




該当件数 : 46

here is evidence that hormones produced by the testes act directly on the brain to prevent developme
(Andro): an androgenic steroid produced by the testes, adrenal cortex, and ovaries.
n the body that normally stimulate the gonads ( testes and ovaries).
rse thickenings of the body surface), numerous testes, and two caeca.
, mild growth retardation with examples in the testes and head, and a somewhat short stature.
ular protein that is expressed in the ovaries, testes, and preimplantation embryos of mammals.
e male and female reproductive structures (the testes and ovaries).
ents have been shown to damage their liver and testes, and initial rodent studies also indicated hep
aculum aids in the descent of the gonads (both testes and ovaries).
n fertility, being expressed at high levels in testes and in the acrosomal part of spermatozoa.
a, salivary glands, placenta, digestive tract, testes, and some other cell types.
tures not found in other genera of the family: testes and atria in segment X, a single, prosoporous
Small testes and short stature are also known to commonly o
skin of the scrotum is pulled tighter, and the testes are pulled up against the body.
s are found, or only when distinct ovaries and testes are found, is not well defined.)
The testes are numerous.
The testes, at an early period of fetal life, are placed
The remaining portion around the testes becomes the tunica vaginalis.
ls of androgens from the adrenal glands or the testes but may also result from exposure of a child t
cts by blocking the production of sperm in the testes, but without affecting testosterone production
he degree of abnormality (or otherwise) of the testes can be determined by the use of an orchidomete
Small testes can indicate either primary or secondary hypog
The testes descend to a greater degree than the ovaries a
nimals in correlation to ovary development and testes development.
Sperm released into the environment by the testes enters the egg within the ovary.
ker, vitellaria, uterus, ovary, Mehlis' gland, testes, exretory bladder.
ker, vitellaria, uterus, ovary, Mehlis' gland, testes, exretory bladder.
g, the γ males invest the most energy in their testes, followed by the β males and the α males.
A man would bathe his testes in a hot bath for 45 minutes a day for 3 weeks
yme attaching to the caudal end of the gonads ( testes in males and ovaries in females).
an be determined by the presence of either the testes in the male larva or thin ovary strands in the
h a large proportion of its body consisting of testes, is charged with the task of aiding reproducti
Two testes located in posterior part of the body.
ular protein that is expressed in the ovaries, testes, oocytes, and preimplantation embryos of mamma
Surgery may be needed to correct undescended testes or hernias
When hydra reproduce sexually, simple testes, ovaries, or both will develop on the bodies o
e the rest, they "grow" over to the developing testes, penetrate it, and become connected to the sem
orylated mannose residues purified from bovine testes, they were able to show that an increase in th
deferens and block the flow of sperm from the testes to the seminal vesicles.
LH stimulates the testes to produce testosterone, which is metabolized
humans have a very large relative size of testes to body mass versus most primates
mate in rats and showed, for example, that the testes weight and testoserone levels were significant
Among the body parts, a leopard penis and testes were openly traded, along with other parts of
NLRP14 is found exclusively in the testes where it is expressed within spermatogonia, sp
and a man's scrotum is visible rather than the testes which are contained within.
und in December 2002 was found to have scrotal testes with convoluted epididymis.

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