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「think tank」の共起表現一覧(1語右で並び替え)

該当件数 : 38

Its recent think-tank activities have included "Res Publica: The E
He is a member of the Demos think-tank Advisory Council.
The Fraser Institute, a conservative think-tank, alleges that the federal Canadian governmen
It became a cross between a think-tank and a training centre and had Arthur Bryant
lar by the The Roundtable Group, an academic think-tank and speakers bureau.
Praxis, Estonia's pre-eminent public policy think-tank, and a member of the Innovation Policy Counc
ation of the Political and Economic Planning think-tank; Barry was appointed as a founder member.
Schori has been General Director of FRIDE, a think-tank based in Madrid.
Institute of Public Affairs, a conservative think-tank, before becoming first a Media Adviser and t
The Liberal Party of Sri Lanka began as a think-tank called the Council for Liberal Democracy, fo
irector of Political Studies at the Belgrade think-tank Centre for Liberal-Democratic Studies.
is an interdisciplinary academic and design think-tank co-founded by Richard Levine and Ernie Yanar
re in the state, such as the right of-center think-tank Commonwealth Foundation."
e is also director of Project Biocultures, a think-tank devoted to issues around the intersection of
Councillor; Nicholas Boles, Policy Exchange think-tank director, who withdrew in July 2007 for heal
l of Science and Culture at the conservative think-tank Discovery Institute.
ommission is an independent and non-partisan think-tank founded in 2005 by John Drummond, Chris Thom
Director of the think-tank Friends of Europe
ident of the Political and Economic Planning think-tank from its foundation in 1931, and chairman un
e is also the co-founder of a pro free trade think-tank, Global Britain, which publishes research on
he Economic and Social Research Institute (a think-tank) have published a monthly houseprice index s
ar Foundation, a conservative state politics think-tank in Austin, Texas, and the Rockford Institute
Dr. Tal Pavel from Israeli think-tank International Policy Institute for Counter-T
ived the 2011 Freedom Prize from the Flemish think-tank Libera!.
Company and to the firm's in-house economics think-tank McKinsey Global Institute.
rmation Policy Research (FIPR), a leading UK think-tank on IT policy.
sparency and reform according to eurosceptic think-tank Open Europe.
Public Affairs Research Council, a business think-tank, said that the loss of income tax revenues w
The Institute for Social Inventions was a think-tank set up in 1985 to publicise and launch good
Institute in Washington, D.C., a progressive think-tank that seeks to advance the interests of Ameri
enter for Business Diplomacy, an independent think-tank that helps develop business and human resour
ter for Science and Culture, a Seattle-based think-tank that is hub of the intelligent design moveme
in Berlin and served as Gavron Fellow of the think-tank, the Institute for Public Policy Research (I
was established as a publishing house within think-tank Timbro (a subsidiary of the Swedish Free Ent
He founded Ekklesia, a think-tank which "works to promote radical theological
e Vereinigung (National Union), a right-wing think-tank which campaigned for a counter-revolution to
he co-founded the Runnymede Trust left-wing think-tank with Jim Rose.

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