



Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > subscribeの意味・解説 > subscribeに関連した共起表現


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be members of the Church of England, and to subscribe a declaration to that effect.
One of his latest public acts was to subscribe a sum of £10, 10s. a week towards the funds
Andrew Wardrobe on account of his refusal to subscribe a confession of faith which Grindal, bishop
RFC 3265 defines the SUBSCRIBE and NOTIFY methods.
architectures, a RESTful approach to Publish subscribe and variant of Service-oriented architecture
nisation is a charitable company and members subscribe annually at a cost of £18.
ications) to which web service consumers can subscribe, as well as organising them into complex str
roperability, tailored delivery (publish and subscribe), asynchronous agent messaging, message stor
Users can subscribe by emailing community@fossmart.net
Nonmembers may subscribe by contacting the magazine.
War, a minority of Presbyterians refused to subscribe, claiming its failure to specifically recogn
ty of a web feed, as well as on web pages to subscribe directly.
port asynchronous messaging, and publish and subscribe for tailored delivery of information.
If you will give us all your work and subscribe for our Paper we will do our best to please
duty of the Board of County Commissioners to subscribe for the stock and issue the bonds, after suc
Members of the University of Oxford can subscribe free of charge online.
rights issue (HMT/UKFI has decided to fully subscribe in order to avoid current holding being dilu
The subscribe method (exposed through the NotificationProd
ssing architecture that a software agent can subscribe on.
page can be customized by the user, who can subscribe or unsubscribe to any number of communities.
er alone or jointly with others, promote, or subscribe, or assist with international or other phila
ubscription or contribution, or agreement to subscribe or contribute, for or towards any plate, pri
P) application whereby a server receives SIP SUBSCRIBE requests for resource, and generates subscri
fered to confirm him in his see, if he would subscribe the Nicene Creed.
uly 1692, after he had repeatedly refused to subscribe the oaths to William and Mary.
versity of Wittenberg, but, as he refused to subscribe the formula concordiae, he lost his position
xford, but not being able conscientiously to subscribe the necessary formulae, he quit the universi
Subscribe to your favorite podcasts and listen in aTun
Users must subscribe to the website to access file downloads.
Many city residents subscribe to or purchase the local newspaper, the Dail
In addition, you can subscribe to the other games by buying TV 2 SPORT.
Faculty must subscribe to the system of doctrine as outlined in the
To provide Christian workers who subscribe to the movement's doctrinal belief with advi
We subscribe to over 30 magazines and periodicals of educ
In order to do so, he would have had to subscribe to Protestantism.
ing Fighter Ace customers were encouraged to subscribe to WarBirds, a competing MMOG combat flight
And I don't regret that - I subscribe to it and I teach it.
Ahmadis do not subscribe to the view that the death was due to Choler
Hitchens does not subscribe to a literal interpretation of the Biblical
Both VHS members and non-members may subscribe to either or both e-newsletters.
Podcasting: Enables Banshee to subscribe to podcast feeds, which are updated on a reg
They subscribe to the Vedic phrase "Aham Brahma Asmi", whic
s primarily via a newsletter that people can subscribe to online.
munion even with other Christians who do not subscribe to the LCC's doctrines.
is used as a means of encouraging viewers to subscribe to the TVX package.
The Heritage Reformed Congregations subscribe to the Three Forms of Unity and the Five Poi
ished in the summer of 2005, and readers can subscribe to the magazine through Tokyopop's official
is that readers have to register and pay to subscribe to the e-papers.
Jewish Catholics subscribe to the doctrines of the Catholic faith and a
Mills & Boon encourage readers to subscribe to their favorite lines, whose books will th
Faculty and staff must subscribe to the biblical doctrines outlined in the Ar
Each user can subscribe to topics in the topic tree and unsubscribe
ies and government entities in 150 countries subscribe to Platts' services.
Thondaman did not want to subscribe to this new separatist policy of the TULF an
at which visitors could buy the pamphlet and subscribe to an engraved reproduction.
eeded to purchase the game software and then subscribe to the game service, paying a monthly fee.
nces between the texts, most scholars do not subscribe to the rough-draft/polished-draft theory.
stablished party policy and expected MLAs to subscribe to this first before formulating their opini
ofession of faith, members are understood to subscribe to these confessions as faithfully summarizi
es began offering its readers the ability to subscribe to RSS news feeds related to various topics.
, members of the Community of Christ tend to subscribe to the social gospel advocated by Smith, whi
Subscribe to the album's first video clip, 8:15 ferry
Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines can subscribe to and receive SMS text alerts on their mobi
scharged from the priesthood for refusing to subscribe to Archbishop Whitgift's articles of conform
old approximately 2.2 million print volumes, subscribe to several thousand serials, and provide ful
o accept a fellowship due to being unable to subscribe to the required test on account of his relig
