



Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > prosperity.の意味・解説 > prosperity.に関連した共起表現


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oncerns: a world without poverty, a world of prosperity, a world of opportunity, a world without pol
commercial buildings and reflects the town's prosperity achieved during the early 20th century as a
Growing prosperity across NSW (state and regional development)
eful and just king and took advantage of the prosperity afforded him by his ancestors.
Its prosperity after the third century was owing in great m
ark's safety during the Second World War and prosperity afterwards, had depended on Churchill's pers
I pledge my devotion.In their well being and prosperity alone, lies my happiness.
e mission is to spread liberty, justice, and prosperity among nations by instructing individuals in
In Search of Prosperity: Analytic Narratives on Economic Growth.
o be some kind of a god who has brought them prosperity and safety by sharing his wisdom which are a
res of relative post-World War II capitalist prosperity and the accompanying McCarthy-era anti-commu
o 330 BC - a dynasty that brought stability, prosperity and a flourishing civilization to what we no
ith three important and interrelated themes: prosperity and wealth, fertility and crops, and good lu
ll villages, larger towns, areas of relative prosperity and areas benefitting from redevelopment and
ent and job creation abroad is imperative to prosperity and employment at home.
the local economy, bringing with it general prosperity and wealth.
There was abundant hope of prosperity, and the new settlement, formerly a train wh
"American Prosperity and Price Deflation" (AIER, May 9, 2008)
The rail line brought prosperity and settlers to the area, and towns bypassed
nd greatness of the Empire, and the material prosperity and the moral elevation of all of its people
PBS Special, Life, Prosperity and Parenting filmed in January 2010
tue of the Capitoline Wolf, as a forecast of prosperity and glory, has been sent form Ancient Rome t
by Diss, which had an enormous effect on the prosperity and growth of that town.
es for local authorities to promote economic prosperity and growth, initially through reform of the
o his being identified by them as the god of prosperity, and of wealth in particular.
roft organisations for general education and prosperity, and in 1783 raised an edict of tolerance.
ion for One and All: CORNWALL DEVOLUTION for PROSPERITY, and DEVOLUTION'S FUTURE: a new proposal for
sful, with the country regaining a degree of prosperity and its infrastructure being rebuilt and exp
The rising sun is symbolic of prosperity and regeneration.
l and security issues for the sake of peace, prosperity and security in the region," he said.
the theme this year is "Cultural Diversity, Prosperity and Wellness."
The town's prosperity and mixed services economy is based on a com
Socialism: the road to peace, prosperity and freedom New York : Workers' Library Publ
By the late 17th century the prosperity and growth of Edo had begun to produce unfor
With increasing prosperity and rebuilding after successive fires, it gr
a close glimpse of the goddess and pray for prosperity and wealth.
means to a restoration of self-sufficiency, prosperity and renewed hope.
ry, Waldsassen alternated between periods of prosperity and decadence.
approach focused on social justice, economic prosperity, and environmental sustainability, and a cla
tion so the economy can track along economic prosperity and avoid recession
s as well as many other Jats have seen great prosperity and have made significant contributions in t
nd modern county hospital as evidence of its prosperity and development.
Towns such as Irmo, Chapin, Little Mountain, Prosperity and Joanna all owe their existence in part t
many countries that had a positive impact on prosperity and stability.
d political stability, military success, and prosperity, and Qaitbay's contemporaries admired him as
the Goddess, and casting spells for health, prosperity, and love.
tentially serving as an anchor for security, prosperity and progress for Asia as a whole.
Lakshmi is described as bestowing coins of prosperity and flanked by elephants signifying Her roya
They attest to the prosperity and self-confidence of the Hildesheim citize
ely known by his work, and acquired material prosperity, and his creation of new methods, particular
century, but it recovered and maintained its prosperity and high position until the whole province w
were being violated in the name of agrarian prosperity; and that the Floodway project would create
elieved to ward off evil forces and usher in prosperity and joy.
the beginning of Hippos' greatest period of prosperity and growth.
y tenure and paying more regard to their own prosperity and aggrandizement than to the services of t
cratic and sovereign state ensuring economic prosperity and social harmony for the people of Wales a
The people lived in prosperity and happiness with the help of eight spiritu
entre of weaving and the wool trade but this prosperity, and the population of the village, declined
io and Aransas Pass Railway) in 1886 brought prosperity and population growth.
nment building that would reflect the city's prosperity and distinguish it from the more impermanent
heir mode of worship, was impressed by their prosperity and delighted by their hospitality.
py Moldavia and Walachia (guaranteeing their prosperity, and full "liberty of trade" for them) until
Alexander, it enjoyed a season of brilliant prosperity, and the three neighbouring towns of Euromus
ars, in every enterprise which relate to our prosperity and advancement."
