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nsils, the body also showed evidence of copper salts about the lower portion of the skull, mandible
of metallic objects near the coastline, as the salts accelerate the corrosion process.
Unlike the acetate salts, acetate esters are often liquids, lipophilic,
The phosphate and sulfate salts act as fire retardants and prevent combustion
cket can have solid propellant that has cesium salts added which produces a conductive path when th
These salts all exhibit superconductivity at low temperatu
The salts and esters of thiocyanic acid are known as thi
Salts and esters of the acid are called butyrates or
drink as it contains a number of minerals and salts and is high in protein.
hich grows in open landscapes on soils rich in salts and gypsum.
solutions are made up of a mixture of chemical salts and water.
The salts and esters of apocholic acid are known as apoc
individuals whose trades involved the usage of salts and the preparation of chemical mixtures for u
The salts and esters of this acid are known as hexanoate
Reaction with carboxylic acid salts and acid chlorides to the corresponding ketone
edium; it contains thiosulphate, citrate, bile salts and sucrose.
idoptera) species can obtain nutrients such as salts and amino acids, including some types that are
taking for example mixtures of FeII and FeIII salts and mixing them with alkali to precipitate col
It is also shown by most ammonium salts and by barium nitrate.
, cattle drivers, and those transporting local salts and lime towards the shipyards and factories i
They are not effective at removing minerals, salts, and dissolved inorganic compounds.
e Gassicourt investigates inks based on cobalt salts and isolates cacodyl from cobalt mineral conta
All water-soluble salts and mixtures have characteristic critical humi
he second stage of purification, which removes salts and trace contaminants, producing drinking wat
ric, dissolving in strong acid to give tin(II) salts and in strong base to give stannites containin
eric dissolving in acids to form germanium(II) salts and in alkali to form "trihydroxogermanates" o
fessional whose area of expertise is finishing salts and salting techniques.
culinary academies about the use of finishing salts and Himalayan salt blocks.
is used for ionic species that form insoluble salts and will deposit on or near the anodic, workin
is same basic structure is found in many other salts and minerals.
curring substance containing a mixture of bile salts, and sodium cholate, a pure bile salt.
s is readily explained by the concentration of salts and other evaporite minerals by the evaporatio
re beauty industry has gone up around its bath salts and mineral mud.
Numeira Mixed Salts and Mud Company - APC owns 52% of this company
rom those bands, and removing the accompanying salts and stain.
The water stored in this plant, rich in salts and minerals, is sold in Mexico as a sport dri
from Liu Jun, while offering Liu Jun blankets, salts, and pickled beans.
As with magnesium salts and other alkaline earth metal salts, calcium
The salts and esters are relatively uncommon, and their
is base, it can react with Lewis acids to form salts and reacts violently with oxidizing agents.
2) a taxonomy and reference guide of over 150 salts, and 3) a collection of recipes making use of
Salts and esters are known as thiomalates.
Primuline yellow is a mixture of sodium salts and probably contains at least three thiazole
Gluconic acid, gluconate salts, and gluconate esters occur widely in nature b
oduce, when evaporated, the vast quantities of salts and other evaporites found in the salt lakes,
and Harry Bailey as Wette and Windee (two old salts) and Noel Purcell as Ma Crusoe (a merry widow)
volved in the release of secretin such as bile salts and fatty acids, which result in additional bi
; tooth brushes; soaps assorted; inexhaustible salts; and much more.
Decanoate salts and esters of various drugs are available.
Systems, which catch the airborne products as salts, and hold them in a liquid slurry called brine
Salts and esters of decanoic acid are called decanoa
ubbing the strips of meat with a mix of herbs, salts and spices.
Salts and esters of methanesulfonic acid are known a
stically exceeds the buffer capacity of Hank's Salts and may result in cell death.
h undiluted it may contain levels of inorganic salts and organic compounds at levels toxic to plant
thium, potassium-sparing diuretics, potassium ( salts), antiarrhythmic drugs which cause torsade de
These salts are currently of interest in industry due thei
When mercury salts are used, the reaction is normally called the
poisoning from tin metal, its oxides, and its salts are "almost unknown," on the other hand certai
Uranyl salts are used to stain samples for electron and ele
Due to the instability of the ion, fulminate salts are friction-sensitive explosives.
Dicarbonate salts are apparently unstable but may have a fleetin
Hexafluorophosphate salts are often included in organometallic syntheses
Hexafluorosilicic acid and the salts are used as wood preservation agents.
