「line-of-sight」の共起表現(1語右で並び替え) - Weblio英語共起表現検索





Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > line-of-sightの意味・解説 > line-of-sightに関連した共起表現


該当件数 : 35

DTED supports many applications, including line-of-sight analyses, terrain profiling, 3-D terrain v
nation of the orbit (the angle between the line-of-sight and the normal to the planet's orbital pla
the player to only see objects within the line-of-sight, and at distances based on target size.
the star's movement is along the viewer's line-of-sight and the Doppler spectroscopy method will n
vor of true 3D graphics, facilitating true line-of-sight and line-of-fire.
However, basic line-of-sight arguments outlined in the sections above s
uld be facing a tank with roughly 140mm of line-of-sight armor frontally.
The point where the line-of-sight between the satellite and the ground recei
from the primary which is thought to be a line-of-sight co-incidence.
ne or two stellar companions, but both are line-of-sight coincidences.
It is an optical line-of-sight companion to the much brighter [Al Nasl] G
It has been determined that HD 56096 has a line-of-sight companion star of uncertain distance.
iewed through a telescope, there is also a line-of-sight companion.
e located in an area with an elevation for line-of-sight coverage.
lar due to mountains to the NE which block line-of-sight FM transmissions.
ability was not sufficient to overcome the line-of-sight handicap and the associated higher cost fo
at least 6600 AU (the separation along the line-of-sight is unknown, so this value represents a low
Since the separation along the line-of-sight is unknown, this represents a lower limit
Because the system is line-of-sight limited, the plane must fly at altitudes a
The system is generally line-of-sight limited, with a nominal range of 450 km, t
Schedar is located in line-of-sight of the Milky Way galaxy, so there are othe
rent proper motion reveals it to be a mere line-of-sight optical companion.
-offs that affect ideal placement, such as line-of-sight or ballistic trajectory fire; a large area
dditionally, most radio signals are either line-of-sight, or can be distorted by the ground, which
transponder on an aircraft that is within line-of-sight range 'listens' for the SSR interrogation
Further, a chord connecting the line-of-sight tangents near the poles in the photograph
1963, to operate using a one-way, analog, line-of-sight technology.
ng changes in the movement of stars in the line-of-sight, the real orbital inclinations and true ma
(like a star) some of the time, and in its line-of-sight the rest of the time.
at they are in a region of space along the line-of-sight to the center of our galaxy, an area of th
Suitable over line-of-sight transmission links without obstacles
ch as a star, will be broadened due to the line-of-sight variations in velocity on opposite sides o
s subject to Doppler shift due to a finite line-of-sight velocity projection.
ng of the backscatter signals will produce line-of-sight wind-component profiles above thick clouds
that HD 28185 exhibited a wobble along the line-of-sight with a period of 383 days, with an amplitu

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