War, the Welsh pig became a great source for prosperity and the numbers grew by quite a reasonable a
votion, unflinching faith, and for showering prosperity and protection to their lives.
is globally connected leading to sustainable prosperity and an ambitious and dynamic community.
sire to live longer days than I may see your prosperity and that is my only desire.
rmenia's democratic development and economic prosperity and seeks universal affirmation of the Armen
t, the community entered a period of limited prosperity and by 1911 had been granted a post office.
ere, in the year 1590, while in the midst of prosperity, and seemingly leading Christian lives, they
es attached to the tangerine are a symbol of prosperity and good luck.
of Jerusalem, where he gained good standing, prosperity and married the daughter of the royal senesc
, Economic Development, Job Creation, Family Prosperity and Housing, Education; Ethics Reform and Go
ing illness, poverty and strife with health, prosperity and peace, but Johrei is not about restoring
It was a time of national prosperity, and Smith lost in a landslide to Republican
ed statesman and scholar in which Illinois's prosperity and judiciary reflects his tireless labor, w
Sisters pray for the prosperity and success of their brothers and light lamp
Thoughts of prosperity and expansion proved fleeting, however, and
s been portrayed as selfishly protecting his prosperity, and is reputed to have been the chief in th
Consequently, the region saw a decline in prosperity, and indeed, by about the time the Romans le
er Bienville made explorations to secure the prosperity and perpetuity of the colony.
economy in the 1990s again led to increased prosperity, and the extension of the M7 through the nea
rns that in Asia and the Pacific, the rising prosperity and fast growth in populous countries like C
Tamil Nadu, young girls prayed for rain and prosperity and throughout the month, they avoided milk
ned up to waves of European settlers seeking prosperity, and at first, the future appeared promising
r a mythical bird that appeared as a sign of prosperity and luck and a near translation of the South
trong voice in Ottawa, To protect Albertans' prosperity, and To ensure Alberta's opportunities for f
The kingdom began to lose its peace and prosperity, and by the time Bhagiratha ascended the thr
on January 5, 2010 on a platform of Safety, Prosperity, and Unity.
d quickly into a prosperous small town whose prosperity and smallness have remained constant to this
handise, they enjoyed an ancient heritage of prosperity and lived in close proximity to one another.
the world as entering a new era of peace and prosperity; and the post-World War II era saw the creat
ornaments with colours and text that signify prosperity and happiness.
new order of things... to promote the mutual prosperity and welfare of the peoples concerned."
Colonia Copia Felix Munatia, a name invoking prosperity and the blessing of the gods.
e Old Testament, The Gospel, Possessions and Prosperity, Angels, Demons and Spiritual Warfare, and T
The Party for Democratic Prosperity announced after the election on 3 June 2008
ana was continuing to experience a period of prosperity as a large influx of settlers was providing
Weld also reaped the benefits of the 1990s prosperity, as the state's unemployment rate fell by mo
rches were built and Allariz lived an era of prosperity, as it had before under royal protection.
The town reached the height of its prosperity at the end of the 19th century and was well
h, Ladner was also the Director for Economic Prosperity at the Goldwater Institute.
ntury saw a period of relative stability and prosperity at Nicaea.
th-century historians argued that the area's prosperity attracted the "wicked and ungovernable"; the
ed in a determination to promote Hong Kong's prosperity, autonomy, and way of life, is stated in the
Barkley Road and Prosperity Avenue cut across the park and over Accotink
Prosperity Bancshares, Inc. (NASDAQ: PRSP) is a bank ho
During its pioneer and times of great prosperity, Bateman would have over 300 residents durin
bouring class) enjoyed a century of relative prosperity before the ratio of labour to land restored
val of Minas Geraes in Brazil, the country's prosperity began to wane, and a severe depression hit t
However by the early 1900s, prosperity began to return to Cheraw.
not made wise investments and his financial prosperity began to decline.
ependent of its mother abbey and a period of prosperity began.
an homes that flourished until 1919 when the prosperity built during the "Cotton Era" was ended by t
sees the need for economic growth to provide prosperity, but it sees the need for this prosperity to
com that had a better "buzz," The Knights of Prosperity, but ABC moved that program to Wednesdays to
nd for rural property Grindlow finds renewed prosperity but only a handful of residents depend on ag
egan to assume more importance, brought some prosperity, but Grassington's heyday arrived during the
le, the Church of Granas has led humanity to prosperity by spreading the word of good, but when a yo
which brought forth a great age of galactic prosperity by making possible interstellar travel over
ty has mistakenly tried to ensure continuing prosperity by centralized planning, which inevitably le
The town reached the height of its prosperity by the early 3rd century and there was much
ting sophomore season, Johnson continued his prosperity by being named third-team Associated Press A
tion whose function is to encourage European prosperity by guaranteeing a high level of security for
With prosperity came a modest cultural flowering, ("The colo
Prosperity came to an end in the 1930's, however.
