




該当件数 : 44

oss; he worked on the reliefs of Christ before Pilate and Christ before Caiphus, with Bellano.
errors in Luke - Luke 3:1-2, f'rinstance, has Pilate and Annas in power simultaneously, which is wr
tance between the ruins of the home of Pontius Pilate and Golgotha was the same as that between his
tribunal that condemned Jesus; one Jew played Pilate, another Caiaphas, and another Anias.
alogue of different characters such as Pontius Pilate are read by one or more of the lectors.
The Mors Pilati ("Death of Pilate") legend is a Latin tradition, thus treating P
cide, linking the Athenian citizens to Pontius Pilate, as a reference to them doing nothing to preve
h is in fact to limit it to non-truth, as when Pilate asked Jesus..'What is Truth?' Jesus remained s
h is in fact to limit it to non-truth, as when Pilate asked Jesus..'What is Truth?' Jesus remained s
A second phase occurred when Pontius Pilate built 39 km of aqueduct from the collection po
Tiberius then calls for Pontius Pilate, but when Pilate appears, he is wearing the se
She wakes and sends a message to Pilate, but Annas and Caiaphas succeed in convincing
hing was made as if the Jews killed Jesus, and Pilate came off a saint.
Last Days of Pompeii (1935) portraying Pontius Pilate; Captain Blood (1935); A Tale of Two Cities (1
In Judaea Pilate covers for the fact that Christ has been cruci
atamoros (Nicodemus), Stephen Russell (Pontius Pilate), Daniel Kash (Simon Peter), Cedric Smith (Cai
n they blame the execution of Jesus on Pontius Pilate does run contrary to the Canonical gospels, ac
spot corresponding to the Biblical account of Pilate giving the Ecce Homo speech, it is now known t
as, but shortly afterwards states that Pontius Pilate had Jesus crucified.
He deposed Pontius Pilate in 36 after complaints from the people in Sama
nnection with DeYoung's performance as Pontius Pilate in Jesus Christ Superstar as part of the 1992
of Gethsemane and a painting of Christ before Pilate in the Philadelphia Museum of Art.
kespeare's The Tempest and created the role of Pilate in Greg's play, If I Were Lifted Up From Earth
He visits Jerusalem, where Pilate is apprehensive about him.
Recitatives by Elsie Warner ( Pilate's wife), Helen Tresillian, Ethel Robinson (Dam
ections containing depictions of Christ before Pilate, Man of Sorrows, and the Lamentation; the sect
Coole Pilate means a croft growing pill oats.
Pilate Middle School
leston, Poole, Stoke, Worleston, most of Coole Pilate, parts of Dodcott cum Wilkesley, Newhall and S
Pontius Pilate: Portraits of a Roman Governor, Interfaces (Co
ore time for interrogation and presentation to Pilate prior to the cruxification than given in the t
to be the location of Jesus' trial by Pontius Pilate; the traditional conclusion was that the arch
All four Gospels say Pilate then ordered Jesus to be crucified with a char
Thereafter in Pilate's Court the Jewish elders ask Pontius Pilate t
4, § 2), who appointed him after sending Pilate to Rome (in 36 or 37) to render account.
ame of the centurion who is ordered by Pontius Pilate to guard the tomb of Jesus (Gos.
ixion, purporting to have been sent by Pontius Pilate to the Emperor Claudius, embodied in the pseud
Pilate took Jesus, and
"Your Touch" (Leonitis Sherrod, Felton Pilate, Tresvant)
Praise the Lord and Whats New, Pilate?: Two Novellas, Katha books, India, 2002
Evangelist, Pilate: Und gaben ihm Backenstreiche.
Even if the bribe to Pilate was successful, questions would be asked as to
Pontius Pilate, who was a friend of Sejanus, saw his position
innocent, and that if he is condemned, she and Pilate will lose their privileged position.

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