



Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > mistakenlyの意味・解説 > mistakenlyに関連した共起表現


該当件数 : 465

e intelligent design movement he thinks they mistakenly accept "the modern idea that an Enlightenmen
Between 1986 and 2011 it had been mistakenly accepted that William's younger brother Geor
However, the surviving local residents mistakenly accuse the Local Shop of spreading the disea
But in 1996 she was mistakenly accused of doping and so was disqualified fo
The film deals with a young man who is mistakenly accused of one rape and one attempted rape a
and he was released to a punishment unit but mistakenly allowed leave before joining it.
The Clitophon was published ( mistakenly) among the Platonic spuria in the Aldine edi
The title "Anniversary Waltz" is often mistakenly and confusingly used to refer to the entirel
g; the name Copland's Rock Frog is sometimes mistakenly applied to this species (it is actually Lito
The term "Dappen Glass" is sometimes mistakenly applied to any dish that has two or more con
Gamma Gemini (Alhena), but was somehow also mistakenly applied to λ Orionis and the name stuck.
In the past, several botanists have mistakenly applied the scientific name of the Purpletop
In other words, the machine's computer is mistakenly applying the partition ratio (see above) and
At one time in his college days, he was mistakenly arrested for murder.
On May 30, 2005, Abdel Hamid was mistakenly arrested by U.S. troops.
Weil was mistakenly arrested in Finland at the outbreak of the W
This venture is often mistakenly ascribed to Zhou Ang instead.
It has also been mistakenly asserted that the Act abolished common-law m
mphlet issued at the time of his appointment mistakenly asserting that he was the brother of the sai
Some dinosaurs mistakenly assigned to Coeluridae in the past include S
Sach is also mistakenly assigned to a WAF barracks.
ale student in the 1960s, has sometimes been mistakenly associated with Goodhouse.
They mistakenly assume the borer was sunk.
part of the scientific method, but is often mistakenly assumed to be synonymous with the experiment
ir Walter Scott visited the area in 1825 and mistakenly assumed that Dargle was the name for any gle
her new vampire, psychotic Andrew Vorba, and mistakenly assumed that he was the Anointed.)
in Harris on bass vocals, though it has been mistakenly assumed over the years that Cat Stevens sang
r Speech to the Troops at Tilbury (Many have mistakenly assumed that the Tilbury mentioned as the si
29 October 1988, in which 14 fishermen were mistakenly assumed to be guerrillas and killed by the a
It is often, but mistakenly assumed to be in Northbridge; in fact, the e
it" is simply played backwards, a part many mistakenly assumed to be gibberish.
and-new tax cut is quashed when the townfolk mistakenly assumes that he is there to rescue them from
When he meets Ellen, he mistakenly assumes she is a certain kind of lady hired
However, she mistakenly assumes that Chinna is a soft natured guy, n
ras sex doll ordered by his mother, which he mistakenly assumes to be a Christmas present for him, a
e-Edwards referred the bones to a Strix owl, mistakenly assuming that Tafforet had described a speci
morning "so early that it was yet dark", but mistakenly attacked a group of hitherto friendly Indian
er a tragic incident where an Italian bomber mistakenly attacked German positions near Vlasenica, th
when Virgil is seriously injured when TB2 is mistakenly attacked by a US warship, his first thoughts
eir way to Tibet, Bessac was part of a group mistakenly attacked by Tibetan forces in which Central
While approaching Tibet, Bessac's group was mistakenly attacked by a group of Tibetan border guards
Coffin is a man who mistakenly attacks a Native American tribe after believ
closing credits of the special, it is often mistakenly attributed to Boris Karloff, who served as n
Rustici et Eleutherii" dates from c. 600, is mistakenly attributed to the poet Venantius Fortunatus,
a reference to a paper written by Power, but mistakenly attributed it to Richard Towneley.
s title track Alone in the Endzone, is often mistakenly attributed to lead guiarist Tek, but it was
In the series it is often mistakenly attributed by minor characters to Ed's autom
in F Major known as Haydn's Serenade - were mistakenly attributed to his famed contemporary.
f 1812)") the Trolls recorded that are often mistakenly attributed to The Arrogant Worms.
