



Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > suffererの意味・解説 > suffererに関連した共起表現


該当件数 : 38

married the mobster's widow Bootsie, a lupus sufferer, and adopted the El Salvadorian orphan Alafai
Herself the daughter of a Huntington's sufferer, as part of a team in Venezuela she located t
ular atrophy decreases quality of life as the sufferer becomes unable to perform certain tasks or wo
maginary audience can lead to paranoia as the sufferer believes he or she is being watched by an inv
ry V) witnessed the execution and offered the sufferer both life and a pension if he would recant; b
s considerable; for though Cooper was a great sufferer by the restoration of the monarchy, his desce
rm of obsessive-compulsive disorder wherein a sufferer compulsively bites their own skin.
take several minutes to dissipate leaving the sufferer feeling exposed and embarrassed.
nd, and Ireland, from one who is in prison, a Sufferer for the Testimony of his Conscience,' &c., 16
He was a sufferer for his loyalty to Charles I, having been twi
a pillory, however they did not restrain the sufferer from speaking.
ampered in his career, and was a considerable sufferer from having worn the end of his first finger
anything but their partner's flaws causes the sufferer great anxiety, and often leads to a strained
s unbearable without the requirement that the sufferer have a terminal condition.
rmed psychogenic fecal retention, whereby the sufferer is unable to defecate unless they have a cert
A sufferer may experience episodes of binging and purgin
The sufferer may be mildly obsessed with death or a deceas
The sufferer may feel this phobia all the time, or only wh
At times the sufferer might experience a sense of suffocation or th
result in unusual abnormalities in which the sufferer most often dies at an improbable age.
ause his teenage son, who was also an allergy sufferer, needed several packages because he was heade
A long time sufferer of Huntington's Chorea, Ferris committed suic
Bevan was a sufferer of diabetes and ultimately peripheral vascula
ered Post Natal Eclampsia, and is an on-going sufferer of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis.
(born 24 March 1982); a Systems analyst and a sufferer of epilepsy, a fact which Russell often refer
Following the death of Diane Pretty, a sufferer of extreme motor neurone disease, who had uns
or the poem include the Poem of the Righteous Sufferer or the Babylonian Job.
ember 25, 1406), sometimes known as Henry the Sufferer or Henry the Infirm (Spanish: Enrique el Doli
The sufferer retains the ability of distinguishing hues.
s which cause allergies or reactions to an MS sufferer should be avoided
MS sufferer, stopped from entering country, slams local T
The level of privacy involved varies from sufferer to sufferer.
This inability limits the sufferer to being able to defecate only in a limited n
der (COPD) and bronchiectasis by allowing the sufferer to bring up sputum more easily.
hat Cerullo pronounced a four year old cancer sufferer to be free from the disease, yet she died fro
Harris, in a truly ugly performance), an AIDS sufferer whose relentless anger is directly traceable
The sufferer will have a high temperature and respiration
e lining of the stomach would dry out and the sufferer would experience dry heaves and vomiting.

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