「straight-forward」の共起表現(1語右で並び替え) - Weblio英語共起表現検索





Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > straight-forwardの意味・解説 > straight-forwardに関連した共起表現


該当件数 : 234

"I wanted to write as straightforward a love song as I could.
Phantosmia's etymology is relatively straightforward, a phantom odor; it can be thought of as
hey do suggest that the f-ratio is not as straightforward a proxy for the biological pump as was on
l, she was physically strong and socially straightforward about her strength.
Oda tries to draw Luffy very straightforward about what he wants to be and how he feel
Much more straightforward about the dangers of atomic weapons than
y Sarashina seems to have been especially straightforward about it as each death in her life (espec
aircraft, the "Converted" Seaplane was a straightforward adaptation of the landplane bomber to a s
The first semi-final was a straightforward affair for Felix as after initially being
have been determined, it is a relatively straightforward algorithmic problem to efficiently search
nd conditions construction was reasonably straightforward, although it did involve the removal of v
I wish to be straightforward and clear about that.
The arrest was not straightforward, and a scuffle ensued.
It's straightforward and to the point while describing a real
The structure of the work is straightforward, and is clearly inspired by Liszt's Hunga
The technique is not straightforward and has associated errors, although it is
appearance and physical build but is very straightforward and has more common sense than most of hi
e of Java, the IDL-Java mapping is rather straightforward and makes usage of CORBA very simple in a
al designs, constructing the SDRF file is straightforward, and even complex loop designs can be exp
commander Colonel Lambert are relatively straightforward and respectful.
Things are not straightforward and Pufua is reluctant to wed after a ser
Sometimes a design seems straightforward and even simple but turns out to have a l
flank, is still the standard route; it is straightforward and relatively low-angle, and is a popula
s 4 installments while also having a more straightforward and less complicated storyline.
ouvenir d'Alsace" (Valse, Lyon 1905), the straightforward and decided "Colmar Marche" (Lyon 1905),
Junpei in everything he does, yet is also straightforward and flirtatious enough to let him know ex
The original version is more straightforward and preserves the unadorned narrative cha
lsen's often magnificent music, clear and straightforward and with a rhythmic beauty of tone as it
You have been given straightforward answers many times.
This is a perfectly straightforward application of the principle that the fir
all robust scripting language providing a straightforward application integration, the ability for
s, ones that defied ready solution by the straightforward application of scientific rationality.
This is a straightforward application of the pigeonhole principle:
Some have noted that a straightforward application of the Convention on the Law
The straightforward approach fails (the canary bops him in th
was stimulated by the early polyphonist's straightforward approach, hardly hampered by harmonic imp
The bulk of the data goes into straightforward arrays (the table objects) that can be ac
I'm not as straightforward as Ingo but not as technical as Uli.
f the intensity autocorrelation is not as straightforward as for the field autocorrelation.
cks, the depiction of the space is not as straightforward as it first appears.
ulie, only to find that things are not as straightforward as she had been led to believe.
The action in this segments are more straightforward, as the screen scrolls automatically to t
dellid systematics has always been rather straightforward as regards the main clades contained ther
Acylation is much more straightforward as the resulting α-cyanocarbonyl compound
ase, or any other reason why it is not as straightforward as (1) English (2) Swahili then please te
The mission seems straightforward at first, but then Isard appears from the
ought to obtain vibrant oppositions and a straightforward audience.
Veeck As In Wreck (1962) - a straightforward autobiography
l cover arranged by Kaukonen, and Balin's straightforward ballad "Today."
ave the song a "thumbs up", calling it "a straightforward barroom lament" and comparing Gaskin's vo
Unlike the more straightforward black metal of their contemporaries, Ulve
Blues", written by Leadbelly, which is a straightforward blues in C. Graham's version uses the DAD
pt to achieve a 147, instead of potting a straightforward brown and getting an almost assured 144.
tually changed as well, describes it as a straightforward business transaction, wherein he paid the
Road crossings were fairly straightforward but slow because of the extensive border
There is an initially straightforward, but lengthy and steep climb through rock
HAUNT was a straightforward but engagingly irreverent text-based main
In fact, they have a straightforward but nontrivial relationship; see Mathemat
L-amino acid-containing proteins appears straightforward, but it took a decade to overcome the obs
Specter ran a straightforward campaign and attempted to avoid mistakes,
own account, the last-minute switch was a straightforward case of anti-Semitism.
ill begin reviewing this article and make straightforward changes as I go (explanations in edit sum
tive population, such as being assertive, straightforward, cheerful, perhaps a bit mercantile, (cf.
k is distinguished by simple lyricism and straightforward clarity of tone.
