




該当件数 : 117

Oliveridia is a genus of midges and consists of two species: hugginsi and tric
Usambaromyia is a genus of African non-biting midges, and is the only genus in the subfamily Usamba
disease-carrying insects including mosquitoes, midges, and black fly larvae.
in particular with regard to parasitoid wasps, midges and mosquitos.
Chaoboridae, commonly known as phantom midges, are a family of fairly common midges with a c
The Dixidae (meniscus midges) are a family of aquatic nematoceran Diptera.
ito repellents are effective for sandflies and midges as well.
lar species linked to the virus are the biting midges Culicoides oxystoma and C. nipponensis.
Parametriocnemus is a genus of non-biting midges, distributed world-wide (except Antarctica), i
Brillia is a genus of non-biting midges in the subfamily Orthocladiinae of the family
Thalassomya is a genus of midges in the non-biting midge family (Chironomidae).
Monodiamesa is a genus of midges in the non-biting midge family (Chironomidae).
Orthocladiinae is a subfamily of midges in the non-biting midge family (Chironomidae).
Procladiini is a tribe of midges in the non-biting midge family (Chironomidae).
Podonominae is a subfamily of midges in the non-biting midge family (Chironomidae).
Buchonomyiinae is a subfamily of midges in the non-biting midge family (Chironomidae).
Anatopyniini is a tribe of midges in the non-biting midge family (Chironomidae).
Lauterbornia is a genus of midges in the bloodworm family (Chironomidae).
Prodiamesa is a genus of midges in the non-biting midge family (Chironomidae).
Platysmittia is a genus of midges in the non-biting midge family (Chironomidae).
Diamesinae is a subfamily of midges in the non-biting midge family (Chironomidae).
Natarsiini is a tribe of midges in the non-biting midge family (Chironomidae).
Tanypodini is a tribe of midges in the non-biting midge family (Chironomidae).
Compteromesa is a genus of midges in the non-biting midge family (Chironomidae).
dochironomus is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm
lassosmittia is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Orthocladiinae of the bloodwo
Cladopelma is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm
Lappodiamesa is a genus of non-biting midges in the subfamily Diamesinae of the bloodworm f
icrotendipes is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm
empellinella is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm
Constempellina is a genus of non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm
Hudsonimyia is a genus of non-biting midges in the subfamily Tanypodinae of the bloodworm
Micropsectra is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm
Gillotia is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm
Neozavrelia is a genus of non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm
Labrundinia is a genus of non-biting midges in the subfamily Tanypodinae of the bloodworm
Chaetocladius is a genus of non-biting midges in the subfamily Orthocladiinae of the bloodwo
Clinotanypus is a genus of non-biting midges in the subfamily Tanypodinae of the bloodworm
Graceus is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm
Halocladius is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Orthocladiinae of the bloodwo
Nilothauma is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm
Diplocladius is a genus of non-biting midges in the subfamily Orthocladiinae of the bloodwo
Corynocera is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm
Krenopelopia is a genus of non-biting midges in the subfamily Tanypodinae of the bloodworm
Macropelopia is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Orthocladiinae of the bloodwo
amptocladius is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Orthocladiinae of the bloodwo
Xenopelopia is a genus of non-biting midges in the subfamily Tanypodinae of the bloodworm
metriocnemus is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Orthocladiinae of the bloodwo
racricotopus is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Orthocladiinae of the bloodwo
Rheosmittia is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Orthocladiinae of the bloodwo
Krenosmittia is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Orthocladiinae of the bloodwo
tochironomus is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm
Parapsectra is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm
metriocnemus is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Orthocladiinae of the bloodwo
The bite of midges in the genus Culicoides causes an allergic res
seudosmittia is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Orthocladiinae of the bloodwo
bochironomus is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm
Beardius is a genus of Pan-american non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm
rochironomus is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm
Arctodiamesa is a genus of non-biting midges in the subfamily Diamesinae of the bloodworm f
Fleuria is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm
Stempellina is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm
Eufiefferiella is a genus of non-biting midges in the subfamily Orthocladiinae of the bloodwo
Cardiocladius is a genus of non-biting midges in the subfamily Orthocladiinae of the bloodwo
Nilotanypus is a genus of non-biting midges in the subfamily Tanypodinae of the bloodworm
Schineriella is a genus of non-biting midges in the subfamily Tanypodinae of the bloodworm
terborniella is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm
haenocladius is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Orthocladiinae of the bloodwo
Smittia is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Orthocladiinae of the bloodwo
orthocladius is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Orthocladiinae of the bloodwo
orthocladius is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Orthocladiinae of the bloodwo
Chernovskiia is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm
tochironomus is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm
richocladius is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Orthocladiinae of the bloodwo
Robackia is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm
Zavreliella is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm
Phaenopsectra is a genus of non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm
Tokunagaia is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Orthocladiinae of the bloodwo
Pagastia is a genus of non-biting midges in the subfamily Diamesinae of the bloodworm f
orthocladius is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Orthocladiinae of the bloodwo
Tanypus is a genus of non-biting midges in the subfamily Tanypodinae of the bloodworm
Kiefferulus is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm
Telmatopelopia is a genus of non-biting midges in the subfamily Tanypodinae of the bloodworm
eotanytarsus is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm
gatanytarsus is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm
Baeotendipes is a genus of European non-biting midges, in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodwor
Saetheria is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm
Rheopelopia is a genus of non-biting midges in the subfamily Tanypodinae of the bloodworm
Orthocladius is a genus of non-biting midges in the subfamily Orthocladiinae of the bloodwo
Acamptocladius is a genus of non-biting midges in the subfamily Orthocladiinae of the bloodwo
Eurycnemus is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Orthocladiinae of the bloodwo
Abiskomyia is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Orthocladiinae of the bloodwo
rynoneurella is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Orthocladiinae of the bloodwo
kiefferiella is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Orthocladiinae of the bloodwo
Metriocnemus is a genus of non-biting midges in the subfamily Orthocladiinae of the bloodwo
Larsia is a genus of non-biting midges in the subfamily Tanypodinae of the bloodworm
Paramerina is a genus of non-biting midges in the subfamily Tanypodinae of the bloodworm
Corynoneura is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Orthocladiinae of the bloodwo
haenocladius is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Orthocladiinae of the bloodwo
endotendipes is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm
Ablabesmyia is a genus of non-biting midges in the subfamily Tanypodinae of the bloodworm
ratanytarsus is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm
Tribelos is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm
is a genus of European and African non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm
Kloosia is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm
Afrozavrelia is a genus of European non-biting midges in the subfamily Chironominae of the bloodworm
Nanocladius is a genus of non-biting midges of the bloodworm family Chironomidae.
Thienemanniella is a genus of non-biting midges of the bloodworm family Chironomidae.
Zalutschia is a genus of non-biting midges of the bloodworm family Chironomidae.
Psectrocladius is a genus of non-biting midges of the bloodworm family Chironomidae.
Apedilum is a genus of non-biting midges of the bloodworm family Chironomidae.
Trissocladius is a genus of non-biting midges of the bloodworm family Chironomidae.
Alotanypus is a genus of non-biting midges of the bloodworm family Chironomidae.
Apsectrotanypus is a genus of non-biting midges of the bloodworm family Chironomidae.
Tvetenia is a genus of non-biting midges of the bloodworm family Chironomidae.
community of bacteria, rotifers, protozoa, and midges, W. smithii is the top-level predator; its pre
offmania is a genus of small yellow chironomid midges with two known species, both found in the Darj

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