




該当件数 : 1113

It is a measure of how well or how poorly a watershed is drained by stream channels.
en one of them taunts another with having done poorly abroad, the other fellow claims that he has en
method is used for comparison), although it is poorly absorbed when taken orally.
use sulfasalazine and its metabolite 5-ASA are poorly absorbed into the bloodstream, it is surprisin
It is poorly absorbed and has no systemic effects.
As lisuride is very poorly absorbed when take orally and has a short half
In humans it is a poorly absorbed quaternary ammonium cation.
Iodoquinol is poorly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and i
Fenbendazole is poorly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract in mo
Since Pyrantel is poorly absorbed by the host's intestine, the host is
asy absorbed after intramuscular injection and poorly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract.
nditions, flavonoids and other polyphenols are poorly absorbed (less than 5%), with most of what is
s to reduce political tension, detect deep and poorly accessible groundwater resources, improve unde
Mac Harb in an election in which the NDP fared poorly across the country.
On the other hand, an organism that is well or poorly adapted can be thought of as inhabiting a loca
is catalogued ways in which sick patients were poorly adapted to their social environments.
I saw some poorly added vandalism, I changed the page to get rid
A few months later, as the world poorly adjusts to this new reality, Angela finds hers
However the scheme was poorly administered, and many settlers died of malnut
serving in the United States Army, he saw how poorly African American soldiers were treated.
pt the fact that De Niro's Mad Dog had done so poorly against Murray's Milo.
ia and New Zealand with MCC, and though he did poorly against the Australian state sides, he perform
Johnson returned, but played poorly against the New York Giants.
ly available guns were light pieces that fared poorly against the Government's heavy artillery.
hough it was noted that the army would perform poorly against several of the Codex armies in a stand
readily available; nevertheless, it performed poorly against heavier North Korean armor.
The unit generally performed poorly against Australian forces however, and it was
The new show Saturday Cooks fared poorly against the new BBC production of Saturday Kit
the infantry fired a poorly aimed volley
French Physical Singles Chart, although it was poorly aired on radio.
g two large canals, the Bukhar-aryk (which was poorly aligned and soon silted up) and the much more
y pitched once in 40 games, where he performed poorly, allowing 2 runs in one inning.
The tour had gone poorly almost from the beginning: West Indies had jus
The film was received poorly, and failed to secure any nominations or award
e album on Mercury Records in 1975 but it sold poorly and as a result, the band were dropped by thei
Eastern Suburbs started the season very poorly and were in danger of relegation at the halfwa
lled 3.6%, while the continuing Liberals fared poorly, and the continuing Social Democrats were beat
Their second single, "Arlequin", sold poorly and the German producer Ralph Siegel of the la
The campaign went poorly, and Coppell's second spell was brought to an
Lok fared poorly and never managed to place better than 10th.
pted twice, first by the Leagans who treat her poorly, and after that by a wealthy benefactor whom s
truggling in the ratings, continued to perform poorly, and both she and Newman were replaced in 1999
lation) was well received by critics, but sold poorly and the band split up in 1997.
e University of Arkansas in 1938 but performed poorly and left a year later.
The program rated poorly and was not renewed after its first season.
White Sox the following season, but he pitched poorly and wassent back down to the minors.
His campaign fared poorly, and the party was reduced to five members in
They finished poorly and were part of the Landesliga Berlin (II) fr
He pitched poorly, and never made another major league appearanc
Brothers was a heavily laden ship that sailed poorly, and as a result the entire Saint Helens convo
e Eastern market in 1886, but his troupe fared poorly and fled back west.
in in the hospital, where the nurses treat him poorly and extort money from his parents in exchange
United started poorly and had only nine points halfway through the s
However, the album was pressed poorly and the group severed its ties to the label, a
Green Day, but their 1995 album Dear You sold poorly and they broke up soon after, with Schwarzenba
often made the scapegoat when Spurs performed poorly, and never quite winning over certain sections
ith the Liberals split, both candidates polled poorly, and Duncan took the seat for Labour with 58%
These features are often implemented poorly and haphazardly, without any real design, mere
etal Blade LP Speed of Light (1986), also sold poorly, and the band split up in 1987.
r replacement filters, that paper filters flow poorly and thus restrict engine performance.
t, and lost the high end of the market and did poorly and went bankrupt, being bought eventually by
According to Geoffrey, he ruled poorly and harshly causing him to be deposed due to t
rst Twenty20 International, Pakistan performed poorly and therefore Shafiq was given his debut the f
The building's raw concrete weathered poorly, and by the time Get Carter was filmed the fol
However, Long played poorly and was replaced at half-time by Richard Cocke
The traditional fuel, dung, burns poorly and offers poor relief from the bitter winter
However, he hit and fielded poorly and only saw action in 20 games for the Hoosie
pread support of music critics, the album sold poorly and soon disappeared - at least in the USA, al
s is relates to suspension. it is written very poorly and i consider it unnecessary and pointless un
third place, while the Conservative Party did poorly and came fourth on all occasions.