These compounds, and their salts, are used primarily for their bactericidal and
ate are found in Chile and Peru, where nitrate salts are bound within mineral deposits called calic
chloride is the most common salt and chloride salts are opaque to short-wave ultraviolet.
The salts are removed by solid phase extraction or washi
the two metals are zinc and copper and the two salts are sulfates of the respective metal.
The Cricket Salts are located next the River Rother, which runs
It's still not fully understood how salts are transported from the ocean and oxidized to
t the hydrochloride and naphthalenedisulfonate salts are also available, as well as the free base.
This and related salts are sometimes used in the production of chlori
In organic synthesis, quaternary ammonium salts are employed as phase transfer catalysts.
These salts are used to produce alumina for preparation of
The salts are separated and the latter is treated with s
These salts are typical ionic halides, being highly solubl
Bile salts are the selective ingredient, while esculin is
The hydrated salts are also used for the extraction of actinide e
Different triamcinolone salts are available, including acetonide, benetonide
The salts are composed of the thiocyanate ion (-SCN) and
These salts are prepared by double decomposition from a so
Ambient temperature molten salts are present in the liquid phase at standard co
Nickel salts are carcinogenic.
Many other salts are known.
Nickel - nickel salts are carcinogenic
Guanidinium salts are well known for their denaturing action on
Bisulfite salts are common additives to the drug epinephrine i
The diastereomeric salts are separated by recrystallization.
Fluorosilicic acid and its salts are poisonous.
Lithium salts are psychoactive and somewhat corrosive.
The bromide ion is antiepileptic, and bromide salts are still used as such, particularly in veteri
Most iodide salts are soluble in water, but often less so than t
re and small concentration in solution, Hank's Salts are mainly used in media that is exposed to at
Calcium and potassium salts are also permitted.
Such salts are useful phase transfer catalysts.
d by nitrogen because aza- compounds and their salts are more likely to form crystalline compounds
Several similar salts are known, which were once called Tutton's sal
Calcium salts are colorless from any contribution of the cal
Ferrocenium salts are sometimes used as one-electron oxidizing a
The potassium and ammonium salts are precipitated as yellow solids.
ained selenic acid in 1827 and showed that its salts are isomorphous with the sulphates, while a fe
te ion or phenoxide ion, and the corresponding salts are called phenolates or phenoxides, although
stitution but stable and isolated Meisenheimer salts are also known.
c acid, it follows that two types of periodate salts are formed.
Zinc salts are usually fully dissociated in aqueous solut
Nickel salts are carcinogenic and irritate the skin.
Since hexafluorophosphate salts are often insoluble in water but soluble in po
nerated with the Fmoc method, because fluoride salts are higher in solubility than TFA salts.
Tutton's salts are a family of salts with the formula M2M'(SO
Croconate violet salts are dyes with strong absorptions in the UV-Vis
Other merchandise such as bath salts, aromatherapy, and body paints may also be sol
s named for the nearby springs containing iron salts around which developed an early health resort
ified and characterised a large range of these salts around 1900.
eral fertilizers, such as those from magnesium salts, as well as potting soils and other plant nutr
ation is that this medication contains lots of salts as media.
compounds, e.g. the precipitation of iron(II) salts as hydroxides followed by oxidation by aeratio
be produced at ambient conditions using metal salts as catalysts.
ested that Girdlestone first advocated arsenic salts as a treatment for Psoriasis and Lepra in 1806
Glutamic acid and its salts as food additives have the following E numbers
The use of cerium(IV) salts as reagents for volumetric analysis was first
These may form salts as well, called acid salts.
odecyl sulfate in water (no other additives or salts) at 25 °C, atmospheric pressure, is 8x10-3 mol
Table 1: Critical relative humidities of pure salts at 30°C.
d research into terpenes and the solubility of salts at high temperatures together with Tilden, and
ectic melt of scandium(III) chloride and other salts at 700-800 °C.
s generated by combining calcium and phosphate salts at neutral pH.This material then reacts furthe
2: Critical relative humidities of mixtures of salts at 30°C (values are percent relative humidity)
Also, salts attach themselves to cholesterol molecules in
on form used in industry, there are also other salts available including potassium, lithium and amm
DTPMP is normally delivered as salts, because the acid form has very limited solubi
f aggregate, and the smaller calcium phosphate salts being the cement.
ical literature, naphthenates are described as salts, but they are probably also non-ionic coordina
solutions can be prepared from different Ce4+ salts, but often cerium sulfate is chosen.
metal surface with tiny particles of titanium salts by adding these to the rinse bath preceding th
displacement of metals from solutions of their salts by hydrogen under pressure.
sic chromium sulfate is produced from chromate salts by reduction with sulfur dioxide, although oth
lso be used to demethylate quaternary ammonium salts by heating in N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF).
ation from an acidic solution of soluble As(V) salts by treatment with hydrogen sulfide.
ket, he had engagements with Lightcliffe C.C., Salts C.C. and David Tractors C.C. and, in 1949, he
Manganate (VI) salts can also be produced by dissolving Mn compound
to thermal motion, atomic behavior of ammonium salts can be very hard to evaluate.
