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shortly before, the time of the last Storegga Slide, a land bridge known to archaeologists and geo
The player uses a joystick to slide a piece of the track into the vacant square.
Electric Slide, a four wall line dance
island of Nihoa, where it is found in Devil's Slide, a narrow ravine.
Outside there is an alpine slide, a scenic chairlift to the top of Mount Harris
to flee, Hanna hunts her to the top of a tall slide; a disoriented Wiegler fall down the slide, dr
rk was constructed in 1991 and included a tube slide, a body slide and 2 drop-off slides, a childre
The trailer continued its slide across the icy pavement and into the oncoming
aught the edge of the hood, causing his leg to slide across it.
970 features David Gilmour playing a metal bar slide across his guitar at the end of the piece, in
At this point the panels in Figure 1 slide across so that only the rightmost two (query r
Ratings began to slide after the first episode aired.
cial confirmation of the news, prices began to slide after the initial rush, only to be further pro
For example, when two metals slide against each other, there can be a high degree
Willie Perry and Men On Business licensed the Slide Album to Universal Records and the album was r
The Slide Album consisted of: Cha-Cha Slide [Radio Edit]
, January 5, 2009, after a day of airing a red slide alerting viewers to the disruption of the RTN
flat block of wood was used, so that it should slide along the ice without rising, and thus going a
ficant section of the party, they were able to slide along without making form commitments and to p
el, or teflon held by the left hand is used to slide along the strings to vary the pitch.
If the blocks are kicked, they will slide along until they hit another block or the fenc
Ronnie Wood - electric, pedal steel, acoustic, slide, and lap steel guitars, backing vocals
en-again with a trained attendant, a sand box, slide, and toys-and a free checking service for suit
The village park has a slide and now a climbing frame as well.
tang pistol with a classic SIG Sauer scalloped slide and finger relief under the trigger guard.
vice were distinguished by the 08 stamp on the slide and the Wehrmachtadler ("Wehrmacht Eagle") emb
with bright incandescent light bulbs (such as slide and overhead projectors) to prevent unwanted h
I am guessing that this was a scan of a slide, and the slide was the wrong way round when it
n series, such as the ability of the player to slide and a wide assortment of weaponry.
gside it is a small play park with 4 swings, a slide and a climbing frame alongside a grassed area.
eeping or hiccoughing combination of backwards slide and flick of the little finger high above the
Other water activities include a Mickey's Slide and 3 pools.
Phil Collins: drums, vocals, slide and rhythm guitars
h was hoped to reinvent BBC1 following ratings slide and ever increasing competition from their com
It begins as a slide and ends in a near-vertical 30-foot drop into
Despite its recoil slide and cushioned buttpad, the recoil of the weapo
The slide and the water dammed up behind a bridge, then
l guns in each turret were mounted in a single slide, and were unable to elevate independently of e
In addition to slide and artist files, information on each artist i
mage is larger and more brilliant than a 35 mm slide, and they are popularly called “Superslides”,
rch 4, 1951, Stafford) - sang and played lead, slide and bass guitar.
This approach leads to a long slide and a short bushwhack to the summit.
activities include an ice cream shop, a bouncy slide, and a bouncy house.
be narrower because their main function is to slide and vibrate.
ming pool complete with diving board and water slide, and a fitness center.
The sample is sandwiched between a microscope slide and a coverslip.
ce, Ladies' Race, Snake Race (teams), the Rope Slide and a Flying Competition in which entrants att
same abilities; he can walk, run, jump, float, slide, and inhale, spit out, or devour his enemies.
pgrade replaced the star projector and over 30 slide and special effects projectors.
Slide, Anthony.
g Up!" Suddenly, an ominous "Special Bulletin" slide appears on the screen, with an announcer sayin
Repair of the slide area and the tunnel required shifting westboun
A panorama of the slide area, showing the extent of the debris.
Anthony Slide argues that the film was largely a commercial
bove the map on opposite sides of the ring and slide around the arc.
Moe cracks, and wraps Curly's trombone slide around the quartet's necks.
Fred Keenor, but was unable to stop the club's slide as they fell into the Third Division South.
s is because, he used to casually refer to the slide as 'gotu'.
great start, and this counts more than a fine slide, as a catcher is likely to be hurried when he
Many critics panned Chiastic Slide as being an underwhelming follow-up to 1995's
under more natural conditions than on a glass slide, as is the case with a conventional microscope
nt gun manufacturers such as Caspian Arms make slide assemblies and small parts such as triggers an
'Rebecca' radio set and the installation of a slide at the rear of the aircraft to drop personnel
Allison's slide at the plate would continue into the 1966 seas
Thunderbolt sled slide at World Waterpark.