, and continuing to the present, it has been mistakenly attributed to both Alessandro Marcello's bro
Alcoholism is mistakenly attributed as a cause of this disease; heavy
The composition is sometimes mistakenly attributed to Wolfgang's father, Leopold Moz
ng the village has three large craters often mistakenly attributed to World War II bombs, the origin
It is often mistakenly attributed to Mackintosh.
A Dialogus de musica has been mistakenly attributed to Odo of Arezzo.
Some have speculated that this exchange was mistakenly attributed to Bernall.
homa on November 7, 1933; the heist would be mistakenly attributed to Floyd, George Birdwell and Aus
Many tunes often mistakenly attributed to other artists were either writ
Bandai, mistakenly attributing the video's success to its sexua
was originally counted as X, because it was mistakenly attributing it to another manuscript.
he Whipping" which featured a bigoted father mistakenly beating his daughter to death under the impr
originally intended to be a gold fringe, but mistakenly became incorporated into the design.
The title has sometimes mistakenly been taken to refer exclusively to particula
The date of the disaster has frequently (and mistakenly) been listed as "August 29, 1916" although i
This genus name has sometimes mistakenly been written as "Hongolua" and even "Hoglua"
Gen. John Brown Gordon, who had mistakenly been on a different road.
m an anonymous informant whom he had met and mistakenly befriended in a chat room.
ay from Mao (although it did state that "Mao mistakenly began the Cultural Revolution") to the "coun
They are also almost hit by what they mistakenly believe is one of their own torpedoes doubli
, although she also issued the licence, some mistakenly believe the school was founded as penance fo
Many people mistakenly believe that it was named Half Day because i
s initially resist including md5deep as they mistakenly believe its functionality can be reproduced
however, and cares for her through what they mistakenly believe is a deadly snakebite.
that rowdy crowds at their live shows would mistakenly believe that "hit me" was a challenge to phy
ring to get married, though she and Courtney mistakenly believe it is Peter's brother (Jason Bateman
The nickname led some Pittsburgh fans to mistakenly believe that he was a graduate of nearby Sli
ecause of the "UP Bank" sign, many Memphians mistakenly believe that 100 North Main was the headquar
s founded in 1825 by settler Isaac Swan, who mistakenly believed his new town and Canton, China were
s released from this position because it was mistakenly believed that he, like five of the other pre
It seems that all concerned mistakenly believed that this disqualified him from sit
ent 1888-1961 who, early on in his research, mistakenly believed that it was the emetic properties o
ry Layard for excavations at Nimrud which he mistakenly believed was Nineveh.
Researchers at USAMRIID mistakenly believed the strain came from Ames, Iowa bec
It is sometimes mistakenly believed to be a microbrewery, even though S
(It is often mistakenly believed that it was first performed by Twig
He mistakenly believed the lyrics to the Beatles' song wer
was patented by Scott in 1939, but is often mistakenly believed to be of post-war origin as it was
Tipu shot dead Captain Tariq Rahim, whom he mistakenly believed to be the son of then-martial law a
confused references to the show it is often mistakenly believed that the first and second segments
ly illegal (but tolerated as the authorities mistakenly believed at first that such frequencies were
The extinct Dal race was mistakenly believed by the First Doctor to be the ances
e Ripon by-election, 1860, as his supporters mistakenly believed that he had withdrawn.
leave, he is shot in the head by Richie, who mistakenly believed that the store's clerk whispered "h
air of South Vietnamese villages, which they mistakenly believed were Vietcong camps.
liday and the Seychellois football officials mistakenly believed him to be Scottish former Mancheste
He mistakenly believed that he had killed Damon.
when he shot and killed a pawn shop owner he mistakenly believed was of Jewish descent.
klore in her Heine form, and is commonly but mistakenly believed to be an old myth.
Although he mistakenly believed the rib belonged to a huge fish, pa
ins of the Roman fort found there which were mistakenly believed to be that of a Roman Temple.
