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該当件数 : 263

By having multiple infrared detectors, each sensing a particular wavelength, a temperature profil
eavour encountered a group of Asmat warriors; sensing a threat, the explorers quickly retreated.
But, sensing a level of bad faith on the part of Huerter a
Sensing a possibly huge windfall with this novelty ac
Sensing a deteriorating military scenario with the mo
By sensing a problem Ahana starts a journey to reach her
Earl, sensing a kindred restless spirit, is attracted to Ma
Many of John's supporters, sensing a tide of change, moved to support the barons
The Wii version of the game uses the motion sensing abilities of the Wii Remote and the Nunchuk a
ntracellular calcium levels (this calcium ion sensing ability is accommodated by an intracellular t
oelectronics and phosphor development, remote sensing, acoustics, and mechanical systems.
in 1979 and has been involved in radar remote sensing activities.
Other electronic thermometers work by remote sensing: an infrared sensor responds to the radiation
Sensing an attack Oates had requested reinforcements
system can be divided into a peripheral one, sensing an external stimulus and encoding it as an el
t is effective up to four stops and is tripod sensing, an AF stop switch, and weather sealing.
Sensing an opportunity, Mills abandoned his original
to be related to pheromones (possibly quorum sensing) and temperature changes.
useful for applications such as radar, remote sensing, and satellite broadcasting.
intendo DS' touch screen and the Wii's Motion sensing and pointing features, being exclusively rele
work is done with optical monitoring (remote sensing and automated field methods), and entails the
"Surface sensing and adhesion of Escherichia coli controlled b
It includes both image sensing and recording functions, and also includes ei
esses an inventory of state-of-the-art remote sensing and geophysical equipment, and has numerous b
re Chairman of the Centre for Remote Imaging, Sensing and Processing (CRISP) and the Singapore Sync
tober 2010, the National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences announced that control and
ied to many different kinds of data including sensing and monitoring data - such as in mineral expl
or applications to quantum metrology, quantum sensing, and quantum imaging (particularly as the inv
Sensing and actuation
o demonstrate DCAS and the value of low-level sensing, and a number of research opportunities will
rence Livermore National Laboratory, used for sensing and measuring distances to objects in proximi
or-infrared and thermal aerial imagery Remote Sensing and Interpretation Laboratory, 1971
uilt by Egypt's National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences together with the Yuzhnoye
, the sensitivity due to fluctuation-enhanced sensing, and durability originating from the robustne
Dual Activation: flow sensing and thermostat control.
Lockheed Martin Sensing and Exploration Systems
lary Space Technology topics including Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Sciences (GIS) etc
"Curvature Sensing and Compensation: A New Concept in Adaptive O
rformed in a variety of ways including remote sensing and in situ observations.
It is a form of remote sensing and used for atmospheric physics.
n is engineered with new Doppler radar signal sensing and processing technology with re‐engineered
inating research in photogrammetry and remote sensing and spatial information sciences.
1970 he founded the Canada Centre for Remote Sensing and served as its General Director until 1979
oping bioelectronic photovoltaic and chemical sensing applications using membrane proteins integrat
In remote sensing applications, thermal inertia represents a co
tic test and measurement instrumentation, and sensing applications.
n, and the use of machine learning for remote sensing applications.
ng, positioning, speed detection, and current sensing applications.
nd seeks to educate the public about chemical sensing applied to applications in environment, homel
mong Asian academic groups involved in remote sensing are as follows: ERDAS 36% (ERDAS IMAGINE 25%
Remote sensing as a tool of seismic hazards monitoring.
Species which have quorum sensing can turn on and off certain chemical pathways
The Remote Sensing Center is planning research projects that und
The Remote Sensing Center (RSC) at the Naval Postgraduate School
Remote Sensing Center Web page
een the Director of Informatics at the Remote Sensing Center, Mongolian Academy of Sciences, [[Ulan
chemicals emanating from the host, as well as sensing changes in temperature and air currents.
This change can be detected by sensing circuitry, which can signal to some other dev
These were picked up by sensing coils mounted on the leading bogie.
, fields and sustains the warfighter's global sensing, communication and decision-making capabiliti
and software of the large established remote sensing community used to working with Landsat images
for 'Bluesky', an airborne survey and remote sensing company based in Leicestershire.
1 is intended to not only continue the remote sensing data services provided by IRS-1C and IRS-1D,
Remote Sensing data is processed and analyzed with computer
Svalbard is a key site for collecting remote sensing data from polar orbiting satellites, such as
As with field notes, remote sensing data (aerial and satellite photography, for e
cause it is based on speculation about remote sensing data.
n source applications exist to process remote sensing data.
