



Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > observationsの意味・解説 > observationsに関連した共起表現


該当件数 : 1367

From observations, a twisted accretion disk, in retrograde pr
1716-1718.The letters about her travels and observations about Ottoman life was published under the
s, proverbs that express general truths and observations about life and human nature, humorous prove
Chapters 1-10 relate general observations about the Mongols and their customs.
rural Hampshire and made the first recorded observations about the generation of beeswax, which was
In addition, he also made observations about the differences between Northern and
patient seeing his therapist making comical observations about relationships.
Observations about our present universe may not only all
He made some key observations about the geology which still stand.
measurements, theoretical astrophysics, and observations across the electromagnetic spectrum have co
, both cameras and spectrometers that allow observations across much of the visible and near infrare
tronomers as HI) in the course of follow-up observations after the discovery of Dwingeloo 1. Dwingel
Most observations agree that the inner rim of the ring is whi
d made, in 1716 and 1717, various planetary observations all with a fifteen-foot telescope.
ticular controversy as to how long a run of observations, all on the same side of the centre line, s
tory, but also in astronomical spectroscopy observations, allowing astronomers to deduce the existen
"I found nothing but disgust in my observations along the route and in the place I came to
plate camera and theodolite for his careful observations along the length of the river and he presen
His observations also indicated that the sinus is the pacema
Such photometric observations also reveal the planet's size.
Research observations also suggest most of eastern and southeaste
Further observations also showed an entanglement with the upper
He made observations also on the degradation of mountains by rai
These observations also reveal differences in the spectra with
Climate and Coastal Observations, Analysis, and Prediction Research
al history, in particular she made physical observations and experiments on marine and terrestrial a
medical examinations, observations and treatments of pilots and aircrews, abil
Observations and sampling of an ongoing subsurface erupt
He made a series of astronomical observations and an ephemeris, which he published in twe
o much on the ancient authors as on his own observations and described plants according to the latte
rgo steamer to take special surface weather observations and release pilot balloons to measure the w
e created during that time and based on his observations and experience there, under the title "Impr
p, concentrating on radio and submillimetre observations and instrumentation, observational cosmolog
a sufficient portion of all the knowledge, observations and theoretical circumstances known about t
However, a number of recent observations and measurements suggest that the base of t
His observations and analysis of natural history helped Char
remained in the city during 1665, to record observations and test the effectiveness of treatments ag
ntion was to provide "correct and plentiful observations, and phraseological explanations," as well
many others, as well as her own razor-sharp observations and analysis of such issues as generational
He embodied in the history his scientific observations and treated comprehensively and accurately
arch is "based on the operators' subjective observations and perceptions of the situation within the
rake into a more circular orbit for science observations and would provide communications relay for
40 countries that allowed nearly continuous observations and data collection of Comet 1P/Halley duri
not been re-published, the citations of his observations and studies are practically non-existent, a
they are spontaneous expressions of his own observations and independent ideas and help to character
His observations and theories are now highly regarded, but h
1884, Hoke integrated his memories, notes, observations, and outside sources into a pamphlet he ent
I. X-ray observations and optical identifications".
gular separation measured by direct imaging observations and the star's distance from Earth.
He made meteorological observations and collected plants.
is brief period he made enormous amounts of observations and collections.
The poem is typified by its fluctuating observations, and uses many of the same devices and expr
rtaking experiments so as to make empirical observations, and that the "route from theory to measure
Lowell did many Mars observations and drew maps of what he saw.
The journal includes his astronomical observations and personal notes about the American front
of the Amazon, in order to take scientific observations, and draw up a report for the Spanish gover
nvestigation of the Babylonian astronomical observations and tables.
It is interspersed with minute observations and vignettes from his life in Modena and V
elescopes are in regular use for scientific observations and as of late 2005 imaging results are rou
writing in April 2009, Tishani Doshi makes observations and commentaries as a television viewer of
ion but gave the moose a library of comedic observations and wisecracks which gave it a distinct cha
pproximated by producing a histogram of the observations, and then finding the discrete entropy
lt here for astronomical and meteorological observations and to provide accurate time for ships' chr
He publishes the Nakano Notes on comet observations and ephemerides.
t completed a full orbit during the time of observations and only one turning point of the observed-
and Engels compiled his study from his own observations and detailed contemporary reports.