After the 1999 World Cup (where he performed poorly and was blamed for the batting collapse in the
The album, however, sold poorly and failed to make an impression on the charts
ave the ability to talk, but most do so rather poorly and have only limited intelligence.
Brown Trafton and Ma Xuejun both threw poorly and were among the four athletes eliminated af
After Lalonde returns in January, he plays poorly and is suspended by the team again.
He hit poorly and was sent back down to the minors.
Potts played poorly and was benched by Leach and was replaced Seth
, like that of all the Hebertist generals, was poorly appreciated by historians writing at a distanc
essfully defended by local police troops and a poorly armed workers' militia.
The poorly armed Korean forces were kept from effective r
ier-General Alexander Nelson, to hunt down the poorly armed rebels and bring Paul Bogle back to Mora
their large numbers, this force was untrained, poorly armed and poorly motivated.
ly by naval reservists and using out-dated and poorly armed vessels, such as requisitioned trawlers
Poorly armed rebels were defeated and lost about 80 m
ese were unorganized charges; despite huge but poorly armed forces the Ottomans were no match for th
t fighting in different areas of Madrid as the poorly armed population confronted the French troops.
ever, in the long run the peasant army was too poorly armed and too undisciplined.
Although the insurgents were young, poorly armed, and inadequately trained, they succeede
In the ensuing battle that pitted the poorly armed, but determined peasants against profess
For the most part, the soldiers were new and poorly armed.
the Triple-A Tucson Sidewinders but performed poorly as he had a 5.65 ERA in 23 games (21 starts).
The Marinelli era began poorly, as the Lions lost the first five games of the
rc structure he created for Firefly would work poorly as a regular series, and unlike the monthly-is
Indeed, they fared poorly, as Jonathan Moss scored 109 not out, with the
I play the piano very well and live on it very poorly as nothing in the world could make me play pub
er previous album Illuminations having sold so poorly as to lose Vanguard a considerable sum of mone
The 2005-06 season started off poorly, as the Kings had a hard time finding chemistr
Powwow Highway did poorly at the box office, grossing a mere $283,747, d
aficionados of Southern soul, the records sold poorly at the time.
film opened to negative reviews and performed poorly at the box office.
While the film fared poorly at the box office, it was generally well recei
t lead to pop success and their single charted poorly at #100 in the UK charts in May, 1984.
not a success as the new party performed very poorly at election.
a hostile reception from most critics and did poorly at the box office.
ive, breached security, and that she performed poorly at her job.
enerally very negative, and the film performed poorly at the box office despite a large $22 million
film received excellent reviews but performed poorly at the box office, possibly because Cannon Fil
slexic, rebellious and fond of pranks, she did poorly at the Sacred Heart all girls boarding school
Both performed poorly at the box office.
was not well received by critics and performed poorly at the box office; Reeve later blamed this on
debut in Maine Dil Tujhko Diya which performed poorly at the box office.
rty to retain her seat, as the party performed poorly at the local elections in 2004, failing to ele
arty and the Nationalist Party, had both fared poorly at the Northern Ireland general election, 1953
ing Star, Wild in the Country and Charro!, did poorly at the box office.
or's previous release Baasha, but it performed poorly at the box office.
The film fared very poorly at the Indian box office.
s and, with the exception of Norbit, performed poorly at the box office.
Moss n' cat performed poorly at the box office.
ternet Movie Database report that the film did poorly at the box office, and that the poor reception
ick, a strong hitter and blitzer who performed poorly at man-to-man coverage.
While most of her Tamil releases performed poorly at the box office, she rose to fame with the p
ontract was not renewed after France performed poorly at the 2008 World Cup.
th Curley and Who Killed Doc Robbin, performed poorly at the box office (as a result, Roach disconti
most recent film Shakalaka Boom Boom performed poorly at the box office.
However, Gods and Generals did so poorly at the box office that the project was soon ab
The movie did poorly at the box office in America and Europe.
However, the ships handled poorly at low speeds or when travelling in reverse.
of salmon and steelhead; however it performed poorly at first and required frequent upgrades and ma
The film performed poorly at the French box office and was panned by mos
He finished poorly at Richmond after wrecking his primary car in
On its opening weekend, the film opened poorly at #11 at the box office with $3,129,473.
The film was received poorly at the box office, grossing just $2,104,439.