Fluoride, chloride, and hydroxide salts can be used as solvents in pyroprocessing of n
Polygalacturonate salts can be used clinically to treat the GI reactio
reduction of relative humidity, these hydrated salts can then form a crust on the surface.
Other naturally occurring potassium salts can be separated by various procedures, result
lated gold complexes (often incorrectly called salts) can be prepared including the trifluoromethan
and also in the manufacture of heat treatment salts, case hardening of steel, in the manufacture o
organic and organic chemistry, acids bases and salts, chemistry of the elements and atomic theory),
in the sale of stock in the Electolytic Marine Salts Company, the brainchild of Reverend Prescott J
Salts containing the Ga2Cl62− anion, where gallium h
Salts containing the HSO3− ion are termed bisulfites
However salts containing SO22− and the corresponding acid, h
Salts containing AsF4− anion can be prepared for exa
Salts containing the completely deprotonated anion X
Salts containing the InIX32− ions have been made and
Salts containing GaCl4−, GaBr4− and GaI4− are all kn
it is a chemical solution of melted compounds ( salts), containing the actinides (uranium, thorium,
the means of preserving an image - the silver salts continued to darken unless protected from ligh
article which showed how halochromic (R3C+Z-) salts could be made from carbinols.
about 1.8 micrometers; the less sensitive lead salts cover this region.
where he had been experimenting with Rochelle Salts crystals.
The salts CsO2, RbO2, KO2, and NaO2 are prepared by the
The critical relative humidity of most salts decreases with increasing temperature.
Presence of trace amounts of metallic salts decreases markedly the stability of HAN soluti
iodical, she described the reason for the Long Salts' demise.
bute, or give away opium or coca leaves, their salts, derivatives, or preparations, and for other p
al property in which the two types of tartrate salts differed, is due to optical isomerism.
lkaloids (such as Codeine phosphates, Morphine salts, Dionine, Morphine Hydrochloride, Thebaine, an
ors displayed on it, because of the variety of salts dissolved in water.
ion is the name given to a solution of several salts dissolved in water for the purpose of creating
In contrast, many common ions give insoluble salts, e.g.
Later, they were made with mineral salts extracted from the local spring water.
It is the precursor to many nickel salts, for use as specialty chemicals and catalysts.
icals (especially local anesthetics) and metal salts for the application of nutritional supplements
underlie the therapeutic usefulness of lithium salts for the treatment of mood disorders.
lepidolite and yielded a few grams of rubidium salts for analysis, and therefore discovered the new
re useful resolving agents (as their sulfonate salts) for chiral amines and other cations.
ia have provided for over 1000 years potassium salts for dried meat keeping and gunpowder manufactu
Other carboxylate salts form complexes, e.g.
eful in organic chemistry to prepare diazonium salts from amines.
colourless salt is used to generate lipophilic salts from inorganic and organometallic anions.
ey also have well developed kidneys to reclaim salts from body fluids before excretion.
allowing groundwater to flow through and leach salts from the newly toxic aquifer.
A is used in the solvent extraction of uranium salts from solutions containing the sulfate, chlorid
ation losses, together with the dissolution of salts from the soils of the depressions, seriously d
erived from erosion and transport of dissolved salts from the land.
occurs in many inorganic materials, including salts, gases, and liquids.
Salts generally do not dissolve in air directly.
Salts generally do not dissolve in air, but can be c
Treatment with fluoride salts gives SF4.
Deprotonation of formamidinumium salts gives stable carbenes which can be represented
It concentrates and excretes salts, giving its foliage a grainy crust.
Treatment with lithium salts has been used as lithium improves uric acid so
labeling law the use of glutamic acid and its salts has to be declared, and the name or E number o
Other salts have been prepared with sodium, caesium and ru
(This is a partial listing; many more salts have been studied.)
As certain succinate salts have been shown to elevate growth hormone in v
Numerous codeine salts have been prepared since the drug was discover
Molten salts have a variety of uses.

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