ts", and comments that it "seems to fit the observations and experiments of many search engine optim
for his variable star and lunar occultation observations and contributions to artificial satellite p
as create flawless strategies based on her observations, and was able to learn how to play a guitar
Charles Darwin describes his observations and experiments on some species of Coryanth
rom the year 1740 on he made meteorological observations, and kept records of the influence of the w
is friend and law partner, based on his own observations and on hundreds of letters and interviews h
od is very sensitive to the accuracy of the observations and parameters.
teur scientist and made some meteorological observations and wrote some papers.
a data relay satellite, MTSAT-2 for weather observations and the ETS-VIII experimental communication
toward one's opponents' points of view and observations, and egregious self-congratulatory confirma
Although clinical observations and gross examination indicate that O. atte
OAR concentrates on high angular resolution observations and will soon deploy an adaptive optics mod
with deft lyrics, but also with intelligent observations and a rich frisson of artistic traditions.
dly in the realm of scientific theories and observations, and others are considered fringe science,
nomy through a curriculum based on asteroid observations and orbital calcualtions.
ed methods to deduce a planetary orbit from observations, and analysed the mathematics of perturbati
to the importance of the new moth behavior observations, and how they shook Bernard Kettlewell's or
Ford made over 60,000 variable star observations, and became the youngest member of the Amer
more susceptible to usog in accordance with observations and theory.
been said to link the stone to astronomical observations and to the noon-day sun height at mid-summe
They are not strict observations and apply differently depending upon the pr
presentation on the foundations, theories, observations, and contributors to Astronomy.
rdini is mentioned in Hester Lynch Piozzi's Observations and Reflections Made in the Course of a Jou
ian and the USAF Project Space Track shared observations and ephemerides throughout the early days o
Astronomy: Observations and Theories is a documentary television se
fe continued in the early 19th century with observations and experiments by Franz Schulze and Theodo
Elizabeth Bishop because of her meticulous observations and with Robert Frost, for she frequently d
The astronomers use observations and data captured by the Spitzer Space Tele
creating a guide on how to make scientific observations and standardized forms for submitting data.
is usually done on site, performing surface observations and measurements of various properties of t
on Cars and Driving continued the theme of observations and circumstances people get into when driv
servatory is only being used for scientific observations and since 1999 equipped with a 40 cm mirror
and 1853, he took systematic meteorological observations, and summarised the results in two papers o
He also made a series of observations and drawings of the turbulence in the belts
ic impact of the sanctions; and report with observations and recommendations to the Council by Octob
In the book, Dillard records observations and thoughts on solitude, writing, religion
rresponded on ornithology with Hume and his observations and research in this region were published
ished in 2006 and is dedicated to follow-up observations and detections of asteroids, comets, and Ne
digitize historical and recent astronomical observations and images in a large database for efficien
ous outdoor enclosures for conducting field observations and metapopulation studies on a variety of
emper published several works detailing his observations and experiences among Pacific peoples.
Through field observations and experiments they demonstrated the influ
-dimensional, we can imagine taking all the observations and putting them in order of their value.
Gray helped him with many of the observations and calculations (possibly without being pa
The paper describes Tausk's observations and psychoanalytic interpretation of a type
of the ants from which he produced so many observations and deductions.
direction of Thomas Milton; with historical Observations and incidental Illustrations of the Manners
He published a number of comet observations and emphemeris' in the Astronomische Nachri
ale (original music composer for Astronomy: Observations and Theories) on drums and Steve Williams o
Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, whose personal observations and diary entries formed the basis for one
stationary weather ship, which took surface observations and launched radiosondes to measure weather
ter contains detailed descriptions of their observations and interviews with punishable souls in hel
sister Caroline, who assisted him with his observations and herself discovered a number of comets.
rnment for scientific education and regular observations, and is open daily to the public (except Tu
range of dates, print off data based on the observations and (in some versions) control a telescope.
eaches astronomy with a curriculum based on observations and orbit calculations of an asteroid.
bureaucratic structure, but allowed Chinese observations and predictions to be checked by respected
He meticulously documented his observations, and his own journal has become an invaluab
ady at that time to make he made scientific observations and collections.
degree (Master of Science) with her thesis Observations and analysis of the mutual phenomena of the
ted in Athens contained a record of Meton's observations, and a description of the Metonic cycle.
r functions that yield results in line with observations and then use these generalisations to contr
uld return to parliament, with accompanying observations, any law.
ory began to emerge in the late 1960s, when observations apparently supported the idea that the univ
The Natural and Political Observations appear with some of King's unpublished writ
Current observations are already able to place exceedingly strin
Name is Steven, infiltrated NAMBLA and his observations are recorded in his book, published in 1991
The observations are shown.