With the increased prosperity came the need for better access to forms of
Halligan is currently Chief Economist at Prosperity Capital Management - an asset management fir
the Province of Alberta, Canada, introduced prosperity certificates in an attempt to alleviate the
ilure to implement its key policy, providing prosperity certificates to all Albertans, the Social Cr
roblems; for the sake of harmony, order, and prosperity Charles had not blocked the Reformation, and
The Prosperity Church soon became a member congregation of
t the entrance of the Forward Operating Base Prosperity clinic honors the memory of Capt.
t the entrance of the Forward Operating Base Prosperity clinic honoring the memory of Capt.
henceforth enjoyed a period of uninterrupted prosperity, completely remodelled in Baroque style in 1
Peace and prosperity continued under his regime.
Fame and prosperity continued throughout the Hellenistic period.
This prosperity continued well into the 20th century, helped
f chaos and want as well as of stability and prosperity, depending on the degree of virtue of the em
r route, and brought an end to Limmu-Ennarea prosperity, despite Abba Bagido's later actions.
However, prosperity did not return to the ironmaking business.
traffic back through the village, its former prosperity did not return.
respectively and the Ear of Corn; signifying Prosperity, Discipline, Righteousness, Eternity and Sel
rson-to-person lending organisations, United Prosperity does not directly lend to the micro-entrepre
The village has maintained relative prosperity due to the many waterfront homes with Atlant
ke the other villages it enjoyed a period of prosperity due to the cloth trade, which started at the
During times of prosperity during 1898 and 1918, the cards were often c
The town experienced its greatest growth and prosperity during the Colorado silver boom of the 1880s
A period of prosperity during the 17th century, when the population
ged the largest English vessel in the fleet, Prosperity, ending in a boarding attempt which was repu
has had to struggle to maintain a facade of prosperity ever since her father's death.
Poverty anywhere constitutes a danger to prosperity everywhere.
Their Culture and Prosperity, experienced the town during its affiliation
s and is dedicated to ensuring its continued prosperity far into the future.
ch Gardens campus until an intersection with Prosperity Farms Road.
the Unity Church, and author of books in the prosperity field.
se, Bayley formed an organization called the Prosperity for Posterity Party (PPP), which was primari
death of the Sun King triggered a return to prosperity for the iron foundries of Grandfontaine.
60s provided a time of great opportunity and prosperity for Indians.
to the hopes of continued growth and future prosperity for the two cities.
's wool economy, the backbone of Australia's prosperity for the next century.
This was a time of great prosperity for the city, dominated by the powerful weav
lding of Miami, due to its being a symbol of prosperity for the Cuban exile community.
f Health, Love, Awareness, Wealth, peace and prosperity for ourselves, our children and their childr
d pension system, which ensured unparalleled prosperity for retired persons.
n for a new building came at a time of great prosperity for Joliet in the Roaring Twenties.
oluntary sector, infrastructure and ensuring prosperity for rural communities.
s seen extensive building work and increased prosperity for Rock, there a large number of holiday ho
ised dates to the 18th century - a period of prosperity for the town of Faversham.
5, and his administration was one of unusual prosperity for the city.
o await orders to ship out, providing sudden prosperity for local businesses but stretching the smal
h him on the path toward peace, security and prosperity for Israelis and Palestinians.
a period marked by the growth and increasing prosperity for First Church.
lateral trade and investment and in building prosperity for Canadians through enhanced Albanian-Cana
e the inequality as a way to achieve greater prosperity for all”, saying also that “we should not ..
He reigned in peace and prosperity for forty years then died and was buried in
He also chairs the Sustainable Prosperity Foundation and two start up environmental co
Keys to Prosperity: Free Markets Sound Money and a Bit of Luck,
It was the income and prosperity from this wool trade that established the to
The double horn of plenty stresses the prosperity function of the god among the Dobunni of Glo
The Movement for Change and Prosperity gained a parliamentary majority with six of
he railways enabled Thornton to share in the prosperity generated by the 19th century wool worsted t
remained intact throughout his rule, and the prosperity generated by such ties with Russian outposts
deplored the Era of Good Feeling as a false prosperity, given over to banks, tariffs, and fraudulen
ther aspects of Lakshmi is representative of prosperity, good luck, and abundance; and the Gajalaksh
sin argues that the millions of adherents of prosperity gospel may have "pumped air into the housing
though Roberts was often associated with the prosperity gospel and the faith movement because of his
sharply and correctively about the so-called prosperity gospel and many of the extreme teachings tha
ositive gospel" (not to be confused with the Prosperity Gospel).
he later expressed regret that the increased prosperity had come at the expense of traditional Kumey
me when the Seneca nation was at its peak of prosperity, Handsome Lake witnessed the gradual deterio
gist Tim Phillips, now head of Americans for Prosperity, has remarked that the Republican Party is "
A new age of prosperity has begun to emerge and along with it, the r
Mankind's prosperity has led to a vast population increase and se
ne of the world's historic trade routes, its prosperity has risen and fallen with that trade.
vily in debt, and to restore it to financial prosperity he made extensive purchases of land in Domin
y of Tunis (the fifth) during this period of prosperity; he also turned back an Algerian invasion in
s enormous but that was based in turn on the prosperity he created through his astonishing developme

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