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tion, Gantry uses as inspiration for his first sermon a speech by Robert Ingersoll which commences,
The opening of the sermon, a summation of 2 Kings 20:13-17, surprised an
the extant portions of her diary, the funeral sermon, a life by her husband, and an elegy by Dr. Wa
Boehm preached his last sermon a few days before his death at age 100 in 1875
the sound world of the Requiem Canticles and A Sermon, a Narrative and a Prayer, his recent music is
And is all that I have been saying a Christian sermon about the grace of God?
iewers, and Mary Whitehouse delivered an angry sermon about television violence.
When a crowd assembles, Isaac gives a sermon about harmonious behaviour, as well as instruc
He preached his last Irish sermon after his Sunday Mass, April, 1881.
preached at St. Peter's-in-the-East, Oxford, a sermon against the pope.
On Sunday April 19, 1942, he spoke out in a sermon against National Socialism and the persecution
Edinburgh, before the members of parliament a sermon against the act for the toleration of Roman ca
‘A Brief Examination of … Mr. Meldrum's Sermon against a Toleration,' 1703.
In 1622 he preached a sermon against those bearing the mark of the beast, f
rk, expanded to 1400 pages from a Paul's Cross sermon, aimed at the theories of church polity of Tho
of homosexual behaviour (although a Cambridge sermon alluded unfavourably to English historical mon
reached and afterwards published anonymously a sermon alludint to it on Luke xviii.
Between service and sermon, an interval was allowed during which footmen
or Henry Ward Beecher to his congregation as a sermon, an action considered noteworthy at the time b
It is said that when Ali reached here in his sermon an Iraqi stood up and gave him a letter.
produced by longtime Redman collaborator Erick Sermon and is co-produced by Redman himself.
rk in Africa was persuaded to preach the first sermon and organize the new church.
ut what he thought would be about enough for a sermon, and patched the leaves together as he best mi
ecrophagist, Fimmers played in the bands Grand Sermon and Human Bloodfeast.
Produced by Erick Sermon and Rockwilder, "Da Joint" became EPMD's secon
and the rent from this was used to pay for the sermon and gunpowder.
e containing remarks on Dr. Price's Revolution Sermon and other publications,' Birmingham, 1790.
rmances by Too Short, Spice 1, MC Breed, Erick Sermon and Goldy.
ne 2, 1830, Leeser delivered his first English sermon, and thereafter he preached with regularity, t
his Church History of Britain claims that this sermon, and a later one in 1602, offended the Queen,
With exception of one sermon and a few fragments, all the writings of St. E
e Second World War, the feast was reduced to a sermon and traditional Christmas carols.
was released for the song which features Erick Sermon and Parrish Smith rapping around a building un
Religious dissension is the topic of this sermon and argues that dissenters do not want to embr
Then, in a sermon and a September blog entry on Southland's offi
also the editor of The Preacher's Goldmine, a sermon and Bible study magazine for ministers.
he reply came ”What cannot you trust God for a sermon?” and upon this rebuke I went into the pulpit
ing; on Ferrar's death he preached the funeral sermon and officiated.
tockings," in which Billy Gibbons would give a sermon and short guitar solo that brought the song to
donkey would stand beside the altar during the sermon, and the congregation would "hee-haw" their re
Falling, May Day Sermon, and Other Poems (1981)
Rev. Ichabod Spencer preached a sermon and quoted Luke 12:32, “Fear not little flock,
Last Supper (during which Jesus gave his final sermon), and immediately after the Kiss of Judas, whi
The king listened to the sermon and went home.
Sahih Al-Bukhari refers to the sermon and quotes part of it.
s to the Battle of the Boyne, and had a famous sermon, Arise Great King, preached to him here.
ipation by the listener in the movement of the sermon as well as in the discerning of the message.
In 1861, Einhorn delivered a sermon as a response to a sermon by Morris Jacob Raph
In September 1863, Hull preached his last sermon as an Adventist minister.
During the sermon Asbury arrived.
e, and when only about twenty-five delivered a sermon at St. Paul's Cross before Queen Elizabeth.
