



Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > reversedの意味・解説 > reversedに関連した共起表現


該当件数 : 754

ial victory in March 1975 when the same court reversed a ruling of a lower court that ordered that h
However, many of the comic's concepts appear reversed, a slight at the sanitation of '80s programmi
In 1994 India reversed a four-year trend of reduced allocations for
rt of Military Review under Chief Judge Suter reversed a number of court-martial convictions arising
nia Supreme Court, in Wysinger vs. Crookshank reversed a lower court decision and ordered 12-year-ol
Division of the New York State Supreme Court reversed a ruling for plaintiff and former Schenectady
1973), the Supreme Court of the United States reversed a similar decision by a Texas District Court,
he Cynrog machinery somehow had its 'polarity reversed', a reference to the well-known technobabble
When Cathays opened in 1983 it reversed a trend to close stations by being one of the
He reversed a defensive attitude projected by the Clevela
In 2000 the process was reversed a little when part of the sea bank was breach
the Court of Criminal Appeals of Alabama that reversed a conviction for murder on the basis that dep
case, Gonzales v. Carhart, the Supreme Court reversed a similar Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals dec
ommissioner of Internal Revenue, 524 F.2d 788 reversed a U.S. Tax Court decision that held that “the
n personnel to be easily distinguishable, and reversed a trend for armed force personnel to wear sui
Tekuder reversed Abaqa's pro-Christian policies and proposed a
London, Quo Warranto Judgment Reversed Act 1689 is an Act of the Parliament of Engla
o retain 5-HT2A affinity and selectivity, but reversed activity from an antagonist to a moderate eff
When the legal tender decision was reversed after the appointment of new Justices, in 187
In 1980, the decision was reversed after a citizen petitioned, but the town was
However, their roles were reversed after the death of their parents due to influ
e clock rules adopted in the 2006 season were reversed, after coaches in all divisions disapproved o
oth Telemark and Vestfold, but the merger was reversed after 19 May 1922.
in private, a decision which was subsequently reversed after receiving criticism in the media and th
Formosus be reordained, an unwelcome decision reversed again after his death.
mage when it is developed, requiring it to be reversed again when it is printed on to photographic p
e are fast-spoken, backwards lyrics that when reversed again are revealed to be "How does it feel to
nd of the 20th century though, this trend had reversed again.
CD, the order of the first two songs had been reversed, although on the packaging, the order remaine
ptember 26, 2008, the Louisiana Supreme Court reversed an earlier decision to keep Barr and Root on
Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit reversed an earlier ruling in favor of the Alliance.
a left-handed substance; a refraction that is reversed, an inversion of the Doppler and Cerenkov eff
The velocities are reversed and the accelerations are the same, including
in humans had their age-related abnormalities reversed and lifespan increased to normal when vitamin
After 1964, however, the situation was reversed, and 1969 saw the first Indoor Cricket Centre
tate ways in which community decline is to be reversed and local sustainability is to be created.
The process is then reversed, and the view zooms back through space to Ear
ree of the Supreme Court of Wyoming should be reversed and the cause remanded with instructions to e
ory, and the decree of the district court was reversed and the bill ordered to be dismissed, and the
rom the booklet of the album Travma which was reversed and edited.
The spool was then reversed and the film run through again, exposing the
lared elected, but on petition the result was reversed and their opponents, Flood and Webster, took
The decree of the Court of Claims was reversed, and the cause was remanded, with directions
The opinion of the appellate court was reversed and the case was remanded for further proceed
other had had the effects of the brainwashing reversed and begged him to come back.
ington for use in Lancashire that the flow is reversed and water from Vyrnwy is used to supply towns
abilis, N. sumatrana with N. treubiana (later reversed), and both N. teysmanniana and N. tomentella
had been attainted and executed in 1747) was reversed, and Lovat thereby became 12th Lord Lovat in
ruled that the supervisors' determination be reversed, and that an election be held as to the quest
However in first half of 2008, the trend was reversed and population decline was observed again, pa
mitted that, on occasions that the roles were reversed and Luke drove, they found it much more diffi
It is then reversed and re-inserted to hold the ice in.
which a stored Item has the entity and value reversed and the attribute replaced by an 'inverse' at
May 1971, the decision to close the base was reversed and it was again a component of SAC.
he Cambridgeshire, but the schedule was later reversed and it is now held two weeks after the other
were deposited in the channel before drainage reversed and was captured by the present-day Maumee Ri
Judgment was reversed, and the case was remanded for a new trial be
nnersleeve shows the same picture, but mirror reversed, and tinted blue instead of orange.
multiple couplers and, like couplers, may be reversed and used as multiplexers.
Shortly after, however, the judgement was reversed, and his seigneuries were saved, but it was t
ation allows trains from Central London to be reversed and run back eastwards.