Sensing defeat, the district's Republican congressman
ammunitions that are fired only after remote sensing detects enemies.
An infrared sensing device
initialized as LLLTV, is a type of electronic sensing device, usually a CCD camera sensitive to wav
t users of insulin pump and real-time glucose sensing devices in Asia.
as calix[6]arene have been used in optodes as sensing devices for optical determination of potassiu
re are many varieties of infrared temperature sensing devices available today, including configurat
Speed sensing devices, termed variously "wheel impulse gene
ch areas as storage technologies and magnetic sensing devices.
ial was much bigger than the other groups and sensing Diana Ross had a pop-friendly voice, told Ros
Sensing divine intervention, the authorities immediat
plasmic portion connected to an extracellular sensing domain via a transmembrane α helix.
sult of his early work in the field of remote sensing, Dr. Idso was honored with an Arthur S. Flemm
ion and training in Japan and Italy in remote sensing during the 1980s.
Typically a flow sensor is the sensing element used in a flow meter, or flow logger,
echnologies which have been used as the power sensing element.
nternal integration that occurs inside of the sensing element.
specializing in the design and manufacture of sensing elements, devices, instruments, and systems t
The sensitive sound sensing equipment in Falke required the torpedo be as
It carries high-resolution remote sensing equipment for visible, near infrared, and sof
the limitation of current space based remote sensing, especially the spatial resolution, and the n
As Project Director for the remote sensing experiment conducted during first Indian Mann
, first demonstration of zeptogram-scale mass sensing, first coupling of a qubit to a NEMS resonato
h alive to feed on their flesh" or chemically sensing fish and producing lethal toxins to kill thei
nary performance required to conduct tactical sensing from space, including missions like continuou
It is used for passive remote sensing from space.
Sensing from both sides of the head and following tra
cipated in the fields of pisciculture, remote sensing, geographical information systems (GIS) and e
d that msiK RNAs are probably not involved in sensing glucose themselves, but are more likely a par
orming protein alpha hemolysin engineered for sensing has been highly cited.
most recent decade photogrammetry and remote sensing have provided the primary source data for Geo
The sensing head consists of an oscillator circuit, the f
The probe consists of sensing head at fixed depth.
h, there is an arrangement of 3 accelerometer sensing heads.
Stephen, probably sensing his links to David and hence to the Empress M
ons coach Doug Collins was also animated, and sensing his opponents' apparent lack of class, decide
y Karaiskakis's courage and intelligence, and sensing his worth as a fighter, released him from pri
A official Mark Hess had then stated: “Remote sensing images or photographs from orbit cannot provi
The first remote sensing images illustrating the extent of the floodin
As well as carrying remote sensing imaging sensors, the satellite also carries e
The Confederates, sensing imminent capture, decided the best thing to d
Sensing impending war in the West-Pakistan, Indian Na
considered to be the first success in remote sensing in India.
ht to be involved in the regulation of quorum sensing in Vibrio species.
ith the development and application of remote sensing in multiangle satellite and airborne imaging
oined the Boston University Center for Remote Sensing in the beginning of 2003.
The Military Sensing Information Analysis Center (SENSIAC) serves
Warm and cold receptors play a part in sensing innocuous environmental temperature.
those carrying ocean and atmospheric remote sensing instruments that require sunlight).
eophysical surveys may use a great variety of sensing instruments, and data may be collected from a
uated the sequencer for the abort system, and sensing insufficient altitude, fired the squibs in th
Quorum sensing is a method of communication between bacteria
Almost all monitoring (except perhaps remote sensing) is in some part invasive of the environment
Hyperspectral remote sensing is used in a wide array of real-life applicat
Introverted Sensing: ISTJs and ISFJs
Sensing Kaoru's jealousy, Megumi plays the flirt and
y the University of Washington's Radar Remote Sensing Laboratory (RRSL) led by Dr. John Sahr.
fferent applications such as spectroscopy and sensing, laser power delivery and fiber lasers and am
r is formed in the top plate connected to the sensing leaves.
used in the areas of chemical and biological sensing, lithography, catalysis, and optics.
