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I am absolutely aware that any scholar and particularly a scholar of such "level" as Norman Davis M
Landhi Korangi Zoo for bringing new animals particularly a pair of lions.
Further poor results, particularly a record 4-0 defeat by St. Mirren, led to M
ned as the minimum temperature of a liquid, particularly a lubricant, after which, on decreasing the
Nesh - Cold, particularly a person who is prone to feeling cold whils
He is particularly a legend at Nuneaton Borough, known as "Sup
The estate had a number of outbuildings, particularly a stone round house where Todd stored the p
y corpse that was jumped over by an animal, particularly a dog or a cat, was feared to become one of
frastructural development of the resort and particularly a road that would connect Bukovel with Yare
emistry, gravity is the density of a fluid, particularly a fuel.
which tells stories about the same, particularly a mutual crush between an upperclassman and
ens are attached to particles and plankton, particularly a type of zooplankton called copepods, with
After about AD 400, there was particularly a great deal of confusion among Mediaeval E
Finds from Vimose - particularly a comb with the inscription harja dated to
sents the number of windings of a polytope, particularly a uniform or regular polytope, around its c
rather unsightly damage to plants, which is particularly a problem for growers of ornamentals.
lly to any important person of high status, particularly a wealthy, land owning, long-time resident
In French Guiana particularly, a growing number of Palikur are engaging i
or outstanding research in aquatic science, particularly a solution of an environmental problem
suffer from some painful economic problems, particularly a balance of payments deficit, over the nex
are somewhat conservative on social issues, particularly abortion and gun control.
Tamogami is known for making jokes, particularly about his own diminutive stature.
Critical reaction was positive, particularly about Tamzin Outhwaite.
His work, particularly about people, had incorporated various tech
rainforest in the interior of the islands, particularly above 200m.
t Muslim mystics carry the name Suhrawardi, particularly Abu 'l-Najib al-Suhrawardi and his paternal
Platyceras is particularly abundant in Devonian deposits (359 million
ell membrane, and a dietary component being particularly abundant in milk, cheese, egg, and meat.
It is particularly abundant around Lake Toba, after which it i
t contributor to ecosystems, since they are particularly abundant within soils.
Cordyceps species are particularly abundant and diverse in humid temperate and
tus lives on a variety of substrates, being particularly abundant in sea pen beds, at depths of up t
nt brown dye from the wood of acacia trees, particularly Acacia catechu, used in India for dyeing co
It was not particularly accurate and bombs often fell over in fligh
uted, and the stylised straight line is not particularly accurate.
and the American dream come undone after a particularly acrimonious divorce.
herb which is quite variable in appearance, particularly across its four subspecies.
She was particularly active in bringing visibility to related is
The Foundation has been particularly active in Qidong County, Jiangsu Province,
He is particularly active on environmental causes, but funds o
The company was also particularly active in Belgium, the United Kingdom, Germ
The Allied Pacific Group is particularly active in the real property development and
Paul is particularly active in issues of social justice and tack
rapher from Middlesbrough, England, who was particularly active in photographing Middlesbrough and t
He was particularly active in film and television having record
She has been particularly active at the Prague State Opera where she
It was particularly active in Nottinghamshire.
He is particularly active in graph theory and recognized for h
ureate of the Britten Sinfonia and has been particularly active in the promotion of contemporary mus
In the latter, the group is particularly active in Brazil through its majority-owned
talian extra-parliamentary leftist movement particularly active from 1976 to 1978.
He was particularly active in expanding opportunity for the res
Ashkenazi Jews were particularly active in Azerbaijani politics.
Castle gang existed for many years and was particularly active between the two world wars.
talian criminal organization based in Rome, particularly active throughout the late 1970s until the
They were particularly active in tracking down and confronting Con
As with television and film, she was not particularly active in the theatre until later in her ca
ber of the IEEE since its formation, and is particularly active in the IEEE Communications Society.
Until 1837 he was particularly active as a preacher at Landshut and at St.
A particularly active commander, he attacked Soviet and go
It is particularly active on members of the Asteraceae and the
r retirement from the stage in 1935 she was particularly active at the Teatro Costanzi in Rome and a
001) was an American stage director who was particularly active in staging operas.
He was particularly active from 1575 with the Farnese in Rome,
It was particularly active in the British dominions of Australi
He has been particularly active in his home town of Dachau, known as
The company is also particularly active in live webcasting and develops besp
Albert III von Winkel (1363-80) was particularly active in the struggle with the burghers an
She is particularly active in accompanying her husband on inter
nternational football referee from Belgium, particularly active during the 1930s.