English verses before Bishop Edward Rainbow's sermon at the funeral of Susan, Countess of Suffolk,
the founders of Methodism) preached the Assize Sermon at the church on 10 March 1758.
In this year Douglas preached the sermon at the opening of Heriot's Hospital.
Preaching a visitation sermon at Hitchin in 1638, he spoke freely against 'i
On August 17, 1662, Manton preached his last sermon at Covent Garden on Hebrews 12:1.
In 1759 Benjamin Buckler preached a flippant sermon at All Souls College, Oxford, titled Elisha's
ary service after experiencing an enlightening sermon at the West London Tabernacle Church.
the Revolution of 1688, and preached his last sermon at Brechin on 14 April 1689.
In 1867 Vickers preached a sermon at the laying of the corner-stone of St. John'
He also published Sermon at the Execution of Moses Paul and A Choice Co
th; on the next day, being commanded to hear a sermon at the Protestant church, he refused and was d
irst to join the crusade after Pope Urban II's sermon at the Council of Clermont.
On Easter Tuesday 1570 he preached a sermon at St. Mary Spital, London, denouncing the sen
everend Dr. Phillips Brooks, preached his last sermon at the Blue Hill Community Church.
Sermon at the Dedication of the First Baptist Meeting
Sermon at Newburyport December 9, 1818, at the Ordina
Returning to England in 1939, he gave a Sunday sermon at the Open Brethren Evangelical Church in Lee
ader in his youth group and preached his first sermon at age 17.
posing The Marrow, assailing it in his opening sermon at the Synod of Fife in April 1719.
he Rev. William Ellery Channing gave his first sermon at 1st Parish Medford on August 8th, 1802 "Sil
, he again visited Rome, where he preached the sermon at the laying of the cornerstone of St. Patric
y scholastically" when he preached a Whitehall sermon at the dead queen's court on 6 April 1603
Man's Memoriall; compris'd in a Panegyrick and Sermon, at the Funerall of the Religious, most Learne
orded an honour in 2008 when he preached a key sermon at the Lambeth Conference in the presence of 6
He preached a sermon at the Lincoln assizes, which, at the request
The introduction to that work and A Sermon at Paule's Crosse on Esay V., 2, 3 (London, 16
He gave the occasional sermon at local churches and wrote articles for the t
'The Religious Loyalist;' a visitation sermon at Coleshill.
He delivered the opening sermon at the Third Plenary Council of Baltimore in 1
rter Session, and attended Lindsey's inaugural sermon at Essex Street Chapel with some satisfaction.
s enlightenment and after delivering his first sermon at the deer park at Sarnath near Varanasi in U
ember in his early twenties and gave his first sermon at a Methodist Church in Amsterdam, New York,H
On 8 January 1587 he preached an inflammatory sermon at Great St. Mary's, Cambridge, against church
amous, for announcing on Jan. 18, 1976, in his sermon at St. Ann's Chapel in Palo Alto that he had '
ected while archbishop-designate to preach the sermon at the coronation of George III and Queen Char
pastor John Fawcett had preached his farewell sermon at Wainsgate he and his family loaded up all t
nding with a faggot on his shoulder during the sermon at Paul's Cross, was released.
ey opposed the trade in humans and in 1774 his sermon at the New Room against slavery was disturbed
Preaching his first sermon at age 14, Vaucher studied at a church in Pari
the doctrines of the Church, and quotes from a sermon at Constantinople, in which he spoke of the hu
author of The City Gardener endowed an annual sermon at the church on either "The Wonderful World o
He preached in and about Oxford; for a sermon attacking some of the ceremonies of the church
King won the 2005 Stewardship Sermon Award for her sermon "Stand By This Faith."
In her sermon, Beck equated "nurturing" with "homemaking" -
1645 (fast sermon before the House of Commons on 25 June, from I
ry 1700 he was asked to preach the traditional sermon before the House of Commons of England in memo
Sermon before the King's Majesty at Whitehall on 7 Fe
h), travelled to central Tibet where he gave a sermon before thousands of people.
