



Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > propagatingの意味・解説 > propagatingに関連した共起表現


該当件数 : 91

1935, Delp published his Tragic Existence, propagating a God-based humanism and reviewing the exis
eonor Beleza, a former health minister, for propagating a contagious disease during her time in off
Propagating a field configuration along the family of c
Light propagating along the optical axis of a uniaxial crysta
teraction is observed for ballistic L modes propagating along the C3 axis." - V. Narayanamurti and
a single pair of voltage and current waves propagating along the line in the absence of reflection
its subsequent engraving were successful in propagating an image of Prince Maurits as an able gener
In addition, both propagating and evanescent waves contribute to the reso
associated with Marxist politics Cardew was propagating, and left.
The major aim of this organization is to propagating and popularizing the cause of Indian Classi
as lifetime contribution towards promoting, propagating and popularizing the life and works of Shri
v investigated the Doctors' Plot and helped propagating antisemitism in the Soviet Union, acting on
the river rises steeply preventing the bore propagating any further.
A compressive magnetohydrodynamical wave propagating at right angles to the direction of propaga
flow but prevent the transmission of flame propagating at supersonic velocity and characterized by
He settled down in Colombia, and began propagating Bolshevik ideas there.
and thus began a holistic life dedicated to propagating Buddhism and its code of conduct.
Propagating by leaf cuttings has the advantage of a sho
He was active in propagating Catholic literature.
The propagating chain adds to the CTA (1) to yield a radica
ction with the monomer and eventually a new propagating chain (Pm●) is formed.3
s a measure of the material's resistance to propagating combustion caused by small scale ignition s
l, pamphlet, circular, document or writing, propagating communism or bolshevism."
ccused, among other things, of creating and propagating communism.
s political theatre was very influential in propagating communist ideas in Kerala.
ructure of context and the requirements for propagating context between cooperating services.
Periyar stated that what he was propagating could be found in the teachings of Buddha g
ity, and is thought to consist no local (or propagating) degrees of freedom.
medium that eventually drives a shock front propagating directly in front of it.
member of the exiled Northern Epirus lobby propagating discrimination of the Greek minority by the
ggested that this was caused by the rupture propagating down to where the fault links through to th
everal effects on moving test particles and propagating electromagnetic waves occur .
writing and for his work in conserving and propagating folk traditions.
then jumped to the main Denali fault strand propagating for a further 220 kilometres (137 mi) befor
ve models for the origin of hotspot traces, propagating fractures, are still actively advocated by
matically valid distribution) related via a propagating function, such as the Fourier transform, if
ns, general relativity turns out to have no propagating gravitational degrees of freedom.
vidual or an organisation in recognition of propagating Guru Nanak's philosophy of discovering onen
nced to five years in prison in Austria for propagating Holocaust denial, later reduced to four yea
Propagating in spacetime, strings sweep out a two-dimen
hes light from a laser diode into two waves propagating in the clockwise and anticlockwise directio
o it can directly serve object A's request, propagating it to any relevant subcomponents.
nistrators about the nature of the program, propagating its views regarding abortion and homosexual
The role of mavens in propagating knowledge and preferences has been establis
ther, a stationary medium in which light is propagating, like sound is propagating in air.
e ground where they have a better chance of propagating new plants.
Only the beam propagating on the optical axis, proportional to the cr
eights or "activation" and then iteratively propagating or "spreading" that activation out to other
sity of California, Santa Cruz dedicated to propagating organic farming techniques.
The animation ' propagating photons' illustrates the physical property
preservation of California native flora by propagating plants for use by the general public, throu
utherans of being an instigator of the war, propagating rebaptism, teaching that there should be no
In propagating republican principles, they felt, the organ
Propagating right religion for a long time, Bhagavan Pa
braic equations, models the detonation as a propagating shock wave accompanied by exothermic heat r
putational technique, wave confinement, for propagating short wave equation pulses over long distan
erical party into a mass political movement propagating social emancipation on the basis of Catholi
wo phases are present (e.g. in modelling of propagating steam explosions).
Bidyut is actively involved in propagating the art through Ustad Bahadur Khan Music Ci
Propagating the teachings of the ten Sikh Gurus and the
God left the church as His organization for propagating the gospel to a lost world.
cantly contributed towards popularizing and propagating the worship of Lord Shiva and Devi.
mistakes [mistakes by the British Army] by propagating the facts.
rtunately for Taixu, his attempts at global propagating the Dharma failed.
K) is an enzyme complex that is involved in propagating the cellular response to inflammation.
Monseigneur Laneau worked at propagating the Christian faith and also took care of A
ency, Babbar Khalsa was more concerned with propagating the ideas of the Akhand Kirtani Jatha than
s, Jones is best known today for making and propagating the observation that Sanskrit bore a certai
breeder must authorize any actions taken in propagating the new variety, including selling and mark
He was sent by the Society for Propagating the Gospel in Foreign Parts to Lewes, Delaw
The calculation stage consists of propagating the probability distributions for the input
e Particular Baptist Missionary Society for Propagating the Gospel among the Heathen (later the Bap
hey had come together again to cooperate in propagating the Buddhist religion.
of the new dioceses before the Society for Propagating the Gospel and other societies.
player Bidyut Khan, who was still actively propagating the musical culture of the family until his
One source propagating the misconception that Carew converted to J
n believed that the most effective means of propagating the word of Christ, the messages of the Ble
rged transmembrane regions and are vital to propagating the signal from the TCR into the cell; the
search Foundation perfected a technique for propagating the human papilloma virus (HPV), the primar
1792 of the "Particular Baptist Society for Propagating the Gospel to the Heathen" (later renamed t
distant mountains and seas, traveling about propagating the teaching in Han and Wei.
ce, of a pure Gaussian TEM00 unfocused beam propagating through space is given by
will give rise to a set of vibration waves propagating through the lattice.
the attenuation of an electromagnetic wave propagating through a medium per unit distance from the
Propagating traffic is a strong indicator for network w
etshikhar after a long period wandering and propagating true religion.
ositive PPR has been shown to be capable of propagating Type 1 pits.
for their excessive use of bot attacks and propagating vast amounts of spam, was taken into custod
lar effect, and a bare G-line can entrain a propagating wave.
gy density of the electromagnetic vacuum as propagating waves, which must necessarily carry conside
an merge with another filament and continue propagating without broadening as with all earlier mean

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