



Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > privilegedの意味・解説 > privilegedに関連した共起表現


該当件数 : 220

r to mask the ongoing intrusion and maintain privileged access to the computer by circumventing norm
itzerland, Norway, Lichtenstein and Iceland, privileged access to other members' markets.
s link with the Service (formalised with his privileged access to the defectors Gordievsky and Mitro
Families also may have privileged access to certain wells and the right to a p
ed and that his position as an M.P. gave him privileged access, and consequent control of the Harbou
e his grandfather, Andriatsilavo, had been a privileged advisor to the great King Andrianampoinimeri
rity and she manages to gain entrance to the privileged, all-male domain of Oxford University becaus
er Punic control but continued to exist as a privileged ally of Carthage.
They are very powerful and privileged and have lots of money to pay lawyers to pre
text suggests that guilds were exclusive and privileged, and intended for the rich to get richer and
Particularly for the elevation of the under privileged and promote her cherished ideas nurtured in
ericas, with one composed of the wealthy and privileged, and the other of the hard-working common ma
it is likely that he wished to grant water a privileged and providential status in the regulation of
ured a considerable following among the more privileged and affluent members of the Florida communit
octave in the calendar of the Passionists is privileged and admits only feasts of the first and seco
he knowledge possessed by medicine people is privileged, and it often remains in particular families
Ports 0 - 1023 are normally privileged and reserved for programs that are run as th
The students are very privileged and grateful to have an extensive library of
It is a privileged area that offers all the advantages of a bat
man essayist who was a biographer of his own privileged aritocratic family, a historian of the Ming
Hale then co-starred in the CW TV show Privileged as Rose Baker, with Ashley Newbrough and Joa
Observer must rise once again because it is privileged as the only daily newspaper for a wide secti
ca, some 1,065 pounds of material, including privileged attorney-client correspondence.
his impatient and untactful temperament and privileged background was not well suited to the politi
Richter is from a privileged background in Tulsa, Oklahoma and works as a
cal comprehensive, where her posh accent and privileged background saw her become the victim of bull
ling team, and his wife Edith, a WASP from a privileged background (she met her husband in Vienna wh
He came from a privileged background family and his son married Judah
in later life to resent those who had a more privileged background and a university education.
Despite being an Old Etonian from a privileged background, Fisher became a Labour MP, elect
Unlike Aguinaldo who came from a privileged background, the bulk of these fighters were
gain the same grades as someone from a more privileged background.
onscious of the fact that students from more privileged backgrounds often received higher grades in
some of these “remedial” students come from privileged backgrounds, she argues that the problem can
In 1882, he founded the Privileged Bank of Epirus and Thessaly (alternatively E
All three are well-educated and privileged, but struggle with realizing the lofty expec
It became "one of the most privileged Carolingian monastic sanctuaries in the nint
September 1943, though 1,800 Jews of various privileged categories were taken in 1944 to camps inclu
raphy, Music Was Not Enough, he recounts his privileged childhood, pivotal meeting with his mentor,
holarship program for the education of least privileged children of the country
d various soccer associations to allow under privileged children an opportunity to enjoy the sport.
from the king and was officially called "The Privileged City of Ungvar" and became capital of Ung Co
he Dream (2000), Ellis Cose's, The Rage of a Privileged Class (1994), George Yancy's African America
The Jews seem to be a privileged class that can travel any where.
ter of a distinguished poet and belongs to a privileged class.
State has always been the patrimony of some privileged class: a priestly class, an aristocratic cla
Through cunning legislation, ... privileged classes are allowed to steal largely accordi
ath of the dominant political forces and the privileged classes, Dimech was permanently exiled him f
measure which infringed on the status of the privileged classes.
cts between a mandated reporter's duties and privileged communication statutes are common.
hannels and means, and cited instances where privileged communications were intercepted and spied up
dent Lyndon B. Johnson, and gained Romania a privileged communist country status.
What added to Iancu's isolation were his privileged contacts with the Holy Roman Empire, presuma
To establish and develop privileged contacts with the press within the circumscr
9 pm/ET, in the show's usual time slot, and Privileged continued midseason in the same Tuesday time
ty, was discovered by which one could attain privileged control (known as "root access") within Andr
ican assumption that Earth does not occupy a privileged cosmic position, this constitutes the strong
He was part of the group of privileged courtiers who greeted Henry's German bride A
e beginning of the Italian invasion of their privileged cultural form.
While many privileged Danish Jews fled to Sweden by boat, Marcus C
; one vision that the poet has kept from his privileged dreaming, which can draw the mind an inch ou
tion at the ministry of Economics, she had a privileged early childhood.
