




該当件数 : 668

enewed unrest there, headed north-westwards to oppose a move in that direction.
bodies in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland oppose a Great Britain team, fearing it would stop th
I would oppose a merge.
l, over half of North Carolina residents would oppose a ban on same-sex marriage, though the majorit
t point of views, which favor State rights and oppose a centralized controlling government.
and 38 law professors filed an Amicus brief to oppose a trademark infringement lawsuit TFN filed aga
was then assigned to Eastern North Carolina to oppose a major Union raid on Kinston and Goldsboro.
In 1990 he also led the effort to oppose a sister city agreement with Volgograd.
d and a coalition of anti-censorship groups to oppose a new zoning law that would shut down an estim
In My Back Yard) phenomenon in which residents oppose a development as being inappropriate for their
onville in June 1862, commanded troops sent to oppose a landing by Union forces at Pocotaligo, South
the basis of society”, and he warned those who oppose a new law that would protect it not to attempt
Nellis was present at the meeting to oppose a new proposed by-law which would ticket boist
I also oppose a merging of these two articles, it is fine ho
h politicians such as Nuri as-Said who did not oppose a continued British presence and anti-British
vertisements that do not explicitly endorse or oppose a candidate?
mocrats pledged to improve parking in Fareham, oppose a proposed gravel extraction site and build le
The activists who rallied Sunday also oppose a proposed free trade agreement between the Un
asingly hard to take, since it required him to oppose a subway fare increase that he considered nece
He was the only councillor to oppose a proposal to use both Metro Hall (the former
s of initiatives by political conservatives to oppose a perceived liberal bias on campuses.
e current Republican Governor, Matt Blunt; 54% oppose a law that will require all Missourians to sho
Pagett was one of only two councillors to oppose a bailout grant to Showplace Peterborough in 2
or the concerns of southern suburbs residents, oppose a highway through Beaconsfield and address par
ns support non-aggression, libertarians should oppose abortion because abortion is "an act of aggres
Therefore, we oppose abortion, infanticide, euthanasia, and medical
the scientific consensus on global warming or oppose action to mitigate global warming, instead fav
oppose Actually my feeling is closer to "Enh."
Oppose, agree with CComMack.
Oppose: Agree that 'Dover' clearly can refer to multi
any pro-choice Representatives said they would oppose AHCAA with the Stupak-Pitts language, and prop
Oppose All three camps are significant.
yer Protection Pledge, she has stated she will oppose all new taxes and tax increases, and when adju
The Venatori oppose all the factions working for the return of the
Critical social work evolved from this to oppose all forms of oppression.
John Goia and by Senator Diane Feinstein whom oppose all urban gaming.
entatives of international lending agencies to oppose all credits to the Republic of South Africa or
he Georgian battalion to the Dutch mainland to oppose Allied advances - triggering the rebellion.
ians support same-sex civil unions, though 54% oppose allowing same-sex couples to marry.
Beneharo was the first to oppose Alonso Fernandez de Lugo, and joined the war c
stresses the unity of the United Kingdom, and oppose altering the constitutional status of England.
courage the Shawnee and other native groups to oppose American advance across the Ohio River.
g that Gagnon needed no additional evidence to oppose AMS's summary judgment motion.
91, Save Arvada's Residential Areas (SARA), to oppose an annexation proposed by the Arvada City Coun
y a telephone or Internet company could try to oppose an NSL subpoena in court and
- United States: The majority 54% of Americans oppose an increase in troops: The plurality 40% of Am
y a telephone or Internet company could try to oppose an NSL subpoena in court, and
n development on the commons which many locals oppose and believe is not legitimate.
orts to effect homosexual law reform, and both oppose, and then seem to abet, grand apartheid.
Club, boasted that "The main objective was to oppose and expose the activities of organised Jewry."
resources compared to Henry II's, he failed to oppose Angevin hegemony effectively.
bolitionist Institute it is wrong of those who oppose animal abolitionism to imagine that this movem
Made to oppose anti-Semitism and racial prejudice at the end
burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, to insure the survival and the succes
To oppose any negotiations or agreements about the futur
ould not stand as an independent and would not oppose any decision by the local association to desel
ng, “I do not run for the Presidency merely to oppose any man but to propose new polices.”
ve acronym for citizen activists who regularly oppose any changes within a community.
44.4% oppose any form of legal recognition for same-sex cou
lt missile corvette, Hiddensee was designed to oppose any naval threat to the East German Coast, and
To renounce for themselves, and to oppose any effort by others, to use force, or threate
between the Israeli and Palestinian people and oppose any attempt by the Israeli government to impos
mbered as the only member of the Commission to oppose any modification to prohibition or its repeal.
