebag in-situ operation of Suncor Energy.
Currently, the in-situ process is the most attractive proposition du
Uranium is recovered using in-situ recovery (ISR) mining methods.
Uranium will be recovered using In-Situ Recovery (ISR) mining methods.
uranium mine and Australia's first operating in-situ recovery mine.
ete lining (SCL), prior to construction of an in-situ reinforced concrete secondary lining.
rd is currently working to identify suspected in-situ remains of the Santa Maria-flagship of Christ
The finds include the in-situ remains of at least nine woolly mammoths (Mam
has recently found a possible application in In-Situ Resource Utilization on Mars to provide oxyge
The process of in-situ resource utilization (bootstrapping)-using ma
is would have been the first demonstration of in-situ resource utilization ("ISRU") for propellant
The Edicts of Ashoka were either carved on in-situ rocks or engraved on pillars erected througho
initiated the Underground Test Facility as an in-situ SAGD bitumen recovery facility.
per of the Geothermic Fuels Cells Process, an in-situ shale oil extraction process.
Well preserved in-situ sites of the time are exceedingly rare in Eur
TriboView - *.hdf image viewer for in-situ SPM images
segments of it should be examined to rule out insitu/ squmous cell tumor
JMO is planned to undertake detailed in-situ studies of Jupiter's magnetosphere as a templ
Several in-situ techniques have been developed to extract thi
arket's fruit and vegetable waste through the in-situ technology.
Question words in Sakha remain in-situ; they do not move to the front of the sentenc
y make and mark, as proven by an FAA study of in-situ transponders.
In-Situ Vapor Extraction technology is an experimenta
, the site can be identified by pillars still in-situ, which were used for supporting conveyor belt
"Microstructural Studies of In-Situ Whisker Reinforced Si3N4 /BAS Composite," F.

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