Saint-Sulpice at Issy-les-Moulineaux after a privileged education in Lower Canada.
uates poverty while reinforcing the power of privileged elites.
November 1872 for the Limited Company of the Privileged Empress Elisabeth Railway for the Constructi
Krebs was privileged enough to be taught by Johann Sebastian Bach
Dias) is an account of growing up gay in the privileged environment of a white family in colonial Mo
y with great residences that belonged to the privileged families of the time and is rich in architec
Born in a privileged family of Sidhu jatt sikhs in Muktsar in 194
When a deprived boy, bought up in a privileged family and indebted for virtually everything
cares for everyone in society, not just the privileged few."
Privileged finished #177 on the annual rankings with av
In theoretical physics, a preferred or privileged frame is usually a special hypothetical fram
uded that the 'Greek lands' are located in a privileged geographic location at the crossroads of thr
r victory was confirmed, she stated: "I feel privileged, honoured, slightly overwhelmed.
ting in exclusive, gated communities for the privileged immigrants at the cost of barring natives' r
ng test to determine when communications are privileged in cases such as this.
The Institute is privileged in offering Studies where you get an opportu
s original], what is the effect on the least privileged in society?
0 shark attacks and includes detailed, often privileged, information including autopsy reports and g
ly resigned from active duty after revealing privileged information in the legislature.
me of “George Parker,” he covertly exchanged privileged information for money.
e of urgency as the fire crew (who lack this privileged information) leave the station and rush to p
c building, and one used only by the queen's privileged inner circle.
including not only students preparing for a privileged intellectual life and commoners who provide
In the summer of 1899, Olympia Biddeford, a privileged, intelligent and confident fifteen year old
His foundation works with under privileged kids and families.
ce by visiting nursing homes, tutoring under privileged kids, and many other things.
Since the habeas documents were privileged lawyer-client communication the Department o
Drew grew up living a privileged life in the Lexington, Kentucky area and att
ch had in entering Heaven, so he gave up the privileged life to become a Benedictine monk.
ory of a gossip-columnist Clare who enjoys a privileged life on the fringes of high society.
circa 970, but at the age of 12 gave up his privileged life, choosing instead to work as a farm lab
Fermoselle enjoys a privileged location and an outstanding microclimate, cr
e to Santiago de Compostela, thriving on the privileged location and the melting pot of Francos call
l the provincial auxiliaries provided by the privileged makhzen tribes, traditionally exempted from
upon the Jewish people the status of a fully privileged member of the community of nations.
oving the lives of women, youth and the less privileged members of the Nigerian society.
This consists of 10 original or privileged members units and 81 Associate Members units
"It is a privileged memory", Mrs. Hitchcock recalled.
This meant that none except that privileged minority could find and even see the secret
German Gentiles of Jewish descent living in privileged mixed marriage were in fact spared from depo
restricted to persons living in a so-called privileged mixed couple, characterised by the fact, tha
s classify his marriage as a then so-called ' privileged' mixed marriage.
No privileged modes or modules exist in PP-250 and hence u
mally require superuser privileges to access privileged network services to run as a non-privileged
ht to mark the onset of the formation of the privileged nomenklatura class of Soviet apparatchiks, w
ose that have them tend to be among the more privileged of the immigrants – those from the urban are
derstatement to say that her childhood was a privileged one.
through feudal rent, accessible only to the privileged ones that certainly were much more than the
cases of crime, passion, and greed involving privileged or famous people.
es that Jesus "asks people - male or female, privileged or peasant, it does not matter - to enter th
eparation whereby the program terminates the privileged part immediately after it has served its pur
Since 2001, IRIAF has developed a privileged partnership with University of Central Lanca
and that it was establishing a new class of privileged party bureaucracy, who enjoyed material bene
Erasmus was a privileged paying student, but his memories were not pl
d board, feeling out of place among her more privileged peers.
implemented can definitely benefit the less privileged people within the community as it allows the
me work, related to the service of the under privileged people should be initiated in city of Ichalk
y schooling was available only to a very few privileged people, perhaps Illtyd's monastic school of
and the nuns, and the friars, and all other privileged persons recognized by the church, were limbs
man era had in this part of Queiles valley a privileged place to settle their farms or villae, which
c university is meant to be - ‘a primary and privileged place for a fruitful dialogue between the Go
r preventing abuses in prisons and pretended privileged places.
hrist" (2007) (V) (executive producer), "The Privileged Planet" (2004) (V) (executive producer).
s breakout role was on the television series Privileged playing Jordanna.
also featured in the cast of The CW's drama Privileged, playing Lily Smith, Megan Smith's estranged
It rejected the notion of privileged political classes or hereditary offices such
Allowing regular users limited access to privileged ports helps prevent possible privilege escal
Their privileged position in the Yuan bureaucracy was in part
reat Britain, a Unitarian work attacking the privileged position of the wealthy.