Nevertheless, Fry J's decision was reversed, and the contract was rescinded on grounds of
tates Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit reversed and dismissed 11 counts, but sustained four c
d adaptations of the foot - including a fully reversed and distally placed hallux with a large claw
It was reversed and stabilised after a tax reduction given to
uses of York and Lancaster, the attainder was reversed; and Edmund, Lord Ros, was reinstated in his
Reversed and remanded.
However, in 1715 the outlawry was reversed and in 1721 he claimed his seat in the Irish
rict court's jury instruction, and would have reversed and remanded on that basis.
e an alternative 'cover' when the booklet was reversed and had the words Noir Desir printed black on
ubsequent by-elections, Labor policy had been reversed and Nielsen had left the ministry.
rugs, the Judgment of the Court of Appeals is reversed, and the case is remanded for further proceed
of the two sections on the City Line has been reversed and the see above and see below links are the
This decision has since been reversed and current boxes of Pop Tarts continue to pr
he French version, the order of the verses is reversed, and the first chorus is sung in French.
However this decision was reversed, and the tournament consisted of two rounds o
The conviction was later reversed and the citizenship restored.
The district court was reversed, and the case remanded.
ver, the club was able to have its bankruptcy reversed and he continued playing for the club in the
f Twilight feel, then the beat was completely reversed and a lot of electronics were added.
In 1926, The front and rear of the house were reversed, and the front facade was altered.
rtends sensationalism, with the racial scales reversed and the well-behaved white youngsters harasse
litating impact of John Somerville's loss was reversed, and the hotel once again became the gem of b
The Court of Appeals reversed and annulled the writ in October 1852.
e flue duct is thoroughly heated, air flow is reversed and the flue duct becomes the air inlet, rele
The judgment of the court in general term is reversed, and the case is remanded to that court, with
widespread protest led to this decision being reversed and the resumption of the playoffs.
ers club without direct Shell involvement was reversed and all the members committees were abolished
bel and sleeve, the song's original title was reversed and listed as "Come Up and See Me (Make Me Sm
by Angela Merkel, the portfolio reshuffle was reversed, and the old Federal Ministries of Economics
The decree of the lower court was reversed, and the cause remanded, with directions to e
Houston's plunge slowed, reversed, and she shot up again, this time remaining o
d this time the station platform numbers were reversed and numbered to left to right when originally
ng but prejudice in this case; that if it was reversed and eleven white men had shot and killed a bl
raises, demanding that the price increases be reversed and warning that "profiteering" white-owned b
In September 2008, this decision was reversed, and it was reported that TacSat-1 would be l
censorship in the Soviet Union were partially reversed and millions of Soviet political prisoners we
However in 2004, the position was reversed and Harkin was returned at Scallon's expense.
However, in 1963, the decision was reversed and Route 220 remained intact with an additio
ain, however, on this occasion the result was reversed as Jacob won an All-Ireland medal following a
, however, the two settlements' fortunes were reversed, as Foots Cray's traditional industries decli
4 games to 1, but this year the results were reversed, as the Spiders were swept in four straight.
This popularity in terms of votes was reversed as ETA unilaterally broke the cease-fire with
The photo is evidently reversed as Jerry Garcia's missing finger is on his "l
e 1 and Side 2 were originally supposed to be reversed, as the album was supposed to start with "On
l playing thavil - note that thavil sides are reversed, as the player is left handed
In the second leg is was a case of role reversed as this time it was Stoke who dominated the m
The conviction was reversed as violating the First Amendment, and White w
ive flue ducts allowed for the air flow to be reversed at regular intervals, and thus maintain a hig
That opposition was not reversed at least until then-Cardinal Ratzinger (now P
This reaction is reversed at low pH.
ennessee Court of Appeals, but was completely reversed at the Tennessee Supreme Court.
However, this was reversed at the appellate level by the United States 6
of England, such as the Pines Express, which reversed at Bath Green Park railway station and then p
This reaction is reversed at temperatures > 1000 °C.
The roles were reversed at the European Indoor Championships.
The empty trains were reversed back to the loading points from the harbour.
the approach has to be closed whilst they are reversed back out.
GM-118 Peacekeeper at the strangelet, time is reversed back to the starting of the film, Ben is show
udgment and indictment of the trial court was reversed based on lack of evidence to convict the defe
cepted norms, spotted hyenas are not sex role reversed because the females do not compete with each
Then the song title was reversed, becoming "Whisper to a Scream (Birds Fly)".
ementioned curve to reach Central, where they reversed before continuing to Leeds via Whitwood Junct
e, as the operation of the City Loop would be reversed between morning and after peaks.
can impose pre-inversion, post-inversion and reversed bit ordering as described above.
ttorale, cathodic hemoglobin has a pronounced reversed Bohr effect in which oxygen affinity increase
The US Supreme Court reversed both the Appellate and Illinois Supreme Court
At the end of his first session, he had reversed budget cuts to a local college that occurred
The decision ordered his conviction reversed, but Ruby died before he could be retried.
This time the scores were reversed but once again a penalty was needed to separa
le to score only one takedown and was quickly reversed, but was otherwise soundly beaten as Mezger b
ch of the peace; their convictions were later reversed by the United States Supreme Court.