Women played a particularly active role in the dispute holding weekly m
The Christ Church scriptorium was also particularly active under Wulfred.
Fitzpatrick did not take a particularly active role in the politics of the Confeder
n various countries around the world and is particularly active in the Philippines and India.
he Pelican is much studied because it has a particularly active mix of star formation and evolving g
As of June 2011, these discussion areas are particularly active, often generating hundreds of commen
d from a compound fracture of the tibia was particularly active.
% of the plantations, it is a grape that is particularly adapted to warm and dry soil (gravel, sand,
Their speed, agility and visual acuity are particularly adapted for coursing game in open meadows o
es, he was also proficient in languages and particularly adept in Sanskrit.
e his skills in defending the run, Lowe was particularly adept as a pass defender, which is a bit of
He was particularly adept shooting the bank shot, where the sho
He was particularly adept at interviewing children.
He was particularly adept at controlling the bomb release.
s arising from connective tissue cells, are particularly adept at amoeboid movement, thus leading to
He was particularly adept in his use of what were at the time t
Music critics particularly admire the final quintet that closes the op
1934) was a French operatic soprano who was particularly admired for her portrayals of Wagner and Ve
Berlioz's handling of wind instruments was particularly admired by Richard Wagner.
an outstanding lieder and oratorio singer, particularly admired in works by Johann Sebastian Bach.
He was particularly admired in Mozart and Wagner roles, notably
yric coloratura soprano repertoire, and was particularly admired for her interpretations of the work
The Busch Quartet was particularly admired for its interpretations of Brahms,
He particularly admired the poets Saisei Murou and Paul Ver
His painting of skin, hands, and feet was particularly admired.
escribed the game's graphics as "heavenly", particularly admiring the "exquisite detail".
ad developed a screw-cutting lathe that was particularly advanced and produced a superior product.
ary, and until the late 18th century it was particularly advanced and prosperous.
e air quality around airports which will be particularly advantageous at inner city airports.
arly writing focused on role-playing games, particularly adventures and support material for Space 1
Particularly adversely affected are bones, which require
kai studied philosophy at Kyoto University, particularly aesthetics under Yasukazu Fukuda.
Drowsiness is now known to particularly affect shift workers doing intermittent nig
e schemes in areas of the country that were particularly affected by the downturn.
John Brown was particularly affected by the sacking of Lawrence, in whi
The village, also burned, was particularly affected in its lower part to Ognon.
Particularly affected were ethnic Poles employed in "str
Furthermore, these clock signals are particularly affected by technology scaling (see Moore's
Gravel roads have been particularly affected with up to 85% of those in affecte
Children, however, are particularly affected by aflatoxin exposure which leads
g the fall of the Taliban the area has been particularly affected by drought.
ack of capacity in the Pool of London which particularly affected the West India trade.
cantly, farmers in developing countries are particularly affected by prohibitions on brown-bagging.
PN, then Fox Sports changed sports news and particularly affected baseball.
the manufacturing and textiles sector being particularly affected, while state debt was estimated at
e central nervous system and the heart, are particularly affected.
Pardaxin is irritating to predator fish, particularly affecting the sensitve gills.
James grew particularly affectionate towards his eventual hometown
It particularly affects the Gippsland Lakes, which include
perienced explosive growth in its suburbs - particularly affluent areas formed by migrants to the ci
It is a particularly affluent part of Brentwood and is situated
evelopment have led to the village becoming particularly affluent.
Neither side could particularly afford the casualties suffered but the Aust
th Spike, the movie Thelma and Louise, art ( particularly African), and is a competent seamstress.
Membership declined during the decade, particularly after the United Irish League (UIL) was fou
ls began to back away from the White Paper, particularly after the Calder case decision in 1973.
statewide standards and standardized tests, particularly after the Commission on Student Learning wa
lip was very active in the court of France, particularly after the death of his brother, Charles V,
measuring reactivity effects of materials, particularly after irradiation.
the victory was a popular one for Alesi, particularly after several unrewarded drives the year be
elocity of the river has greatly increased, particularly after heavy rain.