xical "nigger lawyer," Mr. Chestnut was in a privileged position to see into the souls of white folk
From his privileged position of confidence it is likely that he
azzo dei Normanni, therefore in an extremely privileged position in the city.
al status Whittemore was opposed, from their privileged position written into the Constitution of th
esbyterium, this space being reserved as the privileged position of the monarchs.
mberlain of the royal household and used his privileged position to allow a small band of former Alb
quently earned for the Netini the peculiarly privileged position in which we afterwards find them: b
at time, although Prince Al Khuzai enjoyed a privileged position among the leaders of the Arab and I
All though still a layperson he had a privileged position receiving teachings from high lamas
The temple attained a privileged position in the cochin Devaswom, when Sri El
His privileged position angered Chiajna, and she took to un
lace-making and sees the garden as having a ' privileged position' within landscape architecture beca
s' life, while Louis is afraid of losing his privileged position.
y Bohemia's Germans, who feared losing their privileged position.
is condemned, she and Pilate will lose their privileged position.
The Duc de Praslin is in a privileged position; as a peer his case can only be hea
artisans and domestic servants, giving them privileged positions at the plantation.
t as much as in the alternative case: i.e. a privileged process gone haywire instead).
manders can do neither effectively without a privileged reporting and counseling channel in place.
hey possess, or some authority taking those ( privileged) rights away.
So for user mode only (the least privileged ring, normally used by ordinary user program
m he advocated, then the number three has no privileged role as the number of spatial dimensions; th
He was born into the privileged ruling family of Khong Island.
inly focuses on helping and supporting under privileged school children in rural districts.
ritical nature did not communicate well with privileged schoolboys who were accustomed to getting th
1945 onwards, focusing on the creation of a privileged situation for the Hungarian minority.
a clergyman of the Church of England is not privileged so as to decline to answer a question which
The abolition of their former privileged social status under the feudal order had als
The abolition of their former privileged social status under the feudal order had als
Polyglots were found mainly in privileged social groups, government employees and prof
the novel's protagonist is Michael Skid, the privileged son of the town judge.
ot be confined merely to a certain number of privileged souls, but that it would be brought within t
ember 5, 2007, Senator Jinggoy Estrada, in a privileged speech vowed to block the appointment to the
Its rulers, called counts, had a special and privileged standing in the Empire.
s first production was the 1982 feature film Privileged, starring Hugh Grant, James Wilby, Imogen St
to the German Empire and managed to secure a privileged status for the Kingdom of Bavaria within the
However, he continued to enjoy privileged status due his then so-called racially mixed
ere exempt from deportation because of their privileged status as spouses of Germans.
village was called Friedesheim and enjoyed a privileged status of direct control under the empire: t
Oxford University, for a culture she saw as privileged, stratified by socioeconomic status, and emo
equires ring 0 access, it can only be run by privileged system software, such as the kernel.
nomic strategies in a way that some are more privileged than others, but at the same time, it is the
1188), further privileged the collegiate church.
Benzion Miller was privileged to be among the first group of Cantors to vi
lowship the help and friendship we have been privileged to enjoy.
Republic of Crimea," the Verkhovna Rada was privileged to adopt a Crimean constitution.
ay, I feel, as I felt when I first saw them, privileged to have been a part of this collaboration.
his is the very Garden of England, and we be privileged to work in it as Husbandmen......."
I am privileged to be part of People & Planet and hope that
So far, however, we have not been privileged to sample the preaching style that proclaime
d as a "wonderful experience" which she felt privileged to attend, and also learned how to insert a
Julius Baer was privileged to have been granted the 1st bank license at
They played shows for a few years, and were privileged to share the stage with many of their idols,
generations the knowledge which I have been privileged to attain.”
of six Indian women and eleven men who were privileged to attempt an ascent to the Mount Everest, S
fortune to go to Marlboro, Vt., where he was privileged to play chamber music with the violinist Ado
hundreds of thousands of souls have not been privileged to receive the Instruction brought forth in
They are privileged to use the title "Hafidh" before their names
etting a magnificent example to all who were privileged to serve under him.
s a fantastic football club and one that I'm privileged to be manager of".
Some were specially privileged to work supportively under national leaders
I Grade Records was privileged to produce the debut album by Dezarie, the a
"I have been privileged to work with many, many outstanding Northwes
From the rich to the poor, privileged to the destitute, the guilty to the innocent
ted to the unique visions of those we are so privileged to represent.
We were privileged to have had him as our station commander and
Stenson felt privileged to be chosen for the storyline, particularly

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