Oliver Twist ever filmed - a photogenic, straightforward, CliffsNotes staging of Charles Dickens'
tes that experience is a combination of a straightforward cognitive process together with the psych
There are some inspired moments in this straightforward collection, including a mid-song recitati
The most straightforward computation of the quartet distance would
Gundry feels that this fairly straightforward construction was probably thus a creation
cores into percentages using a relatively straightforward conversion process.
etween the wiki page and the fixture is a straightforward convert-to-camel case mapping.
in this review by looking over and making straightforward copyedits (please revert if I inadvertent
Straightforward, declarative sentences in the tough-guy a
ic's route to the final was somewhat more straightforward, defeating lower league sides Dumbarton a
sm of them in spiritual terms rather than straightforward demonisation, are highly unusual for a Br
The company's commercials were originally straightforward descriptions of the their products and se
Its use can be more versatile than straightforward detection: a file containing the EICAR te
ceived on a grand scale, and written in a straightforward diatonic style, the opera evokes comparis
A straightforward distributed version of the greedy algorit
“Powerful, important and refreshingly straightforward documentary.”
experimental documentary, although not a straightforward documentation of reality, or an art film.
of the comic material was downplayed into straightforward drama, and the film received some critici
In one straightforward experiment, all other things being equal,
In 1974, Bridge enumerated the more straightforward facettings of the regular polyhedra, incl
The others are fairly straightforward, Farmer Street, Main Street, Far Street a
simple action strategy game, nor is it a straightforward god game with token battle elements.
as "squarely middle of the road", and "a straightforward grab at radio recognition."
lad to see Booth and Brown return to more straightforward grounds, even if they don't quite reach t
t Free Press described it as "a funny and straightforward guide", adding, "[P]ublishers have recogn
a blind pocket), leaving Taylor a fairly straightforward half-ball pot on the black into the same
ositive review, and wrote, "Narrated in a straightforward, hardhitting documentary style, The Under
Honest and straightforward, he was blunt, at times to the point of r
"Fool Me Once" is a straightforward heavy metal song that crtiticizes televan
Another Lonely Soul has no straightforward hits, like the debut album Novastar, but
he notion that dream interpretation was a straightforward hunt for symbols of sex, penises, etc. (E
o the language, and that "reading is only straightforward if the requisite languages (in this case
cKenzie and Hatosy-and its combination of straightforward immediate plots and long-range storytelli
, firmly based in tradition and generally straightforward in idiom".
He is very straightforward in his writings and occasionally offers t
Female Freedom Fighters was originally a straightforward Indonesian martial arts film that was unu
ide to inject drugs just because he found straightforward instructions on Wikipedia?
ile most critics have espoused relatively straightforward interpretations of the dialogue (with Jig
The puzzles are mostly straightforward, involving the use of an object found els
case where detection of suspect files is straightforward is when the original, unmodified carrier
This disc consisted mostly of straightforward jazz standards, and is a response to crit
ongo) who backed many Afro-Cuban jazz and straightforward jazz acts since the 1950s.
said to use absurdist humor that includes straightforward jokes, pointing out through humor the abs
vans on 29 January 1912 after a generally straightforward journey.
tubborn, and tactless at times, but he is straightforward, kind-hearted, and a very loyal ally.
Nicholson used straightforward language which communicated to the common
ground being Catalan independence from a straightforward left wing position, often the ones of Eco
The opera is in a straightforward lyrical style with deliberate references
In a straightforward manner he stated that ε (permittivity) as
nt Steps, it is a gentle song played in a straightforward manner.
was playing familiar material in a fairly straightforward manner.
of killing squads, were far worse than a straightforward massacre, he wrote.
ting in a "better behaved" calculator for straightforward math analysis.
Dudley has also written and edited straightforward mathematical works such as Readings for C
ade motion its significance will not be a straightforward matter.
synapses in the brain occurs via a fairly straightforward mechanism.
ing average of slightly under 33, and his straightforward medium-pacers have brought him more than
progressive touches and going for a more straightforward melodic sound.
started the band's hard rock era, leaving straightforward metal behind and focusing on a more comme
Horgh's style incorporates more straightforward metal techniques than Abbath's mostly bla
Analytical modeling is the most straightforward method to calculate WCD.
KIM key management, and the selector is a straightforward method to allow signers to add and remove
The music of "Immigration Man" is straightforward, midtempo West Coast rock in the Crosby,
finally correctly matched to facilitate a straightforward migration of medium- to large sized appli
on also contains numerous factual errors, straightforward mistranslations of idiomatic expressions
Hall's writing varies in format from straightforward narrative to abstract, disjointed free ve
ry polish, but are good examples of plain straightforward narrative, and are interesting for the gl
members Vince Clarke and Andy Bell, is a straightforward ode to love.
ance to Stornoway harbour is not the most straightforward of navigations, so it is likely that navi
or "smashing" fist, Beng Quan is the most straightforward of the Xingyi dynamics, performed either
ippias counters that Achilles is the most straightforward of men, simple and true, and cites a pass
He displayed more humor and was straightforward, often registering mock indignation whene
However, the relationship is not a straightforward one of proportionality.