After sensing low energy conditions, AMP kinase stimulates
Silicon microstrip detectors, in which the sensing mechanism is the production of electron-hole
P-GlcNAc is thought to be part of the glucose sensing mechanism.
gy in the field of telecommunications, remote sensing, meteorology and satellite navigation (Sat Na
pend on many factors including the fluid, the sensing method, the size of the measurement domain, a
the use of geophysical techniques and remote sensing methods, such as aerial photography and satel
Sensing more business opportunities to the west, a co
in terrestrial vegetation dynamics and remote sensing of the land surfaces.
is either vestigial or may be related to the sensing of pheromones.
ging Radar-A, successfully carried out remote sensing of Earth's resources, environmental quality,
Sensing of chemoeffector gradients involves chemotaxi
This thiol appears to participate in the sensing of peroxides by Bacillus, but may also substi
at many people do not distinguish between the sensing of the event and the measuring of time interv
Remote sensing of hydrologic processes
rly important for applications such as remote sensing of the atmospheric temperature, where the mos
including skateboarding (that uses the motion sensing of the Wii Remote), axe throwing and a virtua
ts have used these effects for inverse remote sensing of the upper atmosphere using microbaroms.
Bussey is specialized in the remote sensing of the surfaces of planets.
ng Research Center for Collaborative Adaptive Sensing of the Atmosphere (CASA) seeks to revolutioni
D star sensors were used for optical position sensing of guide stars and attitude determination of
offers freedom from the confusion of reverse sensing on a localizer backcourse approach.
ater piping system are open, in that the heat sensing operating element is removed, or specifically
In the same year, sensing opportunities in the core banking space in th
posits have not been found on Mars via remote sensing or in situ missions, even though Martian mete
mercially in reversible smart windows and gas sensing, oxygen, hydrogen, nitric oxide, hydrogen sul
Dragon/ips is one of the oldest remote sensing packages still available, and is in some case
ychology who visits the estate in response to sensing paranormal activity.
rested in cosmochemstry, astrobiology, remote sensing, planetary morphology, and space flight instr
urs, it is no longer possible to maintain the sensing platform's orientation.
Tactel (short for tactile element) - a single sensing point on a tactile sensor array.
ferentiation, lipid accumulation, directional sensing, polarization, and migration in keratinocytes
such as NTC/PTC Thermistors (for temperature sensing), Pressure Sensors, Humidity Sensors, Infrare
Currently, there are some remote sensing products of FAPAR, such as AVHRR and MODIS.
In a remote sensing project for rapid ecological evaluation, H. b
Sensing pursuit, he makes his way south towards Mexic
The sensing range is rarely greater than 6 cm, however, a
rch units on campus to develop GIS and Remote Sensing resources and research.
ble are available at the Edinburgh Compressed Sensing RIC page.
Sensing Ricca's potential, Esposito soon appointed hi
ine wires and a moveable "mouse" containing a sensing ring.
pplication 20050231207: Electronic Elongation Sensing Rope
The Pakistan Remote Sensing satellite system will be taking the place of
ionospheric properties, an ionosphere remote sensing satellite package.
d Gas Experiment (SAGE) is a series of remote sensing satellite instruments used to study the chemi
p Impact and the Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS).
European remote sensing satellite (ERS) was the European Space Agency
(also known as IRS-P6) is an advanced remote sensing satellite built by Indian Space Research Orga
The main payload was an Indian Remote Sensing satellite, CARTOSAT-1 weighing 1,560 kilogram
ther and spy satellites) and for other remote sensing satellites (e.g.
ISRO, the current generation of Indian remote sensing satellites, which are intended to replace the
rfaces from space, techniques in radio remote sensing, scattering from rough surfaces, thermal fluc
Director - RRSSC (Regional Remote Sensing Service Centres) under the umbrella of Nation
The Liberals and Conservatives also withdrew, sensing Shackleton's strong lead.
Other important Remote Sensing Software packages include: TNTmips from Micro
of the classification performed by the remote sensing software and therefore minimize errors in the
he pixel being studied provided by the remote sensing software to understand and analyze the locati
Open source remote sensing software includes GRASS GIS, ILWIS, QGIS, OSS
nts which cannot be addressed by conventional sensing solutions.
as well as integrated optics and distributed sensing solutions.
to beat them, Kagesada is really freaked out, sensing something is wrong.
Blood takes an immediate disliking to Quilla, sensing something wrong.
When sensing something they don't like they will set off a
glanced at his watch, quietly exited his car, sensing something was not right.
calibration source for Earth-orbiting remote sensing spacecraft.
es have specific names and use other means of sensing speed.
e bases for the expansion of the use of these sensing structures.
the sensor is a steel container containing a sensing substance, either wax, liquid or gas.
he decides to bring Muskaan back to the farm sensing Suraj's bad influence on her studies.
This meant that the abort sensing system could report a condition requiring an
After lift-off, the pressure sensing system was to indicate when the correct abort
-infrared ( λ ~ 3 to 30 μm) optical trace gas sensing systems based on new technologies such as qua
prototyping in materials, sources, detectors, sensing systems, and application testbeds, MIRTHE add

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