Israel had mistakenly believed that an Egyptian military base was
It is often mistakenly believed these sonatas were composed to be p
George Elcoat (1863 - 3 June 1929) was mistakenly believed to have been an English football ma
s who knew the recipe sworn to silence, many mistakenly believed the cake to be the invention of the
It often mistakenly believed to be Hakka, whose people have simi
Cowherd explained that he mistakenly believed that his source was reporting break
request of educators worried that children ( mistakenly) believed the name represented the skin colo
into a competitive spectator event is often mistakenly believed to have first taken place in Winnfi
The image of Peter McGill is sometimes mistakenly believed to be James McGill, the founder of
emblance to Lattimore, who is older, and was mistakenly believed to be the same person.
impressed with the great number of what they mistakenly believed to be cranes that inhabited it.
he archisynagogus, as Grotius and other have mistakenly believed, but rather the chief or principal
part of Smith's conversation with Emery and mistakenly believes he was double-crossing her.
eir meeting, misunderstands her motives, and mistakenly believes her behavior was a ploy designed to
alme is visited by a mysterious woman who he mistakenly believes to be Xian.
When they leave for training camp, Jack mistakenly believes Sylvia prefers him; she actually pr
other to study up on the machinery, since he mistakenly believes nothing has changed much since the
ce seeks advice from Pederson, a neighbor he mistakenly believes is a psychiatrist, in the early mor
fatally shoots a motorcycle officer whom he mistakenly believes has come to arrest him.
Lee gets drunk and mistakenly believes she and Owen are carrying on behind
y encounters Spike chasing a young woman and mistakenly believes Spike is evil again.
ips an explosive device into a vent which it mistakenly believes leads to Olafson's underground suit
arrives, after being raped by her boss, and mistakenly believes that Ted is a child molester.
e patient's sister, beautiful Vicky Vicenti, mistakenly believes that Dr. Snow is the one who abduct
cause of a handle leak is when a programmer mistakenly believes that retrieving a handle to an enti
Sinclair witnessed them having a tea break; mistakenly believing they were deliberately slacking, h
chwomen Miss London Anne Soames against him, mistakenly believing they were out to rob banks and val
ri Rose to pass him seven laps from the end, mistakenly believing that Rose was a lap down.
ut with the season winding down and the Caps mistakenly believing they had been eliminated from the
low-moving train to correctly line a switch, mistakenly believing he had properly set the train's dy
Somerset to the continent where he has gone mistakenly believing Paula and the Captain to have been
ompany, who descends into prostitution after mistakenly believing that Roy has been killed.
departed, mistakenly believing the agreement had been made with i
amed Edward Cohen, a union leader from Lynn, mistakenly believing him to be the governor.
He did not record again, mistakenly believing that he had signed away his right
Mistakenly believing her to be dead, Barker undertakes
Mistakenly believing that his brother-in-law's boss is
The town was mistakenly bombed by Soviet airplanes during the Finnis
She was mistakenly bombed and sunk by a French airship AT-0 off
substancially destroyed in 1941, when it was mistakenly bombed, the only church in Derbyshire to be
casualties, many civilian installations were mistakenly bombed, including Taipei First Girls' High S
ocking event, he becomes unresponsive and is mistakenly buried, only to revive in the coffin after b
Kalenik mistakenly bursts in and causes a mild disturbance; the
hard III was killed in battle with a pollaxe mistakenly by Rhys ap Thomas.
The faint-banded sea snake has been mistakenly called the "hook-nosed sea snake" (which is
ource to source translators, which are often mistakenly called cross compilers.
our-seam fastball, and slider which is often mistakenly called a slurve.
Quite often, liquid oxygen is mistakenly called cryogenic "fuel", though it is actual
ch takes place the previous evening is often mistakenly called a Vigil Mass.
father of Barthold Georg Niebuhr (sometimes mistakenly called by his son's first name)
helton carved a number of story poles (often mistakenly called totem poles), very few of which still
The JSA is often mistakenly called Panmunjom.
