



Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > secondhandの意味・解説 > secondhandに関連した共起表現


該当件数 : 143

han Plato's Apology of Socrates, Xenophon's second-hand account is the only other surviving "eye-wi
colonizer in the area, purporting to report second-hand accounts of sightings of the creature.
1959 were later supplemented by another 13 second-hand aircraft which included C-54, C-54A, C-54B,
Smaller second-hand and specialist antiquarian bookshops can be
Book Towns, a network of villages in which second-hand and antiquarian bookshops are concentrated.
d the shop Let It Rock with stock including second-hand and new Teddy Boy clothes designed by McLar
e to specialist bookshops, and more general second-hand and antiquarian shops such as Quinto Booksh
nds of computers and their accessories, both secondhand and brand-new.
ing sightings of supernatural activity were second-hand and some of them were hoaxes created by sol
tationer and bookseller specialising in the second-hand and antiquarian book trade.
he owner under suspicion of violation of the Secondhand Articles Dealer Act which bans the purchase
er eighty years, and one of them, installed second-hand at the locomotive repair works at King's Cr
seventeen all-Leyland Olympians plus three second-hand Atlanteans.
lf, until taken over by the LMSR, was mostly secondhand; because of this, the line was dubbed the Sl
gor and his daddy go to the market to buy a second-hand bicycle and a carriage.
t aircraft before it was decided to convert second-hand Boeing 707s for the JSTARS role.
ye leads to Hay-on-Wye - the world-renowned second-hand book town.
Andrew Footpath Library, devoted to getting second-hand books to homeless people.
ull-time in the buying and selling of old or secondhand books of some worth or consequence, and who
His grandfather and father were dealers in second-hand books.
's College, Cambridge, and was a writer and second-hand bookseller.
The Cottage Bookshop is a second-hand bookshop in Penn, Buckinghamshire, England.
poster was rediscovered in Barter Books, a second-hand bookshop in Alnwick, Northumberland.
He then opened a second-hand bookshop in Hay-on-Wye, in the old fire sta
er, Henry Earlforward, a miser, who keeps a second-hand bookshop in the Clerkenwell area of London.
s Bygone Books, the remarkably unsuccessful second-hand bookshop where she works for Russell, who d
There are now a tearoom and a second-hand bookshop, and historical cruises along the
Some overseas operators acquired second-hand Bristol Lodekkas from the UK for further se
tend to collect high prices at auctions and second-hand brokers.
of Swan St is notable for its many new and second-hand building supply shops.
ice, a primary school, a village hall and a second-hand car dealer.
The line beat a rival company by buying secondhand cars from the Brooklyn City Railroad.
rivers Championship, or more optimistically second-hand cars like those in the British AFX Aurora s
ull, where his mother, Pauline, ran several second-hand clothes shops.
ad an obsession with making money; he ran a second-hand clothes business in his wife's name and als
He also opened a secondhand clothing store, 49.
eople who oppose sweat shops often purchase second-hand clothing as an alternative to supporting cl
cers; instead, he had them go to charity and secondhand clothing shops to purchase costumes.
Two second-hand coal-fired steam boilers, salvaged from Wor
can result from chemical cross-reactivity, second-hand contact such as a handshake with someone wh
rous bookshops in the area, he came across a secondhand copy of "A Hundred Experiments in Chemistry
though possibly a 4001 or 4003 model) and in Secondhand Daylight, a Gibson EB-3.
part in the same band line up that recorded Secondhand Daylight, with the exception of the late Joh
reissued edition of Magazine's second album, Secondhand Daylight, which was the next album to releas
and Lord Wakefield she purchased G-AAAH, a second-hand de Havilland Gipsy Moth she named "Jason",
ties including taxis and private hire cars, second-hand dealers, metal dealers, boat hire, street t
The book contains a secondhand description of the killing of German prisone
Ruth's debut album, Secondhand Dreaming, was released June 26, 2007.
, they finished recording their debut album, Secondhand Dreaming, with producer Aaron Sprinkle.
shortly after acquiring a new guitar and a second-hand drum set.
and rolling stock, although some of it was second-hand equipment no longer required by the Railway
The railroad had many problems due to secondhand equipment and the steep trestle built to cro
ng the company out of a basement office with secondhand equipment, Bisciotti and Davis produced $1.5
The MTA initially equipped the lines with second-hand equipment.
ed locomotives and stock can also be bought second-hand for spares and repairs.
ny were purchased new, others were acquired second-hand from other operators in the state, includin
ld's largest fleet, including many obtained second-hand from U.S. cities that abandoned streetcar s
rmarthen and Cardigan Railway, three of them secondhand from the Great Western Railway.
at the opposite end of the station, brought second-hand from Maerdy, was put into use when the line
rolleybuses, many of which had been acquired secondhand from already closed trolleybus systems elsew
e purchased new, although 225 were purchased secondhand from other transit companies as their PCC fl
ortant concentration of antique dealers and second-hand furniture dealers in the world.
ter jeweller, he actually sold trinkets and second-hand furniture, and the family was poor and ofte
She worked as a second-hand goods dealer and dressed in a more feminine
The 40 collapsible lifeboats were secondhand, having been transferred from troopships, an
Even a reproduced, second-hand, hear-say facsimile?
ey, when a traveler is first able to compare secondhand information about the country with her own a
Christ Church, Heaton has its origins in a second-hand iron church erected in 1878.
