「sterilization」の共起表現(1語右で並び替え) - Weblio英語共起表現検索





Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > sterilizationの意味・解説 > sterilizationに関連した共起表現


該当件数 : 72

The Michelson Prize seeks to make sterilization accessible and affordable worldwide and ai
Under Oklahoma's Habitual Criminal Sterilization Act of 1935, the state could impose a sent
nic legislation, including the 1928 Sexual Sterilization Act, which permitted the forcible steriliz
ent conducive to the enactment of a sexual sterilization act.
In 1967, she underwent sterilization after her sixth abortion.
As well as those "used in microbiological sterilization and disinfection" (see relevant section).
ation Day 1934, Villinger gave a speech on sterilization and described the reaction, fears and resi
al experiments at Dachau, and instances of sterilization and euthanasia.
h many know as "the pill", shots, patches, sterilization, and others.
istance; those women who protested against sterilization and the Action T4 program, but who did not
rocks that have good sun access for faster sterilization by UV radiation and drying.
The bag containing the items for sterilization concentrates the gas for enough time which
ina suggested that although high levels of sterilization could theoretically reduce numbers of cats
Each sterilization cycle uses less than 18g of 100% EtO, henc
CCFT technology in an air sterilization duct unit.
r 1906 which contained operating rooms and sterilization equipment, and the Queen sent a congratula
prove human heredity, including compulsory sterilization), euthanasia, racism, population expansion
Such experiments ranged from vivisections, sterilization experiments, infectious disease research,
the gas chambers, "selection" process, and sterilization experiments.
itted of having participated in compulsory sterilization experiments.
The use of quinacrine for non-surgical sterilization for women has also been researched.
Regeneration and Heredity, which advocated sterilization for those of inferior genetics.
sed in California that would have mandated sterilization for mothers who gave birth to babies who w
eously credited with ending all compulsory sterilization in the United States.
"Eugenical Sterilization in Germany" Eugenical News 1933, Cold Spri
d the judge and others associated with the sterilization in federal district court.
Experiments in mass sterilization in concentration camps may also have been
r many years longer, the last known forced sterilization in the United States occurred in 1981 in O
preventive disinfection and environmental sterilization in different places, act as disinfectant i
The maximum temperature for sterilization is 200oC .
a series of wetland cells and ultraviolet sterilization lamps to treat wastewater and recycle trea
Sterilization Law in Germany
ng Nazi Party in Germany passed the German Sterilization Law in 1933, however, Scharffenberg -- a s
The world's first compulsory sterilization laws are passed in 1907 .
Criminal sterilization laws like the one in Oklahoma were designe
Most punitive sterilization laws, including the Oklahoma statute, pres
h flags of other countries with compulsory sterilization legislation and a shield with the name and
nd distribute information about compulsory sterilization legislation in the United States, for the
ectronics, plastics, textiles, converting, sterilization, metals fabrication, packaging and assembl
tudies on the use of quinacrine and female sterilization, no randomized, controlled trials have bee
sterilization of medical and pharmaceutical goods.
autoclave used for sterilization of glaas ware and media
This is frequently used for the sterilization of animals, but rarely for humans.
Under Fischer, the sterilization of so-called Rhineland Bastards was undert
Sterilization of male horses is performed surgically whi
Also, surgical sterilization of animals does increase the chances of th
He was also an advocate of forced sterilization of the mentally ill and criminal, having e
When the directors issued an order for the sterilization of Buck, her guardian appealed the case to
chanism to create NO is thought to be both sterilization of swallowed food, to prevent food poisoni
. G. Wells said, "the complete ideological sterilization of the common schools of the Republic is d
ustrial purposes including cancer therapy, sterilization of medical equipment, food irradiation and
on responsible pet ownership, promotes the sterilization of dogs and cats, reports and ensures comp
e opposition to use "Norplant for coercive sterilization or birth control".
There is no sterilization pill under any name that exists for steril
He also protested the sterilization practices in the U.S. of Puerto Ricans and
.'s request for authorization to perform a sterilization procedure.
coupled field technology (CCFT) is an air sterilization process that kills 99.999% of microbes, ba
icators and process indicators to validate sterilization processes.
alpels; and medical packaging products for sterilization processes.
influential advocate for birth control and sterilization programs for impoverished women in Puerto
iological applications with periodic steam sterilization requirements, Ultraz is the optimal materi
The company also offers irradiation sterilization services to food, medical, and cosmetics c
India and is a non-surgical method of male sterilization that is inexpensive, highly effective, and
After flame sterilization, the loop must be cooled so that the next
on on the subject , had called the Hofmann Sterilization the Hybrids.
radiated ingredients using steam and ozone sterilization to ensure product quality and safety.
1938 HBF pamphlet titled "Human Sterilization Today".
ube is inserted upside down is lost during sterilization, usually performed at 121°C for 15 or so m
The sterilization was deliberate."
e was taken before the Eugenics Board, and sterilization was authorized pending her mother's consen
Compulsory sterilization was seen by many as a way to reduce the in
e had been presented to convince them that sterilization was in Eve's best interest.

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