nting defines a protocol for web services to subscribe to another web service, or to accept a subsc
Certain ministers within the CRC refused to subscribe to those "Three Points," and they (with the
n all new receivers, so that consumers could subscribe to either one or both services, which were p
opinion of one of the persons or groups who subscribe to the view.
Other registered members could subscribe to these communities, effectively bookmarkin
e election of Matthew Parker and refusing to subscribe to the Book of Common Prayer.
gy (Th.M.) degree or its equivalent, and who subscribe to the above doctrinal statement.
To subscribe to new feeds from within Firefox, the Lifere
d if it references a hub, the subscriber can subscribe to the feed URL topic on that hub.
be to admit such Brahmins as are willing to subscribe to the aims and objects of our Federation?
05 Sounds Are Active introduced an option to subscribe to all of their releases (digital and physic
The Libraries subscribe to over 22,000 serial publications, includin
lly damaging to de facto require students to subscribe to an idea. . . .
of the ancient classics Landriot refused to subscribe to the extreme views of Jean-Joseph Gaume an
The law requires telemarketers to subscribe to a "Do Not Call" list, and makes penalty p
satellite services that offer On Demand who subscribe to Showtime got the episode one week early v
n 1587 because, as a Calvinist, he would not subscribe to the confession of Augsburg.
Most scholars thus subscribe to the view that Rajputs, Jats, Khatris and
odel, meaning that customers who purchase or subscribe to licenses for the product have access to v
In the modern era, some of the few who still subscribe to geocentrism use a modified Tychonic syste
Users can subscribe to feeds using either Google Reader's search
lighthouse authority however will ultimately subscribe to the General Lighthouse Authority's policy
unite with people of similar interests, and subscribe to RSS news feed of anime and manga related
nal in the papal conclave, 1464 that did not subscribe to the conclave capitulation, which among ot
er Elizabeth I, in 1559, Westcott refused to subscribe to the Thirty-Nine Articles, yet official do
nd Youtube not only allow students who don't subscribe to newspapers or watch the evening news stay
sburg in August, 1797; they were required to subscribe to the condemnation of ten erroneous proposi
He did, however, still subscribe to the idea that these "Mound Builders" were
Sahakyan, John Kirakosyan and Yehuda Bauer, subscribe to the view that the mass killings of 1894-9
Still others subscribe to the idea that the relationship between th
o describe their ideology, although some who subscribe to the idea deem this contrary to the spirit
As they refused to subscribe to the articles presented to them, they were
He did not subscribe to the peace at all costs view and commented
of the newly-formed State by making his Bank subscribe to Government Bonds for large amounts.
he British Conservatives who did not wish to subscribe to the EPP's pro-federalist position.
e label due to the unhappiness of editors to subscribe to a particular label.
idge academic year in which he would need to subscribe to the Church of England's Thirty-Nine Artic
e was the only new head of house who did not subscribe to the National Covenant.
Being unable to subscribe to the Thirty-Nine Articles he could not tak
Catholic theologians generally subscribe to Augustine's belief that God exists outsid
entality that the rule obliging ministers to subscribe to the Helvetic Consensus was abolished in 1
caused jealousy among merchants who did not subscribe to it and in 1635 King Charles I granted a t
Those who subscribe to the definition of rock and roll as the me
th Iraq, which had become the 186th state to subscribe to the Chemical Weapons Convention and the 1
New media still subscribe to these basic sorting methods: e.g. a Googl
chose not to purchase one after deciding to subscribe to the service, and that they lowered their
Arabia are Sunni Muslims, who predominantly subscribe to the Government-sanctioned interpretation
ocrat parliamentarians" and that he "did not subscribe to the view that remaining in opposition our
d one of seven of them, including Thomas, to subscribe to Fanny's novel Camilla in 1795.
advocates of disability rights, who tend to subscribe to the social model instead, the medical mod
wish to continue to watch CTV programming to subscribe to their digital cable timeshifting package;
To qualify for membership, institutions must subscribe to a statement of faith whose provisions inc
o take oaths of supremacy and allegiance, to subscribe to a declaration against transubstantiation,
Readers can now subscribe to either the print edition alone, or, separ
gst many Christians, even conservatives, who subscribe to it that it permits the use of songs other
y encouraged his Special Agents in Charge to subscribe to it and he supplied articles on fingerprin
day appointed for arrived, Burges refused to subscribe to the canons, resigned his living, and was
968, after a large number of states began to subscribe to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nu
those to whom the letter was addressed would subscribe to certain pledges in connection with the pr
out any distinction of age, will declare and subscribe to be antifascist, in accordance to ANPI reg
The body requires its member churches to subscribe to, as its name implies, a standard evangeli
free 14-day trial then decide which plan to subscribe to.
0voice is a website where gamers can read or subscribe via RSS to a blog about what their friends a

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