



Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > photolysisの意味・解説 > photolysisに関連した共起表現


該当件数 : 28

Photolysis also occurs in the atmosphere as part of a s
ble light energy is captured as NADPH during photolysis and electron transfer.
Photolysis by photosystem II oxidises water to oxygen,
useful in conducting experiments with flash photolysis due to the isomerization effect between the
Today flash photolysis facilities are extensively used by researche
benes, which are generated by thermolysis or photolysis, for example in the Wolff rearrangement.
As a result of the development of flash photolysis, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry
iberated from the chromium with iodine or by photolysis in air.
Flash photolysis is a pump-probe laboratory technique, in whi
Lumiflavin is a toxic product of photolysis of vitamin B2.
This molecule can be obtained from photolysis of a diazo precursor with expulsion of nitro
cts with di-iron nonacarbonyl (obtained from photolysis of iron pentacarbonyl) to Cyclobutadieneiron
xide, covalently bonded, is a product of the photolysis of carbon suboxide.
However, low temperature photolysis of 1,3-dithiol-2-one in solid argon or nitro
The parent [10]annulene can be obtained by photolysis of cis-9,10-dihydronaphthalene as a mixture
Photolysis of the compound induces the release of NO, t
tead, NOx is formed in the stratosphere from photolysis of nitrous oxide.
ver, the particular dioxin formed by aqueous photolysis of triclosan was found in 2003 by Arnold and
Low-temperature photolysis of solids containing HNCO has been shown to
by deuterium with N-deuteriocyclohexylamide. Photolysis of 2 results in the initial formation of an
as chlorophyll whose energy is then used in photolysis of water to generate usable chemical energy
Photolysis: radiation can break down chemical bonds on
ised chlorophyll a replaces the electrons by photolysis that involves the reduction of water molecul
Upon photolysis these compounds release the acyl nitroso spe
able in the presence of light, decaying upon photolysis to form the corresponding carbene and nitrog
esearch in developing the technique of flash photolysis to obtain information on short-lived molecul
absorbed by the excited 235UF6, causing its photolysis to UF5 and fluorine.
Flash photolysis was developed shortly after World War II as

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