1999 Invention of the slide attack, a new form of cryptanalysis (with Alex
Slide Away (2007) - English
For the Oasis song, see Slide Away (Oasis song).
rotating children's roundabout, it is seen to slide away from the centre of the roundabout.
exerts on the bank, so that the road does not slide away.
only to add Hip Hop product to it, decided to slide back to Urban AC, KVMA-FM altered its format t
o the direction of propagation of the wave) to slide back and forth, thus heating the bead and the
Kevin Rutmanis - Bass, Slide bass
Kevin Rutmanis - bass, slide bass and screaming
Andy Hellaby - fender bass, slide bass, backing vocals
Kevin Rutmanis - Bass guitar, Slide bass, Electronics, Guitar, Keyboards
ke two apologies: one in the form of a caption slide before the show, another from Norton in person
feet of cascades above the overlook and a long slide below the overlook.
It also meant that one carriage could slide beneath the next, allowing for more efficient
The inflated escape slide blocked both forward doors from being used to
They used a Bauer 5-pot slide board.
other matter transporters in that mine, chutes slide Bob off a platform (often against his will), a
Events include Mud Pit Slip & Slide, Bobbin' for Pig's Feet, Mud Pit Tug-of-War, M
The southwest side of the Sleepers drains into Slide Brook and Cascade Brook, both of which drain i
The southwest side of Macomb drains into Slide Brook, thence into the East Inlet of Elk Lake.
to keep clean, especially with scrapers and to slide butts of wool along.
Hiryu can also slide by crouching and pressing the jump button.
Every year equinoxes slide by 50 seconds due to precession of equinoxes,
ta general election but was defeated in a land slide by Laurence Decore who had become leader of th
A large slide came down, burying a First Nations village, da
An antique slide camera in the photographic room
After drying, the slide can then be viewed under a light microscope.
The jumps and the slide can both be used to destroy some lesser enemy
ines a true vertical shaper as a machine whose slide can be moved from the vertical.
A slide check is a valve used in pressurized systems t
Slide checks are commonly used in paintball, mostly
Slide checks are also useful when working with high
of protein chips, the most common being glass slide chips and nano-well arrays.
Slide coagulase test is run with a negative control
or magazine allows the spot operator to easily slide color frames in or out of place using a series
Hawaiian Falls opened Honolulu Lulu, a slide complex with multiple twisting slides, to the
The Honolulu Lulu is a three slide complex with twisting body slides.
These canyons trend southward through the slide complex.
all Hi-Point pistols, a 4.5 inch barrel, and a slide composed of ZAMAK-3 with steel reinforcements.
The downhill slide continued for the next few decades, with asset
Burroughs Range Trail crossing the summits of Slide, Cornell, and Wittenberg.
This slide cost the Ducks a playoff spot for the time bei
(The M-coupler is also a slide coupler).
issued a safety recommendation to replace the slide cover latch brackets on forward slide compartm
k, Fish Creek, Bee Creek, Eel Creek, and Otter Slide Creek, all from the right, then passes Beaver
't go too far) and a trombone (Daffy loses the slide), Daffy eventually resorts to using his own vo
project, "we made some instructional 'Cha-Cha Slide' dance videos and distributed them to clubs,"
They are depicted on a French lantern slide dating from 1900.
-up of the Conservative Party brand, showing a slide demonstrating that party policy on immigration
A Polyrama Panoptique slide depicting Charing Cross, London, c. 1820-30.
This locomotive has an E-7 wheel slide device, made by Wabtec, which protects the loc
The right forward slide did not inflate, and passengers had to disemba
ning DNA fragments is poured onto a microscope slide dilute enough so that individual molecules are
If each angle and slide distance is known, the position and orientatio
Millers in mid-table, but left in April and a slide down the league led to a promotion/relegation
Fugitives could slide down a rope from the first floor through the o
Visitors could slide down the slides of the installation free, but
first team, he left the club after an alarming slide down the table, his side would be eventually r
nary from soap, lures Frankie there; the birds slide down a greased counter, into the sink, and dow
relegated from the First Division, beginning a slide down the divisions amid financial problems.
the victim's own struggles would cause him to slide down the pole, especially if the pole were on
of women's slippers and scantily clad chorines slide down banisters, their undergarments visible to
ckest to thinnest string, open G tuning), then slide down the fretboard to a higher voiced D minor
ins of the castle, with everyone still inside, slide down the cliffs and Turnip Head is forced to a
The alarming slide down the Football League was temporarily halte
Visitors can try on old uniforms and slide down the pole.
his first concert entrance by using a rope to slide down from the Town Hall balcony to the orchest
consoles in computer games such as Quake which slide down from the top of the screen when a key is
consoles in computer games such as Quake which slide down from the top of the screen when a key is
ing the 2008-2009 ski season, where riders can slide down snow chutes on inflatable bobsleds.
ched on 24 September 1994 with the traditional slide down a 1300-foot wooden ramp, the last America
y's reanimation, and the snow-couple begins to slide down the slope of the hill they were on.
ie who uses, unlike Garfield, a dustbin lid to slide down the hill.
s a large stone in a lower chamber, letting it slide down a ramp to trigger Vashtar's mechanism to
ncided with a poor run of form that saw United slide down the table and into relegation trouble.
y spoon-shaped "door" or clausilium, which can slide down to close the aperture of the shell.
