「star‐shaped」の共起表現(1語右で並び替え) - Weblio英語共起表現検索





Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > star‐shapedの意味・解説 > star‐shapedに関連した共起表現


該当件数 : 50

It is densely covered in a mat of star-shaped arrays of straight white spines one to two
ns, for example Chinese soldiers were given star-shaped badges with a portrait of Mao when they ret
Foliage grows in a star-shaped basal rosette which culminates in an orange
to each other side by side, they shoot four star-shaped beams, three towards themselves and one beh
few flowers per branch, each opening into a star-shaped bloom with five pointed white petals, somet
d bearing numerous pretty, lilac and white, star-shaped blossoms with bright purple at center in su
Each flower is a star-shaped bowl of five pointed cream-colored sepals.
ed achenes, several achenes gathered into a star-shaped bunch.
Ishwa had a star-shaped configuration, its mostly stone houses exte
It may bear up to 25 flowers, each with star-shaped corolla at the tip of an elongated tube.
He also wins a strange star-shaped droid named Vuffi Raa, who would be his fri
The star-shaped flower has pointed violet lobes with yellow
The star-shaped flower has five narrow, pointed petals with
e inflorescence is a cluster of a few small star-shaped flower heads a few millimeters wide.
of a few several yellowish or green-tinged, star-shaped flowers with five petals.
lorescence is tipped with one or more showy star-shaped flowers, each with a white-centered magenta
ing perennial, valued for its lavender-blue star-shaped flowers, native to the Dinaric Alps in form
ooms in short inflorescences of small white star-shaped flowers.
its of the Illicium species are distinctive star-shaped follicles that have a characteristic refres
Fort Wood, an early 19th century star-shaped fortification on Bedloe's Island (named aft
The so-called Bugskansen was a star-shaped fortified military camp, located probably c
The star-shaped fortress and the circular town plan are bas
Their stems are pentagonal to star-shaped in cross-section and are the most commonly
ape with straight paths laid out to meet in star-shaped intersections, from which the hunters would
The star-shaped leaf pattern is said to symbolize the Star
the undersides of the leaves is made up of star-shaped leaf hairs that are fused into microscopic
uby if it contains an asterism (distinctive star-shaped light refraction) in the gem.
e's mother who is named for the distinctive star-shaped mark on her forehead.
air bubble in its center) is plunged into a star-shaped mould, which can have anywhere between five
esembles anise in flavor, obtained from the star-shaped pericarp of Illicium verum, a small native
There are also "collectables", star-shaped pickups, hidden in each mission.
, which is topped by a dome-like cluster of star-shaped, pink or white flowers.
skin covered with scales modified into tiny star-shaped plates or tubercles (thus both the common n
A star-shaped polygon (top).
A star-shaped polygon (not to be confused with star polyg
visibility polygon is bounded then it is a star-shaped polygon.
Star-shaped polygons are of interest in computational g
He wore high-top sneakers and had star-shaped pupils.
mbels, about 4" across, made up of numerous star-shaped purplish pink flowers.
The leaflets are coated in star-shaped scales on the upper surface, and hairy lanc
s often patterned with a number of concave, star-shaped, spicule-like structures with six to eight
The inflorescences are star-shaped spikelets and are 3 to 15 millimeters wide.
The inflorescence is an open array of star-shaped spikes of flowers covered with gold scales.
At one point in the video, Shifty's star-shaped tattoos fly off into the air.
Instead, it had star-shaped tubercle scales that allowed it to seize, t
Star-shaped white flowers are produced in groups of 1 t
scence which bears clusters of very woolly, star-shaped white flowers each under a centimeter wide.
The flowers are star-shaped with five yellow petals.
in loose clusters of 3-20, 1-1.5 cm across, star-shaped, with five purple petals and yellow stamens
ng herb with long, flat, fibrous leaves and star-shaped yellow flowers.

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