"Hwang Jin-yi" did poorly at the box office, barely grossing $2.5 M.
The Monday night match was poorly attended with Portsmouth playing a team consis
Poorly attended and with a lead singer who forgot the
er factory in Montreal in the 1850s but it was poorly attended and soon became a military barracks.
people attended the match, making it the most poorly attended final of the competition.
Their last show was poorly attended by only a few friends and they quickl
Chono is a poorly attested extinct language of confusing classif
It may be related to the extinct and poorly attested language Chirino.
It is very poorly attested, but the few words which are known ar
The Thracian language is poorly attested, but available vocabulary suggests a
increasing the survival rate of premature and poorly babies."
game's single player mode was "frustrating and poorly balanced", but added "take it online and you'v
law, which he has considered to be racist and poorly based.
Often he was spotted on road sides and in poorly beaten forest paths.
nd Arranged by Jimmy Webb, but that album sold poorly because Motown refused to promote it.
t is possible that those female rats performed poorly because they were distressed by the lack of pr
ed were persuaded to sign him, though he fared poorly before transferring to Northampton Town the fo
tled album I Am What I Am; the album performed poorly both critically and commercially.
is topic leads me to conclude that Carnell was poorly briefed and advised on this subject matter.
uake engineering experts laid the blame on the poorly built support structures of apartments and oth
all that you can imagine in Germany of a very poorly built log house.
mand of the prize ship the 64 gun HMS Delft, a poorly built Dutch ship used almost exclusively as a
ining on the cladding gave the impression of a poorly built tunnel.
far ahead of its time, but was badly designed, poorly built, and difficult to drive.
er to fight, but it could also build up enough poorly burned smoke to create a smoke explosion, or e
Brook was expected to make the transition poorly, but surprised everyone with a 9-1 regular sea
e Post-Standard describes, "The Nationals shot poorly but succeeded because they played Cervi-style
In the 2004-05 season the club started off poorly but turned their fortunes around after the arr
The ruling Social Democrats polled poorly, but virtually all the established parties los
Most pharmacological treatments work poorly, but the best treatment is a low dosage of clo
It started the season poorly, but had an excellent run of results near the
The year began poorly but, when the team upgraded their two year-old
The move was taken poorly by the owners of Leeds Carneigie the club from
Wales winning the match, Nicholls was treated poorly by the crowd who reportedly threw oranges and
The game was received poorly by critics.
It was received poorly by critics.
Top Gear: Dare Devil was received poorly by critics.
anguage release of Nuku Nuku Dash was received poorly by anime reviews, obtaining an overall score o
Although the Mini initially sold poorly, by the mid '60s it was the in thing to have,
The game was received poorly by critics, holding a Metacritic score of 54%
The film was received poorly by critics, and was only moderately more succe
ed in October 1948, and was initially received poorly by critics and public, who had eagerly awaited
The film was received poorly by both critics and audiences; it currently ho
Graham Gooch's Test Cricket was rated poorly by Your Sinclair magazine, scoring just three
Living very poorly by choice, he had an evangelical love for the
llionaire to help pay for the repairs to their poorly capitalized and decaying parochial school buil
nvestors may have hesitated because the small, poorly capitalized organizations already in the field
lutionary thinking and Latin nomenclature have poorly captured the charm and dignity of dinosaurs su
to an environment where the pianos were often poorly cared for, tending to be out of tune and havin
pe of approximately 35 degrees and consists of poorly cemented marine sediments.
syndrome (also known as "Rud's syndrome") is a poorly characterized disorder, probably of recessive
e which shed some light on the cause of a very poorly characterized form of hereditary skin cancer.
l of its behavior rather than being limited to poorly characterized, expensive, and/or difficult to
n, and the far-side gravity field is thus only poorly characterized.
keleton through anchor proteins that are still poorly characterized.
ugh woodland inventory of his employer's vast, poorly charted lands gave him his enduring recognitio
uent periscope exposures, through the calm and poorly charted bay, she went up for a final check at
ends, but they are turned down as their act is poorly choreographed.
In the end, the location was poorly chosen and the overheads were too high.
n Hardyan themes: a rustic, evocative setting, poorly chosen marriage partners, unrequited love, soc
"The location was particularly poorly chosen for this monument," Gutman told Polish
However, poorly chosen investments depleted his fortune, and w
Not only are sources poorly cited in some parts (i.e.
Poorly cited or the lack of citations are important i
Its statements are alternatively uncited, poorly cited, provably incorrect, or unverifiable opi
The lead to this article is poorly cited.
son came to Cremona seriously ill, with debts, poorly clothed and without the salary of Signora Clau
Even when the young starter played poorly, coach Jeff Fisher declined to insert Krieg.

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