These observations are not possible and are not consistent wit
ute corrections hereafter, as more numerous observations are made and better instruments are used.
These observations are explained by invoking a non-classical i
Therefore, observations are limited practically to the moon and pla
Earlier high flux observations are from October 6, 1987, 13:49-22:04 UTC,
Observations are conducted at New Zealand's Mt.
Most astronomical observations are conducted by measuring photons (electro
state does not depend on the order in which observations are made (commutativity)
The observations are plotted against time, and from the resu
Cyg X-2 UV observations are from June 11-14, 1988, and October 4-8,
The vast majority of observations are carried out in visitor mode i.e. with t
His observations are done at Reedy Creek Observatory in Quee
For the observations are used optical telescopes and radiotelesc
irector of the AVO, the virtual observatory observations are the future of astronomy and will facili
Movable-equipment-based optical observations are mainly performed there.
igation of Tasmania, during which important observations are made on the resources of the west coast
These observations are used to measure properties of the large
The discoverers note that further observations are needed to confirm the existence of this
These observations are in the short-wavelength (120.0-200.0
Deep Field observations are also planned for the James Webb Space T
revented from visiting certain flowers, and observations are then made on the which flowers develop
However general observations are not very helpfull so please be specific
pebbles are thrown into standing water and observations are made from the circles formed when the o
e Bonner Durchmusterung (Bonn Survey) where observations are abbreviated as BD.
Historical and ancient observations are used to track theoretically long term t
Current weather observations are taken from the Chautauqua County-Jamest
Meteorological observations are of wind, air temperature, cloud amount,
The discovers note that additional observations are required to confirm the presence of thi
her points in the film, these questions and observations are voiced by other members of his family,
Observations are managed and archived at the European Sp
ess risk in financial modeling denotes that observations are not spread symmetrically around an aver
th America, and western Pacific where other observations are sparse.
s reported to have been making astronomical observations around the year 800AD.
corridor to the control room, to report his observations, arriving shortly after the explosions, the
Zealand in 1854, and recorded many natural observations as well as species that were then new to sc
l may, if it considers necessary, make such observations, as it may think fit, in any of its decisio
t it has collected over 175 billion airfare observations as if 2007.
er models to verify the validity of ancient observations, as well as dating such observations and do
nted international effort to obtain as many observations as possible from different points in the wo
5 business days regardless of the number of observations, as of September 2009.
The gondola was later used for ground-based observations as the MAT/TOCO experiment; so named becaus
rcher who collects data by participating in observations asks: “What the hell is going on here?”
udent observing projects such as supernovae observations, asteroid observations, the Lifecycle of St
al sciences, technology applications, Earth observations, astronomy, and atmospheric physics.
severe thunderstorm warning based on their observations at 11.38pm).
Lick and Keck observatories and photometric observations at Fairborn Observatory reveal low-amplitud
ated COBE Differential Microwave Radiometer observations at centimeter wavelengths with DIRBE dust e
Extracts from his observations at Cambridge 1851-8 appeared in the Astrono
4. Molecular lines observations at mm wavelengths.
set of three filters, allowing simultaneous observations at 13, 15 and 17 GHz.
Observations at Jodrell Bank in 1945.
In a similar study, the radar observations at Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico, led
smic microwave background radiation (CMB/R) observations at 13 to 17 GHz, based at the Mullard Radio
mation about the Galactic Center comes from observations at gamma ray, hard X-ray, infrared, sub-mil
Halton's observations at Wingfield on the solar eclipse of 23 Jun
From 72 observations at 5 oppositions, 1994-2005, mean residual
an year) in situ meteorological and imaging observations at a single or few landing site(s)
bsequently revised by Bennett in 1962 using observations at 178 MHz, and for many years '3CR' was co
The ATM made observations at a variety of wavelengths, from extreme u
Observations at manned stations cover weather, wind dire
first person, the story chronicled Eustis' observations at a school outside of Berlin that trained
To provide for taking meteorological observations at the military stations in the interior of
Center carries out regularly photometrical observations at Mt. Suhora Observatory and spectral obse
l times in his Almagest to a Theon who made observations at Alexandria, but it is uncertain whether
er, spent much time conducting astronomical observations at Shirburn Castle, which his father had bo

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