Periodically, the direction of ion flow is reversed by reversing the polarity applied electric cu
This can be reversed by adding an aquous solution of hydrochloric
The conviction was reversed by the Supreme Court in Newberry v. United St
case was resolved in his favour, it was later reversed by the Court of Queen's Bench.
od of incapacity in 1453-54, his reforms were reversed by Somerset's party once the king had recover
o means that the effects of etifoxine are not reversed by the benzodiazepine antagonist flumazenil.
A judgment in their favor was reversed by the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals in an
nd secondary sexual characteristics cannot be reversed by HRT.
Its effects are rapidly reversed by simply removing it from the culture medium
s over P. M. Ismail; however the election was reversed by the Supreme court, it having found P. C. T
xhibits analgesic activity which is not fully reversed by opioid antagonists, suggesting that the dr
taste sensation - this latter symptom can be reversed by ceasing use of chlorhexidine.
of Pope's decisions on the federal bench was reversed by the U.S. Supreme Court, in United States v
he direction of part of the Chicago River was reversed by the Army Corps of Engineers with the resul
n of the active thiol to sulfinic acid can be reversed by sulfiredoxin.
blematic, many of its provisions were in time reversed by the Wetland Protection Act of 1972 and lat
expressed in a mixed radix, whose digits are reversed by the permutation).
court agreed with Stogner, but the ruling was reversed by the California Court of Appeal.
All of these reactions can be reversed by adding a combination of hydrogen gas and h
This is reversed by pyruvate dehydrogenase phosphatase.
replaced by Mike Douglas, but this change was reversed by the time the album was released and a tour
aimed to the distinction of never having been reversed by an appellate court on any of the cases in
The economic boom in the colony was reversed by the Great Crash in 1891, leading to a deca
s SUMOylated and this modification is rapidly reversed by the action of deSUMOylating enzymes.
This was reversed by the Madras High Court and the Tamil Nadu G
Strain hardening may be reversed by annealing.
The effects of Stone Roses can be reversed by magic.
judicial opinion in their favour, afterwards reversed by the House of Lords.
Their guilty verdicts were eventually reversed by the United States Supreme Court in its gro
pinion, the decision of the queen's bench was reversed by fifty to sixteen.
The judgment was reversed by the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania on the g
illing around the courthouse, were eventually reversed by the United States Supreme Court in Moore v
The policy was reversed by his nephew Firuz Shah Tughluq.
Cheek was convicted, but his conviction was reversed by the United States Supreme Court because of
Image persistence can usually be reversed by allowing the liquid crystals to return to
This polarization can be reversed by a sufficiently large counter-charge, in th
To ensure that their policy could not be reversed by a future city council on a simple majority
Its rulings and policies are binding unless reversed by the convention.
unpublished judicial opinions that were later reversed by the Michigan Supreme Court.
Its effect can be quickly reversed by the action of flumazenil, which is already
ilateral decision, which, they felt, could be reversed by the same power that granted it, and which
the last major victory for the Royalists, was reversed by Sir Thomas Fairfax leading the New Model A
O3, except that the positions of the ions are reversed: calcium (Ca2+) take the oxide (O2−) position
As governor, he reversed campaign promises made in 1968 and 1970, push
tigate this, the magnetic field is constantly reversed, cancelling out the static potential differen
of Eisenhower's Atoms for Peace program, and reversed certain provisions in the 1946 law which had
o marriage licenses, was no longer available, reversed Chang's ruling and remanded the case for entr
subtending the same angles at 3 metres, or a reversed chart projected and viewed by a mirror is use
with atoms, the roles of matter and light are reversed compared to the laser based interferometers,
is almost certainly means it was deliberately reversed compared to the detailed preparatory drawing
IR) is a sequence of nucleotides that is the reversed complement of another sequence further downst
Field Reversed Configuration (FRC) Theory Consortium
At noon, the boat reversed course and fled, prompting the Union warship
Between 14:57 and 15:05, the Japanese fleet reversed course to block Russian northward movement, w
The flight reversed course over Toledo, Ohio, landed uneventfully
tact was made 80 mi (70 nmi; 130 km) out, but reversed course and disappeared.
Scheer ordered a second 16-point turn, which reversed course and pointed his ships at the center of
y after the subpoenas were disclosed, the SEC reversed course and said it would not enforce them.
been their finest hour, Windsor City Council reversed course from the controversial do-nothing appr
The steamer immediately reversed course back towards the wreck, which she reac
inally committed to Florida, but a week later reversed course and committed to North Carolina.
and the Protestant elite of the city, Tammany reversed course, and the march was allowed to proceed,
a year of his hiring, many prominent critics reversed course.
both of Liszt's piano concertos, the critics reversed course.
e (warm air below, cold air above) profile is reversed, creating a stable configuration of dense, co
s in the district court, but the D.C. Circuit reversed, creating a balancing test to determine when
s the first to take out patents on the use of reversed currents in connection with the fire alarm si

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