Both Dewey and Vandenberg also continued to oppose any aid to Britain that might lead to war with
all nations, and members pledge themselves to oppose any form of suppression of freedom of expressi
burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, to assure the survival and the succes
She joined democrats to oppose application for HK$50 million to fund the dism
In 896, he was one of the few in the north to oppose Arnulf second invasion.
I agree with the Oppose, as this is the 2007 event's article.
Very strongly oppose as political correctness, based on raw google
Oppose at present.
s Neighbors For Smart Rail (NFSR) organized to oppose at-grade light rail through this ROW.
He attempts to oppose Azul after pretending to be on the Off-Worlder
process for issuing concealed weapon permits; oppose background checks for weapons purchased at gun
The DFAF and its many divisions oppose ballot initiatives that would reduce criminal
Oppose, because the series is not called "Supers".
previous undersheriff for Tombstone) would not oppose Behan's appointment.
he was one of the few congressional members to oppose Bill Frist's addition of the Unlawful Internet
service in the Army and Navy and urged him to oppose bills in Congress that would deprive Nisei of
which managed to persuade other delegations to oppose Blaine's candidacy on the grounds that he coul
ing-class voters in Winnipeg were unwilling to oppose Borden's government in wartime.
wed the American determination a year later to oppose Boutros-Ghali's quest for a second term as Sec
publican would challenge for the nomination to oppose Bredesen and that the nomination could go to a
ina banded together with the other colonies to oppose British taxation in the Stamp Act Crisis of 17
he common and formed two rows on the common to oppose British forces.The militiamen suffered the fir
in October 1915 from the British XVI Corps to oppose Bulgarian advances in the region as part of th
Oppose but support Austro-Hungarian Compromise of 186
Oppose, but... - although I agree that there should b
"Why Caring Communities Must Oppose C.R.A.C.K./Project Prevention: How C.R.A.C.K.
only one of the senators who will stand up and oppose Caesar openly, demanding that he be called bac
nd traditional Catholic groups and individuals oppose Call to Action.
three Liberal MPs who broke with the party to oppose Canada's entry into World War II in 1939, argu
ations from using treasury money to support or oppose candidates in elections did not violate the Fi
³ It is noted that Nazi ideology does not oppose capitalist relations or production, just the e
s County Democracy" by Democrats in Queens, to oppose Cassidy's re-election campaign in 1903.
ion after having been put up as a candidate to oppose Cate by The Agricultural Wheel.
He has been known to oppose certain Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) deals
In case this page is not moved, I oppose changing the redirect, which has numerous inco
I also oppose civil unions...ever since [same-sex marriage]
hibiting the import of Irish cattle, partly to oppose Clarendon and partly to thwart the Duke of Orm
"They oppose class oppression and they may hate individuals
As of early 2008, Armstrong said he would oppose closing an exemption for one-on-one gun sales
fortifications along the Danube, intending to oppose Cniva's forces.
Oppose, common practice for royalty is not to use the
cy and the Three Principles of the People, and oppose communism and Taiwan independence.
Why We Oppose Conscription.
esource for those working to understand and to oppose contemporary antisemitism.
ng cruelty isn't enough to negate or perfectly oppose cruelty.
formed in June 1909 and led by Walter Long to oppose David Lloyd George's (nick named the 'Welsh Wi
initially considering fielding a candidate to oppose Davis in support of anti-terrorism legislation
t after the state's Republicans decided not to oppose Democrat James D. Porter.
s death, Holleman was recruiting candidates to oppose Democratic U.S. Representatives Bill Alexander
rguments to be used by preachers and others to oppose detractors of Catholicism.
Oppose dictatorial rule and the centralization of pol
Strong Oppose due to the proposal not having anything like t
n command of 500 Virginia rebels to Norfolk to oppose Dunmore.
thic population could always be relied upon to oppose dynastic rule.
ften temporary and fluid since legislators who oppose each other on some issues may agree on other i
subtriangular brown blotches that alternate or oppose each other middorsally.
After watching McDonald and Jay oppose each other in criminal trials, Fletcher decide
This drug thus produces two effects which oppose each other, with the nootropic effect from the
lso arrangements where the Lib Dems and Labour oppose each other and instead form a local alliance w
ster, and the three reaffirmed their intent to oppose Edward.
Those who oppose English independence and endorse the continuat
children from households around the globe that oppose equal rights for lesbian families, as well as
Felix is often quoted as saying “Not to oppose error is to approve it; and not to defend trut
agazine Gourmet and it had ben demonstrated to oppose EU free trade rules.