Similar models were introduced in to Wales, particularly after the Statute of Rhuddlan in 1284 .
was unable to find the same amount of work, particularly after having severed links with Adam Faith.
uan became the leading chancellor at court, particularly after he helped Emperor Daizong kill Yu in
lining health dominated Pitts' later years, particularly after she was diagnosed with cancer in the
as one of the centers of Shingon Buddhism, particularly after the arrival of priest Sen'yo from Neg
emand was preoccupied by Norwegian history, particularly after returning on a journey to Norway.
ons have been made by other media analysts, particularly after assertions of media manipulation (dub
d it was "a blast" to play "such a maniac", particularly after playing emotionally traumatised chara
ere recruited in large numbers to the RTBs, particularly after the 1980 General Strike.
Particularly after 1933, he was tactically close to his
This came after complaints, particularly after an incident in which an International
are short paragraphs and unclear passages, particularly after the quote.
isapproved of Rivera's effeminate behavior, particularly after Rivera began to wear women's makeup i
struggled to establish himself at Crawley, particularly after his namesake, the manager Steve Evans
produced during well completion operations, particularly after the hydraulic fracturing of a well.
udents to participate in community service, particularly after the devastating tsunami of 2004.
It can be seen ( particularly after heavy rainfall) or otherwise as a ver
od during a period of expansion and growth, particularly after the Six-Day War.
, produced a storm of disapproval, directed particularly against Boehm's portrait of the Queen.
Violence had increased, particularly against refugees and international humanita
eaflets highly critical of Nazi war crimes, particularly against the Jews on the eastern front.
thnic and religious nature of the conflict, particularly against the Shiites.
hazars in their various wars of the period, particularly against the Caliphate.
It has analgesic effects in animal studies, particularly against "atypical" pain such as hyperalgesi
issue of sexual violence in armed conflict, particularly against women and children.
n primarily on racial matters, speaking out particularly against miscegenation.
David Lloyd George and Andrew Bonar Law and particularly against the Conservative half of the coalit
It is not a particularly aggressive species and often kept as a pet
Morris is known for her particularly aggressive guitar-playing and its interacti
efied, Madrazo's anti-"dedazo" campaign was particularly aggressive.
ovided an important method of moving goods, particularly agricultural produce and coal between the t
passing its first reading, the government, particularly Agriculture Minister David Carter, adopted
PHSG has links with schools in Ghana ( particularly Ahantaman Secondary School) as well as New
ncy and risk sexually transmitted diseases, particularly AIDS.
ressing a concept in Japanese martial arts, particularly aikido, referring to the true victory of se
The album was particularly aimed at the US market: the title is an Ame
Der Pimpf, the Nazi magazine for boys, was particularly aimed at those in the Deutsches Jungvolk, w
Particularly aimed at the expected Japanese military inv
MGS is particularly aimed at modelling biological systems.
fied to deliver a range of training that is particularly aimed at the disadvantaged.
Features with the band ( particularly Aimee) were found in the European rock maga
st valve heads and seats of petrol engines, particularly aircraft engines from the 1930s onwards.
all things mechanical at an early age, most particularly aircraft.
His work has a particularly airy, in-the-moment quality, and is laden w
Ford was particularly alarmed at the growing rate of marijuana us
rology flourished in the Hellenistic world ( particularly Alexandria) and the Yavanajataka reflects a
began moving to the west side in the 1860s, particularly along the Michigan Avenue corridor.
cribed as "a treacherous stretch for ships, particularly along the Somali coast".
Render's Tour through Germany, particularly along the Banks of the Rhine, Mayne, also a
xtensive wetland complexes within the area, particularly along the western end of Little Tupper Lake
Many of the blocks, particularly along the western rim, are concentric with
has several other breaks caused by impacts, particularly along the southeastern rim.
Particularly along the western face, the interior wall d
speaking people wherever this is necessary, particularly along the linguistic border and in the inte
Several communities saw extensive flooding, particularly along the Merrimack River.
ar secondary and supersecondary structures, particularly alpha helices and beta sheets, and afterwar
One particularly altered region, HAR1, was found in a stretc
seases characterized by neurodegeneration - particularly Alzheimer's disease.
ada v. Canada [1991] 1 SCR 139 leave things particularly ambiguous.
thought to fold by hydrophobic collapse are particularly amenable to complementary computational and
e of gender roles in Mesoamerican cultures, particularly among Nahua, Mixtec and Zapotec peoples of
trongly for the needs of minority students, particularly among newly arriving immigrant populations.
and particularly among some parents.
to-Train had developed a popular following, particularly among older travelers, as it ferried passen
ste council, which is losing its influence, particularly among younger members of the community.
its disproportionately high casualty rate, particularly among motorcyclists.
May 1998, was successful at boosting sales, particularly among the older male demographic.
However there was a perception ( particularly among music critics) that Monk's own music
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