raham opened a kimono store selling new and second-hand kimono, "Sayuki no Kimonoya", in Asakusa, T
Second-Hand Knowledge.
to buy a used tape, or 10 coupons to buy a second-hand LaserDisc.
n operation in August 2003, initially using second-hand Leyland Olympian double-deckers.
d-1980s when the Bedfords were supplanted by secondhand Leyland Leopards.
) taking over the route in early 1988, using secondhand Leyland Nationals and Atlanteans before acqu
he played the parts of Mae Coleman in 2003's Secondhand Lions and Stella Peck in the 2007 film, The
iamson's "Help Me" was featured in the movie Secondhand Lions.
By 2006 WSW had control the secondhand market in Hong Kong, including mobile phones
lector's items and can only be found on the second-hand market, often at many times their original
live events and is now only available on the secondhand market.
itle track of Parton's 1975 album, worn and second-hand merchandise in a discount store is used as
hed in the apartment of an MWIU member on a second-hand mimeograph machine, the paper remained inde
In a second-hand Morris Minor car, Mackay took the drawn map
ent of Digital Computer Controls purchased a secondhand Nova 1200 from a third party.
of the writer more vividly than letters or second-hand observations of others could do.
int, these books are still widely available second-hand on the Internet.
only single from Not by Choice's 2002 album, Secondhand Opinions and the last single released as a b
is a town or village with a large number of second-hand or antiquarian book shops.
Some of the goods are secondhand or 20th-century antiques.
id that the movie "feels more like a sloppy, secondhand pander" and called it "frantic with incident
uce an apparently functional vehicle out of second-hand parts and based on a motorised leaf-sweeper
Little is known of him besides second-hand passing in ancient historical references.
diers to communicate with family at home, a second-hand ping pong table, a television, and a few bo
constructed from Isambard Kingdom Brunel's second-hand railway lines, and is 225 metres (738 ft) l
Local second-hand record shop owner Barry Lights sold it in h
l, the evidence sketchy and based mostly on second-hand reports by alleged witnesses, and that Pavl
This has a second-hand round metal lantern (ex Rame Head) which is
o shortened to 127 Yard Sale) is an outdoor second-hand sale held annually for four days beginning
Secondhand Serenade - Your Call (song)
Secondhand Serenade - Summer Tour (opening act, 7/20 -
r the third studio album by the solo project Secondhand Serenade see Hear Me Now (Secondhand Serenad
th artists such as 3 Doors Down, The Script, Secondhand Serenade and Kelly Clarkson.
"Fall for You" is a song by Secondhand Serenade, the solo project of John Vesely.
kson, Duffy, Jon McLaughlin, The Script, and Secondhand Serenade, among others.
o, LIVE, The Rocket Summer, This World Fair, Secondhand Serenade, Madina Lake, Between the Trees, an
argest Emmaus community in the UK, and its " Second-hand Superstore" is the largest second-hand shop
Wot Not second-hand shop and two garages are the only shops in
The Government of Ecuador plans to reduce second-hand smoke in public spaces by 2012.
atured on the band's 1997 compilation album Second-hand Smoke and Greatest Hits album.
Secondhand smoke as seen in a bar
merican Medical Association, "Even a Little Second-hand Smoke is dangerous".
tte embers hurting children rather than the second-hand smoke effects.
Secondhand smoke from cigarettes has been shown to be i
are "defiant and angry, they don't buy the second-hand smoke argument, and want to share this grud
in Argentina (40,000 per year, 6,000 due to secondhand smoke), and the cost of the treatment of tob
kers in Indiana are currently protected from secondhand smoke, employees in most casinos, bars, and
enders, wait staff, and other employees from secondhand smoke.
nterventions aimed at decreasing exposure to secondhand smoke."
supplied clothing and standard props (from second-hand sources) for SOE agents working behind enem
Due mostly to secondhand sources, the spelling among fans is sometime
rical accounts presented were obtained from second-hand sources.
glands Mill, also houses the Emmaus charity second-hand store.
used car lots, "boarded-up" buildings, and second-hand stores.
y to discover Ernie made it all up, based on secondhand stories.
The claim was based on a second-hand story allegedly relayed to Chass by former
plete billiard table, 300 barrels of tar, a second-hand suit of sails for a schooner..."
e West was largely inadvertent and at least second-hand: the Ostrogoth king Theodoric the Great was
ime, Russell sees the women's relationships second-hand through Sarah, although he isn't opposed to
One possibility is the international second-hand tire trade.
n the UK the only available sources are via second-hand trading sites like eBay.
the 40-year old trains with more modern (but secondhand) trains, until their new Class 357s arrived
further missteps, including wearing a gaudy secondhand tuxedo to court (as his new suit fell in the
was part of an attempt to cross Botswana in second-hand two wheel drive cars, not made for off-road
wed it, saying the book is "filled ... with second-hand, unsubstantiated sexual rumors about and bi
A variety of second-hand vehicles were acquired to operate the route
Rich but stingy, he bought a second-hand Vespa, gave his parents some money, and lef
There are many second-hand vintage shops, used book stores and unique
Most of the fleet consists of second-hand Volvo coaches.
The gifts were inexpensive trinkets such as second-hand watches or brass jewelry.
e received none at all, and of testimony at second-hand we have none that would justify us in assum
section of the park with the Alton Mouse, a second-hand wild mouse coaster, and was marketed by the
All of these second-hand witnesses, Mormon and non-Mormon, agreed th
o the story, much of it hearsay provided by second-hand witnesses.

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