After a straightforward, one-time approval process, businesses ge
The BrightHouse proposition is a straightforward one.
or a profession with little in the way of straightforward organisation, such as a Council of Legal
orth, who had intended to create a fairly straightforward orphanage.
-called Eddington parameter γ, which is a straightforward parameterization of the amount of deflect
ugh Macdonald writes, Smetana followed "a straightforward pattern of musical description".
e "Sayre-Reitsma Direct Proof" lays out a straightforward pedigree to support their assertion of "d
ht defensive game, Gavin had a relatively straightforward penalty attempt right in front of the Eng
pal and TYPO3, DynPG finds its place as a straightforward PHP-based open source CMS.
American practice is very often a straightforward physical restraint of the rail.
Originally a straightforward pianist, eventually Hornsby's nightclub a
Commodore 64 and the BBC Micro, and was a straightforward platform shooter game in which the player
uction was rushed, the levels are usually straightforward point-A-to-point-B missions.
veals that V was originally intended as a straightforward political thriller, charting the rise of
slight change in direction towards a more straightforward pop sound, achieved without sacrificing t
ad 4-3 and 30-0 points before he missed a straightforward pot, eventually losing the frame.
l combines to give Beng Quan a simple and straightforward power which utilises the entire body's mo
hic unity of mankind,” Bastian proposed a straightforward project for the long-term development of
rote a new set of material, becoming more straightforward punk rock.
eer and Chris later left), the band plays straightforward punk with small doses of rockabilly and c
NME) in their early days to a more recent straightforward punk rock style, with strong power pop, O
editorially sound and as the article is a straightforward question-and-answer format there shouldn'
phor, the novel also lends itself to less straightforward readings.
of the Taylor microscale is not entirely straightforward, requiring formation of certain flow corr
The Predators have a straightforward resource model that's effectively based o
simple-minded melodies, banal harmonies, straightforward rhythms, and garish colors had the work p
c, although with shorter songs and fairly straightforward rhythms-but many fans thought it was too
mmented that the album features more of a straightforward rock n roll sound than her earlier work.
as a mixture of glam rock, prog rock and straightforward rock and roll.
combination of jazz orchestration with a straightforward, rock 'n roll backbeat.
thers-Jones" was originally recorded as a straightforward rock take for the B-side of the non-album
cs of other Top-40 radio hosts in favor a straightforward rock and roll show that kept the focus on
lbum's sound is a departure from the more straightforward rock songs on Mr. Beast and a return of t
Most recently, Bearpark has formed a more straightforward rock band called Aimless Mules which also
rigegege has also released albums of more straightforward rock (Sexual Behaviour in the Human Male)
also made the album, either to feature a straightforward romantic song, or to give Presley and The
s two extremes, offering a side of fairly straightforward roots rock before delving headfirst into
preadsheet into a dashboard is relatively straightforward, see The Manual, and numerous indicator s
Heinkel started work on the He 177B as a straightforward, separately four-engined development of t
The Staff of Karnath or Entombed it is a straightforward shooter game, with an Ancient Egypt theme
in 40 minutes from the Ellmauer Tor on a straightforward, signed climbing path, although secure fo
for a Unisys A-Series mainframe, and is a straightforward simplification of code taken from The Lan
His straightforward singing and guitar playing have a univers
theorem, though the papyrus only shows a straightforward solution to a single second degree equati
questions that do not lend themselves to straightforward solutions."
A in the US - with a series of relatively straightforward songs, though not without Zappa's typical
The raw and straightforward sound struck a chord with the people who
In Yue, there is a straightforward split according to consonant voicing, wit
earched writing all made this deceptively straightforward story a masterpiece.
In the straightforward, story-driven, highly motivating style fo
st of the book, which is far from being a straightforward study of the Nazi and Stalinist totalitar
Bogguss's traditional, straightforward style failed to connect with younger list
t, and from the latter learnt a forcible, straightforward style of portraiture which rendered his p
ilated popular influences in a simple and straightforward style aimed at communicating with his aud
ra Banhart and Joanna Newsom and the more straightforward sunshine pop of Lavender Diamond."
Redgrave ignores the subtleties to give a straightforward tale of a revolutionary losing his fire.
ts of Israel, and US Republicans are more straightforward targets."
Zilberman's also features a simpler, more straightforward teaching method for Talmud and the Bible.
Delaroche's paintings, with their straightforward technique and dramatic compositions, beca
g others, the songs, while not completely straightforward tend to eschew both the abrasive nature a
ng on for too long to explain in terms of straightforward terrestrial intelligence.
The song structure is more simple and straightforward than on previous Iced Earth albums.
y train, often changing at Didcot, rarely straightforward) than on the cricket itself.

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