'A Sermon before the House of Lords,' 26 Feb. 1644.
In 1596 he preached a celebrated sermon before Elizabeth I at Richmond Palace, in whic
id parliamentarian and was invited to preach a sermon before the House of Commons on 25 October 1648
tudent designs a chapel service and preaches a sermon before the student body.
'The Sin against the Holy Ghost,' London 1836 ( sermon before the British and Foreign Unitarian Assoc
A Picture of a sermon being led by Father Matthias Nsamba Labega
' burial-ground in Bunhill Fields, his funeral sermon being preached by Warner.
On May 6, 1531, Viret preached his first sermon, being only twenty years old at the time.
Within days of this sermon being preached a meeting was held at the home
heopathic sayings attributed to Ali - viz. the Sermon Between the Two Gulfs (khutba tantanjiyya) and
unity of jazz organ giants of Jimmy Smith (The Sermon!), Brother Jack McDuff (A Real Good 'Un), Jimm
traditionally been claimed as the site of the sermon, but the best known is the one today known as
, resulting in Cilley's death, brought forth a sermon by Slicer that greatly influenced Congressiona
They chose their name because of a sermon by Pastor Jack W. Hayford describing David as
verted in Talgarth church while listening to a sermon by the Rev. Pryce Davies.
Worship begins with a short sermon by one of several preachers or the bishop of t
Its vocal contains samples from a 1974 sermon by Reverend W. Leo Daniels called "The Answer
In 1746, Sidney Griffith heard a sermon by a Methodist preacher, Peter Williams, and b
ustice of God in the Damnation of Sinners is a sermon by American Christian theologian, reformer, au
the rebels,' and that he was denied a funeral sermon by Richard Holdsworth as he wished.
e 1803 fundraiser at Trinity Church included a sermon by Samuel Parker, "an ode written for the occa
ctrine (first recorded mention in a convention sermon by Joseph Kerr in 1905, which he later recante
eYom HaShabbat they would break to listen to a sermon by one of the Rabbis who discussed the Parasha
lt in 1624, and consecrated (5 October) with a sermon by him.
Griffin's stage name came from a sermon by Oral Roberts, in which the televangelist cl
Where Faith Comes From, a sermon by Johannes Brenz.
A funeral sermon by Samuel Ainsworth of Kelmarsh was published.
31 May 1807, produced ‘A Reply to so much of a sermon by Philip Dodd as relates to the scruples of t
th Good and Evil, London, 1655, with a funeral sermon by W. H., D.D., which was also issued separate
In this case, they sampled phrases from a 1971 sermon by Rev. Estus Pirkle (from his film If Footmen
e to the investigation, Rector Ed Bacon gave a sermon called, "Neighbor Love is Never Neutral."
John's congregation, boycotted Humes's opening sermon, calling Humes "the grandest old rascal that e
In the sermon Cameron supported the ordination of women to t
cel from the nave, and the ability to hear the sermon clearly.
He is mentioned as the author of a sermon collection and a Veritatis Theologicae Volumen
The sermon compares the earthquake to God's destruction o
y intend his anthology as a reference tool for sermon composition, as argued by the Rouses, but rath
a, the ship's chaplain Francis Fletcher gave a sermon connecting their woes to the unjust demise of
McClory described the overall sermon content of such churches as "the basic salvati
ce put forward for the healing testimonies and sermon content.
Mosque also broadcasts adhan, prayers, Friday sermon, daily reminders and other talks/lectures give
him, “respond to a serenade, preach a funeral sermon, deliver a college commencement address, and m
There is a slight difference in the sermon delivered on Eid ul-Fitr.
The mosque was the main venue for the Friday Sermon delivered by the Khalifa for many years until
hose surname was Hope, he had to sit through a sermon delivered by the verbose Bishop of Calcutta (F
Photo from a sermon delivered in the church.
errunning the Palatinate, he gave offence by a sermon denouncing Gondomar, and comparing Spinola wit
was to be brought into the church to hear the sermon, during which he was to be 'placeit in the pub
Edwards preached the sermon during the First Great Awakening (c.
appointments, the Rev. Dwight McKissic gave a sermon during a chapel service to students attending
ecessors) would commence their books with this sermon e.g.
