



Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > quantifyの意味・解説 > quantifyに関連した共起表現


該当件数 : 82

ing on the type of forest, there is no way to quantify an intensity of direct sunlight that qualifie
s may be done for prospecting to identify and quantify an ore body for mining, or to determining the
tchmakers had an exact reference to precisely quantify and further improve the accuracy of their cra
nsiderable efforts have been made recently to quantify and control spray drift from hydraulic nozzle
ents used to non-invasively detect, identify, quantify, and monitor cells and cellular activity.
it is difficult to quantify as compared with morphology or DNA sequences,
rading and settlement of LDRs is difficult to quantify as the use of local markets makes analysing t
Resazurin was first used to quantify bacterial content in milk by Pesch and Simmer
g Fura-2 one of the most appreciated tools to quantify calcium levels.
exists to measure physical or 'true' density, quantify density variations, and to provide in-situ mo
iation on AFLP is cDNA-AFLP, which is used to quantify differences in gene expression levels.
A J Clark was the first to quantify drug-induced biological responses (using an e
There are several methods to quantify fixation disparity.
The organisation seeks to quantify global carbon emissions and their causes.
s, thus we often need statistical measures to quantify group size and statistical tests to compare t
His efforts to quantify his research could not fully counter his tend
st emulation were easy to set, understand and quantify in production areas, it was not so in non-pro
To quantify, it is used another reaction, such as the Biu
ue to identify the presence of a molecule and quantify it.
itizer thus exciting it, longer and easier to quantify light emission is often observed.
articular, he developed innovative methods to quantify low back stability that are considered cuttin
age processing techniques that can be used to quantify morphological, hydrological, ecological and o
In order to quantify or illustrate local disorder, the local Linde
ison are either very difficult to objectively quantify, or depend purely on personal preference.
ere precision flight calibrations are used to quantify or verify altimetry system performance they m
language of set theory it is not possible to quantify over all classes (or formulas).
ntitative parasitology deals with measures to quantify parasite loads in samples of hosts and to mak
ucture, and has developed ways to measure and quantify physical properties of dark energy and dark m
e even an opening figure, it is impossible to quantify population changes in the period.
(iTRAQ) are a non-gel-based technique used to quantify proteins from different sources in a single e
onstrated that it was possible to measure and quantify seasonal changes in the global heat budget.
These programs quantify signal intensities at each spot and use a dos
Convergence is difficult to quantify, so progress on this issue may require exploi
, define specific roles for each participant, quantify stages with entry/exit criteria, capture soft
markers and produces data that can be used to quantify stride length, body symmetry, joint flexion a
Major search engine robots are more likely to quantify such extant factors as the volume of incoming
Non-sampling errors are much harder to quantify than sampling error.
Quantify the amount
Use confidence intervals to quantify the accuracy of estimations.
It was defined to quantify the strength of pollution sources which can b
This makes it difficult to quantify the positive and negative impacts of the dam.
Electron spin resonance can be employed to quantify the probe's concentration.
ty" or "percent similarity" should be used to quantify the similarity between the biomolecule sequen
Dual Polarization Interferometry is used to quantify the order and disruption in birefringent thin
consumption is used as the main indicator to quantify the required building quality.
The intent was to quantify the sociological and economic costs of a supe
Bottjer ichnofabric index is a method used to quantify the degree of bioturbation in a sedimentary r
The acid number is used to quantify the amount of acid present, for example in a
Audio quality measurement seeks to quantify the various forms of corruption present in an
stry analyses are carried out to identify and quantify the chemical components and properties of a c
TVO numbers are used to quantify the CFUs for a given amount of sample and oft
microPIXE can quantify the metal content of protein molecules with a
TCO tries to quantify the financial impact of deploying an informat
This tetrazole is used in the MTT assay to quantify the respiratory activity of live cells in cel
the purpose of generalizability theory is to quantify the amount of error caused by each facet and
At an attempt to quantify the saving of aircrew life, B Main-Smith sugg
, it is difficult or impossible to accurately quantify the number of abortions performed in Australi
x (PSI) uses slightly different parameters to quantify the relationship between the saturation state
rip is a thin strip of SAE 1070 steel used to quantify the intensity of a shot peening process.
flowing afterglow can be used to identify and quantify the VOCs of a sample as long as the fundament
n as the Berry-Esseen inequality, attempts to quantify the rate at which this convergence to normali
sm (or TVO) is a term used in microbiology to quantify the amount of microbial organisms present in
e Bradford protein assay, a method to quickly quantify the amount of protein in a sample.
ixture of enantiomers, these methods can help quantify the optical purity by integrating the area un
rvatory headed by Quentin Parker was first to quantify the nature of the stream, though astronomers
uality factor, since its value can be used to quantify the degree of variation the actual beam is fr
ion was in developing and applying methods to quantify the consequences of the policies thus demonst
rizontally through the atmosphere in order to quantify the global atmosphere's vertical variations o
rogen peroxide-producing enzyme, or to simply quantify the amount of hydrogen peroxide in a sample.
ls as a Begg's funnel plot or Egger's plot to quantify the potential presence of publication bias.
egmann, of Pretoria, South Africa was able to quantify the advantages of Healon in IOL implantation
The problem, then, is whether to quantify the whole ring as a single species (despite t
and dual polarisation interferometry can also quantify the affinity from concentration based assays
el research work in using NMR spectroscopy to quantify the lipoproteins in first primate and then hu
term specific gravity, a measurement used to quantify the sugars available to produce alcohol in a
mathematical model that allows researchers to quantify the impact of qualitatively distinct mental p
rive possible values from them, and trying to quantify the biases of individual workers so that they
d-type and mutant genes (mutant proteins) and quantify their absolute copy numbers in tumors and bio
A study to quantify this found that 70% of UK news articles in th
etering and billing allows an ISV to flexibly quantify usage data generated by a software applicatio
From scientific efforts to quantify water pollution, to the World Trade Organizat
echanism is at the heart of allowing users to quantify what their context factors are precisely, thi

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