They also oppose euthanasia and the capital punishment.
rvative machine politicos, convinced Sawyer to oppose Evans, with their backing, and the progressive
is logically committed and morally obliged to oppose everyone dedicated to alleviating world hunger
"to oppose everything in the work and worship of the chur
Grimmett did not oppose Eves, and returned to his Port Carling law pra
ania," a political action committee created to oppose expansion of gambling in Pennsylvania; he late
In a written note, Jew agreed that he did not oppose Fazio's exit and that they have mutual consent
Add *Support or *Oppose followed by an optional one sentence explanat
Add *Support or *Oppose followed by an optional one-sentence explanat
Add *Support or *Oppose followed by an optional one sentence explanat
I will drop my oppose for the time being for a merge here.
The later oppose free trade because if it was allowed then they
try to build a coalition of states that would oppose French annexation of Corsica.
rm and support the Black Flags and to covertly oppose French operations in Tonkin.
Party, was organized for the 1848 election to oppose further expansion of slavery into the western
ght to reorganize the Tukolor confederation to oppose further French advancement up the Senegal Rive
"To oppose further Federal encroachment upon the reserved
ials who at first favored reform later came to oppose further reform which might limit their discret
He has stated he would oppose gay marriage.
or the purpose of galvanizing the community to oppose gay rights.
ting the South from mustering her resources to oppose Generals Sherman and Grant.
ely preceded the Restoration he endeavoured to oppose George Monck's schemes, and desired Charles Fl
and Masuria, concentrating on their efforts to oppose Germanization.
r the current system and they will undoubtedly oppose getting rid of it.
ents in Indiana newspapers and asked voters to oppose Givan in the November 6 election.
angeling and the Flash, and the Blue Beetle to oppose Glorious Godfrey.
t suggested in the Temple Scroll for those who oppose god is to be hung on a tree until death.
Jeschonnek, however, was not strong enough to oppose Goering successfully (occasionally he did succ
n, which maintained a Washington D.C. lobby to oppose government operation of a $150,000,000 power p
public meetings; organise public protests; and oppose government policies through the media.
for the Confederate forces that had massed to oppose Grant's and Buell's invasion through Tennessee
r's Bluff), the befuddled Confederates did not oppose Grant's landing on the east side of the Missis
lved with the Harbinger Foundation and came to oppose Harada.
All Martians who oppose her have been turned into clay humanoids, cons
the most prominent of Nobunaga's relatives to oppose Hideyoshi in this quest.
They oppose high levels of immigration into the UK.
s or stallions, it was not of the least use to oppose him at an auction sale.
s local support so high, the Unionists did not oppose him in the 1945 election.
members of the board of trustees of the MDC to oppose him being given a professorship.
The English of Leinster assembled to oppose him, on behalf of the King: Mac Maurice, Lord
em, and continually hits her when she tries to oppose him, get away, or even talk to him about their
s a Protectionist, but the Labor Party did not oppose him, regarding him as a supporter of the labou
tion despite attempts by south Mayo priests to oppose him, squashed by O'Brien's threat to abandon a
ly warned Judge Pavy that if Pavy continued to oppose him, Long would announce that Pavy's family wa
Stanley Knowles continued to oppose him, but was in Britain when the convention to
ingdom while his mother was in no condition to oppose him, but he was probably also aiming to streng
ys have an ally, should either Muslim or Greek oppose him, a Latin.
power of princes, stripping off their power to oppose him, but at the same time, rendering them unab
head of the Nationalist Party-and continued to oppose him, particularly in relation to his support f
hose a Coalition Liberal candidate, they would oppose him.
sed, Yunfa assembled the other Hausa rulers to oppose him.
again at Barmouth and this time decided not to oppose him.
negotiations or besieging those which chose to oppose him.
him a large number of intellectuals, chose to oppose him.
re would be no Autobot Matrix of Leadership to oppose him.
se willing to serve Argus and those wishing to oppose him.
tor is the chief of the village so they try to oppose him.
Subsequently, the Liberals did not oppose him.'
The Lower Mac William went to oppose him; and a battle was fought between them, in
Oppose Hinkley is an important historical figure and
Olivo, realizuing that his daughter dares to oppose his will, is furious and Le Bross, shocked by
t Union instructed the U.S. Communist Party to oppose his asylum.
he must kill Lynceus, persuade Jupiter not to oppose his journey into the Underworld, and persuade
He was one of three Lib-Dem MSPs to oppose his party's coalition with the Labour Party (a
organized opposition from feminist groups who oppose his pro-life stance.
collective bargaining; the Government did not oppose his motion and it was agreed to by the House o
But John begged his servants not to oppose his execution, and through affection for him t
Several of Nicole's friends are non-Jews who oppose Hitler's policies and protect the Bernhardt fa
r half a million men who in signing pledged to oppose Home Rule by 'all means which shall be found n
zicka led the Utah Eagle Forum in the fight to oppose House Bill 358, which appropriated $1 million
Macphee blamed his loss on his decision to oppose Howard's position on Asian immigration.
l election, the Labour Party also chose not to oppose Hunter.

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