Patrick introduces himself by asking if he may slide down her banister, then reveals that he is Pat
Once bound, Ku can slide down the DNA strand, allowing more Ku molecule
When he lets go, Old Jingle's house begins to slide down the hill, and trapping Jingle.
is best known for becoming the first person to slide down the bobsleigh, luge, and skeleton track u
ring of lacklustre performances which saw them slide down the table.
ould enter, and the fire pole where Dean would slide down, are still on the set.
d provides them a long rope which they used to slide downward.
c pressure forces a sleeve within the valve to slide downwards.
can be engaged and disengaged by levers which slide drive belts on and off their wheels.
everyday practice, if lenses feel "loose" and slide easily a smaller base curve may work better.
at their best, as Josh Caterer's smooth vocals slide effortlessly over the band's distorted canvas.
David Gilmour - Slide electric guitar
in 2007, although a late-season slide eliminated them from the NL Central and Wild C
Also, the bank will have a slide etc.
The only slide ever removed was where The Blue TubaLuba is to
es to be facing one of the anther/tepals, then slide, face first, down between the anther and the s
Slippery Slide Falls, two water slides that emptied into Upst
of Chalk Mountain which has a natural exposed slide feature of diatomaceous earth.
Additionally, the Friday Slide feature, which hasn't appeared with the regula
It is also the name of a low saturation slide film manufactured by Fuji.
Traditionally, cross processing color slide film in C-41 process chemicals is most common.
The fine resolution of slide film allows the images to be reproduced with h
Provia: a slide film giving more natural colors than Velvia.
It is an ultra-high saturation slide film with limited release in Japan only.
color slide film.
meras, copy stands are traditionally used with slide film.
Sensia: a low-contrast consumer slide film; the current emulsion is considered to be
to put out California wildfires, including the Slide Fire and the Grass Fire near Lake Arrowhead, C
The slide flipper game allows 2 players.
He produced a slide for a talk at the June 1976 National Computer
The rock has long been used as a natural water slide for adventurous tourists and locals.
ay of the assassination, an out-of-focus color slide for a brunette in her late 30s that showed a v
d an unusual fire escape, a multi-story spiral slide for guests to make their escape.
at Britain, it also refers to a popular spiral slide for people at fairs and carnivals.)
Lead guitarist Kirk Hammett used a slide for the guitar solo, a first for Metallica and
a lantern slide for the film(Cleveland Public Library)
The western passage is equipped with a slide for the disabled as an alternative to the spir
d that the non-revenue pilot who activated the slide for the emergency exit had not been adequately
As DNA are printed on a glass slide for transfection process to occur before the a
The launcher's barrel could slide forward to accept a single 40 mm round into th
They may be designed to slide freely against one another or they may be desi
it may be desirable for the shaft to rotate or slide freely within the hole, this is usually referr
lue noons, and red-orange sunsets that swiftly slide from purple to black".
A dark slide, from which the device derives its alternate n
The Superbas began their slide from contention in the National League by fini
elatin mixture can be used for printing onto a slide: Gelatin powder is first dissolved in sterile
Rock the slide gently for about 10 seconds.
they do not act as thinners for mineral based slide greases (previously, mineral based valve oil i
Furthermore, the Model 213 features the thin slide grip grooves, as opposed to the original Russi
is manager at the time asked Joe Walsh to play slide guitar on the song and he agreed.
ter because of his mastery of the Elmore James slide guitar style.
ist and is renowned for his innovative wah-wah slide guitar technique, as showcased on the early 19
e guitar, with Willard particularly practising slide guitar techniques.
r, mandolin, electric guitar, ukulele, vocals, slide guitar
Mick Taylor performs electric slide guitar as well as bass while Charlie Watts per
As a guitarist, he is especially known for his slide guitar work.
Jamie Watson - engineer; slide guitar on "The Day I Was A Horse"
e Allman comes in over the top with bottleneck slide guitar part, after which vocalist Gregg Allman
lso a successful blues man who played electric slide guitar in James's style.

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