Marine biologists sometimes are mistakenly called oceanographers, but oceanography is t
The water brake absorber is sometimes mistakenly called a "hydraulic dynamometer."
tue of the Babylonian Goddess Ishtar, but is mistakenly called Egyptian at first.
The chokeberries are often mistakenly called chokecherries, which is the common na
"Baba O'Riley" is often mistakenly called "Teenage Wasteland" after the phrase
Windsor Square is often mistakenly called "Hancock Park," even by long-time res
was burnt down by colonists from Florida (he mistakenly called those people English; they were Spani
Coalcliff (also sometimes mistakenly called Coal Cliff) is a railway station on t
egularly shaped headland, which is sometimes mistakenly called "Fingal Island", covers an area of ap
business numbers as a courtesy to listeners mistakenly calling into the wrong station.
the Mukti Bahini named "Padma" and "Palash" mistakenly came under fire from the Indian Air Force as
that many opponents of the death penalty had mistakenly cast a "no" vote, in the belief that they we
ery small number of these are printed books, mistakenly catalogued as manuscripts in the 18th centur
of the planet Uranus, by John Flamsteed, who mistakenly catalogues it as the star 34 Tauri.
For this reason, the drink is sometimes mistakenly categorized as a type of martini.
who one night attempted to halter his horse, mistakenly caught a cow, and thought it was the devil.
The U.S. Postal Department mistakenly changed the first letter to a "D", resulting
Some newspapers such as the Daily Mail have mistakenly cited Nufc.com as "The Official Newcastle Un
His year of birth has been mistakenly cited as 1961, but he is two years older.
"Youthful Expression" - 4:52 (Notes mistakenly claim 4:01)
reports, including in The Mail on Sunday, to mistakenly claim that it was "secret".
e American Libyan Freedom Alliance have both mistakenly claimed that he was deported from Canada, an
The miao dao is also often mistakenly claimed to have been one of the weapons taug
e successfully sued The People newspaper for mistakenly claiming she was nude in the movie Bad Karma
axton to the category, someone removed that, mistakenly claiming Braxton only appeared on one ECM re
d Know called "How Mummies Work", Josh Clark mistakenly claims that the title was changed to "Brothe
PO and R2-D2 continue to wreak havoc as they mistakenly come across the group of disguised rebels.
In May 2008, Blears mistakenly commented on BBC's Question Time that there
elates the story of a confused driver who is mistakenly committed to an insane asylum after he insis
deficient diet is the cause of beriberi, but mistakenly concludes that sufficient protein alone woul
She feels most attracted to Matthew, but he mistakenly confronts her of being part of a scheme.
he State Capitol - though the legend grew to mistakenly confuse the long negotiations with the final
etazolam marketed as Marcen may sometimes be mistakenly confused with Narcan.
He is sometimes mistakenly confused with Charles VII of France, who was
d other predators from eating it, if only by mistakenly confusing it with a thorn.
e mythological encyclopedia, the Bibliotheke mistakenly connected with the name of Apollodorus.
ddle Ages.In some sources they are sometimes mistakenly considered as ethnic Kurds, because they wer
In these former fallacies, precision is mistakenly considered evidence of causation, when in fa
The Salomons Memorial is often mistakenly considered the summit of the hill, although
Burnham has a Chicago ZIP code, and is often mistakenly considered part of Chicago.
hborhoods in the East Division are sometimes mistakenly considered part of Northeast Philadelphia.
This reissue mistakenly contained an alternate version of "Great Bla
that some votes from military personnel were mistakenly counted for Annapolis-Kings when those votes
rror in the sleeve notes for the album; they mistakenly credit the tracks This Time Around and Owed
th Hall, London, England on October 7, 1968 ( mistakenly credited as being recorded on July 10 due to
thers architectural firm (although some have mistakenly credited the building to Frank Furness) for
She is sometimes mistakenly credited with having been the lead singer of
XXL, as well as other media outlets, have mistakenly credited Lil' Jon as the producer of this so

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