Reverend Butts delivers a weekly sermon each Sunday at 7:00 AM on 98.7 FM (KISS-FM) Ra
s recorded that he couldn't get in to hear the sermon, eating a meal of herrings in a pub instead.
Two days after Rigdon preached the Salt Sermon, eighty Latter-day Saints signed a statement (
,' and in 1735 he preached, at Salters' Hall a sermon entitled ‘The Principles of Popery Schismatica
ulpit, declaring he would deliver the greatest sermon ever preached, and proceeding to read Christ's
ion to discussing his activities following the sermon, examiners asked Caccini to discuss his opinio
sed in Jeffrey R. Holland's General Conference sermon explaining that the Mormon belief that Jesus a
cording to John Howe, who preached his funeral sermon, Fairclough was ‘a man of a clear, distinct un
During this sermon Fairfax and five other ministers were arrested
A sermon focuses on an aspect of a selected theme (them
In 1980 he was chosen to give the opening sermon for the United Methodist General Conference.
Way of God with his people in these nations, sermon for Parliament 5 November 1656
King Davids seasonable hearing it (1643), Fast Sermon for February 22
In his sermon for the beatification Mass the Pope noted that
'Funeral Sermon for Mrs. Clare Wittewronge,' London, 1671.
ration for the Communion' (1659), and ‘Funeral Sermon for John, Lord Darcey' (1659).
'A Funeral Sermon for the Lady Frances Digby,' 1684.
The Sermon for Necessities was initially taught by Muhamm
Carlisle (1624-1626) - preached the coronation sermon for Charles I
Eusebius' record of this sermon forms the second source on the group.
ations of homileticians who have developed new sermon forms while holding to certain values found wi
In the sermon, Fraser-Smith described his practice of bricol
sent to London and with the accompaniment of a sermon from the Bishop of Rochester it was hacked to
At his ordination, he preached a sermon from Psalm 80:14 based on the lines: "Return,
One sermon from 1406 survives, and was republished by the
le passage from a sacred text and developing a sermon from a single theme in that specific passage i
ent with songs of worship which is followed by sermon from one of the event's speakers and a concert
ce in New York City, he preached an ordination sermon from Acts 20:28.
He preached his last sermon from the cross, and it is maintained that he f
uld sing a psalm and then Susanna would read a sermon from either her husband's or father's sermon f
"O' Amir al-mu'minin, I wish you resumed your Sermon from where you broke it."
Memorial Sermon, funeral of Joshua Soule, 1867, in McTyeire, H
Soon after Lorini's sermon, Galileo issued a response, known as the Lette
Gottfried, Flavor Flav, Salt-n-Pepa, and Erick Sermon, garnered respectable MTV airplay.
yal, St. Paul's Cathedral and an 'extravagant' sermon given before the House of Commons on 27 April
In 1948, a sermon given by Chavasse about Belshazzar's Feast was
on the Child Saints of Babylon is a Christian sermon given in Iraq around 640 AD which makes a hist
Mayhew is also the author of the sermon Grace Defended.
The use of the sermon had been neglected for some years until certai
From Muhammad, the sermon has been reported by numerous Sahaba including
is a hard and difficult one to follow, as the sermon has implied the proper path is one of tribulat
For this sermon he was convened before the vice-chancellor and
A master of the short, pithy sermon he was a much admired churchman.
listening to the words of his chaplain, whose sermon he could not afford to miss--as he said--for a
But on arriving in order to preach his second sermon he found himself met by an inhibition on the p
acks by John Pym from 1640, for an unpublished sermon he had given in 1635 supporting royal prerogat
died homiletics, and had never heard or read a sermon, he was appointed first preacher at the newly
This he did in a sermon he preached in the cathedral saying, "I am her
In a 2006 sermon, he criticized Pope Benedict XVI over the latt
oderatorial year he sparked controversy over a sermon he gave in St Giles' Cathedral, Edinburgh, whe

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